Do You Believe in Magic?

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Chase was sitting close to Solona. "I know what will cheer you up. We can go to thisparty I heard about. You love to dance. Come on it will get your mind off it." He said as Solona shrugged. "I don't know." She wispered back not really wanting to deal with to many people right now but he was right she did love to dance. Solona sighed trying not to look over at Eldon. She sighed laying her head on the table. She would go anywhere as long as he wasn't there. Solona sighed at Chases insistence. "Okay." She said softly and he relaxed taking her hand and holding it gently. "It will be fun you'll see." He reassured her but Solona felt anything but reassured.
    November 4th, 2014 at 05:07pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon held a drink in his hands as music bumped loudly in his ear. On his arm was a pretty blonde girl named Katherine, purring words into his ear about how excited she is be here with him. He smiled, surveying the crowd and wondering if his planned worked. It was easy enough to get invited to the party, but he wasn't sure what he was trying to accomplish; he didn't actually have a plan. He wrinkled his nose as a drunken couple stumbled past him in a passionate embrace and he wondered if this was a good idea. Finally, he saw Solona weaving through the crowd towards the drink cooler. He looked down at Katherine, "Katherine, sweetheart, why don't you go find your friends and I'll go get another beer?" She nodded, flitting off, enticed by his magic that needed to be used.

    He walked to the cooler, bumping into Solona and spilling his drink. "Oh my god," he muttered, forcing a blush. "I'm so sorry, Solona. Let me get you a napkin," he said, his hand touching hers again as he flustered to help her.
    November 4th, 2014 at 06:49pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona was going to get a soda for her and Chance when she felt the liquid splash over her shir and dripping toward her pants. She was glad it was only on the side. Solona heard him before she saw him and realized what that spark in the air had been. "Eldon... Eldon stop." She put her hands up as he tried to help. She took a napkin and sighed brushing off her shirt. "Don't worry about it." She mumbled wanting to instantly leave. She headed toward the bathroom to clean up this mess Eldon had made. She sighed as she opened the door seeing a couple making out. "Really!" She scoffed not knowing why she had even said yes. Solona watched them shuffle out and she moved in cleaning her shirt with water and looking for a hair dryer. Solona sighed looking up seeing a shadow.
    November 4th, 2014 at 07:04pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    (not sure where to go)
    November 6th, 2014 at 03:24pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon huffed, frustrated by her stubbornness. He moved away from the door and Katherine again, who entangled herself around him. She smelled like cinnamon whiskey and beer, causing him to wrinkle his nose. The music was so loud and he just kept introducing himself to people that even his name sounded funny coming out of his mouth. Humans, they didn't understand true existence.
    November 11th, 2014 at 11:53pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    "Sheldon." She shivered looking at the star baseball player in their school. "Hi Solona." He said half drunk as he came stumbling. He closed the door behondhim standing in her way to get out. Suddenly her breath quickened and she looked around for a way out or something to guard herself with but there was nothing. Solona stepped back as Sheldon stepped closer. "You know you can wash it better if you take your shirt off. Here let me help you with that." He stumbled over grabbing her shirt starting to pull it off. "No!" Solona screamed fighting him and backed up until she tripped over the back of the tub just in time to see the door fly open and then she blacked out.
    Chance rushed to the crowd gathered at he bathroom. He looked in seeing Solona had hit her head on the tub wall. He knew she had been gone to long, he should have gone looking for her. He mentally snared seeing Eldon in there saving the day. Solona didn't even like him. He was a narcissist and controlling. Chance didn't like him.
    November 16th, 2014 at 07:10am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon heard Solona shriek and quickly shook Katherine from where she was placing careful kisses down his neck. He pushed the door open, partially because he was significantly stronger than anyone here and also because he was actually excited about kicking a door down and it being socially acceptable, to see Solona fall into the tub. He snagged the drunken boy's shoulder, wrenching him backwards against the wall, "Turn around, walk out of here and I'll let you continue breathing." With that, he dropped the boy, who stumbled out of the bathroom and into a group of friends, that swallowed him like an ameba.

