I'm Only Crazy

  • @ lost in stereo;

    "We got invited to a party." Delilah whispered, brows furrowed as she waited for a reaction. "We should go, for sure." She crossed the room and draped her arms over his shoulders. "Go finish your shower."
    September 21st, 2014 at 05:09pm
  • (I need to go. I'm out volunteering for a few hours. I'll reply later. This'll be fun.)
    September 21st, 2014 at 05:09pm
  • Max shivered a bit at her touch and his lips went into a flat line. He shook his head as he said, "I don't need to finish it." His eyes scanned her face a bit, "Are you sure you want to go to a party?"

    @ k1ssmysass
    (Good luck! Maybe I'll still be here when you get back.)
    September 21st, 2014 at 05:48pm
  • @ lost in stereo;

    (I haven't been in a month because I've been sick. It felt amazing to be back. It's like my second home there.)

    "'Course. 'M sure about everything I do." Delilah chirped, poking his nose with her index finger. She ducked under her arm to dig through her stuffed to the brim backpack for clothing.
    September 21st, 2014 at 09:52pm
  • @ k1ssmysass
    (Well, it stinks that you've been sick but I'm glad you got to go. What kind of volunteering is it?)

    Max raised a light brow at her before asking, "Are my clothes appropriate for a party?" He looked down at himself, he was sporting a red flannel button up open over a black T-shirt with a pair of denim jeans, a pair of black Vans that were too tight because he'd owned them for so long, and his mop of hair had been shoved up into his beanie. It was just a bit of his clothing he'd managed to salvage over the years.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 06:21pm
  • @ chandelier;

    "Not bad." Delilah winked, but it looked more like a nervous tic than anything. She shook a black skater style skirt from her bag, the fabric crisp yet wrinkled from being shoved in such a compact space.

    She dropped her pants, thankful her hoodie was long enough to cover her bottom as she shimmied into the fingertip length skirt. She pulled at her hoodie, tugging it over her head, leaving her in a darker beige tank top with lace lining at the steep v-neck. She pushed through her bag, then groaned and dumped it before smoothing a heavy grandpa-esque cardigan over her tank top. She raised her arms in a "voila" type gesture. "Do I look less homeless?" Her style was surprisingly tame.

    (Animal shelter - I clean cages and do laundry. And wash dishes. And take out trash.)
    September 22nd, 2014 at 11:44pm
  • Max averted his eyes while Delilah change, attempting to show her some respect. As she finished with her gesture, a smile flitted across his lips.

    "I never thought you looked homeless," he replied taking her in. Her attitude didn't match her clothing but he was okay with that. He started to wonder what else she would surprise him with.

    @ k1ssmysass
    September 28th, 2014 at 08:09pm
  • @ chandelier;

    "Les' go and see if the party is in full swing?" Delilah asked, advancing toward him.
    September 28th, 2014 at 10:57pm
  • Max's smile grew wider, "Let's go." He held out his arm so that she could hook hers around his, like they were making their way off to see the wizard of oz.

    @ k1ssmysass
    October 5th, 2014 at 04:46pm
  • @ chandelier;

    Delilah roped her arm through his and opened the door, heading out with a skip in her step. She headed across the corridor and opened the door without bothering to knock, the bass of the music vibrating her fingertips and sending goosebumps trailing along her arms.

    Dozens of people were inside, thrashing their bodies. Pot stink narrowed her eyes, fresh and musty smelling.
    October 5th, 2014 at 08:51pm
  • Max felt slightly queasy and he was sure it was because of what they were about to walk into. Instead of saying something he followed her into the cluster of people and attempted to navigate the tiny space.

    He shrunk back away from random bystanders as they tried to grind on one another, disgustingly close. Max grabbed on to an article of Delilah's clothing, smiling when she glanced back at him.

    @ k1ssmysass
    October 7th, 2014 at 01:24am
  • @ chandelier;

    It'd been awhile. She didn't want the buzz, the rush of a pill under her tongue or a needle in her veins, or the chemical burn of coke down her throat - but God, did she crave it...

    Delilah wrapped a sturdy, confident arm around her, feeling to be in slow-motion. Someone pressed a drink into her hand, and someone else offered one to Max. She felt at home.
    October 7th, 2014 at 03:38am
  • Max took the drink and started down into the cup, amber liquid filling it. "Drink up," someone yelled, so Max put the cup to his lips and tipped it upwards, downing the liquid with a slight burn.

