Getting Discovered

  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.She laughs as he revs the engine. Soon they are on the road. She smiles to him.**

    Brandy: Even with it being a poor little best up blazer? Because it is pretty beat up. (Of course it was storm damage. But she could bare to part with it.). One day I may break down and get something. But ya know me. That blazer is my big motorized baby.

    **.Easton laughs at the comment. Brandy smiles as he reaches over and rubs her knee. She knew that one of the things he always loved, her humor.**

    Brandy: Well it is.. (She laughs.)


    George: Henry and Ryder huh. Those are nice. I'll be honest, I am undecided on names. So I was glad when the others offered to help. I must be creative musically only. She did the naming of the kids.

    **.He thinks a moment. He looks at her. He nods.**

    George: Nothing really. Trying to think of names I really like. But nothing is coming to me. But RYder HEnry Strait could work, but I guess we can see what the others come up with right?

    **.He smiles and rubs her belly. He kisses the top of her head.**
    September 23rd, 2014 at 06:24am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton looked at Brandy and just laughed a little. "Yes, even with it being a little beat up Blazer." He laughed as he looked at the road then glanced back at her.

    He laughed lightly, putting a hand on her knee, and gently rubbing it. He then brought his attention back to the road, but didn't let his hand leave her knee.

    "I know." He said, agreeing with her and smiled.


    Hailey looked at George and just smiled. She laid there, still resting her head on his chest as she felt him rub her belly. She just watched his hand, then looked up at him again.

    "I can't believe how big I am." She said as she laid there. She looked at George as he shook his head in disagreement.

    "Don't shake your head at me. You know it's true." She said with a laugh. As she laid there, she felt the baby give a rather hard kick. "Oooh....." She breathed.
    September 28th, 2014 at 01:23am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Brandy smiles. She looks at Easton as he drives feeling his hand on her knee. She rubs her belly. She feels their twins moving like crazy. She lets out a gentle groan as they move.**

    Brandy: Ow. Restless tonight aren't ya? (She pats her belly gently.) Maybe their hungry too.

    **.She smiles. She moves her hand to Easton's on her knee. He allows his fingers to intertwine with hers. She feels him squeeze her hand and she smiles.**


    George: Oh you hush that talk Hailey. You're beautiful. Even more so pregnant. And baby you know it.

    **.He smiles as he hold her tight against his body. **

    George: What you see and what I see must be two different things. Because I see a beautiful and sexy woman.

    **.He heard her let out a soft "ohh" as the baby hit with a hard kick.**

    George: So you think we have a footballer on our hands. (He chuckles a little.)
    September 29th, 2014 at 08:58am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton looked at Brandy and just smiled. He brought his attention back to the road when he heard her let out a gentle groan. He moved his hand from being intertwined with hers to the top of her stomach.

    "Ooh, be careful with your mommy." He said as he drove, letting his hand stay on her belly. He then pulled into the restaurant parking lot before parking his truck.

    He then looked at her and just smiled. "I love you Brandy." He said before moving himself a little closer to her and kissed her. He then slowly pulled back. "You are just perfect for me." He then leaned down and kissed her stomach. "And I can't wait for these little ones."


    Hailey nodded to George and smiled. "A footballer indeed. Who knows he might follow in his daddy's way and get into the rodeo deal." She said.

    She then looked at the clock and sighed. It was only 6:45 am. "George, honey, I can't just sit here. My body is awake. Our son is clearly awake. And well, I don't think I can just relax now."

    She carefully sat up in the bed, using her elbows to prop her up as she leaned back some. You could tell she was getting closer to the end of her pregnancy, just from how she was acting and such.
    September 30th, 2014 at 11:31pm
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Brandy smiles as he kisses her pregnant stomach. She looks up at the sign of the restaurant it is one of her favorites, outback.**

    Brandy: Easton this is my favorite place to eat. It must be a special occasion. (She giggles, knowing it was. For her it was any way.). It is for me, I get to enjoy dinner with the sexiest man alive.

    **.She grins as Easton's face blushed a little.**

    Brandy: Well it's true, why should I deny it? Plus you make pretty babies. (She giggles again.). I love it when you blush Easton, it's cute on you.

    **.She smiles as she watches him hop out of the truck and walk around to her side of the truck. He opens the door.**


    **.George smiled as he rubbed her belly.**

    George: Well the rodeo is dangerous, but if that is what he wants to do, I wouldn't stop him. I would be willing to let him follow any path he feels makes him happy.

    **.He looks at the clock. He nods.**

    George: Well since we can't go back to sleep, let's head down and get some breakfast. This hotel serves some awesome food, then we could just take in some sites til the others get up. What do you think?
    October 2nd, 2014 at 05:57am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton blushed a little bit before finally finding his composure before stepping out of the truck. He quickly made his way over to her side of the truck, and opened the door for her. He leaned in and kissed her once more, before gently taking her hand.

