Getting Discovered

  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton looked at Brandy and smirked, "Sorry sweetheart." He climbed into bed, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm here now." He said before kissing her softly on the lips.

    "Lets get some sleep." He whispered against her lips.


    Hailey looked at George and nodded. "Lets go to our room." She smiled as she carefully got up.

    She kept a hand on her belly as she walked. When they got into the room, Hailey slipped into a tank top and short shorts. She saw her husband's eyes light up. She just shook her head a little. She then started getting ready for bed. First getting off her make up, then brushing her teeth, and finally applying some soothing lotion to her soft skin.
    October 22nd, 2014 at 06:48am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Brandy smiles as she feels him move closer to her on the bed. She bends her legs slightly at the knees allowing him to move closer as she wiggles against him til her butt is against his stomach.**

    Brandy: It is ok babe. I couldn't bring myself to wake you. You looked so peaceful snoozing there on the couch, kinda reminded me of our little man Joshua.

    **.She smiles again as she feels him pull her closer to him. She feels his warm breath in her ear as he speaks.**

    **.George watches her as she gets ready for bed, as he does as well. George strips down to his white t-shirt and brushes his teeth and washed up a little in the sink. He puts his arm around her waist as they make their ways back to the bedroom.**

    George: You look so beautiful Queen Strait.

    **.He sits on the edge of the bed and pulls her to him. He look up at her and smiles.**

    George: Hailey I love you so much babe.

    **.He pulls her closes and kisses her lips. He lays back slowly holding her on too of him gently laying HAiley on her side.**
    October 23rd, 2014 at 08:41am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton smiled, bringing his lips closer to his ear as he spoke. "Brandy." He said softly. "I love you so much." He grinned as he gently laid a hand on the side of her stomach. "But baby, you really need to get back to sleep." He whispered once again.

    He started humming softly in her ear and gently rubbing her belly, hoping that she would start to fall back asleep. As he laid there with her, he could feel her body relaxing up against his and before he knew it, she had fallen asleep.

    He took in a moment to take in his sweet, sleeping wife before closing his own eyes and slowly drifting to sleep.


    Hailey kissed him as she felt George gently laying her down on her side. "I love you too." She whispered as she laid there. She laid there, letting him rub her stomach. She was still feeling some pain, but wasn't too worried about it. She knew that she had just overdid it and now all she needed was some well deserved sleep.

    "Good Night King George." She whispered then started to drift off to sleep.


    Hailey hummed to herself as she walked down the stairs, a hand on the side of her stomach. She had just got off the phone with a couple of potential contestants for the next season with the show, and it was pretty hopeful. Yes, she was 38 weeks along and still working from time to time. She didn't push herself too much though, knowing that wasn't the thing to do, especially i her condition and being so far along.

    When she got down the stairs, she noticed that no one was in the house. She looked around wondering where everyone went. She listened as she heard people talking out on the back porch. Smiling to herself, Hailey peeked through the window seeing Brandy, Faith, Miranda, Kellie, Carrie, Reba, and Luke Bryan's wife Caroline sitting there sipping sweet tea. She then noticed the boys - Jason, Chris, Jon, Easton, and George - in the yard playing football.

    She knew it was a little cool outside, so she went upstairs and grabbed a long sleeved flannel shirt of her husband's to put on over her. She was wearing a dark blue tank top, dark blue maternity jeans, and black cowboy boots. She had her long black hair put in a side braid, and just looked comfortable.

    Once she had a shirt on over her tank top, she walked back downstairs and out to everyone on the porch.

    "So this is where everyone is." She said as she stepped onto the porch.

    Carrie looked over from talking to Miranda and smiled at Hailey. "Hey there girl, how are you feeling?" She asked softly. Hailey nodded. "Pretty good, just feeling huge." She looked out into the yard, seeing the boys playing some football.

    "Gosh, I can't believe George is playing football. But that's a good thing, because it shows how much he's in shape." Hailey smiled as she stood there, a hand on her stomach as she watched the boys.

    Easton stood out in the yard with the other guys, playing with the guys. As he played football, he glanced over to the porch where the ladies, watching Brandy. He smiled and waved at her when she looked at him.

    He then let his attention go back to the game as he heard Luke call out to him. He quickly caught the ball and started running to the side, scoring a touchdown. "TOUCHDOWN!" He screamed as he threw down the ball. He did a little victory dance and then turned to Dierks high-fiving him.

