all eyes on you.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    The Girlfriend

    The Boyfriend & The Secret

    The New Yorker

    The Friend of a Friend
    August 18th, 2014 at 12:45am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    It was only their third day in New York and Ebony was already stealing her boyfriend's clothes. Not because her's were dirty or anything, she just liked wearing his clothes. Of course he wasn't the only one she was stealing from if that counted for anything. She'd actually taken Calum's beanie right off his head the night before, while they'd all been out roaming around before the event they were going to today, and hadn't given it back yet. He hadn't asked for it back yet either. It did go with her attire though so she slipped it on before she ran to jump on Luke's back once she was ready to head out. "I'm so happy to be here with you." She said nuzzling her face into his neck some, and she was really happy to be there with him and the others.
    Ashton stepped out of the bathroom once he was done with his shower and dressed. They'd only been in New York about three days so far, and usually they wouldn't even spend that much time in one place. However the band had wanted to surprise a friend of theirs while they had a chance before they did have to start their tour so they'd flown out to NYC and were hanging around for a bit. Which Ashton didn't really mind because from the few times he'd been already he liked it a lot. Truthfully it was one of if not his favorite city in the states. Sure everywhere else they'd visited were great and so far he'd enjoyed everywhere they'd been, but NYC was just by far the most amazing in his mind so he was always happy to come back for whatever reason.
    August 18th, 2014 at 03:02am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    There weren't very many people in the world who loved everything about their lives. Some didn't like their job, some didn't like where they lived, and some just didn't like where the place they were in their life in general. Brayden wasn't one of those people. She loved every single aspect of her life. Her job, her friends, her family, and the place she lived. Who doesn't love Manhattan? Of course, she supposed that the city life wasn't for everyone, just like the life of a musician wasn't for everyone either. But both were certainly for her. She got to see so many amazing places, and meet so many different, amazing, people. Tonight was no different. She was playing a show at Highline Ballroom with her friends in Paradise Fears. It was a last minute thing, she hadn't been touring with them, but something came up with one of their opening acts, and Sam Miller had given her a call a couple of days ago. Of course, she said yes. She'd toured with the band a couple of times, the first time being three years ago when she toured with All Time Low, and they were good friends of hers. Right now, she was outside talking to some fans who were already lined up. Doors didn't open for another hour or so, and soundcheck had already been finished, so she figured she'd go out and talk to a few fans, take a couple of pictures, sign some things. She wasn't super known, though she did get recognized on the street every once and a while, and she had a small fan base that she'd built up over the years.
    Luke was having the time of his life. Everything, honestly, just seemed to be perfect. The band was doing great, the new album had topped the charts, tour was going great so far, and now he and the guys were taking a break to do some promotional stuff for the album in New York. They were also spending some time with Jack Barakat from All Time Low, something that Luke honestly still wasn't used to saying. Just a year and a half ago, he and the guys had been covering the band's songs, and now Alex was helping them write songs for their new album, and they were hanging out every once and a while. Today, they'd finished up all of the promotional stuff early though, and Jack was taking them to a show that some of his friend's were doing at a smaller venue in the city. He couldn't help the huge grin that lit up his face when he felt someone jump onto his back and nuzzle their face into his neck. "Mikey, what do you think you're doing?" He asked teasingly, knowing that it wasn't the band's bright-haired guitarist and that it was his gorgeous girlfriend.
    Calum, more or less, loved where his life was right now. He could have never imagined that the band would get as far as it had, and he was honestly having the time of his life as well. How could he not? He was touring the world, doing what he loved with his three best friends. That sounded like it would be a dream for pretty much anyone out there. Of course, like everyone else, there were a few bumps in the road every once and a while, but there hadn't really been anything serious yet. And he and the guys had the night off, so they were taking Ebony to some show that they were meeting Jack at. Apparently some friends of the lanky guitarist's were playing at a smallish venue in Manhattan tonight, and whenever he and the guys had the chance to, they liked to go to concerts like any other teenager would.
