It's a Secret

  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Jane eyed him carefully, her mouth closed in a tight line. She stared past him, her heart thumping loudly. She then turned to face him, looking him straight in the eyes. "Why?" She asked quietly, although she didn't want an answer but an action. He seemed so hurt and she just wanted to reach across and pull him into a silent hug. Instead, she reached her hand across, brushing the hair out of his face and slightly caressing his cheek. Jane pulled back after a moment, hoping that he would say something.


    "Are you okay?" Draco asked quietly, looking at the girl who was seated next to him. His eyes scanned over her face, wanting to know what seemed to be causing her distress. He quietly watched the light caress the curves of her face and the way her eyes shone. Draco quickly looked away, afraid that he might say or do something he would regret.

    (Sorry for taking so long! I was at a friends house..)
    July 27th, 2014 at 06:54am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Oh, it's fine! I don't have the best track record of replying in timely fashions, anyway. xD)

    Fred was surprised to feel her brush hair from his face and he watched her quietly. It was only when she pulled her hand back that he reached forward to take hold of her hand, placing both of his hands around hers before he let a frown take over his features.
    "Because you two are so close and you can be that close so freely," he murmured lightly, trying to sort his thoughts and emotions into words. "I don't like it. I just... I want to be like that with you."
    It wasn't fair, in his opinion.
    But, then, maybe it wasn't fair to say all of this stuff. For all he knew, he could really ruin whatever it was between them, if there really was something between them - which he was certain there was.


    Amelia could feel her heart tighten at his question, because she wasn't sure. She wasn't sure if she was okay because too many thoughts were plaguing her, ranging from her wondering just how deeply she was starting to feel for Draco to her jealousy of how close Draco and Jane were.
    Then there were the thoughts of losing her best friend if he ever found out that Amelia liked Draco even a little.
    Of course, the former thoughts seemed to be bothering her more at this point.
    "I'm fine," she eventually offered as a response before glancing over at him and managing a smile. "I just tend to think way too much, that's all."
    July 27th, 2014 at 07:44am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Jane feels her heart rate pick up at the touch, feeling how warm his hands were compared to hers. She felt comfort from the touch though, almost unlike anything she had experienced before. A pleasant feeling washed over her nerves, calming her instantly. She was surprised by his words, by didn't let it show. It sent another feeling through her body, this one causing various amounts of nerves to go wild. "Honestly," she mutters quietly, look him in the eyes seeing every emotion he seemed to be feeling. "I feel that way to."
    She sighed softly, "The way you get to walk around with Amelia, and everything. That's the way I wish it could be. I want to be able to walk places with you and talk to you without being questioned or calling horrible names. It's not fair, to the slightest."


    Draco looked at her again, "It doesn't seem that way."
    He could read her like a book, that's how wild her emotions had seemed to be. He wondered why she was so secretive about them though, but then he remembered who he happened to be. He let out a soft sigh, trying to keep his own emotions at bay. He wanted to figure out if she even liked him before showing them to her.
    July 27th, 2014 at 08:00am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Fred blinked several times in confusion before furrowing his brows in confusion. "Well, we may not get questioned or called names, but a lot of people seem to assume that we're together - which we're not, by the way," he clarified.
    "Really, any guy and girl can walk around Hogwarts and get talked about. It's not that that I'm worried about." He shrugged slightly, knowing it was true. He didn't care what most people thought, honestly. He did, however, care what his best friend and family thought.
    And, on top of that, though he hated Malfoy, he didn't want Jane to lose her best friend because of him.
    "I just don't want us to lose everybody that's important to us just because of whatever this is."


    Amelia chewed on her lip at hearing him, almost a little worried that he had managed to see through everything. It made very little sense to her how anybody could affect her this much and she let out a sigh before glancing over at him.
    "Earlier... When you had that tickle fight or whatever with Jane... You just looked really happy," she murmured, hoping that she didn't sound or look jealous. "It just made me wonder if there was merit to the rumors around school about you two being together."
    Godric Gryffindor would be ashamed of her lack of courage in this situation, but she tried to ignore that thought.
    July 27th, 2014 at 08:09am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Jane sighed, "It's never just that though. With being friends with Draco comes conditions such as hating the enemy. Sadly, the enemy happens to be you and any other Gryffindor. As much as I would like to be able to walk around with anyone I pleased, I can't. I'm supposed to stick with Slytherins. If I was caught with anyone else, the entire house would shun me and I would lose my best friend. I can't do that. I don't know what I would do with myself, to be quiet honest." She turned her head to look away from him, feeling fear wash over her entire body. If someone were to see this, she would be casted out from her own house. She had seen what some of the other Slytherin did to the other Slytherins who chose to rebel. It was a horrible sight, and she couldn't do a thing about it.
    "Everything about this is so wrong. Being here, it's just wrong." Jane frowns. "I want to be able to leave and not a feel a single thing, but i can't."


