Love Beyond This Life

  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Haruta felt her cheeks light up, they were so warm Haruta was reminded of the times she had seen her cousin Hinata's redden whenever they were around that boy Naruto. "I... I'll never forget that," she managed to choke out through her embarrassment at her red cheeks. She silently prayed he wouldn't notice or look over at her reaction, "I'm honored." she finally whispered, even though the blush was still apparent on her face and she was still so flustered by his sudden honesty. Without thinking about it, she moved so that was they walked she was a little closer to him. "I feel... the same way, there's no one I trust more than you. Not just with words, but with my life even. I don't know what I'd do without you, Iruka. You've become a part of me I can't lose." She turned her face away in shock at her openness, and lightly laughed to try and cover up just how serious she felt towards him, "Even if you are a complete knucklehead."
    "Of course," mimicked Neji to Aki's surprised tone. "Well, what about you three? What's the real reason you want to spy on my sister, your sensei. You can't only be interested in what she does with her spare time." Neji was curious to see if her students had picked up on the seriousness of the feelings and bond between their sensei and their former teacher. It wasn't a bond that could be taught, so Neji wondered if that was why the three of them had chosen to follow Haruta. To see what it was like to have a so strong a bond between squad-mates. Had Neji seen it at their age he probably would have been curious, so he couldn't blame them for that.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 05:58am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Iruka had taken note of Haruta's brightened cheeks, but he tried to tell himself that it was because it was a little chilly out - even if it wasn't, - because he didn't want to risk getting his hopes up and he didn't want to embarrass himself. Smiling, he shook his head slightly. "I know what you mean," he agreed quietly, "I can't imagine losing you." Because, she wasn't just his best friend, the person he trusted more than anything. He cared for her in ways deeper than he could possibly explain and it nearly drove him crazy because it was so difficult for him to understand. "Even though I'm not a knucklehead," he added with a grin.
    "The real reason?" Aki asked with a slightly mischievous grin. "It's because they were flirting on the training ground. We're curious to see if they'll manage to catch on to each other's flirtatious manners or not." There was no point in hiding it, after all. Even Katsu had caught onto the way that the two had flirted with each other in their subtle manners and that was saying something. And, the fact that Aki had picked up on it as well, when she was usually a little oblivious to things like that, was a great feat. "Plus, they're obviously so close. It's a bond to be envious of, honestly."
    November 3rd, 2014 at 06:11am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Haruta laughed and bumped her hip to his playfully with her own, "Once a knucklehead, always a knucklehead." She smiled freely and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Something about Iruka made her feel young and beautiful again, like she did when they were first put in a squad together. He made her feel wonderful on more than one level and it was a feeling she felt herself becoming addicted to.
    Neji was surprised by the way Aki spoke, it was like she was much older than she actually was.

    (Sorry this is so bad)
    November 4th, 2014 at 02:29am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (No worries! :) )

    Iruka laughed lightly in response to her words and shook his head. "I disagree," he decided with a grin, "People grow up, after all, and they change." He hadn't changed much, of course, but since their old squad mates' deaths, he knew that everything was different in their own way. They didn't have their old sensei and they didn't have their old best friend anymore. It kind of forced them to grow up, in its own way.
    Aki smiled slightly at noticing that Neji had fallen silent and she turned her attention back ahead. She was pretty certain she likely surprised him; it was an often occurrence, after all, because most people expected her to be childish - and, she was, at times, but she knew when to be serious and she was pretty observant, too.
    November 4th, 2014 at 02:44am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Haruta's smile stayed on her lips as her eyes danced in the last traces of sunlight as the evening began to creep in on the Leaf Village. "People change, but they also stay the same," she dared to look up at his face and keep her eyes there on his own if he decided to look at her too. "You're the same knuckle-headed boy I met all those years ago, but you're also the changed man that stood by my side when I needed you the most. You're an idiot and a hero in my eyes, Iruka." A playful yet sincere tone changed her voice and the glimmer in her eyes turned honest as she confessed to him just a hint at how she truly felt about him. There were some moments where it was like the two of them were back to being thirteen, back to being in the same squad, there were some moments where she felt like the two of them were apart of something greater than just themselves, but then there were some moments where she felt like they were the only two people in the world, and he was all that mattered. It was all there.
    Neji faltered in his step as he sensed a change in Haruta as he watched using his Byakugan as she boldly and lovingly gazed at Iruka-sensei's face. "Something is about to change," he whispered softly to the students beside him. "She's saying something important to him... I can't make out her lips but I know it's important because her posture has changed." He picked up the pace a little bit, but not too much so they'd be noticed by the other villagers or by Haruta and Iruka themselves.
    November 4th, 2014 at 04:38am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (This reply sucks so bad, I'm sorry. D:)