    "Darling, this is one of the most specialist occasion and I want to celebrate it right with you." He said as he carefully helped her out of the truck. He then closed the door, before wrapping his arm around her waist.

    "Just you and me." He said with a charming smile. "And of course our little ones." He whispered, putting a hand on the peak of her belly.


    Hailey looked over at him and just nodded. "That sounds like a good idea." She smiled as she sat up in bed a little more.

    "But first." She said as she leaned into him and kissed him on the lips. "What do you say that mama and daddy go take a nice shower before getting some breakfast?" She asked.

    She had that look in her eyes, the look of lust and desire. Yeah, it was rather early in the morning for that, but here Hailey was 32 weeks along, what did a person expect her to be?
    October 2nd, 2014 at 06:05am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Brandy looks at him and smiles as she gets down from the truck with his help. She kisses him as she feels him slide his arms around her.**

    Brandy: Yes I agree babe it is pretty damned speical, me you and the little ones here. (She points to her belly and smiles.) I love you and you know what lovin' you is fun.

    **.He smiles when she makes referance to one his song. She knew he loved it when she made referance to his songs. She lays her head against his shoulder as they enter the resturant.**


    **.George smiles at the idea. He did need an extra pick me up, and a nice shower sounded like a great idea.**

    George: Lead the way pretty mama.

    **.He smiles as he gets up, he winks to her as he gets up and follows closely behind her, sliding his arms around her as they walk together.**
    October 5th, 2014 at 07:07am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton let a large grin spread across his face when she reference one of the lyrics to one of his songs. It was moments like those that made him think about how cute she was and that he couldn't be without her. He knew that life wouldn't the same.

    He just smiled, holding her a little closer to him, before kissing her softly on the lips. "Brandy, honey, you're perfect." He said before kissing her lips once more.

    "And I thank God for you every day." He grinned proudly.


    Hailey smiled at his "lead the way pretty mama" comment. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world would he would randomly say things like that.

    She started to walk to the bathroom when she felt his arms slide around her, allowing them to walk together. Once they were both in the bathroom, Hailey started the shower.

    "Alright cowboy." She smirked as she bit the bottom of her lip. "Lets see how quiet we can be at the this." She giggled, moving a little closer to him. She kissed him once on the lips before she began to strip of her night clothes.
    October 10th, 2014 at 06:05am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton let a large grin spread across his face when she reference one of the lyrics to one of his songs. It was moments like those that made him think about how cute she was and that he couldn't be without her. He knew that life wouldn't the same.

    He just smiled, holding her a little closer to him, before kissing her softly on the lips. "Brandy, honey, you're perfect." He said before kissing her lips once more.

    "And I thank God for you every day." He grinned proudly.


    Hailey smiled at his "lead the way pretty mama" comment. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world would he would randomly say things like that.

    She started to walk to the bathroom when she felt his arms slide around her, allowing them to walk together. Once they were both in the bathroom, Hailey started the shower.

    "Alright cowboy." She smirked as she bit the bottom of her lip. "Lets see how quiet we can be at the this." She giggled, moving a little closer to him. She kissed him once on the lips before she began to strip of her night clothes.
    October 10th, 2014 at 06:05am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.George simply watched his young wife in awe as she disrobed. He catches her smiling at him as he watches. He finally snaps out of it and smiles back.**

    George: Wow baby you are so beautiful. I love the pregnancy glow you have about you right now, everything is so perfect.

    **.George could not take his eyes off Hailey. He moves close not breaking his eye contact with her. He pulls her as tight as he could, without hurting her or the baby.**

    George: Hailey, I love you so damn much... I am so glad you married this old man.

    **.He smiled as he kiss her soft lips.**


    **.Brandy smiled at Easton, as she took his hand in hers. She let her finger interlock with his. She looked at him and smiles once more.**

    Brandy: No babe, we are prefect. Have you ever noticed we are the pieces the make each other's puzzle complete. (She giggle, because it sounded cheesy.) Cheesy I know, but babe it is true. I love you Easton Corbin.

    **.She tighten her grip as they stop walking, she pulls him close and kisses him. Suddenly they hear a loud "woo". They look up to see, Luke Bryan and his wife.**

    Luke: Hey Easton, hey Brandy, crazy seeing you guys here. By the way belated congratulations on the baby. (Caroline elbows him twice, hinting for him to use a plural form.) Oh yea, the babies. Got yourself a growing little family.

    **.Easton smiles as Luke pats him on the back.**

    Brandy: Thanks Luke how are you both? How are the boys?

    Luke: I am good, the boys are well you know the saying boys will be boys.