    Draco frowned, "It wasn't anything. I was just trying to avoid thinking about our encounter and my embarrassment."
    "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think you would think anymore of it." He says, completely honest, a bit confused by her jealously.
    "I felt the same you know. Seeing you and Weasley..."
    July 27th, 2014 at 08:42am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Fred shook his head slightly, letting out a sigh. "I don't care if it's wrong," he eventually decided, settling his eyes on her as he took in her features. He hated seeing the frown on her face, wanted nothing more than to replace it with a smile.
    "I won't let anybody find out about anything. I'm pretty good at keeping secrets, after all." Hell, he had kept the Marauder's Map a secret with his brother up until the year before when they decided that Harry needed it more than they did.
    He chewed at his lip, hoping to find some way to convince her, before letting out a sigh. "I'm certain we can figure this out. I really am."


    Amelia gaped at him in disbelief. "Fred?" she asked before she let out a laugh and quickly shook her head, mostly not wanting to talk about her own jealousy. "Godric, there's no reason to think that of Fred. He's just my best friend."
    But, then, she knew that there was no point in denying her own jealousy. Hearing that he felt jealous, too, put her a little at ease, and she glanced over at him before looking to the grass, picking at it.
    "I don't know why it bothered me so much, really. I guess it just surprised me that you looked that happy from something so simple."
    July 27th, 2014 at 08:52am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Jane looked over at him, "I'm scared, but I'm willing to do whatever."
    She offered him a weak smile, the fear still driving her insane but his hands around hers gave him some relief. She wasnt worried about hiding this from Draco, as he still doesn't know some things about her, but what worried her was his possible suspicions. He wasn't the smartest boy, but he wasn't dumb either, he could tell when she was hiding something and he would pick at it until she broke. He usually didn't end up caring for whatever she told him. But this? She didn't know what he would think if he ever found out, just that they would no longer be friends.


    Draco sighed, "Yes."
    He frowned when she laughed at him, "It just seemed that way. With all the rumors that I've heard, it wouldn't surprise me that you weren't with him.."
    He knew that he had been stupid for being so jealous over something as simple as her holding his wrist, but it snapped something inside of him.
    "Honestly, Jade is like my big/little sister." Draco says. "We've known eachother long enough to be able to do something like that I guess. I'm sure it's the same with the Weasal."
    July 27th, 2014 at 09:19am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Fred nodded slowly to her words before he offered her a smile. "Don't worry," he assured her, hoping to keep things relaxed and assure her that everything would be alright. As long as they kept it a secret, nothing could really go wrong, right?
    "Are you alright now, though?" he asked, eyeing her carefully. "I mean, I won't let anybody find out, so you don't have to worry. You can relax - we can relax. Everything will be perfectly fine, I'm sure of it."


    Amelia shook her head slightly. "Things like tickle fights? No, we're not like that," she said with a shrug before leaning back to where she was lying down in the grass, staring at the sky for a long moment.
    She stayed silent for a minute or two before sighing. "Mostly, Fred and I just relax. I encourage his pranks as long as he doesn't prank me. I even help him plan out a few pranks - though the food fight earlier was definitely not my idea."
    July 27th, 2014 at 09:34am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Jane nodded, "I'm fine. I'm just thinking again, is all."
    She relaxed slightly, letting the feeling wash over her fear. "It's funny you know, how sure you are of things." She smiled weakly, "It's a nice change of personalities."
    She was happy that Fred could so easily change her mood, but it also seemed to be a bit of curse. She seemed to go from upset to happy to distressed to who the Merlin knows.