    He smiled when he heard Brandy call out to him saying good job baby. He danced and smiled. "That's right!" He laughed.
    October 24th, 2014 at 04:03am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Brandy laughed. She continued to watch them play as she sees Hailey out of the corner of her eye.**

    Brandy: The King is giving our young boys a run for their money out there. (She looks to Easton, who is waving to her.) You go baby, you look great!

    **.As she sits there she feels the twins moving and she rolls her eyes in pain.**

    Brandy: Oh Lord, their killing me!

    Miranda: Brandy, you ok?

    Brandy: Yea... Their just hitting my bladder again. Shew feels like their ripping it in half.

    Miranda: Oh. Thank God thought some bad was wrong.

    **.Brandy smiles and shakes her head. Soon the guys are coming from the yard. She smiles as Easton sits down beside her and puts his sweaty arm around her. George walks over and sits beside Hailey and rubs her stomach.**

    Miranda: So Hailey how much longer before the little prince arrives? And speaking of which, hey Chris where is that hat, we are going to try to name all the babies.

    **.Chris grabs a hat from a table near the front door and hands it to her. She tears some paper into small pieces and has everyone fill out three. One for each baby.**

    George: Oh this is going to be fun, don't you think Hailey. (he smiles to her as he rubs her stomach. She smiled, but he could tell at 38 weeks, she was beginning to become uncomfortable.) Not much longer now babe. Just imagine how poor Brandy feels. She is only 22 weeks and carrying 2 babies.

    **.Brandy smiles.**

    Brandy: Geez George do you have to remind me about that. Those final few weeks are hell.

    **.She smiles and shakes her head.**
    October 24th, 2014 at 08:06am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey sat down when she saw the boys's football game end. She smiled at her husband when he sat down next to her, rubbing her stomach. With being so far along, she was pretty uncomfortable now, no matter if she sat, stood, or laid down.

    She then looked at Miranda and smiled. "Well he's got like 2 weeks left, unless he decides to come sooner." She said. "And I'm ready whenever." She laughed. She then watched as Chris grabbed a hat from a table near. She quickly glanced over at her husband and smiled a little.

    "Yes, this is going to be good." She commented as she sat there, letting him rub her stomach. She just nodded when he made the comment about it not being much longer. However, she elbowed him a little when he kind of "reminded" Brandy about what she's having to face the final weeks and this time around for her she'd be carrying 2 babies.

    "George." She laughed, shaking her head a little. "Don't worry Little Miss Brandy too much. Everything is going to be okay for her when she hits this point." She reassured her, looking at Brandy.

    "Of course everything is going to be okay." Easton piped in as he sat there next to Brandy. He kissed her cheek and smiled. "She's a tough girl. She did perfectly fine with Joshua when she was pregnant with him, and I know that she'll do fine with these little ones as well."

    He then watched as everyone wrote down the name suggestions on the small slips of paper before putting them in the hat. He was very curious to see what different names everyone would come up with. He knew that Brandy had a couple of ideas for baby names, but still getting everyone else's opinions was pretty cool.

    He looked over at Brandy, moving into her a little more. "You ready to see what everyone comes up names wise?' He asked as he let a hand of his slide down to her growing belly. He gently rubbed it, feeling the babies move and kick.
    October 24th, 2014 at 08:25am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: Oh I will be fine. Like Easton said I did good when I had Joshua. Actually had him natural. He came way to quick for any anatesia. Extremely painful, but it was all worth it when I held our son for the first time and looked into those little blue eyes.

    **.She smiles as she thinks about the day Joshua was born. She leans on Easton. She smiles even more when Easton rubs her shoulders.**

    George: So shall we throw the names in the hat?

    **.Everyone nods as they fold up the shreds of paper and put them in the hat. George shakes it a little. Then pulls a piece out and hands it to Hailey. She giggles a little.**

    Brandy: So whats it say???

    **.Everyone watches as HAiley smiled from ear to ear, and awaited to hear what was on the slip of paper.**

    George: HAiley you ok Hun?
    October 28th, 2014 at 08:57am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton watched Brandy as she stood there, anxious to hear the name that Hailey pulled out of the hat. He and Brandy hadn't even talked about names yet, so he couldn't help but wonder what Brandy was thinking about name wise. That was one thing he wasn't really good a.

    Hailey looked at George and nodded. "Yeah, I've fine." She then looked back down at the slip of paper, shaking her head, reading the name. "I love the name Thor, but I'm not naming my son Thor." She said with a smile.

    Chris chuckled a little. "I was hoping you would get the one." He said, confirming that he was the one who wrote that name.

    Easton laughed. "Now we know what Chris wants to name his kids." He joked.

