@ Jinxling
(Don't forget 'everything is different now' :3)
It was that time of year again, the time that made
Atlas feel alive. Summer was definitely her favorite time of year, had been even before she had discovered the mortals always had some sort of 'summer vacation' every year that lasted a couple of months, the brunt of the summer. And so... Atlas had gone out hunting. It really was simple enough to be honest... She had simply made her way down to a beach, since mortal teens seemed to congregate there. She took off her shoes, then started walking along the beach with her feet in the ocean. Then it was just a matter of patience. It was also how Atlas had ended up getting a date later that night with a mortal boy who had said his name was Nick. But since it wasn't time yet, she ended up just basking on the beach whilst she waited.
Josh was so relieved it was summer break. There was no more school, at least for a couple of months, and in the meantime, he could do whatever he wanted... he could kick back at home when he wanted, watch TV and play games, or he could head out with friends and do whatever he wanted at that point. Today, he'd joined some of his buds for a trip to the beach to get in some swimming time, and maybe even meet a couple of hot babes. At least, that was their hopes. In the meantime, he could have some fun with bros and get in some swimming in the ocean, which was why, as soon as the truck stopped, Josh was out jumping out, peeling off his shirt, and running for the water.