Getting Discovered

  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Jon looked at her. Who found her? He found his clothes and quickly put his jeans on. He rushed down to her, seeing Easton Corbin. He just stood there, not being noticed.

    Easton looked at Brandy, moving close to her. "I just want you back. I know we've fought but we can still make it." He said.


    Hailey laid there sleeping, when she finally woke up. She blinked a couple of times before she started stretching.

    She smiled hearing George's voice. She looked up seeing him. "Good Morning." She whispered. "I slept good. The best i have in a while." She sat up a little and stretched.
    August 9th, 2014 at 01:28am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: I don't know Easton.... I don't know. I'm talking to someone Easton. But I do miss you.

    **She is seemingly dumbfounded and not sure what to say. She knew she would take Easton back in a heart beat. But what do with Jon. **

    Brandy: Easton let me think about this. You know the last time we talked was right before I came here. I would do anything to make it work for our son. But I thought you really wanted me gone.


    **George smiles as Hailey says she slept well. He leans and kisses her softly on the lips.**

    George: dumb question doll. But you have a clue why Easton Corbin is here and how him and Brandy know each other? Check her fill again, if you don't mind.

    **THere is a knock. A house maid from there other side alerts them of coffee**

    George: come on in please.
    August 9th, 2014 at 03:35am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Jon just stood there listening their conversation. "Son? He thought to himself when he heard Brandy make the comment that she's do anything for their son. "She has a son?' He questioned to himself. He didn't know what to really think about that, or even how to feel about it, considering the fact that she never told him.

    Easton looked at her and shook his head. "I was wrong for saying that. I want you back. I love you. I messed up and I saw what it would be like if I didn't have you, or our son. Please, I'm begging you to come back." He wrapped his arms around her, pulling him to her. "I've missed you baby."


    "Easton Corbin...he said that he wouldn't be able to come until Thursday, today is Tuesday." Hailey sighed then grabbed the file reading over it once more. "Hmm...." She said as she read over some things. She was reading when the maid walked in, alerting them about breakfast being ready. She nodded. "Honey, this is something you want to -" She stopped, getting a nauseous feeling instantly. She handed the folder to George, pushing herself off the bed.

    She quickly rushed out of bed, and rushed to the bathroom were she got sick.
    August 9th, 2014 at 03:59am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    George: Hailey are you ok? (As he rushed to the bathroom door. Grabbing the file.) Hailey? Hun, what's wrong?

    **As he awaits her reply he flips through the file and stumbles upon a photo of of Brandy, Easton Corbin a small child dated June 2014.**

    George: They have a baby together! Well I guess she didn't keep it from us. She did include it in her file. But technically it may disqualify her from show. Or is Easton a judge? I can't remember if he had agreed to judge.

    **Finally HAiley comes back out. George takes her in his arms and kisses her softly.**

    George: Are you ok?


    **Her heart sinks as she sees Jon walking over out of the corner of her eye. She knows it's not going to be good. She could not help but wonder if he had heard the conversation. And if so what he heard. Of course she had. Of told him about her child. Not because it had slipped her mind, but she wasn't sure how he would take it. And at this point she wasn't sure what to do or nothing.**

    Brandy: Jon, I think I have something I should have told you, but....

    **She is cut off as Jon more or less told her to shut up with out saying a word, but the action seemimgly pissed Easton off.**
    August 9th, 2014 at 06:07am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey quickly rinsed out her mouth, along with brushing her teeth. "Morning sickness..." She mumbled to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror then looked at her stomach. She knew she couldn't hide it much longer.

    Once she was okay, she opened the door, seeing George right here, taking her in his arms. She kissed back softly. "Yeah, I'm okay." She said as she grabbed the file from him. "No, he's not a judge. He turned down the offer. But he is here to perform on one of the nights." She said as she stood there.