    Eldon turned to Solona then, whose breathing was quite shallow, and lifted her gingerly from the bath tub. He moved her to the couch and looked up, "Someone...get some help," he muttered, not remembering exactly who they were suppose to call. When someone picked up the phone, many people scattered, fearing the repercussion of their actions. "Solona," Eldon said, pressing his hand against her cheeks (the magic brimming at his fingertips causing some careful healing, just enough to wake her up), "Can you hear me?" He kept his hand hovering near her cheek, waiting for her pretty eyes to flutter open.
    November 17th, 2014 at 05:43am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Chance picked up the phone calling his mom who was a doctor and could help Solona. He talked quickly on the phone pacing and stoppinb to watch Eldon with Solona.
    Solona felt the tingling in her body almost like it was calling her back to her body. She heard Eldon's voice and groaned. "Eldon?" She scrunched her eyebrows together in pain with a hiss and her eyes fluttered open as she brought her hand to her head. "W-what happened?" She whispered trying to sit up but Eldon forced her to stay laying down. She remembered the door flying open and falling but nothing after that. It was all a big blur after Eldon had spilled his drink on her. Solona touched her head and hissed pulling her hand back and seeing blood on her hand. She groaned. This was not something she had wanted to have happen. She looked around only seeing a few people left watching as the rest slowly left. Chance came into view and smiled sown at her. "Hey Solo." He smiled down at her and took her hand. "I called my mom kust hold still alright?" He asked and Solona nodded before wincing again pulling her hand away to hold her head. She looked back at Eldon somehow knowing that he was responsible for saving her.
    November 17th, 2014 at 08:27am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon took a polite step back when Chance pushed himself through, with news of help arriving. He looked down at his hands before crossing his arms hurriedly and sighing. "I'm glad you're awake, Solona," he said, flicking his tongue when he said her name. His forehead wrinkled when she winced and he realized she must be more injured than he first anticipated; she was so utterly fragile. "If you got this, man, I guess I should leave," he said, ruffling his hair, knowing the last thing he needed to do was annoy Solona.
    November 18th, 2014 at 12:04am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Chance nodded. "I can take care of her." He said. Solona frowned. "Eldon." She whispered not knowing what to say. Why was he leaving? She could still feel the tingle from his magic. She didn't want to say goodbye. She wanted to see him again. "Chance can I get some water?" She wispered reaching out for Eldon's hand only able to brush it with how far away he was. Chance nodded and left the room. "Eldon..." she waited until he came closer. "Come back to my room." She whispered wanting to talk to him once more alone.
    November 18th, 2014 at 03:42am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon jumped when Solona reached for his hand and raised an eyebrow. "We aren't at your house, Solona. We have to wait for the doctor to check you out, okay?" He said, kneeling next to her. "Hey, how the hell did you manage to fall, you klutz," he asked, chuckling, trying to alleviate the tension that could be cut through with a knife.
    November 18th, 2014 at 06:53pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona nodded. "I know I mean later." She whispered watching him move closer to her. She smiled as he sounded worried about her. She chuckled then winced at his joke. She relaxed and took his hand enjoying the zing between their hands. "Thank you Eldon." She whispered and closed her eyes the room spinning a little. She heard Chance come back and she held Eldon's hand a little tighter.
    November 18th, 2014 at 07:22pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon let Solona hold his hand, despite the looks he was getting from Chance. The doctor checked Solona, but the constant contact from Eldon caused her wound to heal quickly. She was just sleeping quietly when the doctor was finished. The party had dulled to only the owner of the house, Katherine and a few others that stayed to watch the drama. "Solona, are you ready to go?" Eldon asked, poking her arm softly.
    November 21st, 2014 at 12:37am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona wined softly in protest as Eldon woke her. She nodded going to sit up slowly now. She had a low ache in her head now but that was about it. Chance came over and picjed her up in his arms. Solona groaned and shook her head. "Chance I can walk." She argued finding herself being dragged away from Eldon. "Don't forget." She said softly and clung to Chance. She was small in his arms. He took her and put her in his car driving her home and carrying her up the stairs to her room. He laid her in bed and told her to not worry about a thing. It was friday and no one needed to go to school the next day.
    November 21st, 2014 at 01:11am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon smirked at Chance's assertion of dominance and important. Eldon nodded at Solona, assuring him of his arrival. He took Katherine home, making sure she arrived safely, though he did dodge some pretty forward attempts. Eldon waited smugly outside of Solona's house, pulling up just as Chance pulled away. He climbed up the her drain pipe and through her window, landing softly on her floor. "Hey there," he said, smiling at her, all curled up in her bed. "How you feeling?" He asked, plopping casually in the chair at her desk.
    November 21st, 2014 at 02:42pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona laid in her bed. She head the window open and in came Eldon." She smiled softly. "Fine." She whispered as he asked her how she felt. Solona wanted so badly to understand how he said he didn't care but then saved her and took care of her. "You saved me." She said and sighed. "This bed is big enough come sit over here." She said softly and watched him. She wondered why he was so confusing.
    November 21st, 2014 at 08:13pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon opened his hands and cocked his head, trying to hide his smile, "I didn't do anything you couldn't have done yourself," he said, adding a casual shrug. She had so much untapped potential, but she would never let him teach her. He stood up and walked over to bed, sliding his boots off before he flopped down next to her. He put his head by her ear. "Hey, what happens if your parents come in," he whispered, chuckling.
    November 23rd, 2014 at 06:49pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona wondered if she really could do that, save someone's life. She chuckled as he kicked off his shoes and laid beside her. She turned looking at him and chcuckled at the thought. "You know I don't know. It's not like I have many boys in my bed." She said and blushed. "They would just probably wonder how tge hell you got in here." She whispered looking into his eyes. He was so handsome. She touched his cheek with her finger tips. "Eldon..." she loved the way the energy between them moved when they where close, when they touched and yet again she found herself wondering what it would be like for him to kiss her. "Do you really not like me so much that the thought of caring for me is so repulsive?" She asked. Solona had wondered why he hated even the thought of being in a relationship with her.
    November 23rd, 2014 at 07:33pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon smirked, her purity and innocence so evident in this moment. He moved back slightly, surprised by her fingers touching him so delicately. He could see the smile light up in her eyes when they touched, but the flow of energy was something Eldon was quite normal. "It isn't that I dislike you, Solona," he chuckled, brushing his lips across her forehead. "We are of different social standings, in my world," he explained, with a sigh.
    November 23rd, 2014 at 09:47pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona closed her eyes as his lips ran over her head. "Eldon... we're not in your world." She looked up at him. "We're here right now, and nothing else matters until it comes." She said and moved her head so that her lips where close to him. She could feel him breath and her heart pounded with so much force that she was frightened that her heart might jump out of her skin. Solona bit her lip. "Do you not feel it too?" She whsipered feeling like her entire body was zinging and there was a sift burn that made her want to reach out and touch him.
    November 23rd, 2014 at 10:38pm