
  • A S K I N G .

    A S K I N G . (100)

    United States
    posted! :D
    December 11th, 2014 at 01:58am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    December 11th, 2014 at 03:10am
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    here's my chapter:


    I buttoned up my jeans, looking at Shaan still lying in bed. I couldn’t believe I actually got up before him for once. We usually crashed at one another’s houses and this night was no different. We were at Shaan’s house.

    I tapped his foot and the boy shot up in bed. He glanced at the clock and cursed, jumping up and running towards the shower before I caught him around the waist, swinging him in a circle while talking to him.

    “I’ll get you breakfast what do you want?” I asked.

    “Just poptarts!” he yelled and continued into the shower.

    I smirked and shook my head, watching him go.

    I wish I had someone I could romantically be with, I mean Shaan’s a great friend but I want someone else, someone to be with in another way.

    Walking down the stairs I shook the thought from my mind and went to the pantry, pulling out a box of poptarts, feeling the moment I picked it up that it was empty.

    “Son of a bitch!” I swore and threw the flimsy cardboard box to the ground, anger bubbling up inside me from what felt like nowhere. I kicked the thing and balled my fists up at my side. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to quell the anger.

    Nothing seemed to help, I was just happy Shaan’s parents had left for work already and were not here to listen to my outburst.

    Shaan came down then, frowning at me, standing stock still from where I haven’t moved.

    “You alright?” he asked quietly, picking up the box from the floor and grabbing himself a tastycake out of the box next to it for his breakfast.

    “I’m just so angry,” I whispered.

    Shaan bit his lip, still a foot or two away from me, standing there. He sighed and stepped closer to me, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me sweetly.

    It snapped something awake inside of me and I kissed him back, my arms slipping around his waist to comfort myself and hold me to reality. “I don’t know why I reacted like that,” I whispered into his neck and he squeezed me back just as tightly as I squeezed him.

    “It’ll all be okay Acrimony,” He said, though I’m sure he could tell that something was off with me. “I promise, besides, I have something awesome for your present that I know you’ve wanted for a while,” he winked at me and I smirked, standing up and detaching myself from him. “You didn’t think I forgot it was your birthday today did you?” He smiled and pecked my lips again. “We can talk about what just happened later, but we should get to school.”

    I nodded, pressing my lips to his forehead once more before grabbing my keys and heading to the car, Shaan following right after me.

    We got in and rode mostly in silence save for the music playing. Shaan was usually a little music whore, always wanting to be in control of what was playing and changing the song before it was even over most of the time but he let me pick today.

    “Thanks for letting me control my radio,” I smirked at him.

    Shaan merely rolled his eyes at me, “It was the least I could do.”

    I parked the car and was about to get out when Shaan put his hand on my thigh, giving me pause. “What?” I asked.

    “Don’t…just don’t think about earlier. I’m not sure what was wrong, but we can talk about it later, I promise I’m not ignoring it.” I nodded and we both got out, him going to see his cheerleaders and me heading towards my locker to grab my books for class since we barely had five minutes to spare.

    I realized Shaan must think I was angry about something, that I said I didn’t know why I as acting like that because it was something I didn’t want to tell him when honestly, I just didn’t know what to say.

    My hand instinctively went for my phone in my back pocket to send him a text about it but I realized it wasn’t there. “Damn,” I swore as I made my way back to the parking lot, realizing by now that I’d be at least a little late to class.

    Just before crossing the second to last lane of cars, I saw Porter, a kid in the same year as me walking towards me in the street. I had this gut instinct that something was going wrong and so I looked left and saw a car speeding towards us, a car that didn’t even see Porter now bending over and picking something up out of the street.


    It was like time slowed down, I could see the car coming but the speed was greatly reduced. Porter was still bent over and I could now see it was a small black kitten he was picking up.

    I ran forward, picked up the boy and kitten and kept going, time speeding up behind me as I dropped the boy and his kitten on the hood of my car, the car zipping past behind us and screeching to a stop.

    There was no way Porter would have made it if I hadn’t gotten him out of the way, but how had I done it exactly? There wasn’t enough time.

    The boys had gotten out of their car to make sure everyone was alright but I only had eyes for Porter, making sure he was okay before I felt something explode out of me.

    “What the fuck Porter?” I growled out.

    The boy’s eyes widened and he just stared up at me, holding the kitten to his chest as if to protect it from the oncoming storm.

    “Why in the hell would you risk your fucking life for this stupid little cat,” I screamed, drawing a crowd by now but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but this rage that filled every bone and became a part of me. “You could have fucking died,” I spat.

    “Of fucking course this would happen on my fucking birthday,” I hissed before storming off.

