This is a contest waiting for revival. For more information on Mibba’s Contest Revival and judging, please go here
Welcome to the Death by… Contest, where your goal is to kill one of your characters in the most unusual way! I hosted this contest about 2 years ago and received some of the most interesting and original stories I've ever read on Mibba.
Take 2!
Below is a list of objects I’ve selected at random. Your task is to pick a number and use the corresponding object to kill your character.
1. The object does not have to kill your character directly, but it must play a role in the death.
2. Your story can be a drabble, one-shot, introduction/forward/preface, chapter story—anything you want.
3. I am flexible on length—as long or short as you like!
4. Correct grammar, please (that means no AIM slang or txt tlk unless it is fitting to the story).
5. Give a title…most creative is awarded.
6. Use a layout that contributes to your story. I'm a huge fan of self-made layouts, but pre-made will not penalize you.
7. Any rating is allowed.
8. Be creative!
Please add a link to this thread in your summary or authors note.
-a comment on any 2 stories of your choice
-entry link on my profile for 2 weeks
-a review in the pimping/rec thread
-custom-made story layout
-custom made profile layout
*all entries will receive a comment
1st place picks 5
2nd place picks 4
3rd place picks 3
Best Title picks 2
***You may double up on prizes (i.e., instead of asking for a comment on any 2 stories, 1st place can ask that their link be kept on my profile for 4 weeks.)
If you have any questions please ask! I don’t want to say a lot, because I don’t want to stifle creative, original ideas, but don’t be afraid to PM or comment here.
Deadline: December 2014
1. Magnifying Glass
2. Standard Razor
3. Tea Pot
4. Street Sign
5. Silverware
6. Lipstick
7. Mask
8. Film Reel
9. French Wine | Lady V. | Bad Wine
10. Video Game Controller
11. Fridge Magnet
12. Bed Sheets
13. Antique Chair/Couch/Table/Lamp/Candlestick
14. Facebook (or MySpace, Twitter, Tumblr, etc)
15. Peach/Apple
16. Toilet
17. A Foreigner
18. Pigeons
19. 6-Pack of Beer
20. Board Game
21. Soap
22. Fast Food
23. A Body Piercing
24. Bubble Gum
25. Whipped Cream
26. Rubber Gloves
27. Fireworks
28. Diamonds
29. Bubbles
30. A Merry-Go-Round
31. Box
32. Necklace
***If you have another random object you want to use, let me know, and I'll add it.***
August 1st, 2014 at 05:19pm