    She then put the slip of paper on the table and looked at her husband. She put a hand on his lap/knee, then looked at everyone else. "I was thinking of naming his Henry Ryder Strait, and calling him Ryder." She said, smiling as everyone else nodded, liking that name.

    Carrie smiled. "That's such a cute name." She said. Hailey smiled. "Thank you." She said. She moved in the chair a little, feeling uncomfortable. She felt a strong kick, which made her take a deep breath in then out as she rubbed the bottom of her swollen belly.

    Easton picked up the hat, putting it in front of Brandy. "Alright, sweetheart." He said with a smile. "Let's see what you get." He said as she watched her pick up a small slip of paper. He couldn't wait to see what she pulled out of the hat.
    October 30th, 2014 at 05:48pm
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: OOO ok lets see here.

    **.She reaches into the baseball cap and pulls out a name. She looks at it and smiles. She holds it up and reads the name.**

    Brandy: Looks like we have Ashlyn.

    **.She laughs, and looks over at Easton.**

    Brandy: I guess we know who didn't come up with that name, right Chris? Thor, that is pretty funny. Not an action movie fanatic are ya?

    **.Everyone laughs as Chris smiles. He nods a little as Easton hands the cap back to George.**

    George: So I guess we shall try again. Or shall we go with Henry Ryder? What you think guys?

    Miranda: I love the name... I think you guys should go with that!

    Jason: I like it too guys. (he shifts his head toward Chris.) Really? Thor? Chris you crazy son.

    George: So I will pass it back to you guys.

    **.Brandy takes the hat. She holds it for Easton to choose.**

    Brandy : I chose the first time your turn babe.
    October 31st, 2014 at 04:24am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton laughed a little more as everyone picked on Chris about the name Thor. He smiled when Brandy pulled out the name Ashlyn. He really liked that name. "It's cute. I like it."

    He then nodded to George when he said that he was going to pass. "Henry Ryder is a nice name." He commented.

    Once Brandy handed him the hat, he pulled out a piece of paper, reading the name. "Aaron." He said, looking at Brandy. "That would be cute. Ashlyn and Aaron." He smiled.

    Hailey smiled."Such cute names." She commented to Brandy and Aaron. She felt another pain, this time she moved in her seat a little. "Ooh." she mumbled to herself as she rubbed the bottom part of her swollen stomach.
    October 31st, 2014 at 04:31am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: Hailey, I think you are going in to labor hun. I have been through this. You're having contractions. George, we need to start timing them to make sure they are not false.

    George: OK. Hailey are you feeling any pressure babe? Because Brandy is right you could be going into labor.

    **.Everyone watched as Hailey tried to play it off that she was fine. But everyone could tell she was not. But sat back as George and Brandy attempted to time each everytime she had a pain.**

    George: Honey are you sure you are ok? I mean we can call the hospital and take you down there just to check, I don't mind at all.

    **.Hailey shook her head. George sat back in his seat and nodded.**

    Miranda: If you say you are ok, we will take your word for, but promise me that if the pain gets worse you will let George take you to the hospital ok?

    **.Brandy had a feeling Hailey's baby was on the way. Brandy knew the feeling herself. But she knew not to try to force her to go.**

    Brandy: That's right Miranda, we can't force you to go. But I know how labor feels and I know the signs. Hell I'll be the first to say its not pretty. We all can wait as long as Henry Ryder can.
    October 31st, 2014 at 04:48am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey shook her head. "I'm fine, really. I'm just to the point now that I'm uncomfortable, and you feel more the further you are." She sat there, just relaxing.

    She was really fine, just starting to feel more with the baby boy. He was a mover there was no doubt about that.

    She then looked at Miranda and nodded. "Yes, if the pain gets worse I will let George take me. I promise." She said.

    Hailey looked at her husband and grabbed his hand. "I promise, I'm okay." She moved closer to him and kissed him. She then carefully stood up, putting a hand on the bottom of her belly. "George, want to take a walk with me?" She asked. "Around the yard?"

    While George started walking with Hailey around the yard, Easton looked at Brandy. "She'll be on her way to having that Prince by late tonight, middle of the night, or tomorrow morning." He said.

    He then wrapped his arms around Brandy and kissed her cheek. "I love you."
    October 31st, 2014 at 05:00am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: Yep. No doubt in my mind babe.

    **.Brandy cuddles against Easton's arm as light, cold gust of wind blows.**

    Brandy: Brrr... That was cold. (She picks up her phone and checks an app to see the weather.). Looks like a cold front is heading in.