    Iruka smiled slightly in response to her words, admittedly a bit surprised to hear them. It made him happy, though, to know that she thought so highly of him. "I'm glad," he admitted quietly before turning his attention ahead of them, a sigh soon escaping him. "I hated seeing you so hurt back then, but at least we had each other."
    Aki blinked at the news and tried to catch sight of Haruta and Iruka, though it was difficult from this distance. "Do you think she's confessing?" she asked quietly, though the curiosity was relevant in her tone as she looked up at the slightly older boy.
    November 4th, 2014 at 04:44am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (it's all good!(: )

    Haruta smiled and mirrored him when she turned her gaze forward again. "At least we had each other," she echoed softly. It pained Haruta to think of the trouble she must have caused Iruka when they lost their sensei and teammate. "I'm sorry for worrying you back then, or causing you any trouble. I... I was a mess when we lost them..."
    Neji shook his head, "No. There's no way that'd happening, especially after all these years holding it inside like some secret. No, she's saying something else, something just as important though. Both of their demeanor have changed a little." He wished his Byakugan would also enhance his hearing but sadly there was nothing he could do about that part of this 'mission' until it was safe for them to move closer. "Whatever they're talking about is long overdue, I'm sure."
    November 4th, 2014 at 05:27am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Iruka blinked several times and returned his attention to her, a slight frown crossing his features. "You didn't cause any problems for me, Haruta," he assured her gently, lifting a hand to rest it on her shoulder for just a moment before he let his hand fall back to his side. The brief contact had caused his hand to tingle, but he tried to ignore it, not wanting to let on to anything. "We were both a mess. We helped each other. That's how we've always been."
    Aki nodded slowly as she listened to him before she let out a quiet sigh. She thought of turning invisible and catching up with the two to listen, but she was certain that wouldn't end well - especially if Katsu was right about her stealth needing improvement. "I wish I could see it," she muttered honestly.
    November 4th, 2014 at 05:33am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Haruta felt any tension in the muscles of her shoulder where his hand touched melted the moment he made contact but she kept her eyes forward. Haruta smiled a little at how wonderfully warm her shoulder felt but then caught herself when he just as quickly pull it away and the cold came rushing back. Haruta listened then to his words and felt nostalgic as she thought of the many time over the years where the two of them had depended on the other. "A week after the funeral, I wouldn't leave you alone, do you remember? I stayed over at your house with you from the moment they were killed until a week after the ceremony... When my brother forced me to come home because he thought I was annoying you." Haruta moved closer to him deliberately letting the backs of their hands brush as they walked together. She let a sad yet peaceful smile grace her lips as she lifted her eyes slowly to meet his, "If Neji hadn't forced me home... I would have stayed there until you told me to leave."
    Neji smiled at the students, the two boys were hiding their curiosity better than Aki was but her questions kept him invested in paying attention. "She just moved closer, they're brushing hands now."

    "Brushing hands?" A voice peeped up, but Neji didn't turn or take notice of who it came from. "What's that mean?"