    August 18th, 2014 at 10:25pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I'm attacking you. Muke for the win!" Ebony called in her best Michael voice, before kissing her boyfriends cheek. Sometimes it was best to just go along with the weird things the boys said since they all just liked to joke around about well pretty much everything. She was sure that Luke knew it was her though since not only was she positive that he could see her, but she was also pretty positive that Michael weighed a bit more than she did which would've given away that it was him. Ebony honestly just liked to mess around with him when she had the chance, always in a loving manner though of course. Because what kind of girlfriend would she be if she wasn't loving while she joked around with him? Not a very good one, that's what kind. "So when're we heading out?" She asked ready to get the show on the road. This was her first time with the lads in NYC and she wanted to get out there and start the night they had planned. Plus they were going to a concert, and anyone who knew Ebony knew that she was kind of a concert junkie. She usually didn't give a shit who was playing, if they were near and she knew someone who was going or they asked her to go along she'd be there and tonight was no different. This was probably why her taste in music was kind over everywhere, she went to so many different concerts and listened to so many different bands/artist it was hard to like just one genre.
    Ashton laughed and shook his head when he heard Ebony yelling across the room about Muke. And he couldn't help actually but feel like retaliating a bit. "Psh. Please Ebs, more like Cashton for the win!" He replied laughing and pulling Calum's head onto his shoulder. Of course everyone in this room only saw them as bromances he knew that some of the fans took things a little bit farther than that and imagined them being in real relationships, which was a little creepy actually. It was all just a bromance thing to them though. "And we're heading out right now." He replied to later question letting go of Calum and going for the door. It was after all about time for them to head out, and even though they weren't on a certain schedule they had to follow he figured it'd be best if they did show up on time and when they'd told Jack they'd be there. He was kind of excited though and actually wanted to get there a little early really. They were just normal people tonight after all, well aside from the fact that they knew Jack and all. Other than that they were just normal people attending a concert ready to have a little fun while they were in NYC on their own accord.
    August 19th, 2014 at 12:07am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I hate to do this guys, but I should really get back inside." Brayden said to the group of girls she'd been talking to outside the venue. She would have loved to stay outside and chat with them, but the doors to the venue would be opening any second now, and she figured that she should probably get back inside. Once the doors opened, the concert would start roughly an hour or so afterwards, so she figured she should be backstage and not outside with the fans right now. "It was nice meeting all of you." She smiled at them, accepting a few hugs here and there before she headed back on inside. She was really stoked for this show. She loved the guys in Paradise Fears, and she loved touring with them, so having the opportunity to play a show with them again was really amazing and exciting.
    Luke chuckled at his girlfriend's words. He loved how she could joke around and have fun with him and the guys. She was totally accepting of their weird antics, and he often joked about how he was surprised that the whole lot of them hadn't scared her away just yet. He knew that that wasn't going to happen though. Ebony was a great girl, and he loved her a lot, and she was really accepting of the lifestyle that he lived now with the band getting more and more popular. He was honestly just so beyond lucky to have such a supportive, and amazing, girlfriend. "We're meeting Jack at the venue, right?" He asked as he followed the others towards the door, his girlfriend still on his back.
    Calum chuckled, attempting to shove Ashton off of him but to no avail. "Ashton's right, Ebs. Cashton is way better than Muke." He said, a slight grin on his face. He thought it was pretty funny how there was a team Muke and a team Cashton and that the fans took sides over the bromances of the band. It was all in good fun, though some of the fans did take things a little bit too far. He sort of expected that to happen though. With how big the band was getting now, there was bound to be at least a few fans like that out there. "Yeah, Jack said just to meet him there. I think he's really good friends with one of the openers, and I'm pretty sure that the headlining band toured with ATL a few years ago."
    August 20th, 2014 at 06:51pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Well I think you're both wrong." Ebony said sticking her tongue out at them both. Really she wasn't on any certain side when it came to the bromance's. She didn't really love one bromance any more than the others, but she did like to argue with the guys on occasion about which one was better. Today it was Muke. And maybe tomorrow it would be Cake, or maybe it wouldn't. "Calum would you agree with me if I said Cake was the best bromance?" She asked him with a small pouty face totally messing around, but secretly hoping she'd have some kind of power to get him to agree with her.