    I just couldn’t be here right now.
    December 14th, 2014 at 03:50am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    Ah!! I love it!
    December 15th, 2014 at 02:23am
  • yurio

    yurio (100)

    United States
    This is absolutely great!!
    December 15th, 2014 at 08:41pm
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    It makes me so sad we aren't getting comments. Like (if I may say so myself) it's a good freaking story. :/
    I'm going to whore it out in my stories I update next which hopefully is soon.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 05:09am
  • yurio

    yurio (100)

    United States
    It makes me sad too!! ): And I agree it is a good story! And I'll definitely be whoring it out in my stories too. I think people don't comment that much anymore for some reason.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 06:50am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    People act like its a chore to comment now! But I will also start whoring it out. Maybe we should start some insentive deal with them! 5 comments= new chapter!
    December 22nd, 2014 at 02:55pm
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    I like that, maybe 3 for a few? (and otherwise posting in like....2 weeks?) I understand people have finals/midterms but I feel like this is where Mibba is heading which is such a bummer! The slash reading population has migrated more towards fanfiction than original fiction even though some original fiction is like freaking fantastic and practically books on here. meh lol
    December 23rd, 2014 at 04:52am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    Yeah I'm down with at least a few! And that really is where it's heading, but we've had such a steady reader count, we just acquired the laziest readers lol.
    December 23rd, 2014 at 03:22pm
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    Here is my chapter for whenever we're ready :)

    The school has been in a total uproar all day, and I have absolutely no idea why. The rumors were running like wildfire and I couldn't get a word in to save my life.

    But finally lunch came around and I knew that I'd be able to at least hear one or two versions of whatever happened in there.

    I debated on finding Sawyer and asking him since he probably had no one else around him and I'd probably actually hear what he said, but honestly he probably didn't even care enough to know about any of this.

    So instead I went to my usual lunch table and took my usual seat next to Cael; though when I was about to sit down I was immediately pulled over into his lap.

    "So what's going on?" I asked, keeping my voice quiet so hopefully only he heard.

    "Something about Porter and Acrimony. I think there was like a hit and run or something." Cael said, his voice not nearly as quiet as mine.

    "No no that's not what happened. Acrimony pushed Porter into the street because he called his cat stupid and he was almost hit by a car." A kid from the table adjacent to us said.

    "He doesn't own a cat so that's not right."

    "Oh then it's the other way around."

    "Porter doesn't own a cat either you idiot."

    "I heard the Porter broke his neck and the schools writing an apology letter to him and his family."

    "It was those kids Zaiden and Edward that were driving."

    "Yeah I heard they had been drinking."

    "No they weren't. I heard that they were drag racing with Acrimony and he got pissed when he lost."

    "Then why the hell was Porter there? He doesn't do that kind of shit."

    "Porter wasn't hurt! I heard he was mad at Acrimony over some project and they got into a fight and he shoved him into the road right as Zaiden and Edward were driving by."

    I groaned at the loud roar my simple question caused and looked at Cael.

    "Let's go outside, I'm getting a headache."

    He nodded and took my hand and lead me out. When we got out there I noticed he purposefully avoided the tree Sawyer was sleeping under which made me giggle.

    "Are you that worried that someone's gonna steal me from you?" I asked once he settled on a pretty secluded bench by the track field.

    "What do you mean?"

    "You completely avoided the shorter path to this bench by Sawyer." I laughed before kissing his cheek. "I think it's cute how greedy you are with me."

    "Don't flatter yourself Faye, I just can't stand walking through the dirt trails. I always end up with rocks in my shoes."

    "Oh yeah." I said sarcastically, kissing his cheek quickly to make sure he didn't get too butt hurt over it. "I'm sure that's exactly what it is."
    December 30th, 2014 at 05:36pm
  • yurio

    yurio (100)

    United States
    Oh my goodness I like all the different versions of what happened. xD Love this!!
    December 31st, 2014 at 02:20am
  • A S K I N G .

    A S K I N G . (100)

    United States
    yasssssssssssssss Cool
    December 31st, 2014 at 06:52am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    So are any of you guys having trouble with Mibba? My mobile site keeps directing me away to something else and I don't know how to make that stop. Which sucks because since my computer crashed all I have to update from is my phone Dx
    January 10th, 2015 at 01:50pm
  • A S K I N G .

    A S K I N G . (100)

    United States
    It hasn't happened to me. But Mibba is bothersome for me. I just write on googledocs and then post it, when I try to write in the word box the page gets really slow with ads and it tries to redirect me.
    January 10th, 2015 at 07:33pm
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    Hmm I think that might be what I switch to. Google docs has a better correction finder thing than the notepad on my phone anyway!
    January 11th, 2015 at 09:14am
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    Ermagerd so sorry it's been so long I've been swamped with school stuff. Jill post my chapter sometime tonight though!
    January 14th, 2015 at 10:30pm
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    January 15th, 2015 at 06:36am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    Yay!!! Our lack of comments is hurting my heart though :/ that was a really good chapter. :/ but not all of our readers have read yet, so there's still time! In my chapter do you guys want me to mention in the authors notes that if they want updates, they have to comment to get them?
    January 16th, 2015 at 01:30pm
  • yurio

    yurio (100)

    United States
    Me too. ): And yes, I think you should mention that in your author's note. Hopefully it'll get people to start commenting more.
    January 17th, 2015 at 02:02am