Do You Believe in Magic?

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ witheverything;
    Solona closed her locker running her hand through her chesnut hair. She looked more like her father but her character was very much like her mother. Not that she would know though. Solona ran a hand through her hair looking at her scedual as she turned around and headed into the crowd of people.
    She chewed on her lip as she thought heavily about last night. She could still feel his wings under her finger tips. He was so angry and he had been almost cruel but past that he was deadly gorgeous and she would never forget that face.
    Solona sighed as she headed to class. As she walked she could have sworn she saw him. But that wasn't possible he didn't have wings but that jaw and those eyes. Solona watched him turn a corner and almost followed after him but a rush of students kept her from going that way. She ran a hand through her hair shaking her head trying to focus on reality.
    She was an entire grade ahead of her age. She had tested out of many classes and where in the advanced classes and easily passed them. She was brilliant to most people but she just didn't see it that way. Solona walked into Anatomy. She was quite excited because this class was a prerecusit for body language. She wanted to be able to read people better. She already seemed to read peoples minds but it was weird to not be able to explain it.
    Solona sat down and pulled out her books and paper. It wasn't long before she was relaxing back waiting for class to begin. Solona looked over at the door her jaw dropping. Her body and mind knew. 'Eldon.' Solona felt like her body was vibrating with something that felt a lot like attraction but it was different, magical. She had no idea her magic reacted with his.
    July 17th, 2014 at 11:30pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon waltzed through the school, not exactly hating the looks who got from everyone there. Oh yes, his mission was to bring Solona home, but no one said he couldn't have a little fun along the way. He bumped into some girl, who giggled and touched his arm and he wondered why humans were so forward in their ways. He found the room easily, opening the door and again waltzing to his seat.

    Eldon's eyes caught Solona's and smirked, but only slightly so that she didn't think they actually knew each other. In fact, he smirked at the entire room, feeling superior already; he was, in fact, superior. He walked to the back of the room, tossing bag and sliding down in the seat. He was already tired of all these humans, they even smelled weird. He glanced up, realizing he had several minutes before the bell rang. His eye bore into the back of Solona's head, trying to make her feel like she wanted to talk to him. He waited, tapping his fingers.
    September 10th, 2014 at 01:20am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona could feel his eyes as if his hands where there instead of his gaze. She could hear the tapping of his fingers and she thought about last night. Here he was acting as if he didn't really know her one moment then turned around and acyed as if it was rude that she didn't say hi. Solona didn't know quite what to do. She fi ally gave in and turned to him her eyes narrowed as she looked from his annoying finger rhythm to his inpatient face. Her eyes meet with his and softened. How did he do that, how did he creat so much feeling within her? Solona wasn't going to say a word but instead waited for him to say what was obviously on his mind. She could feel the class watching them if only out of the corner of their eyes. She couldn't help but wonder if her dream had been real but it couldn't have been. None of the dreams had been real she had to remind herself that. Even if the dreams felt more real then reality she had to hold onto her life here. Solona realized just how beautiful Eldon really was as they sat there in what seemed like an eternity of silence. Solona was just about to give in and say something stupid when she heard his voice radiating through her with his spoken word to her. She tried to pay more attention to his words but her eyes travled to those perfect lips.
    September 10th, 2014 at 07:28am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon smirked at Solona, a petty human mesmerized by the simple flashy things in life. He gestured to the chair next to him, wondering if she would sit. When she didn't move, he frowned knowing this job wouldn't be easy. "Hello?" He asked, concerned but also sarcastic. People watched their interaction and the attention made his skin crawl. He wanted to be home with his wings and his girl, but he was here with Solona.

    (Sorry short, on my phone.)
    September 16th, 2014 at 02:49pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona had to calm her sudden burt of anger at his smuggness. She was a normal girl and had to remember that she deserved no special treatment from this new boy. She knew his name was Eldon but she shouldn't know that. "Hello... my name's Solona. You're new here." She said looking up as her best friend walked into class. She sighed with releif and waved. He walked over sitting in he seat beside Eldon. He was a handsom human with beutiful brown eyes that made everyone feel like they where being hugged when he looked at them. He turned to Solona and took her hand. "Hey beautiful." He teased. Solona giggled Eldon now forgotten though truthfully not entirley. "Hi Chance." She said her voice moving over his name like a song. Chance smiled and turned to Eldon. "Hey... never seen you around. Where ya from?" He asked extending his hand to shake Eldon's. "I'm Chance." It was obvious Solona admired Chance but it didn't go past friendship despite how much Chance wanted it to. Solona watched the exchange between Eldon and Chance with tenson and anxiety. She didn't understand why though.
    September 18th, 2014 at 05:36pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon smiled when she introduced herself, denying all the truth that she knew. Before he spoke, he was cut off by the entrance of another man, someone Solona knew fairly well. He smirked again, the unrequited love clear to him; Chance would never in fact get a chance. "Eldon," he said, shaking his hand and smiling. "I'm from out of state; a small town, you wouldn't know it," his eyes light up with his smooth 'lie.' Eldon felt both their nervous energies: Solona's anticipating something and Chance full of some uncertain jealousy.