    She then made her way over to the drawer, taking out an outfit to where, when the smell of George's cologne hit her. She went nauseous once again. She just closed her eyes, putting her hand on stomach and breathed in then out, refraining for getting sick.


    Jon started to walk away when he heard Brandy coming after him. He turned around to her and shook his head. He wasn't going to say, just looked at her, rather pissed off. He then walked off, needing some time to himself, to think things over.

    Easton just glared at Jon the whole time, not saying a single word. When he walked away, Easton walked up behind Brandy and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "It's going to be okay." He softly spoke as he held her. "He's not worth it. I would never be like that to you." He said as he held her and kissed the top of her head.
    August 9th, 2014 at 06:19am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: Easton, why didn’t you tell me you still loved me? (She was tough no doubt and by the lookof shock on Easton’s face, he must not seen her cry before. But she had tears in her eyes.) You won’t want me Easton, I slept him. I assume it was out of pity for myself. Maybe I was trying to get over you, but I can’t.

    **She turns to him and buries her face in his chest. She continues to sob as she feels his hand on her head, and repeats, “It’s going to be ok.”**

    Brandy: Are you sure Easton? (She looks up at him. She eyes are red and tears are still streaming from her eyes.) I feel terrible about it Easton. Did you bring Joshua with you or is still with my mom?


    George: Morn…. What morning sickness? (He mumbles to himself, as she thinks he didn’t hear her. He pretends he didn’t when she walks out.) So what do you think. Like I said she didn’t keep it a secret that she and Easton had a baby. Or that they had been in a relationship. (He notices her get nauseous again.) Babe are you sure you are ok.

    **He follows her to the bathroom. Jon busts through the door. **

    George: What the hell? Jon whats the deal. I am kind of busy, Hailey is sick. Please make it quick.
    August 9th, 2014 at 06:49am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Jon was clearly pissed as can be, and wasn't sure what he was going to do. He made a promise that he was here to help and such, but he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to do this now. Especially since all this decided to take place. The only thing he thought would be best to do was to go talk to George Strait.

    Without thinking twice about it, Jon marched upstairs and busted through the door of his room. He looked at George dead in the eyes and sighed. "Why in the hell does Easton Corbin have to be here? I mean if he's going to be about of this show, then Brandy shouldn't be able to participate in the show." He said. "They have a frickin' kid together!" He was really angry and upset about this.


    Hailey was just about to walk back in the bathroom when she saw Jon bust through the door. She was just about to say something when she heard George speak. She just looked at Jon and rolled her eyes. "Jon, I'm not going to disqualify Brandy just because -" She stopped and rushed into the bathroom, and slammed the door shut.

    Jon looked from Hailey and then George and sighed. He rose an eyebrow when Hailey rushed into the bathroom. He just looked at George, still having that one eyebrow rose. "I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to interrupt. Hailey being sick is really more important than this. But when you do have a chance, I'd like to talk with you." He then excused himself and walked out of the room. He went downstairs and walked outside, deciding that he would take a walk around the giant yard.

    Meanwhile, Hailey was still in the bathroom getting sick. When she was finally done with getting sick, she went over to sink once again, rinsing out her mouth with water and a hint of mouthwash. Once she had her mouth rinsed out, Hailey looked at herself in the mirror. "You have to tell him." She thought to herself as she stood there. She took a deep breath in then out, then walked out of the bathroom.


    Easton stood there just holding her. He had never really seen her cry before, so he wasn't sure how to handle this. However, he did know that the best thing for him to do was to show her that he was there for her, and the way he could do that was hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay.

    When she looked up at him, he looked down at her and nodded. "Yes, I am absolutely sure. I still love you and that is that. I should have never let you go, and I want nothing more than you to be with me." He said with a charming smile on his face. "As for Joshua, I did bring him." He said as he started taking her over to his truck that was still running. Inside was Easton's manager and then little Baby Joshua in the back.