    **.Brandy looks to Luke's wife hoping that she will join in the conversation.**
    October 10th, 2014 at 07:30am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey blushed a little as she listened to her older husband go on about her having that pregnancy glow and all. She looked into his eyes, not letting her as break contact as well.

    When he pulled her to him, she just smiled even brighter. "And I love you too." She whispered as she kissed him.

    She then pulled back, before watching him strip off his clothes. She then stepped into the shower, feeling him step in right away her. She bit her bottom lip as she started to wrap her arms around his neck.

    "Are you excited about tonight?' She asked.


    Easton smiled and nodded at Luke when he congratulated them on the babies. "Thank you man."

    He placed a hand on the small of Brandy's back as he stood there talking with Luke. "So, have you ever wanted a little girl?" He chuckled, asking Luke that after Luke told them the saying boys will be boys.

    Caroline looked at Brandy and smiled. "How are you feeling?' She asked.
    October 11th, 2014 at 01:25am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    George: I sure am. It ain't every day that I get to be on stage with a lady as pretty as you.

    **. He smiles as he lets his hands wander her body slowly. He hugs her tight, but not too tight. He places kiss on her forehead before turning on the water. **

    George: Ahhh that is refreshing.

    **. He sighs as the hot water hits his skin. **


    Brandy: I am well, thanks for asking Caroline. How about yourself?

    **. The two ladies look over as they chuckle. Luke looks over at Caroline. He smiles.**

    Luke: You know I don't know if Caroline and I ever thought about it, but I guess it could be fun with a little girl running around. What do you think Caroline?

    **. She smiles and rolls her eyes.**

    Brandy: Luke, sounds like you better quit while your ahead. (Brandy laughs, as she feels the babies moving.). Oh, the little ones are getting restless or hungry one.

    **. She places her hand on her stomach. As Easton pulls her closer to make sure she is ok.**
    October 12th, 2014 at 09:23am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Later that night...

    Hailey stood backstage, getting herself fully prepared for the concert that was about to happen in the next 30 minutes. She wasn't going to lie, she was kind of nervous, however, she knew she had to just relax and know that everything was going to be okay.

    She had performed here and there when they were doing the taping for the show, but she just seemed a little more nervous this time. She figured it was because she was heavily pregnant, except she didn't think to heavy on it, not wanting to worry herself.

    She checked the time on her phone then walked to the dressing room that she and George were sharing. She told him like ten minutes ago she needed to go walk, but figured now was the time to go back to him. She walked in the room, a hand on her stomach as she hummed to herself.


    Easton and Brandy had a wonderful dinner together - just the two of them. Now, he was sitting in the Family Room with her, curled up with her, watching a movie. He told her when they got back home that all he wanted to do was cuddle with her and spend time together, maybe even watch a movie.

    As he laid on the couch with her, he couldn't keep his hand off her belly. He still couldn't believe that there was two little ones growing inside his wife. Every time he thought about it, the more he continued to beam. This was truly one of the greatest moments in his life.

    "Brandy, I love you." He said, breaking the silence in the room. He then kissed her cheek, before pulling her into a hug.
    October 16th, 2014 at 06:53am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    George: hey babe, you sure you're ok? You look a little pale.

    **.He knew she hadn't noticed. He watched as she walked over to the mirror and looks at herself. He could tell she noticed, but shrugged it off.**

    George: Babe if you think you're ok, you know I'll take your word for it. But please if at anytime, you don't feel right tell me ok babe. You know out son could come anytime and I know you don't wanna hear it, it could happen tonight.

    **.She nods and smiles as he kisses her. He puts his arm around her waist.**

    George: I guess we better get going. Ready?


    Brandy: I love you too Easton.

    **.She smiles as she curls up against him as he pulls her tighter, paying special attention to her belly.**

    Brandy: You know I haven't paid much attention til now.... But this house is so quiet with the others here. But it's kinda nice don't you think?

    **.She smiles once again as she feels his breath against her neck. She places her hand one top of his, slowly interlocking her fingers with his. She was happy to finally have alone time with her husband and glad they were happy.**
    October 16th, 2014 at 07:07am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey nodded. "Yeah, we better get ready, because we're about to go." She said as she stood there in his arms. She wrapped his arm around her. "George, honey, Ill be okay." He said softly. "I promise." She said softly. She kissed him once and then pulled back.

    Then there was a knock on the door. "Mr. and Mrs. Strait, are you ready?' One of the crew members said. Hailey looked at the door. "Ready." She said with a smile. She then turned to George. "Show time, handsome." She winked.

    She then walked out of the room with him, and walked out on stage.


    Easton laughed a little. "Yes the house is so quiet." HE grinned. "And it's so nice." He agreed with her as he sat there.

