and if you let me, i promise i'll never let you down.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [No worries, hun. I had homework to do anyway, haha. Tickets for what? If you don't mind me asking. tehe]

    Davina nodded. That was understandable. She was scared to death about raising the baby on her own and she only had one, he'd had to raise two, so she could only imagine how he'd felt at the time. It didn't lessen her nerves or fears though. The thought of being fully responsible for another life in a few short months was scary. She was going to do it though. She had to. Not that she felt like she was obligated to do so. She wanted to raise this child. The thought of adoption had crossed her mind at least once or twice, but she dismissed those suggestions constantly now whenever someone brought it up. She was going to do this. She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I just surrounded myself with really sucky people." She said, unsure of what else to say. However, something dawned on her as she realized what he'd said. "You think I'm beautiful?"
    Benedict smiled, seeing the grin on her face and the way her eyes lit up as she talked about how exciting she found theatre to be. He knew that she truly meant what she'd said. She really did find it to be exciting, and though most people seemed to prefer television and films nowadays, he was honestly sort of glad that she didn't. It meant that she was different. And that difference was rather refreshing to say the least. Something told him that Rose was just something else altogether, and if he ever decided that he really wanted to get to know her, he'd find out for himself. "You don't hear a lot of people saying that anymore." He commented, sipping his coffee once more. He nodded in response to her later words. "And you as well, Rose." He smiled slightly, about to go back to minding his own business. However, she spoke once more, her words honestly shocking him. He looked to his daughter who almost instantly started pleading with him to let her go. He chuckled slightly. "Well, it doesn't look like I have much of a choice."
    September 24th, 2014 at 02:55am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    @ zima.
    [I got tickets to my favourite comedian Wil Anderson. I get to roadtrip to Sydney with my two best friends to see him at the Opera House AND it's going to be recorded for a DVD. I'm front row, I'm going to be on a DVD lmfao]

    “We all do that in our lives, but your time will come when you will have the best people around you,” he replied with a widening smile on his face. The moment she had asked the question, he peered over at her with the widest smile. “Of course, you are a stunning woman,” he told her. That was the first thing he noticed about her; she was absolutely beautiful. She had amazing hair, piercing eyes and a beautiful smile. “Not only are you beautiful, but you have a personality that matches. Even though you’ve had so many crappy things happen to you, maybe more things that I don’t know about, but you still manage to pull through. You still smile.” Sebastian bit down on his lip softly as he kept his eyes on her. He soon let go of his lip to speak again, “Davina, would you like to grab a coffee or something?” he asked softly.


    “You never had a choice from the moment she was born,” she joked. “The do this puppy dog face that you can’t say no too. I am such a sucker for it and the twins know.” Rose laughed softly as she led the two girls out of the way so Benedict and Anastasia could move out. She knew he was going to be plaguing her mind tonight while she slept because she was with a man she didn’t know. He was hard to forget even if he was gone, but she needed to try. She needed to meet new people and make friends, but more importantly she needed to find herself again. She needed a job that was not looking after her brothers kids; she needed to do things for herself again. She missed the person she was before she met Alex. “People these days are far too obsessed with television and going to movie theatres. I find it so dull now, but it could be because I’ve been on far too sets… not for acting,” she shrugged, picking up the conversation they were having before she had asked the two of them to come to the park.
    September 24th, 2014 at 03:57am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Ooh, that's awesome, man!]

    Davina smiled slightly. "I sure hope that that ends up being the case." She said quietly. She didn't want to surround herself with shitty people anymore. She wanted people in her life who wouldn't drop her the moment that something major happened. She didn't want them to worry about her ruining their precious reputation. She just wanted someone who would be there for her always, no matter what. A light blush formed on her cheeks and she smiled shyly. "Thank you, Sebastian. I honestly think that that's one of the sweetest things that someone's said to me in a long time." She told him. The smile on her face widened slightly and she nodded. "I would love to."
    Benedict chuckled slightly, surprising himself. The laugh hadn't been forced, and he was actually enjoying talking with Rose. Normally, as of late, he had a tendency of keeping to himself, but he was glad that he hadn't with Rose. He still felt rather lost without his Lucy, but maybe this was a sign. Maybe he was supposed to try putting himself out there again. In a sense anyway. He wasn't really looking to see anyone anytime soon, but maybe that would change soon. "Yeah, you're probably right." He said, nodding. "Oh, trust me, you're not the only one. I'm pretty sure that that's everyone's weakness." He said as he got to his feet. "I've noticed that. You don't really see anyone talking about theatre anymore the way they talk about television and the latest film that's recently been out at the cinema. It's a shame."
    September 25th, 2014 at 01:02pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    @ zima.
    Seb kept his eyes on her with a growing smile at her words. He felt good knowing that in some way he had made her day just by one little and simple comment. “You honestly deserve it Davina,” he told her with a small shrug. He reached an arm out and placed a hand on her shoulder squeezing softly. “Brilliant!” he exclaimed happily, “I say we bail on the candy until later and go grab a coffee and maybe something sweet,” he laughed softly.

    “Benedict, I am always right,” she teased as she exited the store. She stayed silent for a while as she made sure the twins were okay. “It saddens me to know that people don’t look at theatre in the same light as they used too,” she sighed with a small pout on her face. “Bringing something to life on a stage in front of an audience is so much more thrilling that all these special effects in movies.” She shrugged her shoulders lightly as she walked towards the park that was across the road from the coffee shop.
    September 30th, 2014 at 04:04am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States

    Davina smiled. "You hardly know me, how could you possibly know if I deserve it or not?" She asked curiously. His kinds words really had brightened up her day a little bit. In all honesty, it was probably some of the sweetest things someone had said to her in a long while. She'd been on her own for the better part of the last few months, and before that, she was ridiculed by so many people, her parents, and now ex-boyfriend, included. "I think that's probably one of the best suggestions I've heard all day." Grinning slightly, a soft laugh fell from her lips.
    "Oh, is that so?" Another laugh fell from his lips. It was honestly rather strange for him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed like this, let alone smiled. It was nice though, refreshing even, and the more he talked to Rose, the happier he was that he'd offered to let her sit at his table in the cafe earlier. "People look at a lot of things differently now with technology evolving and all that." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "I agree with you though, just so you know." He added with a small smile.
    November 9th, 2014 at 04:55am