    "Yes, brushing hands. Like this," Neji stepped closer and mimicked the actions of his sister with Aki, who was the closest to him. When the skin of his hand moved across hers he felt a spark of warmth that made him want to do ti again. "I still don't know what they're saying, but it's getting more and more serious."
    March 3rd, 2015 at 05:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Iruka was more than hyper-aware of the way her hand brushed his and the way it lit his being with an intense fire that he wished wouldn't burn out. That wasn't anything new, though; any sort of contact from her always seemed to set him aflame. He listened to her quietly, and maybe he was a little surprised to hear her words. Then again, he wasn't, not really. He knew Haruta well; he knew that she would have stuck around longer, if she could have, because that was the kind of person she was and he adored her for it. "I know," he told her quietly, offering a small smile and a subtle nod, "Us being around each other always seemed to make things easier." When she had left, that time, things had come crashing down so easily. But, knowing that he could always turn to Haruta easily made things okay, once he could concentrate hard enough on it. "That's why we were so close, I think. Or, it was part of the reason, at least." The other part was because he cared so much about her; he couldn't quite tell her that, though - not yet.
    There was almost a current of electricity that flew through Aki when she felt Neji's hand brush her own and she was more than a little surprised by how much she liked the feeling. But it was gone just as quickly as it had appeared and she couldn't help but to lift her hand to herself, holding it with her other in mild curiosity over what had just happened. She wasn't sure what had caused that slight rush, that strange feeling that she actually wanted back, and she glanced at Neji, but didn't say anything on the matter. Instead, she nodded and turned her attention to the other two. "I can't believe you needed an example, guys," she drawled quietly, "Brushing hands is pretty basic."

    Katsu offered her a stare that would have been blank, but she was pretty sure he noticed something off about her (Katsu was always better at reading people, for some reason that Aki didn't understand,) but he didn't say anything. Instead, he just gestured to Ryo, as if to imply that Ryo had been the one to ask, not him.
    March 3rd, 2015 at 06:26am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Haruta hummed her agreement with Iruka, "We still are close, you knucklehead. Just because we had to do a little growing up since then doesn't mean you're not still my best friend." She felt the heaviness of the serious conversation lift like a weight from her chest and she even playfully bumped her knuckles against his upper arm as they walked. "Well, I did some growing up, I don't know if I can say the same for you... You act like the same idiot from all those years ago. But that might be what I like most about you." She smiled with closed lips to let him know she was only half messing with him. "No matter what, you've always been the same Iruka."
    Ryo scoffed and make a face at his teammate, "Hey, it's not my fault I didn't know what it was!" Ryo may have acted tough and like a ladies man sometimes, but he was just as clueless as the next guy when it came to actual romance and subtle gestures of attraction. "Whatever," he grumbled as he crossed his arms in childish annoyance. "Forget I asked, what's happening now?"
    Neji chuckled at the banter between the members of his sister's squad, he could easily see why she loved being around them as much as she did. Being in charge of these guys, though incredibly dangerous and sometimes stressful beyond measure, was also fun because of their personalities. "Now it seems that Haruta has relaxed a little, though I can't be too sure."
    March 4th, 2015 at 04:18am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Iruka grinned and nodded his agreement, because she had a point. They still were close. They just didn't get to spend as much time together as they used to - which was why he was more than eager to enjoy spending time with her now. "Good. I'd hate to learn that I had been replaced," he joked lightly, nudging shoulders with her gently. His eyes lingered on her for a few moments, a small, soft and happy smile on his features, before he returned his attention ahead. "I don't think you've grown up as much as you like to think," he teased lightly, "You are still teasing me about my behavior, after all. I guess old habits never die, though, huh?" It was amazing, really, how they could go so long without spending time together or seeing each other, but when they did get to hang out, it was like that time apart never happened. "I think I'll stick to staying the same usual Iruka. But, you know, I'm still full of surprises."
    Aki tried to concentrate on listening to Neji's explanation over what was happening, but her mind was still trying to process what had happened earlier. Maybe she'd ask Katsu about it later, since he seemed to better understand human behavior than she did - or maybe she'd ask Haruta-sensei, because surely she'd know, right? Sighing, she turned her attention to Ryo and stuck her tongue out at him, almost childishly. "Concentrate," she hummed out before folding her hands behind her back and turning her attention ahead while waiting for further information over what was happening.

