Here's to Teenage Memories

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ so I believe it's your turn to reply to this roleplay. If you wanted to continue it tehe ]

    "I am not." Luke whined swatting her hand away from his cheeks right before they were greeted by Ashton and the others. "You guys don't think I'm a pushover do you?" He asked looking between everyone else before slipping his shirt off having no intentions on swimming in his shirt. "Because I'm not." He added knowing that sure sometimes he supposed he had his moments but he wasn't some huge pushover who just let people have their way all the time. Really he didn't even know why it bothered him so much, but it did. There was just no way they all really thought of him like that.
    "Harsh mate." Michael said shaking his head. "You know if she weren't so pretty Cal and I wouldn't have given up our video game for this." He added knowing that was a lie, though he did believe that Madeline used her looks to be extra persuasive, and it worked every time. "Please Mikey you and Cal cave every time I ask for something, the fact that I look nice has little to do with it." She told him before she was splashing water on him then she turned to see Rosie and Luke when Ashton said something. And she didn't say anything right away, but she did totally expect for Rosie to tell her everything about the date with Harry. Though with how her and Luke seemed to be acting she wasn't sure if Luke knew and was just okay with it, or if she hadn't told him.
    January 6th, 2015 at 01:43am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Stop whining, Lucas. It isn't very becoming." Rosie teased, letting out a quiet laugh as they walked into the room. She looked over to Ashton and the others when he greeted them. "You totally are." She cut in before anyone else could answer his question. She grinned slightly, setting her things down and pulling her shirt off before getting into the pool. "You should really just accept it, Luke. You're a pushover, and there's nothing else to it. We still love you though, I promise. Now get your arse in the pool."
    "Mads is right, mate. We do kind of say yes every time she asks us for something." Calum said before Ashton could say anything else on the matter. And before the conversation could be continued, Luke and Rosie were gracing them all with their presence, Luke whining about not being something. And soon he was asking everyone whether or not he was a pushover. All seemed to be well between Rosie and Luke, and Ashton was starting to wonder whether or not his plan had been a success. "I hate to break it to you, Luke, but you are kind of a pushover at times..."
    January 6th, 2015 at 02:05am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Luke let out a huff of air then made his way into the pool. "Apparently I have to accept it." He said since well it didn't seem possible that he'd be able to convince anyone that he wasn't. "New subject though," he said ready to just stop talking about it and talk about something else. "How'd your day out go?" He asked Madeline and Ashton since well as far as he knew they were the only one's who'd left. And he hoped that it'd went well, because he loved them both and really didn't think they deserved some of the shit the fans put them through. They just seemed back kind of early, then again he hadn't really been timing how long they were gone or anything so who knew how long they were really gone.
    Madeline squealed when Michael splashed water towards her and before he could do it again she took cover behind Ashton. She really loved moments like this, where they were all together having fun. It was also pretty helpful in cheering her up from the whole incident earlier. She did poke her head out from behind Ashton though to look at Luke. "It was nice, until a couple of girls came by and ruined everything so we just came back here." She said shrugging her shoulders a little. Yea it sucked that the girls had to ruin her day out with her boyfriend but she'd have other chances to go out with him and surely one of those times would go well.
    January 8th, 2015 at 01:37am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Stop sulking, Lucas." Rosie said, splashing water towards him. She followed his gaze over to Ashton, and Madeline who was currently trying to use Ashton as a shield to prevent Michael from splashing her. She frowned slightly at Madeline's words. She'd never understand why the two of them got as much shit from the fans as they did, and she honestly didn't know how either of them put up with it. Some of the fans could be extremely cruel when they wanted to be. "What happened?" She asked. "If you don't mind me asking..."
    "Yeah, stop sulking, Lucas." Ashton smirked. He chuckled slightly when his girlfriend came to hide behind him. See, this was making up for the honestly pretty shit day that he'd been having as of late. Of course, he was soon reminded of why it was such a shit day, and a frown soon formed on his face. "Some girls approached Madeline while I was on line getting us ice cream. They started talking shit, and then proceeded to throw her phone into a nearby fountain." He said, clearly still pissed off about what had happened. "But lets not talk about that right now. I'll deal with it later." He added. "New topic again. I do believe a certain someone in this pool recently went on a date with a certain curly-haired lad." The smirk returned to his face as he looked over to Rosie.
