Welcome To Charming|Closed RP|

  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    I was pissed, and I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't really blame for Juice hiding it from me. It wasn't his place to tell me. Jax should have been the one to tell her.

    I got in the car that Juice fixed for me, driving home. I needed to be there for my best friend.

    I sat in the car with Ima. My attention was on the road, not thinking about how I was just with Abby. I didn't even begin to think about what I was doing.

    "I'm so glad you came your senses," Ima said.

    "Shut up," I groaned.
    July 15th, 2014 at 04:34pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I threw the pictures to the other side of the room curling up in bed, I was so heart broken but did I really expect more from some stupid biker? I shouldn't have gotten attached to him, I looked at alexandria when she walked in my face showed how truly heart broken I was, I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, I looked away, "you didn't have to come back, you could've stayed with juice."
    I sighed running a hand through my hair I looked at Tig who saw all of that, "Dont say a fucking word Tig," He raised his hands up "Hey man thats not my business," He said as he walked off I called Jax, "what are you doing you're fucking stupid." I said and hung up with him I went home I sighed softly and sat on the couch rubbing my face.
    July 15th, 2014 at 04:39pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    I looked at her. It was clear that she was crying. "I can spend time with him later. I need to be here for you," I told her, hugging her.

    I didn't like seeing her like this. It had been like this before when some idiot broke Abby's heart. She was so much like a sister to me that I was pissed that she was hurt.

    I hated that Juice called me telling me what I already knew. I knew that me being with Ima was stupid. I probably should have gone home or went to visit, but I wasn't like Juice who could just work on a car.

    Ima said something else, still rambling about some sort of nonsense that I didn't care about. My thoughts of guilt was the only thing I could think about.
    July 15th, 2014 at 05:11pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I hugged Alexandria close, "I'll be okay, I'm a big girl I just need to cry for a little while then pick myself back up and pretend everything is okay, like I always do when I get hurt." I said and smiled at her it was fake but I knew it was convincing I had used it so many times before I wiped my eyes and got up to shower I showered for a good half an hour. I walked out of the shower and pulled fresh clothes on brushing my hair I let it air dry which resulted in tight curls. I pulled it back into a pony tail and walked out of the house telling Alex I was going for a run, I put my headphones in my ears and ran I just ran for as long as I could I ran until my legs hurt and my lungs burnt. I sat down on a bench in a park and sighed out.

    I looked down at my phone when it buzzed I saw four texts from Alexandria, a missed call from Jax and a voicemail, I took my phone and smashed it up against the concrete as hard as I could, I looked at the broken screen and sighed as my hand started to bleed. I turned the volume up on my ipod and started my run back home.

    I answered my phone when Alexandria called, "I'm sure she's fine just relax she couldn't have gone far theres only two roads out of charming and without a car you can't get out. " I said and sighed I went over and sat with Alexandria to keep her nerves down, "Its okay she's just hurt and needs time, Im' sorry I didn't tell you but its not my place, but I want you to know I'd never do that, I'm not into the croweaters and pornstars, thats why Im always out in the garage or away from the parties..." I said looking at her I looked over when the door opened I saw Abby walk in, "your hand is bleeding," I said softly.

    "yeah I know," She said coldly and threw her phone on the floor I saw how busted up it was, "Damn..." I said softly and watched her walk into her room, "Does she always do this when she's mad?" I asked looking at my girl.
    July 15th, 2014 at 06:21pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    "When she is hurt and mad," I answered, sighing. I looked at him, knowing that I needed to let her cool off first. I leaned back on the couch, and I looked at Juice.

    I felt terrible for my friend. It didn't help that I couldnt really talk her through this while she was fired up. The only comfort I had was the beautiful tan guy. "This is a mess," I muttered.

    I tried to call Abby again. I had to talk to her and try to tell her what was going on. I had gone back to the auto repair shop. I went to look for Juice. I wanted to know if he told Alexandria who in turn told Abby.

    "Where is Juice?" I asked Tig who was in the shop.

    "He's home, man," he answered, looking at me.
    July 15th, 2014 at 07:19pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    "When she is hurt and mad," I answered, sighing. I looked at him, knowing that I needed to let her cool off first. I leaned back on the couch, and I looked at Juice.

    I felt terrible for my friend. It didn't help that I couldnt really talk her through this while she was fired up. The only comfort I had was the beautiful tan guy. "This is a mess," I muttered.

    I tried to call Abby again. I had to talk to her and try to tell her what was going on. I had gone back to the auto repair shop. I went to look for Juice. I wanted to know if he told Alexandria who in turn told Abby.

    "Where is Juice?" I asked Tig who was in the shop.

