
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    Yay! So anyone else have ideas for their couples? I feel like I'm hogging the spotlight with Sloth and Pride! I really don't mean too! Just beyond excited for this huge opportunity!
    August 23rd, 2014 at 05:35am
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    I dig it, and dont worry I feel the same way with wrath lol
    August 23rd, 2014 at 07:23am
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    Also I was thinking we could go by like the order written up on the list there. And does everyone want to still write out the chatper by chapter thing or just start writing from the big picture and just slip in relationships as you see fit?
    August 26th, 2014 at 07:08am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    I don't know! I think if we do big picture, we're gonna get confused and what not. I think chapter by chapter would be our best option to keep the story flow straight.
    August 26th, 2014 at 09:48am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    But the order sounds like a good idea to me!
    August 26th, 2014 at 09:49am
  • A S K I N G .

    A S K I N G . (100)

    United States
    chapter by chapter sounds good
    Order does too, it would mean I'm up first, NO PRESSURE
    August 26th, 2014 at 11:04pm
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    You'll do amazingly! I know it!!
    August 27th, 2014 at 04:29am
  • A S K I N G .

    A S K I N G . (100)

    United States
    Okay, first part is their daily lives, is it one chapter explaining every one (that's a lot) or first set of chapters we're each writing to describe their lives. (1st ch. Pandora, 2nd ch. wrath, so on so forth)?
    August 31st, 2014 at 03:35pm
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    I think we're doing it in sets like you said :) I could be wrong but I think that makes the most logical sense :)
    August 31st, 2014 at 04:02pm
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    yes it is in sets:) im working on like a by cahpter thing but i need to sit down and do it all in one sitting so i don't leave anything out and aren't thinking about anything else at the time so its going to be like 2 hrs or so i need to just sit there:) but by the end of the week i should have it done
    September 3rd, 2014 at 03:47am
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    here's the first three sets of 8. Sorry it took so long but as you can see i get pretty indepth haha

    1 - daily lives
    Pa – helping people out with things, being the sweet kid he is
    W – hanging with pride at his house after their football/cheer practices, messing around like they do
    L – talking to envy, hanging out with him
    E – some of his free time maybe a hobby when he’s not around lust
    Gr – maybe talking about his life is so easy because of how rich he is?
    S – introduce how he’s kind of friendly with every one but doesn’t put effort into becoming close to any of them perhaps
    Gl – also rich, hanging out with greed
    Pr – at cheerleading practice, making the girls work harder to be better

    2 - soem manifest
    Pa – his morning routine until he runs to save girl who went to save the cat in the middle of the street, and he like pushes them away but he’s still in the street – ends when he looks up and sees the car (greed and gluttony in it)
    W – wrath’s morning until he sees Pandora almost die and saves him and feel slike an explosion of anger and yells at him for beig stupid and trying to save some “dumb cat” when it could have killed him. Mentions something about of course this would happen on my birthday (manifestation 1)
    L – hears rumors about what happened with Pandora and wrath
    E – maybe thinking about the connection someone gets from saving someone else’s life a few weeks later and wishing he had that kind of relationship with someone, consumed with greed even on his bday. A lot of that is aimed at lust because he’s envy’s idea of perfection (manifestation 2)
    Gr – rode to school with gluttony in his new lambo that daya while back or something and is a little shell shocked that he was in a car that almost killed someone, still not quite over it because gluttony hasn’t talked to him about it yet and they ahven’t had achance to get it out
    S – gets tired of all of the people talking and obsessing about the accident that happened a month ago, would just rather spend time on his own and not have to deal with their energies and the entergeticness of them decides he doesn’t want to bother with schoolwork and homework, fuck it, it’s his birthday and he wants to spend it in bed(manifestation 3)
    Gl – talking to greed about what happened sometime later and how he was so frightened he was going to hurt someone, greed comforts him. Gluttony can feel something different than their regular friendship in the hug but ignores it
    Pr – gets assigned to help pride out because he’s not doing well in class because of his newly slothy behavior