    January 8th, 2015 at 02:14pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Luke flipped Ashton off shaking his head. He couldn't help but frown at Madeline's words though. It just sucked that some of the so called fans were so awful to both her and Ashton. He just really hated that it was like they couldn't see how much he loved her, hell it was like the fans couldn't see how much they all loved Madeline. Sure Ashton more than the rest of them, and in a much different way, but still Luke loved Madeline. He knew that Calum and Michael did too, plus so did Rosie. Hell even their parents loved her. He nodded his head though agreeing to just not talk about it since well clearly neither of them really wanted to deal with it at the moment. Though he couldn't really say he was happy with what the subject had been changed too. He however didn't frown, and tried not to tense up and totally make a sour face at the thought of Rosie on her date with Harry. Because well they'd talked about, they'd figured everything out between them, and really it didn't matter so he'd just let it be. If she wanted to talk about it to their friends she could.
    "I love you." Madeline whispered to Ashton before she kissed his shoulder then turned to look at Rosie with a smile. "I can't believe you went on a date with Harry! Ashton said I'm not allowed to go on a date with, well, any of them. Therefore I'll have to live vicariously through your date." She told Rosie resting her head on Ashton's shoulder as she was still standing behind him. Honestly she was more than okay with never dating any of the One Direction lads, she was okay with the fact that her celebrity crush would always be just that and even if she met him she'd pick Ashton. Because Madeline loved him, and she was perfectly okay with the fact that he was the only person she'd be with for the rest of her life. Some people might've been sacred by that thought, some might not even think about it nearly as often as she did. But well Madeline did think about it a lot, and she was okay with it. Even though they weren't engaged she still just knew that Ashton was the one for her. She just knew that Ashton was the only person she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. Didn't mean she couldn't joke around though.
    January 9th, 2015 at 04:15am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie stole a quick glance over to Luke before looking back to Madeline and Ashton. "I had fun." She said simply, shrugging her shoulders. She really didn't know what else to tell any of them. "He was a proper gentleman, but I don't think I'll be going on another date with him..." Her lower lip caught between her teeth and she glanced to Luke once more, knowing that he was trying his best not to frown or be bitter about the mere thought of her going on a date with Harry. Reaching over, she took his hand in hers, giving it a light squeeze as she sent a small, reassuring smile his way.
    Ashton smiled at his girlfriend's words. "I love you too." He said quietly. "That's right, I'm not too keen on sharing you with anyone." He chuckled slightly before looking back to Luke and Rosie. Luke looked a bit tense and was rather quiet all of a sudden, and Rosie almost seemed hesitant and maybe even a little guilty? His eyebrows rose in surprise when she said she didn't think she'd be going on another date with Harry. "Why not?" He asked curiously. "You just said you had fun and that he was a gentleman..." He watched his two friends closely, hoping for some sort of an indication that his plan had in fact worked. Then he noticed Rosie squeeze Luke's hand and send a small smile his way. "Wait a second...are you two...together?"
    January 9th, 2015 at 02:32pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Luke was a little tense at the mention of Harry, sure he didn't really have a problem with the guy other than he'd went on a date with Rosie, but that alone was enough to kind of bug him. He did love her after all and just didn't like to think about her going on dates with other guys. Especially other guys that he knows like everyone fawns after. And he could say that everyone fawned after Harry too, because well it was so true. Hell even Madeline fawned over him. Sure he knew she'd never date him or anything given she was with Ashton, but the point was like every girl he could think of fawned over this guy, and the last thing he wanted was to lose the girl he wanted to be with him to him. So yea he was a little bitter at the thought of their date, but having her squeeze his hand did reassure him a little. And he liked that, so he sent her a small smile then looked at Ashton who'd clearly put two and two together. "Yea." He said feeling himself blush a little, "I mean we're figuring things out but we're gonna give us a shot."