    Ashton playfully rolled his eyes Ebony started to try and convince Calum to agree with her about a bromance. "Really Ebs? You're gonna use the pouty face you know Cal can't say no to so he'll agree with you?" He joked shaking his head. It was so true though, Calum couldn't say no to Ebony when she pouted. Luke usually couldn't either, he couldn't stay mad at her like that or say no. But Luke was her boyfriend and it made sense. Calum on the other hand wasn't, but the guy still couldn't help himself. Ashton tried not to think that maybe it was because he had a thing for their bandmates girl, but he was almost positive that's what it was. Not that he said anything, the last thing Ashton wanted to do was stir up trouble he might be wrong about. Plus if Calum did have feelings for Ebony Ashton wouldn't want to be in the middle of that honestly. "I think they did too, I looked them up last night and they're pretty good so I'm sure the show will be great."

    [ if this is a totally shitty post I'm sorry! It's late and I'm tried but I wanted to post before I went to bed! Arms ]
    August 22nd, 2014 at 08:49am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    It was nearing showtime now. Brayden was going on second, something that she was honestly thankful for. Though she had been doing this for a few years now, opening the show was always extremely nerve-wracking. It didn't matter how much experience you had. Seeing as she didn't tour as often as she used to, she'd taken a couple of classes at NYU. One of her favorite professors had told the class once how everyone got nervous when they were going up in front of a group of people, and that was something that she could totally vouch for. So, she was glad that there was more than one opening act today, and thankfully she wouldn't be the first one to go on.
    Calum groaned, averting his gaze as soon as he saw that little adorable pouty face Ebony had put on. And yes, it was adorable, though everything about that girl was damn adorable. And he knew that he really shouldn't think she was adorable or beautiful, stunning, and all of the above really, considering she was with Luke and all, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't going to act on the feelings that had developed over time, he'd never do that to Luke, but having her on tour with them this time around would certainly be a bit of a struggle. "Ashton's right, Ebs, that's fair at all." He whined, not even caring if he sounded like a child. "Did he say who his friend was?"
    Luke never really thought much about any of the guys having feelings for Ebony. And, even if the thought had crossed his mind, it would have only been for a split second. He knew that he didn't have to worry about any of them crushing on his girl. He was in a band with his three best friends, and they were his best friends for a reason. None of them would do something like that to him, or so he thought. "Ebony never plays fair, guys. You should know that by now." He chuckled. "I think her name's Brayden Thomas, but I could be wrong."
    August 27th, 2014 at 05:19pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ashton nodded his head a little in agreement. "Yea I guess Luke's got a point." He said joking around with him and Ebony. He was sure when it mattered Ebony was fair and wasn't going to treat anyone badly. When it came to all of them just joking around and going at it though she wasn't fair at all. She'd use whatever she could to get one of the boys to agree with her over the others. It was actually kind of funny really because it was usually Calum she'd try and sued onto her side. And more often than not it worked. Which always left him and Michael as the losers since it was obvious that Luke would side with his girlfriend on certain things. Not that Ashton minded usually anyway. They all had fun together and got along and truthfully that was all that mattered.
    Ebony huffed mocking offense at the lads and their accusations that she wasn't a fair player. "I'll have you know that I just play the cards I'm handed. So hate the game not the player." She said ruffling up Luke's hair while she was still on his back. "Brayden Thomas! Guy I love her. I've watched her videos on youtube and they're really good!" She said excited now, since she'd actually know some of the songs that might've been played at the show. Ebony really did listen to a variety of music, but there were always those certain singers or bands that stuck out to her and Brayden was one of them. Honestly she couldn't have been happier in that moment that she was here in America with the guys getting to experience this part of their lives with them.
    August 27th, 2014 at 11:53pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [This is basically how I picture Brayden sounds music-wise, and I think I'll just be using a bunch of Lights Poxleitner's songs as hers. Cute]

    Brayden was just hanging out backstage for the time being. The Paradise Fears boys were finishing up a little meet and greet session they'd had set up with all of the VIPs for the show, and the show was going to be starting any minute now. She was still pretty thankful that she wasn't going on first. There was just something more nerve-wracking about really opening a show than there was about going on second or third. She was going on second tonight, right after the opening band, Stations and right before William Beckett, though he'd asked her to come out and do a song with him and Sam from Paradise Fears, and then, finally, Paradise Fears would be going on. She'd be going out during their cover of Same Love and helping out with Mary Lambert's parts. All in all, she was excited for tonight. She was really glad that her friends had asked her to do the show. It was going to be great.