    When they got to the truck, he opened the back door and smiled as he picked up their son. "Hey buddy, look who it is." He sad as he handed Brandy their son.
    August 9th, 2014 at 07:06am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: Hey there's mummy's little man. ( She smiles as she sees Easton's other kids from his previous marriage. They are snoozing.) Sawin logs aren't they, Freddy.

    **Freddy nods. Then looks at Easton.**

    Freddy: Easton you going to ask her? I mean you did drive all the way out of your way here before dropping these three off with their mom.

    **Brandy looks at Freddy as he unbuckles, 8 month old, Joshua from the seat and hands him to her. She then look at Easton.**

    Brandy: What's going on Easton?


    George: Jon let me make sure she is ok and I'll be down. (He watches Jon leave the room and shakes his head. Hailey re-enter and she looks at her.). Are you ok. I think we need to attempt to sort this out. I think Easton and Brandy need to work their stuff out. But I really want give her a chance. But Jon is mad and I think he wants off the show. (He stops talking as he grabs his arm. He can tell she about to tell him something.). What's wrong baby?

    **He looks at her puzzled as smile forms on her face. He wraps his arms around her as she begins to speak.**
    August 9th, 2014 at 07:26am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton looked at Freddy and nodded. "Yeah, I guess that would be a good thing to do." He said before looking back at Brandy and their son.

    It was such a sweet moment, seeing Brandy holding their son and seeing her eyes sparkle as she looked at their son.

    "Brandy..." He said with another charming smile. "I came here because I wanted to ask you something.' He said. "I wanted to know if you would want to move in with me. That way we could raise our son together and be a complete family with you. It took me a little bit to understand, but I am nothing without you, and that I want you with me...forever..."

    He moved a little closer to her and reach down to kiss her softly on the lips. "So, tell me what do you think?" He asked as his lips were gently pressed against hers. "Please say yes."

    Hailey just looked at George and listened as he went on about Jon and all. She simply nodded, then smiled a little as he grabbed her arm. She moved a little closer to him. "George." She simply spoke, knowing that she needed to tell him, and there was no beating around the bush.

    She continued to smile as George got a puzzled look on his face, trying to figure out what she was going to tell him. When he wrapped his arms around her, she knew that was the best moment to tell him. "George, I have something I need to tell you." She said as she still smiled a sweet smile.

    She then moved a little, and grabbed his hand. She held it for a moment before gently placing it on top of her stomach, which was still flat, yet at the same time, she was starting to get a small bump. She didn't say anything, she just looked at his face for his reaction.
    August 9th, 2014 at 07:40am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **Brandy looks at Easton then to their son. Then to the three older kids in the back of the crew cab truck as they slept. There was no doubt that in the short time she and Easton had been together, she had grown close to his other children, and the quickly thought about and spoke.**

    Brandy: Ok before I say yes or no, what about this show? I feel it may not be the best that I go on with the show, I think that it would probably end up with a clash with Jon. (She stops talking as she is cut off by Easton’s lips on hers.) But ok I’ll move in with you. I love you Easton, I am sorry for everything that ever happened.

    **She smiles as he wraps his arms around her and their son. He places a kiss on her lips then kiss on Joshua’s forehead. Joshua looks at his daddy and coos.**

    Freddy: Hey Easton, I hate to break up the reunion, but we have to get the kids to Briann. We will be coming back.

    **The sound of his ex wife’s name turned Brandy’s stomach. But she knew that she had the primary custody of the 3 children and there was nothing she could do about it. She kisses Easton as he gets back in the truck and blows her another kiss before leaving.**


    George: Hailey, you’re…. pregnant? Oh my God this is great. (He smiles as he rubs the bump. He literly forgets what it was talking about.) How far along? Should we tell the others? What was I even talking about before. I forgot. This is amazing news!