    "Aw you guys that's so cute!" Madeleine said burying her face in Ashton's shoulder and squealing. "This means now the four of us can double date!" She said excited for both Rosie and Luke, and glad for them. She totally thought that'd they'd be a great couple, it was pretty obvious that they wanted to be a couple too so it was about time something happened between the two of them. "You'll have to give me the official details of the date though later since well I mean it is Harry Styles. Even if it'll never happen again. Plus well it's me and I wanna know like everything about how this happened." She said smiling at Rosie glad to have put the awful part of the day behind her and have moved into a much better part of the day. She would have to have a girl talk with Rosie, those were usually always best done watching sappy movies and eating ice cream, but they could make that work. And Rosie knew pretty much everything about her and Ashton, so now Madeline could be Rosie's Rosie if that made any sense.
    January 10th, 2015 at 03:38am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie understood Luke's behavior completely now. She knew exactly why he was acting the way that he was and, while she'd thought it to be extremely uncalled for before she knew the truth, she really didn't think that it was anymore. She didn't know why Luke had been so worried about losing her though. They'd been through so much together, she highly doubted that their friendship would end that easily. And now they were just sort of getting into a different chapter of their life. They were going to try to be more than friends. She let Luke explain what was going on between them, smiling when she heard him say 'us'. She liked the sound of that a lot. She let out a quiet laugh in response to Madeline's reaction. "Yeah, I guess it does." That would probably be a lot of fun actually. The four of them going on a double date together. "Well, we haven't had a girls night in a while, so I'll tell you everything then."
    Ashton grinned widely. He knew that his plan would work. Calum and Michael had been convinced that it wouldn't, but clearly they both had been wrong. He was glad that neither of them had said anything on the matter though. He really didn't want to piss anyone off if they found out that he'd sort of arranged the whole date between Harry and Rosie in the hopes of making Luke jealous enough to tell Rosie how he felt about her. He chuckled, hearing his girlfriend squeal as she buried her face into his shoulder. "I called this ages ago. Just in case anyone was wondering. I knew that this was going to happen eventually."
    January 10th, 2015 at 03:54am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Luke rolled his eyes, he figured that the others had probably made some kind of bet about it or something knowing them. And well it didn't really bother him because well they made bets about everything. Like between Mickey and Calum who'd get a girlfriend first. They'd made a bet before Madeline and Ashton got together too, he and Mikey had said that Ashton wouldn't be able to suck it up and talk to her when she showed up, but Calum apparently believed he would. It was just kind of a normal thing with them. "So if you two are having a girls night then that means we can have a guys night." Luke said looking to everyone and figuring they were all thinking the same thing. They could all four sit and play video games and watch horror movies or something without Rosie and Madeline. Now that Luke minded hanging out with either of them, sometimes though it was nice to just hang out with the lads and he was sure they both felt the same way.
    "Yes! A girls night would be fantastic!" Madeline said so very glad that Rosie was here this time around. It'd be nice to have a girls night, they could head over to the store not far from the hotel and pick up some ice cream and popcorn or something, then come back and eat it while they did their nails and watched movies. They'd also of course talk about everything, which would be a blast. "If the four of you have a guys night then you all just have to promise that Ashton will be returned in one piece. Because I'm not dealing with what happened last time again, and I mean it." She said looking between the four of them and shaking her head. The last time the four of them had hung out and she'd just decided to stay in and have a quiet night to herself when they were on tour they'd all been idiots and nearly broken Ashton's leg, they'd given Luke a mild concussion, Michael had yet again successfully dyed his hair, and Calum had nearly gotten into a little bit too much trouble. The four of them without supervision just worried her sometimes.
    January 11th, 2015 at 12:50am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Yeah, we're not bailing any of you out of jail either." Rosie said, knowing just as well as Madeline did that the four of them being unsupervised was kind of a disaster waiting to happen. It sure as hell seemed that way sometimes anyway. "So, try to be on your best behavior." She sent a pointed look Luke's way, knowing that he would probably ask her why she was looking at him like that and claim that he was some sort of an angel. Yeah right. She'd known him for most of her life. She knew that she was just as likely to get into some sort of a trouble as the other three were. "That means no more concussions either, Lucas."