    "What do you mean that you can't be too sure?" Katsu asked suddenly, which surprised Aki, since the boy didn't normally speak around people he wasn't close to. But, Katsu was more than a little curious about it, so he couldn't really help but to ask.
    March 4th, 2015 at 04:30am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Haruta laughed, "Oh really? What surprises could you possibly have that I couldn't figure out if I tried?" She smiled as she saw the restaurant coming into view and felt her mouth begin to water at the thought of the wonderful food they'd soon eat. "You've always been easy to read, Iruka. Not to mention the fact that you're a terrible liar and pushover, I honestly don't know how your students haven't taken over your class yet," she teased. Haruta didn't know how he did it, taking care of that many kids all at once and teaching them the basics when most knew next to nothing would drive her crazy. Though, she'd been told she was crazy and brave for taking the position as such a young Jonin of being a sensei.
    Neji was surprised to hear the unfamiliar voice of the seemingly emotionless boy, but didn't show it too much on his face. "Well, I know my sister well enough to know that her emotions usually show clear but when she's with Iruka she becomes harder to read truly because she is on guard with her actions. For obvious reasons. She uses the same technique she does in battle against an enemy, as she does with Iruka. She hides her innermost feelings out of fear of pain and in order to better prepare her next move." He turned his eyes momentarily to the students, "It's a great technique on the battle field, but with love it's not good at all. Haruta has always struggled to separate the two after... Well after she and Iruka lost their team." Neji wasn't quite sure how much his sister told her students about her past so he didn't want to say anything she didn't want them to know.
    March 23rd, 2015 at 05:50am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Iruka quirked a brow, then, and thought about it for a long moment. Soon lifting his shoulders, he grinned down at her. "If I told you, they wouldn't be surprises, would they?" he said simply before noticing that she looked a little eager now that the restaurant was in sight. It was a little amusing, but, more importantly, it reminded him of the old days, when they were almost inseperable. Things hadn't been like that in a long time, though, he realized, and he tried not to be upset with the thought. Instead, he scoffed at her words and laughed. "I'm not easy to read. I can trick people when necessary," he declared with a strong, firm nod, his lips parting in a broad grin. "My students know better than to try to rebel against me. I'm not all that easy on any of them, after all. Just ask them." He doubted his students would vouch for him, of course, but he was mostly joking about the entire thing, anyways.
    Aki listened to the explanation quietly, her attention going to her sensei and Iruka. "Do you think Iruka-sensei notices that she has her guard up?" she asked after a few moments before she turned her attention to Neji, tilting her head in slight curiosity. "If she's been like that only since they lost the team, Iruka-sensei definitely would have noticed the sudden change in behavior, right? Do you think it bothers him that somebody he has feelings for is keeping him at a distance - because that's what having her guard up does, isn't it, distance them?" She wasn't sure if she was making much sense, but she shook off her concerns and turned her attention back to the pair of senseis, eyeing them for a long moment before she let out a quiet sigh. It was difficult to read the situation when she couldn't really see them from how far away they were, but she honestly hoped things were going well.
    March 23rd, 2015 at 06:06am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Haruta smiled and shook her head at him, "I'm sure if I asked them they'd have a different story to tell, my dear friend." As they came to the restaurant the smile in her eyes brightened. "I hope you're hungry, because I'm starved!" She laughed and strode confidently in, it felt like visiting family after a long time away. "It hasn't changed at all."
    Neji chuckled a little at all of the girl's questions, "I don't know. Iruka-sensei is a rare type of person who has lived a rare life. I can't speak for him, I can only speak about what I know of my sister and her habits."

    (Sorry this sucks)
    March 24th, 2015 at 02:41am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (It's fine, don't worry! :) )