    He emptied the contents all in one go and felt a little light headed when he came back up for air, but that was okay because everyone was cheering him on.

    @ k1ssmysass
    October 7th, 2014 at 06:46pm
  • @ chandelier;

    Somewhere along the way, Delilah had vanished from his arm, but by the hard cheering, she'd gone willingly. And she'd be back. She'd never leave him.

    Lines of white powder were drawn across a mirror. It didn't look so pure, but Delilah was months beyond a fix.

    She greedily knelt, using a wadded up dollar to level the powder and snorted two thin lines, the chemical drip down her throat bitter, but always welcoming.

    She felt like she'd reached Heaven, her eyes touching with a gloss as she fell back into a cushy, old chair with unidentifiable stains. The door was shut to keep anybody from invading their private party.

    She brought her mixed drink to her mouth and took a long swig.

    (You want to play the guy she ends up sleeping with?)
    October 7th, 2014 at 11:09pm
  • @ k1ssmysass

    Max's smile was wide as they handed him another cup, telling him to chug, chug, chug. He took it in his hand and tilted the contents into his mouth with ease.

    Four cups later he found himself in a circle of people, syringe being handed to him. His heart throbbed in his chest, feeling the want of the drug inside of the thing and only his skin was keeping him from it. The notions came back easily to him as he found a vein in the crook of his arm and popped the point into his delicate flesh.

    He watched the contents empty, knowing the were mixing with his blood, ready for the adrenaline that was about to hit him.

    It was then he noticed Delilah was missing.

    (I can very well do that for you. We keeping it PG-ish?)
    October 9th, 2014 at 04:50am
  • @ chandelier;

    (Making out is fine. Anything beyond that is super out of my comfort-zone. )

    Delilah pulled her knees close to her, bliss starting in her toes and popping into her eyeballs. Her head lolled, eyes glossy with the synthetic life drugs gave her.

    She lifted her head as someone approached. She was startlingly quiet for someone flying high on coke.
    October 9th, 2014 at 10:20pm
  • @ k1ssmysass

    (Got it. So we only use implications. Simple enough for me.)

    Jaxon sauntered up to the girl, sitting in a corner, clearly fucked up. A devilish smile tugged at his lips as he thought, this one will be easy. "Hey there, pretty girl." He purred in her direction.
    The methemphetamines took control of Max's mind and Delilah became nothing but an after thought, not being able to concentrate on a single thing in the room.

    He want to go; he wanted to do something.

    The feeling was one that was familiar to him and usually it got him in a lot of trouble but he always came back for more. Not caring that it caused him to waste away, that his cheek bones and rib bones would become prominent, all he cared about was the fact that he felt invincible.
    October 28th, 2014 at 10:15pm
  • @ chandelier;

    Delilah snorted laughter at his words. Not too shabby. Ever so wasted. Overdone. That's all her mind picked up on, besides the hormones floating off him in hard waves.

    "Hi. It's been awhile... a long while. I feel weird." She presented him with words she didn't even understand outside of her conscience.

    Something was missing, but she was too far gone to care. She leaned forward and pressed their lips together, to see if the nagging feeling would fade. It barely lingered. She pulled her lips away after the peck.


    A petite woman that looked to be seventeen gathered in front of Max, shoulders back, chest out, teeth startlingly white, even in the pale dance lights.

    "Hi, hun. Do you want a place to sit?" She offered, talking through her smile, pupils saucers under the lights.
    October 29th, 2014 at 12:23am
  • @ k1ssmysass
    I'm so sorry to say this, but I can't keep up with this site anymore. I have enjoyed roleplaying with you but I don't really have the time to squeeze it into my life anymore. My creative juices aren't flowing anymore and there is just too much stress. I don't plan to leave the sight completely, but I definitely can't promise that I'll even be on here once a week. I plan to keep up with the two contests I have going and that's it. I'm so sorry that I have to do this. It's honestly breaking my heart.
    November 9th, 2014 at 02:20am
  • @ chandelier;

    Sweetie, don't apologize. I understand completely. It seems it'll be like that for me soon enough too. I need to get a job. I need to help my fam. We're having financial problems. They're being resolved, but. I need the drive to job-hunt. So. If you want to reply every once in awhile, that is fine.
    November 10th, 2014 at 02:38am