    "You two make it sound like we're a bunch of delinquents or something." Ashton said, chuckling slightly. He knew what Madeline and Rosie were both talking about. Madeline never let him forget what had happened. Sure, there had been a hospital visit involved, but his leg hadn't actually been broken. And Calum hadn't actually gotten arrested. And Luke had only had a mild concussion. It was nothing serious. Really, nothing too serious had actually ended up happening. "You girls overreact too much."
    January 11th, 2015 at 01:18am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Luke nodded his head in total agreement with Ashton on that one. "You really do. I mean it was only a mild concussion. Nothing serious." He said before noticing the look Rosie was giving him. "And why're you looking at me like that! I always on my best behavior. If there's anyone you two should be worried about it's Calum." He said looking at Calum, he was after all the one who'd nearly been arrested. At least the rest of them hadn't been nearly arrested. Though he was sure right about now they were thinking that Michael was probably the only sane one in the group, since all he really got from that night was a new hair color.
    "Because you are a bunch of delinquents." Madeline said smiling at her boyfriend. "We're not overreacting though. You had me really worried. I don't like getting phone calls from hospitals. Nor do I enjoy having to convince policemen that my friends aren't going to be total idiots again. Do you know how much flirting it took to get Calum off the hook? A lot. I mean I'm proud that my flirting abilities were good enough to get him off the hook even though I haven't had to actually flirt for anything since before we starting dating. But still I do not enjoy flirting with other people." She told him knowing though that if something did happen while they were all out she'd probably flirt with whoever for Ashton if she had to. She wouldn't enjoy it though.
    January 11th, 2015 at 01:55am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I'd believe that one if you didn't end up at a hospital, which you did. A concussion is a concussion, Lucas." Rosie said, the same expression still on her face. "You're always on your best behavior, okay." Sarcasm dripped from her words. "It's like Madeline said, you're all a bunch of delinquents. So, as long as you all are on your best behavior, you can have a guys night. I don't want to have to call your mum though, Hemmings. I don't think Liz would be too pleased to hear about you ending up in the hospital again." She really would have to call his mother if he ended up in the hospital again though, it wasn't just a threat. She just liked using it as a threat because she knew that she could. She had to take advantage of what she had to work with sometimes.
    Ashton sighed softly. "Alright, maybe we are a bunch of delinquents." He admitted, chuckling softly. "Though, Luke's right. Calum's the one who nearly ended up in jail. Wouldn't you rather have me end up in the hospital for nearly breaking my leg than have me end up in the slammer?" He was almost certain that his girlfriend wouldn't appreciate that comment at all. In fact, he was positive that she wouldn't. "I know, I know. You're flirting skills were super on point that night though, babe. Not that they aren't always on point, because they are, but you know what I mean. I promise that we'll be in our best behavior so that you and Rosie can enjoy your girl's night."
    January 11th, 2015 at 04:04am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Lord pulling the mum card, that's a bit harsh don'tcha think?" Luke said rubbing his neck a little. He knew she wasn't joking though was the thing. If she threatened to call his mum then that meant if he made her mad she really would call his mum. And well he was scared to think of what his mum would do because whatever he'd done to get Rosie to call his mum would've had to be bad and it was just a scary thought. "What's that say about you two though? I mean if we really are a bunch of delinquents. You guys are the ones who stick around willingly after all." He said sending them both a smile, but positive that he'd pay for that comment in one way or another later. Or maybe sooner rather than later, who knew. Either way he knew he'd be paying for it somehow.
    Madeline looked at Ashton first for his comment, then to Luke for his, then back to Ashton before she was throwing her hands up. She had no idea what to do with them sometimes. "Ya know sometimes I just can't with you." She told Ashton shaking her head at him. Honestly it was moments like these where she asked herself 'what do I see in him', though she did know what she saw him in sometimes he just made her question it. And maybe it was so she'd remind herself of why she actually loved him. "Why do I love you? You're such a child sometimes. My flirting skills were on point though." She said giving him a quick kiss. "How about if you don't get into any trouble I'll give you a gift. And I think you know what I mean." She whispered before kissing him again.