    **George grabs her gently and picks her up bridal style and kisses her lips.**
    August 9th, 2014 at 07:59am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton just smiled when she said yes. That truly made him happy. He looked at Freddy when he told him that they needed to be going. He simply nodded to him, then brought his attention back to Brandy. "Here, Joshua can stay here with you while I take them to her." He said, knowing that she didn't like his ex-wife's name. "Then I'll come back, and we can talk about what you want to do with the show and such. Hell, I'll even talk with Mr. King of Country for you, if you would like." He kissed her once more, then walked got in the truck and drove away.


    Hailey smiled even brighter when she saw that he was happy about this. She laughed a little as he started asking a million questions at once. "Well we did just tell everyone that we're together, so are you sure you're ready to tell them that I'm pregnant?' She laughed. "And I'm about 2 and half months along.' She said, answering his second question.

    "Now for the other thing, our little issue with Jon and such, we'll talk with them later today." She said, then smiled as he picked her up bridal style and kissed her. She kissed him, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Look at you, cowboy, picking me up like I'm nothing." She giggled as she looked into his eyes.


    Jon had walked a good portion of the big yard when he looked over and saw Easton with Brandy. He was pretty calm, till he saw them kissing. That was it! He was not going to have this, but he knew he could go talk them, because if he moved any closer, he'd more than likely punch Easton. Instead, he decided he'd go wait on the back porch and talk this out with George. When he got on the back porch, he opened the fridge, pulling out a beer. He quickly opened it and drank it.
    August 9th, 2014 at 08:12am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **Brandy nods as she blows him a kiss back. She holds her son close as she turns to head back inside. She notices Jon seated on the porch so decides to avoid confrontation by walking around to the front porch to go inside. She decides to go up and try talking to George and Hailey.**

    Brandy: (Knocks on the door.) Hey guys I hate to bother you, but I think we need to talk. (She waits to see if they let her in.)


    **George gets up and walks over to the door and opens it.**

    George: Brandy please come in. (He motions her to sit down in a near by chair.) Please have a seat. So whats on your mind.

    Brandy: Well I am a bit taken aback at the things going on right now. I had no idea Easton would follow me here. I didn’t figure that any of this was going to happen. I feel bad about what I have caused Jon. I know he is hurt, and I am torn, but I still love Easton, he is my son, Joshua’s dad.

    George: Yea I have to say he is pretty upset. But I know you need to do what is best for this little cutie. (He says nudging Joshua’s little cheek.) You can defiantly tell Easton is his daddy. Isn’t he cute Hailey.

    Brandy: Thanks, Mr. Strait. I am very proud of my little man. But I know why Jon is mainly mad, I think its because I didn’t mention having a child, but I hadn’t had the chance. But I never figured it would go down like this. Easton and I broke up, I never figured he’d want to get back together. But even though he and I fooled around, I don’t think it would last past this show.

    George: Do you want to leave the show?

    Brandy: No of course not. Unless it would cause trouble.
    **George goes to speak, but is cut off by Hailey as she clears her throat.**
    August 9th, 2014 at 08:33am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey just nodded at George as he asked if Brandy's little one was cute. She didn't say anything, just listened, not really sure if needed to say anything. However, when George asked if Brandy wanted to leave the show and she said of course, Hailey knew that she needed to clear up some things though - make sure everyone was on the same path.

    She cleared her throat a little, seeing George stop and just look over at her. She gave a sincere smile, then looked at Brandy.

    "Listen, Brandy, you can MOST definitely stay on the show, but you must understand what your main priority is here. Yes, this is a reality show and just about anything can help, but that's not this show or contest is for. You have a dream to make it in the music industry, which can happen if you do like you're suppose to, and try your best." She explained, looking at the girl.

    She couldn't believe she was giving this kind of talk, the focus things in life, to someone who just a little older than her. "Also, you have to really think about who you want to be with. Yes, you and Easton had a beautiful child together, but if there weren't problems, then why aren't you together at the moment? Then you have to think about Jon. You just met him and well you played with his heart, and now he's crushed." She had this whole situation figured out.