    Calum chuckled. "If that's how you see it, Ebs." He said, shrugging his shoulders. He was only teasing her obviously, and so were the rest of the guys. "I'm pretty sure that Luke's right though. Just putting that out there." He held his hands up in mock defense. He listened as Luke told them who was the friend of Jack's that was opening tonight. The name sounded familiar, and when Ebony reacted the way that she did, he knew exactly who it was. "Isn't that the girl who did that cover of Behind Blue Eyes that you were obsessed with for ages, Ebony? She sings that song about Siberia or something too, I think."
    Luke made a bit of a face when his girlfriend messed up his hair. He let out a quiet whine, swatting her hand away as they walked. She was lucky that she was cute, that was for sure, or less he wouldn't have taken as lightly to what she'd done. He really didn't like people messing with his hair, especially with how long it usually took him to style it and everything else in the morning, but Ebony was Ebony. She was his girlfriend, so she was kind of a small exception he supposed. "I'm pretty sure that's the one." He said, answering before Ebony could. "See? Aren't you glad you came with us this time, Ebs?" He grinned. He was so glad that she'd come with them on tour this time. He hated being away from her for extended periods of time. It, for lack of a better word, sucked.
    September 1st, 2014 at 05:12am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ashton couldn't help but laugh at Ebony's excuse, and her reaction to finding out who would be at the concert. Sometimes she could be totally out there and like a child on Christmas morning when it came to things, and that was probably part of what Luke liked about her. Or so Ashton assumed, truthfully he didn't know what Luke liked most about her because they didn't talk about it often. All he knew for sure was that he'd be a sulky little baby when they went on tour without her, which was understandable actually because Australia was far away. "Well I'm sure she'll appreciate you and you're devotion to her music Ebs. Well even try and make sure you get to meet her before the nights over." He said pretty sure they'd be able to pull that off.
    "Aw, Lucas I'm sorry I messed up your hair." Ebony said pouting and kissing his cheek before speaking again. "Yes! That cover is ace guys I love it so much! And oh lord, I love Siberia! I listen to that song with Lucas here every time you guys are away on tour without me." She told them, and she didn't really know why she'd listen to it every time they were on tour but there was just something about it. "Oh I'm really glad. I don't have to spend months at a time missing you, I'm gonna get to see Brayden freaking Thomas live, it was totally the right choice coming along." She said just ignoring the guys and their comments about her not playing fair. She'd already addressed it once, and she knew they didn't really care either because it was all just in good fun anyways.
    September 1st, 2014 at 05:49am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    The opening band, Stations, was just about ready to go out there on stage. Brayden had talked to them all for a little while, and they seemed like really chill people. As they started getting everything set up out on stage, they were short on techies for this tour, so the actual band members were helping set everything up, Brayden was chatting away with William Beckett. When she first met him, she was honestly a little bit starstruck. What girl her age hadn't loved The Academy Is... when they were in high school? She thought it was awesome how he was doing a solo thing, and they were both kind of on the same page seeing as neither of them had a quote-unquote band. Most of William's background stuff was recorded prior and played out on his laptop while he played guitar, and sometimes Brayden liked to do something similar, though today was going to mostly be acoustic for her, with some help from a few friends on a couple of songs. It was going to be a great night.
    "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure you are." Luke said, pretending he was annoyed with her, though he actually wasn't. He just liked teasing her sometimes, and so did the rest of the guys, though Ebony did like to put them all in their place sometimes, and he thought that that was actually really cool. She was just an amazing person and he loved her to pieces. "Ashton's right, Ebs. She's definitely going to appreciate your devotion to her music." He was sure that his girlfriend would like having the opportunity to talk to Brayden, and he was honestly just looking forward to seeing that huge smile on her face and the sparkle in her eye. She was adorable when she got excited. She was just adorable in general really.