    He didn't feel the need to continue the conversation, but knew that he wouldn't accomplish anything by being, well, himself. He looked at Solona, almost straight through Chance. "I am new, obviously. I could use some help getting around," he handed Solona his schedule, almost mirroring hers aside from their electives. "Can you help me?" He asked, flashing a smile.
    September 18th, 2014 at 06:12pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona looked down at his scedual blinking several times. It was so much like hers. She nodded. "Uhh sure... we have a lot of the same classes anyways." She said and looked up at him feeling a sinking in her stomach. Her dreams couldn't be true. She wanted to run her hands over his back to be sure, but she knew she couldn't. Solona looked over at Chance who seemed oddly frazzled. She smiled softly at him and he calmed. The teacher walked in and Solona handed Eldon his scedual back before grabbing her notebook. Her notebook was filled with doodles in every corner of thing she didn't know actually existed. Solona bit her lip as she wrote notes and doodled between. She couldn't stop thinking about Eldon. The two images where burned into her mind like night and day but yet the light was the same, and so was he.
    The bell rang and she packed her things up slipping her backpack on her shoulders. Chance stood beside her. "Want to meet up at the park later?" He asked and Solona smiled nodding. "Sounds good." She said touching his shoulder. She moved to Eldon's side. "Ready?"
    September 19th, 2014 at 04:17pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon smiled, nodding a goodbye to Chance and muttering a yes to Solona. "Lead the way," he said, gesturing towards the door. The others in the class moved steadily around each other like a school of fish and he waited for her to move. "So, Solona. What's on your mind?" He asked, feeling her nervous energy, it capsulated him and he needed to know more. As much as he wanted to be free from her and back home, his curiosity of her denial caused him to stay; that and his job.