    "He's home, man," he answered, looking at me.
    July 15th, 2014 at 07:20pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I washed my hand and sighed I walked past them and grabbed the broken phone I walked outside and to my car, I gasped when I felt hands on my waist I jumped and turned I saw Jax, "You scared the fuck out of me!" I looked at him I tried to hide how upset I was, "Why didn't you answer my calls?" I looked at him as he asked me that, "I broke my phone," I said holding up the mangled mess of what used to be cellphone, "What the fuck did you do to it drive over it," I pulled my hand behind my back so he couldn't see my hand, "Nope not exactly," I said and moved away when he tried to kiss me, "Next time you cheat on someone, you might wanna make sure that person you cheat with doesn't blab their mouth," I said and shoved the yellow envelope with all the pictures into his chest I threw the broken phone in the car and walked in the house shutting the door in his face, "He's here."

    I rubbed Alexandria's shoulder watching her friend move around the house at blazing fast speeds like she was running, I watched her walk outside I sighed softly looking at Alexandria, "She'll be okay," I said assuringly I muttered under my breath 'hopefully' then sighed I kissed her head as we were just curled up on the couch, I saw her friend walk back in a slam the door "he's here." she said I sighed softly and held alexandria closer so she wouldn't go attack Jax, "Don't okay? I know she's like your sister but we can't get involved they have to deal with this themselves."
    July 16th, 2014 at 12:55am
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    I knew that he was right, and that I shouldn't do anything. Abby had to deal with it without me intervening. I didn't like it, and it was clear. "I hate that your right," I said.

    His arm was still around loosened when he realized I wasn't going to go after Jax as much as I wanted to.

    I stared at the shut door. She was furious, and it was my fault. I looked at the pictures in the envelope. It was pictures of me with the blonde slut that I was with last night. I can only wonder why she did this.

    "Fuck," I growled, getting back on my bike. I wasn't going to let this happen again, and she wasn't going to get away with it.
    July 16th, 2014 at 01:40am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I laid in my bed I didn't know if I should be angry or depressed. I ran my hands through my hair looking at my nightstand there was a dead little flower sitting on it, it was something Jax gave me when we were at a park a few weeks back I teared up and pulled the blankets over my head crying for the millionth time that day.

    I loosened my grip on her and kissed her head, "I hate that I'm right too," I sighed softly and rubbed her side gently looking at her, "lets cook up some dinner and force abby to eat.." I said softly and got up pulling Alexandria into the kitchen with me I smiled at her and started to help cook spaghetti.
    July 16th, 2014 at 01:48am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I laid in my bed I didn't know if I should be angry or depressed. I ran my hands through my hair looking at my nightstand there was a dead little flower sitting on it, it was something Jax gave me when we were at a park a few weeks back I teared up and pulled the blankets over my head crying for the millionth time that day.

    I loosened my grip on her and kissed her head, "I hate that I'm right too," I sighed softly and rubbed her side gently looking at her, "lets cook up some dinner and force abby to eat.." I said softly and got up pulling Alexandria into the kitchen with me I smiled at her and started to help cook spaghetti.
    July 16th, 2014 at 01:48am
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    I moved around the kitchen with Juice helpline me. It was nice that we were doing a little more common. There had been a quite a few times that we cooked like this. I looked at him, knowing that I hadn't completely welcomed him home the way I wanted to.

    I hated that I was thinking about that when I was needing to be here for Abby. It couldn't be helped being around him was a little more natural and my desire came out every now and then at the oddest moments.

    I parked in front of the building of Ima's job. Luann was standing in the front. "Where is Ima?" I asked, anger laced into my voice.

    Luann looked at me and hesitated before answering me. I stormed into the building and pulling Ima off the set. "You don't mess with me or Abby again, got it?"

    "What are talking about?" she asked, surprised.

    I didn't even answer. I just tossed the pictures at her, before storming back out of the building going to my bike.
    July 16th, 2014 at 02:20am
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    I moved around the kitchen with Juice helping me. It was nice that we were doing a little more common. There had been a quite a few times that we cooked like this. I looked at him, knowing that I hadn't completely welcomed him home the way I wanted to.

    I hated that I was thinking about that when I was needing to be here for Abby. It couldn't be helped being around him was a little more natural and my desire came out every now and then at the oddest moments.

    I parked in front of the building of Ima's job. Luann was standing in the front. "Where is Ima?" I asked, anger laced into my voice.

    Luann looked at me and hesitated before answering me. I stormed into the building and pulling Ima off the set. "You don't mess with me or Abby again, got it?"

    "What are talking about?" she asked, surprised.

    I didn't even answer. I just tossed the pictures at her, before storming back out of the building going to my bike.
    July 16th, 2014 at 02:21am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I pulled myself from the bed hearing the doorbell, I walked to the door and opened it only to see him, "What do you want?" I asked looking at him sadly. "I need to talk to you Abby please just let me talk to you." He said I stepped outside and looked at him "Why should I listen to anything you have to say to me? how about this I'm just gonna ask you one question, Why jax? Why did you fuck her when you know I'm here! Am I not good enough for you anymore?" I looked at him and looked away I shook my head trying to stop the tears that were forming.