    **.Brandy hugs onto Easton's arm tighter.**


    George: Hun, I know you hate it when we make a fuss over you, but you know we just want to make sure everything is going good. If you are in pain I worry and so do the others.

    **.George hugs his young, pregnant wife.**

    George: Wow, it's getting cold fast. How about we head in, maybe one of the cooks can cook up some nice hot soup.

    **.He smiles as HAiley looks up and smiles at him. He leans in and gives her a quick kiss as they head back toward the porch.**
    November 1st, 2014 at 07:01am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton quickly nods, pulling Brandy into a hug. "Lets get you inside." He said as he stood up before helping her up. He then walked inside with her, and having everyone else follow them in.

    Once they were inside, he walked into the living room, and sat down. He began talking with everyone, continuing their conversations from outside now inside.

    He looked over at Brandy and smiled, before looking at the door when George walked in with Hailey. "And how's Mama Strait feeling?' He asked.


    Hailey nodded to her husband. "George, I will be sure to let you be the first to know what's going on...I promise." She kissed him, then wrapped her sweater around herself more. "That's a little cold." She said as she began walking towards the porch.

    When they got inside, Hailey looked at Easton and nodded. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She smiled, then turned to her husband. "The cook is going to start dinner. While that's happening, this mama is going to go lay down." she said. She kissed him, then started to walk up the stairs.

    As she walked, she felt a strong kick. She acted like it was nothing though.
    November 1st, 2014 at 07:10am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Every one nods to her as George helps her up the stairs.**

    George: That's fine Darlin' please get some rest. I know you say your fine. But know your not feeling like yourself. But I repect your feelings baby, that's one thing I love about you, youre a strong strong woman, and I love it.


    Brandy: I'll give the prince a couple hours, four at the most. Labor is on. There will be a little one very soon guys.

    Miranda: You think so Brandy?

    Brandy: Yep. I actually did some of the things she is doing right before I had Joshua. Easton knew I was in labor, but then again he had been thought it 3 times. Right babe, he made me go to the doctor.

    **.She gently elbows Easton, who is now into a football game that Chris had turned on.**
    November 1st, 2014 at 07:23am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey smiled and kissed her husband once more. "Thank you." She said as she opened their bedroom door. "Listen, I'm going to relax. Go down there and spend some time with everyone. If I need anything, I'll let you know. She then slipped into the bedroom.

    She carefully climbed into bed and laid down on her side. She rubbed her swollen stomach as she laid there, just relaxing.

    Easton looked at Brandy. "Huh? Oh yeah, 4 hours..." He said then looked back at the football game. Jason, who was watching the game as well, looked over at the King when he came back downstairs without the Queen. "And is Mama Strait okay?" He asked, and smiled when George nodded.

    Carrie walked over to George and smiled sweetly to him. "Don't worry George, Hailey will be fine,and everything will be fine." She hugged him. "You've got a great strong wife."

    Tim nodded in agreement with Carrie. "Carrie's right, George. Plus, you've been through this before." He smiled. "It's been about 33 years, but still." He laughed.
    November 1st, 2014 at 07:29am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Brandy looks at her husband as he gets back into the game. She shakes her head at him and the other guys. She then looks up as George returns to the room.**

    Brandy: Everything is going to be ok George. But I have a feeling your son is on his way.

    George: To be honest, I think so too. But Hailey, ya know this is her first child, so I guess she is not sure, what the signs are. But I am ready when she says the word.

    Brandy: I got ya. We are all ready to meet little Henry Ryder. And if my memory serves me right, when I was pregnant with Joshua when I started feeling like she is now, I think I had him with in 4 to 6 hours.

    **.George nods and smiles.**

    George: I agree. Thanks Brandy. I guess the only thing we can do now is wait. Not much long for you now is it?

    Brandy: Yea a couple more months. Man it feels like forever. Carrying twins is defiantly harder than carrying one that is for sure. But its gonna be worth it when they get here and I get to hold em in my arms. Little Ashlyn and Aaron.

    **.George sits down and begins to watch the game. But you cantell his mind is still on his pregnant wife up stairs. Brandy gets up and walks into the kitchen. The aroma of the home made soup fills the room.**
    November 3rd, 2014 at 08:00am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey laid there in the bed, rubbing the bottom of her stomach. She knew that she was going in labor, she just couldn't believe it was really happening now. To herself, she had about 2 more weeks less, but to how the baby developed and such, she was ready. She looked like she was about to pop.

