Live Fast, Die Beautiful

  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily giggled softly. She quietly laid her head down and focused on the teacher. When she heard Carly she smiled softly her piercings glinting causing the light to reflect off of them and onto the board.

    Scott heard all of these types of sounds. He winced again and had to leave they were all getting so loud. He ran out gasping for breath as he did so.

    @ Matthew Sanders;
    August 5th, 2014 at 03:40am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily giggled softly. She quietly laid her head down and focused on the teacher. When she heard Carly she smiled softly her piercings glinting causing the light to reflect off of them and onto the board.

    Scott heard all of these types of sounds. He winced again and had to leave they were all getting so loud. He ran out gasping for breath as he did so.

    @ Matthew Sanders;
    August 5th, 2014 at 03:40am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Stiles got up and ran out after Scott right as the bell went off. Stiles ran down the hall and to the bathrooms where he had saw Scott run in. He looked around, "Dude you ok?" He called out not seeing Scott.

    Carly smiled over at Emily as she scooted down into her desk narrowing her eyes. She lent back messing around on her phone again, "That man is going to get what is coming to him." She whispered to Emily.

    @ Raven Skye;
    August 5th, 2014 at 04:30am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily giggled and said, "Okay." She smiled as she ran a hand through her hair gently. She coughed lightly and winced at her arms and sighed softly.

    Stiles had his head under the sink to cool off. He breathed softly as he did so. He tapped the glass when he heard Stiles signaling he was over in the corner. He felt angry all of a sudden. What was going on?? They had Lacrosse next.

    @ Matthew Sanders;
    August 6th, 2014 at 06:31pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ Raven Skye;

    {I had no idea that you had posted back honey, I am so sorry!}

    Carly watched Emily as she noticed something off but kept it to herself. She lent back into the seat hoping this day would fly by. This year was doing starting out rocky.

    Stiles looked at Scott unsure of what was going on with him, "Man I have no idea what is going on. But I say we skip lacrosse head back to your place and figure this out." Stiles announced.
    August 12th, 2014 at 02:17am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Oh that's fine! I'll do that sometimes too beautiful! Don't worry about it (: )

    Emily kept it to herself not wanting to worry Carly. She pulled at her bandage a little trying to peek at it. She found she couldn't unless she took the whole bandaid off and she didn't really want to do that.

    Scott sighed and said, "Dude, I can't miss Lacrosse period. I'm not being on the bench again this year." He informed his best friend and sighed feeling the water on him.

    @ Matthew Sanders;
    August 12th, 2014 at 02:23am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Stiles sighed looking at Scott as he lent into the wall, "Fine. Then tonight you're staying over. We're going to figure this out one way or another, man." He told his bestfriend worried about him.

    Carly watched Emily and frowned a little. She had no idea what was wrong with her best friend. But she was truly worry about her. She heard the bell ring as she got up walking out of the room with Emily, "Em are you sure you're ok?" She asked her.
    August 12th, 2014 at 02:41am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily was itching to just get up and not be around other people. Her eyes seemed to get brighter colored and she seemed to look better. She heard her friend as she stood and nodded to her. "Yes." She murmured softly and then waved since they didn't have the same class. "I'll see you at lunch." She promised her as she headed to her new class.

    Scott nodded and said, "Alright alright." He bit his thumb and sighed removing his head from under the water and was calmed down. He stood up and said, "I'm good now. I'm good." He said running a hand through his hair and then they headed off to Lacrosse.

    @ Matthew Sanders;
    August 12th, 2014 at 02:47am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Stiles followed beside of Scott as he smiled at him, "So you think your crush will be on Lacrosse this year?" Stiles grinned teasing Scott again.

    Carly watched her leave as she sighed. She had changed her mind about Lacrosse. She took and headed to the locker room to change and gear up for it.
    August 12th, 2014 at 04:21am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily headed to her class and frowned as she went. She sat down and peeked at her arm and saw the wound was healed. Her eyes widened and she wondered what the hell was going on.

    Scott rolled his eyes at Stiles and muttered, "Maybe." He sighed running a hand through his hair as he changed into his gear. He went out to the field and looked around waiting for Stiles to come on out.

    @ Matthew Sanders;
    August 12th, 2014 at 04:26am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Stiles came out onto the filed as he looked around a little. He smirked seeing Scott as the coach and the rest of the team made their way out onto the field. "So..." Stiles smirked at the coach.

    Carly took and stood at the end of the line and looked at Stiles smirking at the coach. She grinned knowing that Stiles was going to make that man's life pure hell again.