    "I think we can probably make sure that it happens. With what Jack was saying, it sounds like he's really good friend's with her. He comes to New York a lot to visit her and a couple of their other friends whenever he has the opportunity to do so." Calum said. He was sure that they could get Ebony to meet Brayden before the end of the night. Luke wasn't the only one who looked forward to seeing how adorable she was when she was excited. Of course, he would never let on that he was crushing on his best friend's girl. That just wasn't cool, and he knew that he could never act on his feelings.
    September 2nd, 2014 at 02:28pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ashton nodded his head while continuing to walk towards the venue they were going to, he didn't really wanna be late and end up missing anything since it wasn't exactly everyday that they got to just relax and attend a concert anymore. Not that he minded, truthfully Ashton was okay with the fact that they've kind of given up the ability to just relax and do whatever since this was his dream. For their band to have gotten this far, and for them to all just be doing this together made him happy. He did wish he had a little more free time to do things like this, but having no free time was just kind of what it meant to be part of a band who was slowly growing more popular. It meant having little to no free time, not being able to go outside without someone knowing who you were unless you had on a disguise, and devoting the majority of your time to your music and the fans. Sure there was time for other things on occasion, and they got time off which was what they were taking right now but in the end it was a whole different ballgame than just playing music from your garage. And at the end of the day Ashton was proud of them and how far they'd come, so no matter what he wouldn't give this life up.
    "I love you Lukey!" Ebony cooed feeling very happy about just everything in general for the day. It was totally going to be a good day, that was something she could just feel in her bones. They were all going to a concert together, a concert she might add that one of her favorite artists was playing at, and the lads were going to totally hook her up and find a way to let her meet her. If that didn't just sound like a good day then something was up. Ebony smiled at the thought of Brayden appreciating her. "Well hopefully I don't get too starstruck or anything and embarrass myself." She said hoping that she wouldn't, that was honestly the last thing that she wanted to happen today.

    [ I've gotta get ready for work, but I'll reply to the other roleplay when I get home! tehe ]
    September 2nd, 2014 at 03:19pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I'm going to hold out with Brayden until they all arrive at the venue. tehe]

    Luke chuckled softly. "I love you too." He said, a wide smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He always got this huge grin on his face whenever she said those three simple words to him. He still couldn't believe that she actually loved him. When he'd first told her, he'd been so nervous and worried that she wouldn't feel the same, but he soon realized that he had absolutely nothing to worry about. Ebony felt the same exact way that he did. "I'm sure you'll be fine." He assured his girlfriend, the smile still on his face.
    "Luke's right, Ebs. You'll be fine. If you come anywhere near embarrassing yourself, we'll all be there to keep you in check." Calum chimed in. He figured that they had to almost be to the venue by now. Jack had told them that it wasn't that far from the hotel they were staying at, and he really hoped that their friend hadn't underestimated the distance or whatever. He didn't want to be late. It wasn't every day that he and the guys had a night off to do whatever they wanted, and they didn't get to attend shows as an audience member all that frequently anymore, so this was going to be a nice change.
    September 4th, 2014 at 02:47am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ sounds like a plan XD ]

    "Okay love birds I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so adorable before you make someone sick." Ashton joked with the couple acting all lovey dovey. Not that he minded, because he didn't really care. He mostly just liked to joke around with them. Plus he was sure one day he'd be like that, well if he ever found a girl he might be like that one day. And when that day came he was sure they'd say the same thing to him. "I'm pretty sure this is the venue we're supposed to be going to." He finally said when they were walking up to what looked like the venue Jack had described. He was glad they were finally there though, he'd kind of been starting to worry they'd end up being late or something. Which really would've sucked since he actually wanted to just enjoy the entire concert.
    Ebony couldn't help her own smile hearing Luke's reply. She knew that he loved her since he'd told her first anyways, but hearing him say it back was probably as amazing for her as he thought it was when she told him she loved him. "Really Cal? You promise to keep me in check in case I nearly embarrass myself? Because last time you promised not to let me embarrass myself do you remember what happened? Oh yea that's right, you let me embarrass myself." She said knowing that he'd apologized for that incident at least fifty times by now, but there were still times much like this when Ebony just had to bring it back up. Even if she had forgiven him for letting herself embarrass herself and pretty much moved on from the whole event.