    3 - more manifest
    Pa – thanking wrath formally for saving his life with a cake or something cute and wrath’s just like fuck off
    W – every since he saved Pandora, he’s been thinking about him, it’s driving him crazy and makes him angry. So he’s like fuck it and kisses him in the middle of the hall during school because he wants to know if he’s gay. And the answer is yes, he totes is. Even though he felt nothing when kissing pride all those times
    L – it’s his birthday, he feels on top of the world, gets exactly what he wanted but when he gets to school, all he can think about is dicks and he just feel slike he needs to have sex. Kinda picks wrath out of the crowd, like oh I’ve heard he’s been with a ton of people he should be good. (you can choose to make lust a virgin or not but wrath totes is) and he just wants the D so bad and straight up pulls wrath into a janitor’s closet and is like fuck me please and wrath’s like calm down till school is over then they take it to one of their houses (manifestation 4)
    E – sees lust leaving with wrath at the end of that day and is like wtf I want that to be me
    Gr – really smart and he gets offered an opportunity to work in this huge company, maybe his fathers, because he just turned 18 and they want thim to be a part of it, so he accepts because he wants ALL the money (manifestation 5)
    S – first day with pride, thinks hes nice but he’d rather be left alone
    Gl – birthday and originally he wanted something small but he finds himself demanding more from his parents and he goes online shopping as well is just wants more of everything , also started eating more but he was made for that sin so he wont’ (can’t) get fat(manifestation 6)
    Pr – thinks about how gluttony’s going to get fat with all that he’s eating, pride thinks about himself and how much he loves everything about himself. Starts using his mirror more, like all the time, starts eating less to look even better if you want to add an eating disorder element to kind of start off his mental issues that will come about later? (manifestation 7)
    September 17th, 2014 at 06:38am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    Wow!! I'm beyond giddy with excitement!!
    September 17th, 2014 at 04:48pm
  • yurio

    yurio (100)

    United States
    Loving this!
    September 17th, 2014 at 07:10pm
  • A S K I N G .

    A S K I N G . (100)

    United States
    YAY :D
    I'll start writing my chapter this weekend :)
    September 18th, 2014 at 06:23am
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    here's the next three. I'm happy you all like it!

    4 - pandora manifest, calls them together - (should they live together? like pandora was left a lot of money by the last pandora to get a mansion they could all live in together? Idk about it though....but it would be weird if they're all not always together and story progession would take longer because they'd have to travel to one another.....)
    Pa – (manifestation 8) and his birthday on the last day of school he gets this weird book and letter from some random person and he decided he’ll look at it later, after school
    W – at school, angry and lust kinda walks by and sends lust a text, figures out that sex is one way to get his anger out and for now, that’s working, lemon with lust
    L – gushing to gluttony and envy how good sex was with wrath, how he likes when he’s angry because he’s that much hotter
    E – the envy he has for wrath is almost unbearable, wrath says something to envy like ‘why are you looking at me like that’ or something and envy gets angry from the power radiating from him and they kinda have a mock fight, wrath punches a wall
    Gr – everyone gets an email (Pandora stole from school computer) that says to meet them in a classroom after school. Skeptical but it says it’s official and important, some of his life maybe moving stocks around or something to make money?
    S – at the meeting, only went because pride insisted. Pandora explains what he read from the book, kinda fights to get everyone to stay. Says how he thinks it’s real and shows them the deed to the house the last Pandora bought, shows them like credit card info with all their names to try and prove it’s real. Wrath, being wrath flips shit for no apparent reason, proving it right. They like talk about who they think they are(which sin). They agree to go to the house
    Gl – at the house after school, all carpooled with those who had cars and the house is like on top of a hill, a mansion, fully stocked with furniture and all and they’re like shit this is real, the key opens it and everything. They agree to give living together a try because obviously something is going on with all of them and their families are fed up with the teen drama their kids respectively are exhibiting. They’re like go, fine, it’s in the same town so sure. They don’t really question it at all, it’s a thing.
    Pr – moving into the house, his darker mentality seeps in (remember he’s going to attempt suicide later) and sloth surprises him as sloth is like doing stuff, maybe sloth helps him set up a table he wanted in his room or something to brign in how he’s good with his hands?