    "I'm not meaning to sound like I'm scolding you, but there's so much at stake here, whether you notice or not. Like I've said before, you're most definitely staying on the show, and you must remember your main focus right now, and if you think you can't focus on that, then that might change -" She stopped and took a moment, refraining from getting sick. She then looked at her. "Just be careful." She then quickly excused herself and rushed to the bathroom.
    August 9th, 2014 at 08:51am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Brandy: That’s the thing Hailey, Easton and I are getting back together. We are planning on moving in together. That’s why I am afraid it would cause too much trouble. (As she is up in the room talking to George and Hailey, she hears Easton’s truck pull back in.) I know what I did was wrong and I feel terrible about it. I wanted to tell him I was sorry. But he got mad and stormed off. But that was understandable.

    **Seconds later there is a knock. George walks over and opens the door.**

    George: Well howdy Easton. Glad you could join us, even with the circumstances. I didn’t know you guys knew each other. (He reaches out to shake his hand.) However I know there is going to be a lot of sorting out we are going to have to do here, you know that right?

    **George watches as Easton nods his head walking over to Brandy and Joshua. **

    George: Jon is very upset and I plan on talking to him later. At the moment Hailey isn’t feeling so good as you notice she is in the bathroom. I do want to mention that all parties are still welcome to stay and participate on the show long as there are no blow up.

    Brandy: I promise. Since my child is here, I don’t want any trouble of any kind. You have my word that I will not cause any.

    **George smiles, as Brandy gets up. **

    Brandy: Thank you for hearing me out George, and please tell Hailey I hope she feels better soon. I am going to head back to my room. You coming Easton?

    **Easton nods, and starts to follow.**

    George: I will Brandy thank you. (he motions Easton to stop.) Actually Easton I need to speak with you before you head off. You are still going to perform Thursday? I hope so. If so is there anything you need. I will have it brought in.
    August 9th, 2014 at 09:10am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton walked in and nodded to him. "Yes, Sir. Of course." He said, understanding everything that he was saying. He then looked at Brandy and nodded. "Coming, darling." He started walking out of the room when George stopped him asking him about performing and such. "Yes sir. That is still my plan, and I have anything set." He said with a nice smile. He then excused himself out of the room, following Brandy to her bedroom.
    Hailey just stood in the bathroom, glad she didn't get sick this time. She walked out of the bathroom and walked straight to the bed, laying down on it. "Man, I've been doing so well these last couple of weeks..." She mumbled as she laid there on the bed.

    She knew there was so much to do today, but she almost didn't want to do anything today. She laid there, her back facing George as she started humming one of his old songs.
    August 9th, 2014 at 09:21am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    George: Good glad to hear that. So glad that you are not going to let a little spat get in the way. I am looking forward to the performance.

    **George pats him on the back as he heads out.**

    George: You guys have a good day. But wish me luck, I am going to have to try to settle Jon down later on. I am going to give him a chance to simmer down. (he chuckles a bit as he waves to Easton and Brandy and baby Joshua.)


    Brandy: So what was that about. (She looks up as they are walking, she sees Jon headed their way.) Oh man please don’t say anything Easton, please don’t say anything Jon. (She says under her breath. Hoping that the fact she is carrying a small baby in her arm would stop a confrontation.)

    **He walks on past, he nods and keeps walking. Brandy shrugs.**

    Brandy: That was weird. (She shakes her head as they enter her room. She sits down on the bed and lays Josh in front of her.) Babe did you bring the diaper bag. I think he is ready for a change.

    **She watches as Easton pulls his phone from his phone and call Freddy.**


    **George sits on the bed as Hailey joins him.**

    George: I honestly think Brandy did what she did to get over Easton. It just didn’t work, or it may have if Easton would not have showed up. I guess it better that it happen now, at his performance Thursday.