    "I didn't mean it like that." Draco frowned, letting out a soft sigh. "I meant that even simple gestures are fine between you two."
    He finally laid back down against the grass, his eyes scanning over the sky. "I figured he had something to do with that."
    He wasn't sure why, but he was surprisingly opening up to her well enough. Meaning that he wasn't keeping everything instead of his head, and actually sharing his thoughts.
    July 27th, 2014 at 09:57am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Fred blinked before he grinned broadly at her words and lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug. "Well, considering who you tend to be hanging out with, I'm not surprised that you find my personality so much more endearing," he joked lightly, though he was partially serious.
    That thought aside, he turned his gaze to the ceiling before he closed his eyes and relaxed a bit.
    "I'm probably far more fun, too." He grinned at that, because he was almost entirely certain that his statement was true.
    Why else would she be willing to hang out with him?


    "Simple gestures? Like hugs and everything?" Amelia asked before shaking her head. "No, not really. I mean, for one, he's way taller than me. And, then there's the fact that the last time we hugged, people immediately thought that they had proof we were together."
    It was ridiculous, really, how people could assume that a simple hug meant so much more.
    But, then, it made her realize how she had basically done the same thing as everybody else had - she had assumed something huge from something small.
    It honestly made her feel like an imbecile, but she ignored it.
    "Of course he had something to do with it. He is Fred, after all."
    August 1st, 2014 at 06:52am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Double post)
    August 1st, 2014 at 08:36am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Jane shrugged slightly, "Not all of them are bad." She glanced over at the orange hair boy and eyed him carefully, but quickly snapped her eyes in the other direction. She offered a simply shrug in-return to what he said. "Draco is fun when he wants to be. In most cases, as far as you see, he's far more serious than he needs to be. I don't blame him of course, it's more a less a family thing to be so stuck up. But, like I've stated, he's fun when he wants to be."


    Draco sighed, somewhat understanding what she meant. "Tell me about it. The second I pull Jane aside for anything, everyone automatically assumes that we're a couple." He runs a hand through his blonde hair, pushing it away from his eyes. Although, he hated when people assumed, he realized that he thought to quickly into her relationship with the twin Weasley.
    Yet, he wouldn't admit to his mistake, because that's just not who Draco Malfoy was.
    August 1st, 2014 at 08:42am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Fred arched an eyebrow upon hearing her words, eyeing her carefully as he listened. After a few moments, he leaned his head back against the wall again, remaining silent as he thought for a few moments. "Yeah, I can't really see Draco as the fun type," he eventually decided.
    He tried to tone down on his jabs against Draco, though, because he didn't want to ruin whatever this was with Jane. "But I guess everybody has different sides to them that they don't let most people see."


    Amelia laughed in response, but nodded in understanding. "People just suck," she eventually decided before letting out a sigh and shaking her head. "Honestly, I wish everybody would just mind their own business for once."
    She doubted that would ever happen, though. What would the nosy people of Hogwarts do with their free time if they weren't butting into other people's business, after all? Not that everybody at Hogwarts was nosy, but still.
    August 26th, 2014 at 04:59am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Jane nodded appreciatively at him, glad that he hadn't really insulted her friend. "And that's exactly how it is with Draco. He's just different with people unless it happens to be his parents or me. Depending on who you are, he either acts like he hates you or he's your best friend. It's weird. I dont really like talking or thinking about it." She heaves a sigh, throwing a glance at him. "Let's talk about something else?" She offered, wanting to get off the subject of her friend. She nervously picked at her nails, biting her lip softly as she looked down again.


    "Of course, I wish they would just shut up sometimes, but what can I really say? They just love to gossip about me and any other Slytherin they can." He frowns. "I wish they wouldn't. Not everyone is as bad as I've been and I wish people could see that, although they won't."
    He shakes his head slightly, "Merlin forbid they wouldn't have someone or something to gossip about." Draco let's out an dry laugh, before smiling in Amelia's direction. "I'm glad you aren't one of those people and that you agree with me in some form or way."
    August 26th, 2014 at 06:25am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Fred was thankful that she wanted to change the subject because he wasn't sure how much longer he could go without outright insulting Draco. Running a hand through his hair, he thought over what to say before lifting his shoulders in a shrug and offering a smile towards her.
    "Well, what would you prefer to talk about?" he asked with curiosity, arching an eyebrow slightly. "I mean, you could suggest future pranks. Or we could talk about classes - though what fun would that be? We could really talk about anything, though. It's up to you."