    @ Raven Skye;
    August 12th, 2014 at 04:54pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily looked around her head suddenly starting to pound. She gasped softly. She shook her head, and knew she couldn't stay in the classroom. She got up and stumbled out of the school and to the woods again. She sat down a safe distance from where she was earlier. She sat down and tried to calm herself down feeling her breathing get faster from her getting anxious.

    Scott chuckled and said, "Good god Stiles." He laughed though. He heard that he was defending. He blinked and stood up and then went to the middle of the field getting his pads on and such. He waited for someone to come out at him. He had no clue what was about to happen.

    @ Matthew Sanders;
    August 17th, 2014 at 08:55pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Stiles smirked going to the bench for the "attitude" he had towards the coach. He shook his head plopping down as he looked around seeing most of the usual people that was on the team. He sighed a little, his mind roaming towards Emily. He was hoping she was fine due to her arm.
    Carly took and smiled at the coach as she went to her position she was always on. She got in position as she smiled knowing this year was her year for everything. Or so she was hoping so.

    @ Raven Skye;
    August 18th, 2014 at 02:29pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;
    (So Sorry!)

    Emily didn't know what was going on. She looked at her arm seeing it had healed still, and marveled at this. What the hell? She started to have a mental breakdown not knowing what was going on with her. She hoped she figured out soon. Little did she know that tomorrow would be the full moon. She calmed down and soon headed to lunch, wanting to go to the library , but also wanted to see Carly.

    Scott blinked when he actually caught the ball. He soon caught the others too. Now it was time to make sure someone didn't get it in the goal. That person was Jackson. He growled his eyes starting to glow as he got mad at the coach adn Jackson and eventually got Jackson on the ground and hurt his arm, but now he couldn't calm down. He fell to the ground and clutched at his helmet.
    October 15th, 2014 at 03:40am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ Raven Skye;
    (That's ok!)

    Stiles looked at Scott down on the ground clutching to his head. He ran over to his friend and got him up. He took him inside to the locker room ignoring the coach. He took and sat him down taking his helmet off. He grinned a little looking at him, "Dude we're going to have to find a way to keep you calm." Stiles said to Scott.

    Carly slipped into the boys locker room with all the guys out on the field. She walked around the corner looking at them. "Scott. Are you ok?" She asked seeing Stiles eyes widen. She narrowed them at Stiles and gave a slight smile to Scott.
    October 15th, 2014 at 03:58am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Okay! ::hugs: )

    Scott felt him get him up and rush to the locker room. He gasped and got the helmet off his hair sticking to his face. His eyes were still yellow. He shielded his eyes from view. He nodded to Carly and said, "Yes." His voice was strained. He was still having issues calming down.

    Emily was suddenly slammed into a locker. She gasped and winced and looked at the culprit. She saw it was the girl from earlier, the one that now had a shiner from Carly. She felt her slam her head against the locker and gasped in pain a cry coming out.

    @ Jackson Teller;
    October 15th, 2014 at 04:04am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ Raven Skye;

    Carly nodded her head, "Ok." She said patting his shoulder lightly before leaving the room. She got out of her gear and headed down to her locker before going to meet up with Emily.

    Stiles sighed sitting beside of Scott, "You ok now?" Stiles asked Scott wondering if he was ok or not.
    October 15th, 2014 at 04:11am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Scott nodded to Carly. He sighed having held the breath he had in his mouth. He shook his head and said, "Sort of. I'm still trying to calm down." He admitted to his best friend and looked up at him his eyes still a bright gold.

    Emily felt her cover her mouth and felt tears fall down her face and the girl grinned at her and smashed her head again and again into the locker. Emily cried out and felt herself beginning to get angry.

    @ Jackson Teller;
    October 15th, 2014 at 04:15am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Stiles watched Carly leave and chewed on his lips, "Could Carly have calmed you down a little?" Stiles asked him and wondered.

    Carly walked out of the locker room changed into her clothes. Carly wandered down the hallway and saw Karen hitting on Emily. Carly narrowed her eyes going at her. She was going to kill this stupid cunt.
    October 15th, 2014 at 04:39pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Scott shrugged and said, "I don't know." His eyes slowly began to go back to their normal dark brown and he sighed in relief and felt tired all of a sudden.

    Emily looked at Karen and her eyes suddenly went gold and she kicked her in the stomach and sent her flying. She gasped her eyes turning back emerald at that moment. She covered her mouth tears starting to well in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

    @ Jackson Teller;
    October 16th, 2014 at 03:31am