    Iruka chuckled quietly, but he was sure that Haruta was right. His students probably wouldn't agree with him at all. Grinning at the mention of being hungry, he nodded. "I haven't eaten since this morning so I'm starving as well," he agreed before glancing around once they were inside. "I'm not surprised it hasn't changed." He could almost imagine their entire group sitting over in the table by the corner, joking and laughing. This place held so many memories.
    Aki listened quietly, but offered little of a response aside from a short, quick nod. She felt bad for the two senseis, since Haruta-sensei distanced herself and Iruka-sensei was probably too worried about their friendship to admit his feelings. "It's a little heartbreaking," she murmured, though she was mostly talking to herself.
    March 24th, 2015 at 02:53am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    The owner of the restaurant instantly felt a change in the atmosphere and when the old man turned to see the grown faces of Iruka and Haruta a mightily jolly chuckle erupted from the man's belly. "My favorite costumers have finally returned! Hey, honey! You'll never guess who's here," he called to the back. The man came forward and opened his arms in joy at the two, "I never imagined I'd see the two of you back here, but it's great to see you."
    Haruta's heart vibrated with warmth at the greeting the two of them received from the old man. They hadn't been in the restaurant in years and to have such a welcome made her question why they hadn't done this sooner. Even in a closeknit village like the Leaf, villagers and ninja could go months without seeing each other depending on their schedules. "It's good to see you too, old man."
    Neji couldn't help but to agree but he didn't say anything about it. "They've just entered the restaurant. If they sit in the booth where they used to, there's a window with trees not to far off where we can hide and listen in." Neji took a quick left around a corner and began to work his way back to the spot. "We'll have to be extremely quiet, the restaurant isn't too busy and they could easily overhear us if we're not careful."
    March 24th, 2015 at 05:15am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Iruka wouldn't say that he was caught off guard by the greeting - but he was surprised to see that the man was just as cheerful as ever. With a smile, he nodded his agreement to Haruta's words. "Sorry. We apologize for not coming sooner," he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously before he offered a broad grin. But, then, the old woman came out, too, and greeted them, he smiled. "I'm surprised you remember our favorites," he admitted, but then she asked something he definitely hadn't expected and his face was quick to redden.
    The man's wife was caught off guard when she heard her husband's words from the back. Curious, she made her way to the front, but smiled when she spotted the two. "Oh, it's such a surprise! Look how big you two have gotten!" she gushed as she made her way over, grinning broadly as she took in the sight of the two of them. "It's been far too long - but I do remember your favorites!" She laughed, then and watched the two for a few moments, eyes curious. "Forgive me for asking, but I really must know: Are you two together yet?"
    Aki blinked at the suggestion and turned her attention to Neji for a moment, but he was already leading the way to the spot she mentioned. Looking towards the building one more time, she waited a moment before following after Neji and the others.
    March 24th, 2015 at 05:36am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    The old man chuckled again at his wife and then at the reaction she received from the two ninja. "Stop bothering them with your questions dear," he said to her before turning to Iruka and Haruta once more. "Oh, don't pay any attention to her. Here, follow me and we'll get you seated at your table." The old man clasped a hand on each of their shoulders and steered them to the booth they sat in every time they had ever visited. "I always keep it empty in case you two show up." After the two of them made themselves comfortable the old man smiled brightly and waddled his way back to the kitchen called back to them that he and his wife would start making their favorite dishes right away.
    Haruta's face lit up like it was a dry forest set on fire. "A-ah, he's doesn't.. I'm not.... We... Um..." She felt herself babbling like an idiot but thankfully before she suffered from stuttering for too long the old man interrupted her with a playful scold to his long-time wife. Haruta clamped her lips shut, though the redness on her face still vividly paraded as they were lead to the booth. As she looked at the empty table ghosts of the memories shared by both her and Iruka of their fallen team flickered before her eyes. Tenderly she reached forward and touched the side their sensei and teammate always took, always leaving Iruka and Haruta to sit together. "It's almost like they're still here," she said softly as she slid into her spot, closest to the window and across from where the ghost of their teammate sat.
    As the four of them made their way to the place Neji still kept an eye on his sister and Iruka, when he noticed the sudden change in their behavior and the chuckling figures of the owners of the restaurant, he put two and two together and laughed himself. "She must have just made a reference to their hidden feelings," he whispered as he got to the tree line a few feet away from the visual field of the window. "This is going to be interesting. Follow me and keep quiet, we'll be able to hear them now." Just as he spoke he heard the words of his sister.
    March 24th, 2015 at 11:19pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Iruka tried not to be too embarrassed by the woman's words, but quickly sat in the seat he used to sit in. His eyes slid over to where their teammates and sensei used to sit, nodding his agreement to Haruta's words. "It is," he agreed quietly, letting out a sigh. "It's a nice feeling, if not bittersweet." At least there was still a few memories of the group that lingered. The woman blinked as she looked to her husband, tilting her head. "Oh, why must you tell them not to pay attention to me? You and I have spoken about this for years, after all," she claimed, "They're just like we were, back when we were younger."
    April 20th, 2015 at 04:31am