    January 11th, 2015 at 07:13am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "If it gets you to listen to me, nothing's too harsh." Rosie said, smiling sweetly. She knew that he'd listen to her if she threatened to call Liz. It was one the few things that seemed to break through that somewhat thick skull of his. "If we don't stick around, who's going to keep all of you in line?" She retorted, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. Of course, there were other reasons why she stuck around, and there were other reasons why Madeline stuck around too she was sure, but she liked being a smart ass sometimes. "Are you trying to say that you don't want me around, Hemmings? I can catch the next flight home if that's the case." She smirked. She was only teasing. She was glad that he'd asked her to come on tour with him, and that he'd helped convince her mum to let her.
    Ashton let out a soft chuckle, a slight grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "You know you love me." He said, turning and wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's waist, pulling her close. "You're crazy about me. You wouldn't put up with me if you weren't." He kissed the top of her head softly. "You love my childish ways, Mads. Just admit it." He kissed her back sweetly, smirking in response to her later words. Oh, he knew exactly what she was talking about. He wasn't born yesterday. "You'd better not be teasing me." He mumbled against her lips.
    January 11th, 2015 at 01:38pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "No, that's not what I'm saying. Because I don't want you to leave, I most definitely want you here." Luke said shaking his head, he honestly didn't know what he'd do without her around. He knew she'd only been joking about the whole leaving thing, but still either way he didn't want her to leave. He was pretty sure it was safe to say that everyone would agree that Luke was just a much easier person to deal with having Rosie on tour. And it was partly because he loved her, and partly because she was his best friend, but like when she wasn't on tour with them it sucked for him. Yea he had fun and all but at the end of the day it sucked because he didn't have her there with him to enjoy everything. He only had her through phone calls and it just sucked. Plus he always missed her like crazy and found himself sulking a lot more than normal.
    "I do love you. And your childish ways can be kind of cute." Madeline said playing with his hair a little feeling very special that she had Ashton in her life. "Why would I do something like that?" She asked him softly batting her eyelashes at him with the most innocent face she could muster. "I'm a good girl I promise." She said with a wink and another quick kiss before they were being splashed by water thanks to Michael and Calum. "Get a room!" They both called shaking their heads clearly not wanting to listen to her and Ashton any longer, though she'd probably joke around with them later about how they were just jealous that she didn't talk to them like that. Because that's pretty much how everyone was, they all joked around about pretty much everything all the time.
    January 11th, 2015 at 05:38pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I know you do, Luke. I was just kidding around." Rosie said. "You can't get rid of me that easily, Hemmings." A slight grin played upon her lips. She wasn't going anywhere. She liked being on tour with him. It sucked when he left on tour and she was stuck back home in Sydney. She missed him terribly, and her mum always said she sulked too much and was almost in a permanent bad mood. Rosie couldn't help it though. She just missed him so much while he was away. Sure, they could call and text and Skype each other, but that only improved the situation slightly. Luke still wasn't there with her.
    "Kind of cute?" Ashton repeated slowly, punctuating his words with a raised eyebrow. "Only kind of?" He was only teasing her though, he liked busting her chops sometimes and being a pain in the ass. "Because you've done it before." He chuckled slightly when she winked at him, kissing her back softly. It was clear that they both liked teasing each other equally though, in more than one sense of the word too. "You two said you'd keep the making out to a minimum!" He rolled his eyes as Rosie chimed in with Michael and Calum's complaining.
    January 11th, 2015 at 09:55pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I know." Luke told her glad that it wouldn't be that easy to get rid of her, it was totally a good thing. Honestly Luke really didn't know what he'd do without her. Be a lost soul maybe, be bitter at the world, really if he lost Rosie he'd probably be bitter and lost, and everything would just fall apart. She was like what kept him grounded and sane most of the time. Because while he loved the band, and the lads, and just everything about getting to live his dream sometimes it was too much. Sometimes things just got so overwhelming he needed someone who wasn't part of all this on a regular basis to pull him out of the funk he'd get in. But sometimes he needed someone to talk him up and help him build his confidence back up after it faltered. And well Rosie was that person for him. "Clearly we can't trust you two to leave your room and not make out."