    (On my phone!)
    September 23rd, 2014 at 01:52am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona started to walk out into the hall waving goodbye to Chance. She looked up at Eldon. Her eys hit his and she felt like she was in another world. She bumped into another person and frowned as the world vanished as quickly as she had seen it. "Sorry." She said and shrugged at Eldon's question. "Many things really." She said though not knowing what to say. She didn't exactly think it was a good idea to tell Eldon of her dreams. Thats what they where right? Just dreams? "You ever meet someone and it is like you already knew them..." she shook her head. Maybe it wasn't the right way to explain it but she felt like she already knew Eldon but yet she knew there was much even her heart didn't know.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 09:14am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon followed her obediently, taking a moment to get captivated in her eyes. He took a step back when she broke their focus, confused by the intensity of the moment. When she spoke, Eldon smiled knowing it was getting hard for Solona to deny that something was happening to her. "Yeah, I get that. It's like deja vu or something," he said, smirking a little. She started to get away from him, her small body navigating hallways much better than him and he grabbed her arm. "Wait for me," he said as a zap of magic he felt caused him to yell out and he was suddenly even more curious about their interaction than he had ever been.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 02:54pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona shook her head. It was more then deja vu it was something much more intense, like from another life but she didn't say that. Solona felt Eldon grab her arm. She spun around both because of his touch and his yelp. The oddest sensations where running through her. She looked him over before looking around. Solona bit her lip stepping closer to him. "Don't grab." She said softly though her eyes had more intresting thing to think about then his demanding lack of personal space. She slowed down but turned back toward the class she was trying to get to. She wanted to grab his hand so he could keep up but the feeling of their skin touching was not somehing she wanted to experience again in public. Solona ran a hand through her hair. "We're almost there." She said filling the silence that had fallen between them. They came to a door and she slipped through waiting for Eldon. She waited for him to choose a seat before she sat beside him her eyes wondering over his face. She felt silly but she needed to know what this was. Solona pulled out her note book and ripped a peice of paoer out. Scribbling down her request made her intensly nervous for his reply. She only used paper instead of asking bith because she didn't trust her voice and because people seemed to watch them. Solona slipped the note onto Eldon's desk. 'Have lunch with me?' She new a place where they could be alone. And though the idea frightened her the curiosity was to much for her to resist. She wanted to know why his touch had felt like nothing else before. Why his eyes transported her to a world so similar but one she had never seen before. Solona didn't watch him as he replied but she hoped his inflated ego didn't make some stupid remark, or his lips curl in that unplesent smug.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 05:25pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    The way Solona bit her lip and reprimanded Eldon made him smirk in a way he never had before and he had to decide what exactly she was 'going for' at this point. He felt the silence fall over them and decided, instead, to reflect on Solona as not a whining lost fairy, but rather the slightly sexy and cute girl she was. He wondered what she was thinking and why she was being so coy and quiet, but he simply went along with her silence. He looked at her note, trying not to chuckle at the her girlish nerves he felt traveling across the room. He answered, swiftly sliding the pen across the paper, Depends, can I pick the location? He was trying not to laugh at how immature she was because 5 minutes ago in the hallway, she was pretty confident and now, she was the opposite. Either way, she was interesting mystery to unravel.
    September 27th, 2014 at 10:22pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona blushed. She looked at him with his entirely smug face acting as if it mattered to him. 'Seriously? What did you have in mind?' She sighed as she slid the papper back to him. Why did he want to pick the spot? He was new and wouldn't know where to hang out where they would be alone. Sure Solona was intregged by Eldon but she wasn't desperate and she wasn't going to put up with his inflated ego. There for a quick second in the hall she had seen something and that was he only reason why she wanted to have lunch. Solona wasn't so nervous now but rather she was frustrated. Why did he act like that. No one could really be that cruel just because they like to be.
    September 27th, 2014 at 11:24pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon took the note, conscious of the teachers eyes on them and slid it into his pocket after reading it. He smiled at her, a smile devoid of any usually attitude and shrugged. He turned when the class began, waiting patiently for all the class time to wear down until the bell rang to dismiss them. He stood, sliding his books into his bag and turning to Solona. "Ready?" He asked, offering her his arm, like a gentleman. He knew she wouldn't take it, but with all the smug behavior he threw her way, he thought he should give her a chance to deny him.
    September 28th, 2014 at 12:36am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona stood and loked at himas she put her book away. She was quiet a while a frown on her face. "For what?" She asked and put her bag over her shoulder. No one did that, not in highschool anyways. It made her wonder what he was up too. "Come on we'll be late to class." She said not wanting to touch him and have a repeat of the incident in the hall. Solona really wanted to figure out why his touch made her feel like it had. Until they had a chance to sit alone aapnd try that again she really didn't want tthem to make contact. Solona was sure though that Eldon had different things in mind. Solona tried not to be so annoyed but it was hard when he made her feel so may things.
    September 28th, 2014 at 12:58am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon groaned, why did this awful school last so long? "I'm already bored with this whole school thing," he muttered, following Solona loosely through the crowd. "How long till we go home?" He practically whined. He hated this school, he already knew all of this. The entire task he was on is tedious and he wished Solona would have just believed him when he was standing in front of her with his fucking wings open. His thought of wings made his back itch and he sighed, silently cursing his predicament; as cute as Solonawas, shut was also the reason he was here.
    September 28th, 2014 at 04:06pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona chuckled. "Well after lunch we only have three more classes. I think you can do it." she smirked and walked into their class. "We get out of here at 3:30." she soothed. "Each class is an hour long." she said and smiled. Solona sat down in her normal seat and looked at Eldon as if seeing if he would join her. Solona kept thinking of her dream and thinking how strange it was that he felt incomplete without wings now. She ran a hand through her hair and relaxed back after pulling out her books. "So where did you have in mind anyways? You never did give me an answer." Solona really wanted to test out this spark between them. Every time she thought about it she wondered how it would feel if their lips connected in a passionate kiss. Solona bit her lip as she thought about it wishing that in fact she could finally get an answer to all these nagging questions. She looked over Eldon wondering if he could see how much she wanted to get to know him, or rather his less arrogant side.
    September 28th, 2014 at 07:55pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon groaned, again tired with the trivial existence that is humanity. "That's so long," he commented as he sat next to Solona. "I'll show you when it's time," he said, smiling over his usual smirk. He wondered if she had pieced it all together yet, if she was ready to face the truth. As class continued and she scribbled passionately, he realized she was completely content in her human life. Why would she even want to leave? What if she deicides to stay? His stomach twisted, a feeling thats cause could not be pinpointed, but he was nervous about that. When the bell rang, he practically sprang from his seat. "Thank god," he muttered.
    September 30th, 2014 at 04:47am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ mane;validus
    Solona shook her head and sighed. Once class was over she stood. "I need to go to my locker really quick. Do you want to meet up somewhere or come with me?" She asked as she ran her hand through her hair. Solona smiled softly glad that at least he had said yes. Solona wasn't going to leave campus though so if he tried anything she would say no. Solona would go have lunch with Chance if she needed. She started to head toward her locker weaving easily through the crowd but slowly.
    September 30th, 2014 at 07:37am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    Eldon followed her, again, feeling a bit like a lost puppy. He worked his way through the students until they arrived at her locker. "I just I don't want to be around all these people," he said, looking around at all the students looking at him. "I feel like I'm in a fish bowl," he commented, chuckling slightly. He wanted to leave now when that Chance guy caught up to them and he huffed. Why was it so difficult to have a conversation with Solona, alone? Chance greeted them both, clearly only interested in Solona. "Hello to you too," he said, smirking again. "Maybe I should go Solona," Eldon added, sighing.
    September 30th, 2014 at 03:11pm