    She laid there on her side when she grabbed her phone. She saw that the weather was going to get low tonight, and that there was a possibility of a snow storm. "Of all days." She mumbled to herself.

    She put her phone on the nightstand, then sat up, feeling another pain. "Ooh." She breathed as she rubbed her stomach. She wasn't going to call her husband in, not yet anyway.

    Downstairs, Faith watched George seeing that he was distracted from the football game. She knew, just as well as everyone, that his only thought was on Hailey. She walked up beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. "George." She spoke softly. "Are you going to be okay?' She asked softly as she rubbed his back with her hand. "You know, you can always go in there with her. Just be there for her. She'll let you know when she and Baby Henry Ryder are ready."

    Easton glanced over to Brandy and smiled. "Little Ashlyn and Aaron." He grinned and then kissed her. He nodded. "And I can't wait either." He said proudly. He then brought his attention back to the game when he heard Faith talking with George. He looked over at George. "Go to her." He said, agreeing with Faith.

    He then looked at his wife once again. "I never thought I'd say this, but I think King George is worried." HE mumbled to her.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 03:44pm
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Brandy, Easton and the others watch as George nods to Faith and Tim, as he gets up.**

    George: Good night everyone. I am going to turn in early, I have a feeling we are going to be having a baby shortly, and this ol' cowboy needs to save up some energy. So until tomorrow... or if we have the baby tonight, which ever comes first.

    **.George smiles and tips his hat. The group bids him goodnight and goes back to what they where doing.**

    Brandy: Wow, King George is worried... but he even knows its coming. I don't understand why Hailey is fighting it. Henry Ryder is ready to come into the world.

    **.Easton shakes his head and smiles as one of the house maids comes into the family room.**

    Maid: Come on ladies and gentlemen, soups ready. Where is George, he asked us to prepare it espeically for him.

    Miranda: He is upstairs with Hailey. We think the Prince is on his way, very soon. He is going to try to pursade her to go to the hospital.

    Maid: Oh that is wonderful. I too knew it was going to happen soon... I can't wait.

    Brandy: Oh no us either. I think I am more excited for their baby than for the arrival of Ashlyn and Aaron. Speaking of which we need middle names.


    George: Hey babe, how are you feeling?

    **.He enters, hearing her breathing a little harder than usual. He moves to the bed quickly.**

    George: Hailey hon, are you ok?

    **.George takes her hand as she nods.**
    November 6th, 2014 at 05:01am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton looked at Brandy and shrugged. "Hailey will go when she is ready. Just give her a little bit of time." He said. "I remember how you were when Joshua was born. Stubborn. Not wanting to go. Pretty much everything that Hailey is doing right now was you." He then kissed her.

    When the maid walked in, he just nodded in agreement with what Brandy told her. He then smiled at the thought about a newborn being in the house and such. He looked over at his own pregnant wife and kissed her cheek. "Middle Names...hmmm...." He began to think.

    "Do you have any in-mind that would work with Ashlyn and Aaron?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around his wife's waist.


    Hailey was laying the bed, rubbing her stomach when she heard her husband was in to check on her. She looked over at him and nodded. "I'm fine." She sat up a little. "Just a little discomfort." She breathed slowly in and out.

    She kept a hand on her stomach, slowly rubbing it all around. "Oh George.." She mumbled as she held his hand. She let her hand from her belly drop, letting her husband take over with rubbing her belly.

    She was ready, but wasn't ready for this baby. And right now, she just wanted to lay in this bed with her husband beside her.
    November 6th, 2014 at 06:21am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: Acutally I have babe. I have Ashlyn Jade, and Aaron Jacob. Hows that.

    **.She smiles proudly about the names. She watches as a smile forms on his his face, as they get up and head into the dining room to have some soup.**

    Maid: Be careful, its extremely hot. But it will warm you up on this chilly day.

    **.The group sits down at the table where bowls full of soup and spoons have already been placed. The aroma of the soup was great.**

    Maid: Enjoy and if you need anything let me know.

    **.The group begins to eat. They enjoyed the soups flavor.**

    Miranda: MMM this is really good. I can see why George likes it so much. Speaking of George, I hope everything is ok.

    Brandy: I am sure everything is ok going to be ok. But yes this soup is great.


    **.George lays down beside Hailey. He gently hugs her up. Not putting too much pressure on her, knowing what is coming.**

    George: Honey, it is ok. You don't have to go now if you don't want to. I am ready when you are, the decision is yours baby. I am going to be right here by your side through it all. Hailey, I love you!
    November 6th, 2014 at 06:38am