    5 - they know theyre supposed to get along and pandora tries to make it work but they all have such distinct personalities that it's like wtffff and everyone is testy - pandora forgets about the book because he's worried about everyone working together – over winter break sothey’re not in school and don’t have to worry about that these chapters
    Pa – trying to help everyone get alone, spends most of his time trying to make wrath calm down because he’s the most disruptive
    W – everything pisses him off, including Pandora trying to help calm him down, maybe just gets to this point where Pandora won’t leave him alone and he straight up tells him to fuck off and storms out, which for sure hurt pandora’s feelings
    L – spending a lot of time with envy because he and gluttony are his two best friends and he notices envy’s acting a little weird and asks him what’s up. Envy is like stop telling us about how you fuck around with wrath, we’re sick of it and storms off. And gluttony’s like well I’m not involved inthis
    E – goes outside and sloth Is there and sloth listens to him vent about how he realized he didn’t want to be lust, he wanted lust to be his
    Gr – spent most of his time in his room, working on his portfolio (money) and gluttony pulls him out of there to hang out with everyone for meals
    S – doesn’t really find the urge to do anything, always is pride running into his room to hang out or whatever. Starts feeling that when pride’s around, eh wants to do things, just whatever pride wants to do
    Gl – online shopping like a mofo with the account they all have and greed blows up on him when he realizes how much of that money he spent,
    Pr – thoughts getting darker, only is better when sloth’s around but he feels like he’s bugging sloth when he goes into his room.

    6 - frustration builds and they're having trouble controlling the powers, it's rubbing off on normal people around them and stuff like that. – back at school
    Pa – tries to take on too many projects at once and help too many people and it kinda backfires and makes him really stressed
    W – starts being the ‘badass’ of school, flips out on teachers and shit, sent home
    L – really wants the D but wrath is the only person he’s comfortable with casual sex with and wrath got sent home for the day because of his behavior. Texts envy and asks if he’d be up with it because he feels like he’s comfortable enough with him.
    E – meets lust somewhere to fuck, maybe in a car or out back under the bleachers or something and like the moment lust is looking at him with THAT kinda look, he knows he loves lust. And he feels like this connection when their skin touches in this kind of situation. They later realize it’s the imprinting
    Gr – gluttony feels bad for taking everyone’s money, asks for greed’s card because he has plenty and it’s only one person he ‘owers back’ and greed finds gluttony irresistible in that moment so he’s like fine, have it, giveshim his card
    S – at school, watching pride really closely and noticing things about him like how he drops his smile the second he thinks no one is looking and things like that, so he knows something is really wrong with him
    Gl – once again, he spends too much money and greed flips out on him because this Is HIS money that he’s worked for damnit, they get angry and end up getting it on because of the passion of the moment and they kind of realize they’re one another’s imprints(if it’s been explained by now, if not just a connection they feel)
    Pr – starts seeing different ways he could kill himself, even when around friends. Decides that by the end of the month, if nothing changes, he’s going to do it
    September 18th, 2014 at 06:34am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    AHHH! I love it! I might need help with set four but I love it all!!
    September 18th, 2014 at 03:08pm
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    just ask for whatever you need!

    and I was thinking we could all start writing our chapters for the first round because none of them really depend on one another and we can change any small things to make it fit if someone says something like that.

    so basically 1,000 wordish chapters, longer/shorter is okay as long as it's not like 200 words or like 2,000 words(unless it needs to be that long you feel)
    September 19th, 2014 at 06:24am
  • Still Dreaming

    Still Dreaming (100)

    United States
    Okay awesome! Do we just post our chapters on here?
    September 20th, 2014 at 03:58am
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    yep, if that works for everybody:)
    and I think 2 people saying it is okay means you're good to post:)
    September 20th, 2014 at 05:55am
  • polka dot perfection

    polka dot perfection (100)

    United States
    asking how's your chpater going? Mines most of the way done lol:)
    September 26th, 2014 at 05:03pm