    He kissed the side of her head and smiled. He moved his lips down onto her neck. He looked at her and just smiled. Life couldn't be any better.
    October 17th, 2014 at 12:32am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.George nods.**

    George: Yes ma'am I sure am.

    **.He pulls HAiley in for s quick kiss before they head out the door. They walk down the hall and onto the stage. The crowd goes crazy.**

    George: Ladies and gentlemen please allow me to introduce to you the most beautiful lady in the world. And she is my wife mrs. Hailey walker strait.

    **.He claps his hands as she steps up to s mic. He watches as she smiles and waves. He still notices that she is still a little pale. But he doesn't say anything thing. He knows if she says she is ok she has to be ok.**


    **.Brandy lays in Easton's arms. She smiles as hegently nibbles her neck.**

    Brandy: Mmm babe that feels so good. (She jumps as her cell rings) shoot that scared the hell out of me.

    **.she looks at the display, it is her mom. She answers putting her on speaker.**

    Brandy: hey mom what's up?

    Rhonda: nothing dear. I just wanted to call and check up on my baby girl. And she how the twin are doing in that little belly.

    Brandy: ha mom it's not little. My belly looks like a huge mountain sticking out of my body.

    Rhonda: you hush! I am sure Easton is not complaining, or he had better not be.

    Brandy: no no mom. He and I have worked things out and we are getting alone great.

    Rhonda: good. He better be taking good care of you. I got to run your brother has a game, his first college game. Love you and see you soon.

    Brandy: love you too mom give josh a kiss for me and Easton and tell randy good luck and give em hell.

    **.She hangs up the phone and snuggles back up with Easton.**
    October 17th, 2014 at 06:22am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey smiled and waved as she stood up to the mic. "Good Evening." She said with a smile. "It's so great being here!' She said. She then looked at George and nodded.

    The band started playing along with George strumming his guitar. This was such a wonderful moment for her with him. Yes they had performed on the show, but this was completely different.

    She took the wireless mic off the stand, then walked a little closer to him. She smirked when he started singing the song "I Cross My Heart."


    Easton just held her as he laid there with her. He began kissing her neck when he heard Brandy's phone go off. He pulled away and looked at her.

    As she spoke with her mom, Easton put a hand on her stomach and gently rubbed it. He was truly excited about these babies.

    When Brandy hung up the phone, he looked up at her. "I love you sweetheart." He grinned, then kissed her lips before moving down to her neck once more.
    October 19th, 2014 at 04:49am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    Later on....

    **.Brandy looked at the clock and noticed it was 12 am. She looked over at Easton, he is out cold. She smiles as she gets up. She grabs a throw blanket of the back of the other near by couch and puts it over him. She knew she couldn't get comfortable on the small couch, she decides to head upstairs. She knew that if he woke up he would come on up. She gently kissed his lips not to wake him and quietly head upstairs to bed.**


    **.After the show George is admitting his beautiful wife, whom is seated near by. She looks to be in some pain. George walks over, decides not to mention it.**

    George: Babe you did great out there. Not to mention very beautiful. So how is my queen feeling?

    **.George knew Hailey could go any time now. He knew that maybe why she looks to be in pain. And looked like the pain was worsening which each passing moment. He finally decides to ask.**

    George: Babe are you ok?
    October 22nd, 2014 at 03:42am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Easton slept a little longer, then woke up. He looked at the clock on the wall, seeing what time it was. It was 2:45 AM. He looked around, not finding Brandy wasn't around. He figured she went to their bedroom, which he didn't blame her.

    He quickly got up then walked up to their room. He quietly walked in, then moved to the bed.


    Hailey was sitting in a chair, hand on belly. The show was perfect and definitely worth doing, regardless of how far along she was. She was feeling some pain, but didn't feel like she was going into labor. She knew that she probably overdid it a little tonight.

    "Yeah." She said to her husband when he asked if she was okay. She rubbed the side of her belly as she sat there.
    October 22nd, 2014 at 04:08am
  • brandy11

    brandy11 (100)

    United States
    **.Easton's movement woke Brandy from her light sleep. She reached over and flipped on the table lamp. She looks at him and smiles.**

    Brandy: I was wondering when you was going to come up. I have not been able to get comfortable because you wasn't up here.

    **.She smiles once again as he pulls back the blankets and moves closer to her. She flips the lamp back off as she cuddles up with him. She feels him arms around her and they being kissing.**


    **.George smiles. He walks over and rubs her back gently. He moves her hair to one side and kisses the back of her neck.**

    George: Ok dear. I think you are right, we both over did it a little. I don't know about my queen, but the King is ready to turn in for the night.

    **.George smiles as she looks at him out of the corner of her eye and smiles. He knew she was agreeing with him. **

    George: Well lets head up the room.
    October 22nd, 2014 at 04:27am