Here's to Teenage Memories

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie's eyes lit up. "Luke, that's so cute!!" She practically squealed, unable to contain her excitement. She was majorly into anything Disney, and the fact that he was centering at least part of their date around Lady and the Tramp was definitely freak out worthy. And that was without even mentioning the fact that it was probably one of the cutest things a guy had ever done on a first date. Granted, Luke had a bit of an advantage having known her for as long as he had and knowing her as well as he did, but that was besides the point. It didn't downgrade the cute or sweet factor in the slightest bit.
    "So either do something super touristy, jump around in a fountain and potentially get arrested for doing so or go up to random people and ask them a bunch of questions? That would be us being adventurous?" Ashton asked her. In all honesty, all three of those things sounded rather fun and appealing. It was certainly different from them normally staying in and watching stuff on Netflix, and while he loved doing that and saw nothing wrong with it, he wouldn't mind doing something else for a change. Sitting up suddenly, he grinned. "Who's to say that we can't do all three things? The night is still young after all, and I don't have to be anywhere early tomorrow."
    September 26th, 2015 at 12:56am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Luke smiled at Rosie figuring that she'd like what he had planned for the night. Of course, he had known her most of their lives so of course he'd been able to come up with something that he knew she'd like. That was beside the point, though. "I figured you'd get a kick out of it, of course, I have something else planned for after dinner, but you can't know what until after dinner," He told her. After dinner, Luke had something else special planned, but he really didn't want to ruin any more surprises by telling her early. And he kind of liked it better with her not knowing because then he could see the look on her face when she found out what they were doing. Which was a pretty amazing look if he were being honest.
    "Yes, those things would be us being adventurous," Madeline said pretty sure they could come up with something else if they really had to. "Really? All three?" She said biting her lip and pretending to think for a moment before kissing him and smiling. "Sounds perfect," she said glad she had a boyfriend as amazing as Ashton who would do things like this with her. She wasn't sure how things would turn out, but they wouldn't be cooped up in their hotel room for another night doing what they always do at least. Which a part of her felt like they'd only gotten into the habit of staying in while they were in the states because that's usually where the awful fans were at and they wanted to avoid any and all conflict with fans as possible. But well screw them. She was Ashton's girlfriend, and tonight they were going out and really she didn't care who saw them.
    September 26th, 2015 at 04:48am