    September 4th, 2014 at 07:23am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ tehe ]
    November 12th, 2014 at 02:26am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Luke chuckled softly, shaking his head in response to Ashton's words. He knew that his friend was only kidding, he and the others liked to rag on him and Ebony whenever they got overly lovey dovey. He didn't think they were that bad though. He'd seen couples who were a lot worse with the PDA and lovesick comments, and he was pretty sure that he and Ebony weren't anywhere near as bad as they were. Not in his eyes anyway. He looked up once they reached the venue. "Yeah, I think this is it." He said, remembering what Jack had said the name was. "Don't worry, Eb. If they don't make sure to keep you in check, I will."
    "I think it's too late for that." Calum said, chiming in with Ashton's teasing. "They've already made me sick." It was all he could really do in that moment. If he didn't chime in and tease them, the others would know that something was up. In reality, a pang of jealousy shot through him whenever he saw Ebony and Luke act all lovey dovey like they were, but no one could know that. He needed to be happy for his friends, and even if it was all an act, and even if he wished that he was in Luke's place right now, he needed to be a good friend and support their relationship as best as he could. "That was completely accidental and you know that, Ebs." He whined, pouting slightly when she brought up that incident again. "I didn't mean to let you embarrass yourself."
    November 13th, 2014 at 08:55pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I'll try and reply to everything else tonight. It's just been a super busy today! My brother had a school project due tomorrow I'm helping him with plus I'm of course I keep getting distracted by Netflix! Crazy ]

    "Look you've already made poor Calum sick." Ashton said shaking his head while he laughed at his friends. He loved Luke and Ebony and totally knew that they could be a lot worse. Hell he'd seen couples be a lot worse before, and he didn't know for sure since that was well more than he'd ever need to really know about his friends but it was possible that Luke and Ebony both had done a lot more than the little bit of PDA. Of course he was also sure that if they had done more than make out or whatever it hadn't been in public, which was a good thing. "Well then I guess we're here." He said heading for the entrance they were supposed to go in so they could head in for the concert. And he was pretty excited if he were being honest because well he hadn't been to a concert that wasn't their own concert in what felt like ages, not to mention he was pretty hyped about getting to hang out with the ATL guys.
    "Maybe he just feels left out." Ebony joked, she didn't know Calum had a thing for her. It wasn't really some obvious thing he let be know. She did know though that Calum was an attractive lad and she was sure that if he wanted a girl he could have one. Girls loved him. Sure he wasn't Luke or Ashton and they both seemed to get the most female attention from the fans, but that didn't mean he didn't get any. "I know." She said blowing him a kiss, "which is why I forgave you ages ago. However I can't let you forget it. I still love you though and you know that." She told him with a smile, to be honest out of all the guys not counting Luke she was totally the closest to Calum and she really appreciated that about him. "Well then what're we waiting for!" Ebony called ready to head on in.
    November 14th, 2014 at 12:42am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [No worries, I had work last night anyways. Cute]

    Luke scoffed. "Yeah, sick in the head, maybe." He mumbled, though he was only teasing. He knew that the guys were all just ragging on him like they normally would. And he was pretty sure that they all knew that he and Ebony could be a lot worse than they already were. "You all should consider yourselves lucky, we could be ten times worse than we are right now." He said in defense of he and his girlfriend. "Yeah, they could be like that couple we saw a couple of weeks ago." Michael chimed in.
    "Those two were practically fucking with their clothes on!" Calum said, pulling a bit of a face as he knew exactly who Michael was talking about. It was kind of hard not to know. Those two could have been potentially scarring. He looked to Ebony when she spoke, pouting once more. "Luke, your girlfriend's a bully!" He shouted as he followed the others into the venue through a side door, after the security guards let them in of course. Thankfully, doors had opened about forty-five minutes ago, so they didn't have to worry about anyone noticing them just yet. "Did Jack say where to meet him?" He wondered allowed as he looked around. He was sure that he wouldn't be hard to find. After all, he was a tall, lanky guitarist, with one of the loudest mouths Calum had ever heard. But that was what made Jack who he was. That and the excessive number of dick jokes he made on a daily basis.