    Madeline smiled against Ashton's lips pulling on his bottom lip a little when she finally pulled away. "We'll finish this later when we're alone." She told him poking him on the shoulder then looking around to everyone else. "Okay you guys can stop complaining we've stopped." She said said finally splashing Calum and Michael back. "And if you don't want us to pick back up I suggest we do something entertaining." She told the group fine with pretty much whatever. "Why don't we play chicken. Oh and I call Madeline as my partner!" Michael called, "I mean Ashton your okay with that right?" He added laughing a little causing Madeline to roll her eyes. "I want Madeline to be my partner though!" Calum said with a pouty face. Those two were too much sometimes.
    January 11th, 2015 at 11:05pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "It's like I said earlier, you're stuck with me." Rosie told him, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Just for good measure, she reached up and pinched his cheek lightly. It was something that she liked to do simply because she knew that he hated when she did it. She meant what she said though. It was going to take a lot to get her to leave. Luke was her best friend, he was her oldest friend, and she wasn't going to ever let him push her away or let others keep her from him either. And maybe they were going to be a little bit more than just friends now, but that didn't really have to mean anything. They could still act how they used to around each other, and that was exactly what she was planning on.
    "I'm going to hold you to that." Ashton said, winking at her. "Yeah, that's enough from the peanut gallery over there." He chuckled slightly, glancing over to the others. "She's right you know. We should probably figure something out. Mads and I start getting handsy when we're bored, and I'm pretty sure Madeline promised to keep things PG-13 in here or something so we don't scare innocent, little Lucas over there." He chuckled once more, a slight grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Oi! She's my girlfriend! If you lot can't come to an agreement, she's going to be my partner instead."
    January 12th, 2015 at 03:15am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Just because Luke and Rosie were going to give being a couple a chance didn't mean things were gonna be different with them. And Luke understood now that he'd been totally stupid to think that it telling her how he felt would change anything. Rosie was his best friend, and there were already so many things they did that made it feel like they'd been dating for awhile even though they hadn't. Now that they were giving it a shot though it didn't matter. "I'd appreciate that a lot actually." Luke said in response to Ashton. "I mean you two can do as you please but well I'd rather not have to see it, because it's a little more than I'm comfortable with." He added, like he was all for them doing what they wanted, but really he didn't wanna see.
    "It's true. We do get kind of handsy when we're bored." Madeline said nodding her head in agreement, which it was true. They did have a tendency to get like that kind of often. But when there was nothing else going on and everyone was kind of having their own conversations she didn't see the harm in flirting with her boyfriend and making out a little. It wasn't like they were having sex or anything, though she did suppose she could see how everyone in the group could get tired of seeing it. They did it anyways though. "You two are so flattering sometimes ya know." She said shaking her at the two boys who never wanted to be paired together. "But that isn't fair Ash!" Calum called shaking his head, "yea you get to do all the other stuff with her! Like make Luke uncomfortable and shit." Michael added still with no decision made. "How about I be Calum's partner for the first round," Madeline said looking between them. "Then yours Mikey, then you both let me be Ashton's partner if we go a third round okay."
    January 12th, 2015 at 05:42am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie was glad that she and Luke seemed to be on the same page. They both wanted to give being in a relationship a try, but they didn't want things to really change between them. She was really glad that that was the case. She felt that Luke could be her best friend and her boyfriend at the same time, and she was glad that he seemed to think so as well. "Just keep the PDA to a minimum you guys. Luke'll start getting whiny if you don't, and none of us want to hear Luke get whiny." She said, letting out a quiet laugh. She watched for a few moments as Mikey and Calum argued over who got to be Madeline's partner. "Partners?" She asked Luke, holding her hand up for a high-five, a slight grin tugging at the corners of her lips.
    Ashton chuckled slightly when Madeline agreed with what he said. He knew that it was the truth though. They did get a little handsy at times, especially when they were bored and there was nothing better to do than makeup, even if it was in front of their friends sometimes. But it wasn't like they were having sex or anything in front of them. That would just be weird. That's what their friends made it out to be sometimes though. "Alright, for the sake of not hearing Luke whine, we'll keep the PDA to a bare minimum." He said. "I think that's fair enough." He added once Madeline suggested that she be partners with someone different each round.
    January 13th, 2015 at 01:02am