    I looked at her and smiled I kissed her lips gently, "I know baby, we haven't had alone time yet, tonight after we get abby to fall asleep we can go to my house and spend some time together okay?" I said I smiled when she beamed at me and nodded her head "Thats my girl." I said to her and drained the noodles I looked over when Abby walked outside to talk to Jax we had the window open and could hear practically everything they said.
    July 16th, 2014 at 06:42am
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    Hearing Abby fight with Jax was kind of awkward. I was mad that Jax would do that to her, but I wasn't going to go out there. Abby was doing a fine job of chewing him out herself. I just tried to focus on cooking the food and Juice.

    I looked at him who just shrugged his shoulders, telling that there was nothing we could do other than shut the window.

    "I thought you deserved better even though you weren't supposed to find out. I had this image in my head that you will eventually find someone better," I admitted even though I didn't want to. "I know what I did was wrong and that I shouldn't have even considered it."

    Her brown eyes dug daggers into my body, and it was killing me to know that she was mad. It was worse that I knew that I caused it. "I'm sorry," I told her even though it wasn't going to fix anything.
    July 16th, 2014 at 01:36pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "Thats a load of bullshit Jax," I said sadly, "You lied to my face, you told me you love me and then you go and fuck Ima? of all the girls in charming you pick her? I always feel like I"m not good enough well you sure didn't help me feel better," I looked away from him, "I told you I wanted you and I told you I loved you, I'd support you in whatever it is you do in life," I said and looked at him, "I wasn't good enough for you was I? You had to have her.."

    I walked over to the window shutting it, I looked at Alexandria, "She's good at stating what she feels," I kissed her cheek, and took a plate of food sitting with her, "lets agree never to end up like that okay? I promise that will never ever be me and you, I would never cheat and I'd never do anything to hurt you." I said looking at her seriously. "Because, I'm falling in love with you."
    July 16th, 2014 at 03:17pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    It took me a second to realize what he said, but once I got it, I threw my arms around him. I was so happy hearing those words. His arms held me to him. "I'm falling for you too," I told him.

    I planted my lips on his, giving him a loving kiss. There was no way I was going to leave anymore.

    Her words hit me like a wrecking ball smashing through a brick wall. I regretted last night, and what was the worst was that I was the dumbass who had sex with the blonde bitch.

    "What do you want me to say? I do care about you, and I'm terrible at showing it. I'm an idiot because I didn't realize how much of a good thing you are to me," I admitted. "I don't want you to feel insecure about yourself. You are beautiful, and this wasn't your fault. It was mine."
    July 16th, 2014 at 03:52pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    It took me a second to realize what he said, but once I got it, I threw my arms around him. I was so happy hearing those words. His arms held me to him. "I'm falling for you too," I told him.

    I planted my lips on his, giving him a loving kiss. There was no way I was going to leave anymore.

    Her words hit me like a wrecking ball smashing through a brick wall. I regretted last night, and what was the worst was that I was the dumbass who had sex with the blonde bitch.

    "What do you want me to say? I do care about you, and I'm terrible at showing it. I'm an idiot because I didn't realize how much of a good thing you are to me," I admitted. "I don't want you to feel insecure about yourself. You are beautiful, and this wasn't your fault. It was mine."
    July 16th, 2014 at 03:52pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at him again when he said that, "You're right it is your fault you're thinking with your dick," I looked down, "how could you come here and fuck me when you had just fucked her? God, I swear to god if I get an STD from that whore, I'll kill you both," I said and sat down on the steps pulling my knees to my chest, "I just fuck I love you, I hate that but I do, I fell for you." I said and sighed I felt his hand on my shoulder, "If you fuck around on me one more time I swear to god you'll wish you never would've been born Jax."

    "Does this mean you're taking me back?" He ask I looked at him, "Probation, if you can be a good boy maybe I will..." I was lying of course I would.

    I kissed her back lovingly holding her body close to mine, "Then let me be first to say this, I love you Alexandria," I said looking at her I smiled at her and cupped her cheek in my hand rubbing her cheek with my thumb lightly, "I will love you forever, I promise." I said softly and smiled at her widely.
    July 16th, 2014 at 04:04pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    I held onto him. I was filled with happiness, and it was because of him. I thanked the stars that I was able to meet him. He was as close to perfect that I could ever imagine anyone could in my opinion.

    "You have such a way with words," I said, hiding my face in his neck.

    "I promise I won't make you regret it," I told her, sitting down next to her. I wrapped my arm around her, holding her in my side.

    I was glad that she was even considering taking me back. She was amazing, and there really isn't anyone else like her. I hated that let myself get carried away at the party. I kissed her head.
    July 16th, 2014 at 04:26pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    I held onto him. I was filled with happiness, and it was because of him. I thanked the stars that I was able to meet him. He was as close to perfect that I could ever imagine anyone could in my opinion.

    "You have such a way with words," I said, hiding my face in his neck.

    "I promise I won't make you regret it," I told her, sitting down next to her. I wrapped my arm around her, holding her in my side.

    I was glad that she was even considering taking me back. She was amazing, and there really isn't anyone else like her. I hated that let myself get carried away at the party. I kissed her head.
    July 16th, 2014 at 04:26pm