    A small smile planted itself on Amelia's features because she couldn't help but be amused by the entire thing. "Perhaps if they didn't have anything to gossip about, they might all disappear into oblivion - not that I'd be complaining about most of them, but still," she said with a shrug.
    Hearing his next words caught her off guard, though, and she blinked before glancing over. "Well, I'm probably only not like that because I have more interesting things to do with my time than to gossip. Besides, I like having the facts, rather than just assuming."
    August 27th, 2014 at 02:24am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    "I don't think anybody wants to talk about classes," Jane shudders. "they're dreadful. You're further pranks are atleast something better than before."
    She looks at him in curiousity, "And if any of them are going to be catastrophic." Her voice was serious, but a smile on her face gave her away. It was then that she noticed how he had obviously perked up from their previous conversation. She guessed that he really loved pranks as much as he always said.


    Draco huffed in agreement. "Sadly, more than half the schools population would be gone if they couldn't gossip."
    He soft chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "I think everyone has more interesting things to do, they just would rather not do them and gossip about every little thing they can."
    He made sure to keep the bitterness out of his voice, not wanting to seem like he was as irritable as he really was. He hoped she didn't notice.
    August 27th, 2014 at 07:12am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Fred grinned to her words before he lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug. "Well, I can't say whether any of them will be catastrophic," he said honestly as he turned his attention down to her.
    He wanted to add onto his words, but he was too caught up in looking at her. She was gorgeous, after all, and there was no way he could deny it. And the fact that her attention was on him made him surprisingly happy.
    "But they will be entertaining, to say the least."


    Amelia shrugged to his words before turning her attention to the lake. "I think they might just like the distraction," she said honestly. It was like Fred and George with their pranks. Rather than gossip about people to pass their time, they pranked people.
    She wasn't sure how to explain it, though, so she fell silent for a few moments before eventually deciding to speak again. "Anyways, at least we aren't stuck with nothing to keep us distracted. We're sitting beside a dangerous lake, after all; clearly, we have problems."
    September 3rd, 2014 at 05:49am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    Jane laughed quietly, shaking her head at his answer. "Well as long as they're entertaining.." She quipped, a smirk on her face. She noticed that he keep glancing at her for a couple of seconds, before turning away, then repeating the process. A light blush spread across her face, hopefully going unnoticed by the red headed boy.


    Draco nodded at her answer. "That could be a reason, and I guess everyone needs one now and then."
    He turned his eyes to the lake, watching the moon light shine onto it carefully. It was quiet peaceful, unlike the school itself. He chuckled at her second statement, nodding his head in agreement. "I suppose we could be mental, sitting by a lake full of monsters at night, without any supervision at all." He jokes, "For all I know, you're planning on ways to push me into the lake."
    He didn't think that his 'joke' was all that funny, but he was trying. He internally shook his head at the joke, but otherwise didn't scold himself for it.
    September 4th, 2014 at 06:46am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I'm so sorry this took so long! D: I've been on and off a lot.)

    Fred grinned at the mention of it and nodded. "Well, certainly," he decided with a slight chuckle. "Why wouldn't they be entertaining?" They had come from his own mind and his twin's, so of course they would be beyond entertaining. He was certain of it.
    His eyes soon caught sight of the blush that spread across her face, though, and he blinked with slight confusion. "Are you okay?"


    "Well, as tempting as that may be, I'm pretty sure that would earn me a lifetime of detention if Dumbledore ever found out," Amelia hummed out, though she was joking. She grinned, just to reaffirm that she wasn't being serious about it. If she had been serious, she wouldn't have cared about any punishment; she wasn't a coward, after all.
    Plus, she was pretty sure that she could get away with it if she really wanted to.
    September 11th, 2014 at 08:02am
  • AlixTheCreature

    AlixTheCreature (100)

    United States
    "I don't know." Jane laughs with honesty, shaking her head. She smiles up at him before he finally noticed that she was blushing. She tried to will it away, before shrugging her shoulders at the question. "I'm fine, why?"
    She was hoping that he would blow it off, but she had feeling he wouldn't.


    Draco laughed at her return statement, shaking his head a bit. "Maybe, maybe not. Dumbledore can be very forgiving."
    He was joking of course, but he knew of many times we're students should have gotten in trouble but they didn't. It slightly bugged him, but he guessed it helped that he could laugh and shrug it off.
    September 12th, 2014 at 05:11am