    Ebony was getting ready to go out onto the stage, when someone came up behind her and jumped on her back. "Ebony Rose!" They shouted, and she knew almost immediately who it was. "Jack Bassam get off me, you fat ass!" She shouted, letting out a laugh. For someone so lanky, he sure was heavy. Though she was kind of used to this type of behavior from the guitarist. He was like an overgrown five year old most of the time. Actually, scratch that, all the time. He was an overgrown five year old all the time. "We haven't seen each other in months and the first thing you do is insult me? You would me woman!" He exclaimed dramatically, getting off her back. Ebony laughed. "Aw, I'm sorry, Jack-Jack." She hugged him tightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
    November 14th, 2014 at 02:54pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ oh the joys of working XD. Really I don't mind work usually, though it is kind of stressful right now being so close to the holidays and all. ]

    "Whatever Calum whatever." Ebony said before using the fact that she was still on Luke's back to see over everyone else until saw Brayden and pointed it out to the guys and finally got off of Luke's back so she could walk for herself. "This is so exciting." She squealed and clapped her hands together like a little kid super excited. She was honestly in love with Brayden's music and being here in the same venue knowing before the night was over that she'd meet her made Ebony feel very happy. This was like a huge thing for her, which people might've thought it was weird or something that she was so excited given she was dating a member of 5 Seconds of Summer and knew them and all. But she was a fangirl still, over really everyone else but 5SOS. And she wouldn't get into how she'd acted when they'd let her meet One Direction. If the 1D guys hadn't been so cool about how she'd reacted to them she'd probably still be pissed off at Calum for letting herself embarrass herself in front of them of all people.
    Ashton couldn't hold back his laugh and shake of his head at Ebony's reaction. "I don't remember exactly but I'm sure we could head backstage if we wanted to meet up with them all." He said since clearly that was where Ebony had seen Brayden. And really she'd probably only been able to see her over everything and everyone because she'd been on Luke's back, didn't matter though. "I mean either way we'll be able to hear the music it's up to you guys though." He said shrugging his shoulders. Ashton was cool with whatever everyone wanted to do really, he hadn't said yes to coming for any reason other than wanting to see a friend and of course enjoy some music at a concert while they were off so whatever worked with him.
    November 15th, 2014 at 04:05am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Luke couldn't help letting out a soft chuckle over how excited his girlfriend was right now. It wasn't the first time he'd seen Ebony get like this. She was kind of a fangirl for every other musician that she was into other than 5SOS. "I don't think I've seen you this excited to meet someone since we introduced you to the 1D guys, Ebs." He said. Now that had been a rather interesting afternoon. Thankfully, his girlfriend had been pissed at Calum instead of him over making a fool out of herself in front of them. But the guys had been super cool about it, and now they were all able to kind of laugh about the whole thing whenever they were all together as a group. That's usually how things worked though. Someone embarrassed themselves, was pissed at the others for a little while for letting them do so, and then, down the road, they were all able to laugh and joke about it like it was nothing.
    "You say that like you're surprised. She'd probably worship the ground that Brayden walked on if she could." Calum joked, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. He knew that Ebony wasn't nearly that bad, though he too found it to be rather amusing with how excited she seemed to be over meeting this girl. He and the guys had never met her personally, though they had heard a few of her songs thanks to Ebony and, from what he could tell, really just from what Jack said about her, she seemed like a pretty awesome person. He opened his mouth to say something when he heard someone shout in a rather dramatic tone. "Looks like we found Jack." He chuckled softly, starting towards where he heard the shout moments earlier.
    "I should probably get out there. I'll see you after my set though." Brayden said, kissing Jack's cheek before she headed out onto the stage, grinning as people started shouting and going crazy. She walked over to where a stool had been set out in the middle of the stage, a mic stand right near it and her acoustic guitar leaning up against it. "How's everyone doing tonight?" She said into the microphone, as she took a seat, picking her guitar up and setting it in her lap. "My name's Brayden Thomas, and this one's called Second Go."
    December 9th, 2014 at 05:45pm