    **George motions for Hailey to lay back. He gently rubs her stomach hoping to sooth her sickness.
    August 9th, 2014 at 09:40am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton just kept walking as they walk past Jon. When they get to Brandy's room, he opened the door, allowing her to walk in first. He then pulled out of his phone calling Freddy when she asked for the diaper bag. "I left it in the truck." he said as he spoke with Freddy. He then hung up the phone and looked at her. "It'll be here in like five minutes."

    He moved closer to her and kissed her, smiling. "I'm glad we can work things out."


    Jon walked back into the house and just sighed when he saw Easton and Brandy. "Great..." He mumbled to himself. He didn't say anything, just glared at Easton as they passed each other. He immediately went to his room and walked in. Being a little upset about this, he walked and just slammed his door, forgetting that he was like two doors down for George and Hailey.

    "This is frickin' ridiculous!" He spoke aloud to himself. He ended up kicking the wall with his boot, putting a rather big hole in the wall. "Shit!" He then groaned as he stared at the hole. He moved to the bed and laid there staring at the ceiling.


    Hailey just nodded. "Well that's a good thing." She said when George said that Easton said he'd still perform on Thursday. She went back to humming one of his songs to herself. As she laid there, she looked at George, watching him motion for her to lay back. She laid back, watching as he rubbed her stomach. She just smiled.

    "Thanks honey." She spoke as she laid there, watching him just sit there admiring her stomach. "George, honey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just wasn't sure when the best time would be to tell you. Also, I didn't want you to think that I wouldn't be able to do my work even though I'm pregnant now. Because, I can still do everything, pregnant or not." She said as she laid there. She thought about something a quick second then went wide-eyed. "Oh gosh, I forgot that you and I were going to host the show....shoot, I'm going to look like a cow on screen now." She pouted.
    August 9th, 2014 at 09:52am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **George hears the loud bang from Jon's room. He continues to rub Haileys stomach. He smiles as she seemingly feels better. Then they hear the second bang from the room. George gets up.**

    George: well I guess I can't put it off no longer. I guess I need to talk to him. But you hollar if you need me ok.

    **He kisses haileys lips and heads to Jon's room. He knocks.**

    George: Jon it is GEorge may I come in?


    **Brandy smiles as there is a knock. Easton opens the door and Freddy hands him the diaper bag. She pulls out fresh diaper and the wipes. She takes the dirty diaper off of Joshua and cleans his little bottom and little peepee. She tosses the diaper and wipes in the near by trash and puts the clean diaper on him.**

    Brandy: there ya go. Good as new. (She tickles the baby's belly as he coos.). Me too Easton. I honestly thought you hated me and I had no idea what I had done. But I love you Easton. And I am so happy to be back with you. Now we can be a little family again, for Joshua.

    **she motions Easton over to sit on the bed. Where she and Easton watched their little boy coo. **
    August 9th, 2014 at 10:09am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey just nodded and kissed him before he left the room. She laid there, and ended up falling asleep.


    Jon sighed, hearing George knock on the door. "Sure, come in." He sat up in the bed, waiting for him to walk in.


    Easton shook his head. "I was wrong. I love you, and that's what matters." He then moved to the bed, sitting beside her. He missed this and was glad things could work out.
    August 9th, 2014 at 10:16am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    George: I know this is hard for you and Jon, she feels bad about it. But her main concern is her son. (He looks over and sees the hole in the wall. He shakes his head.) Jon she knows she hurt you and she wanted to tell you she is sorry. But she didn't want to make any conflict. But we can't kick her off the show because of one mistake.

    **George looks at Jon as he nods.**

    George: But if you think it will cause conflict I can have her go stay at the guest house. But I think you are bigger than that and I think you can look past that.


    Brandy: I was too Easton. And I am glad we are going to work these things out. For us and more importantly, our little boy. I know we hasn't even been split up a week but it was pure hell on me. Nothin eased that pain, til you came back. I love you Easton Corbin.

    **She leans forward and kisses him.**
    August 9th, 2014 at 07:53pm