all eyes on you.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ebony had already blocked the boys out by the time Brayden walked on stage ready to preform. She was so into this whole thing that she let out a scream of her own then the girl introduced herself and the first song she was singing. This was honestly the best thing that could've happened while she was here with the guys. Sure it was great that she just got to be here with the lads and of course her boyfriend, but it was just amazing because it wasn't like Brayden made many trips over to Australia so really until now she'd honestly had to stick to listening to the girl she admired a lot, through youtube. It was pretty fantastic that the guys knew Jack too who of course was friends with Brayden.
    "She's also not paying any attention to either of you." Ashton said laughing a little at the fact that both Luke and Calum were talking about Ebony and her admiration of the girl on stage but she wasn't even paying attention to either of them. "Do you guys wanna head back there to him or stay here and wait for Ebony here to return to reality?" He asked not minding what they did, but he wasn't going to leave her out here alone or she might get lost. Even if they all split up and Luke stayed here with Ebony while the rest of them went back to hang out with Jack it'd be whatever. Honestly Ashton was in a pretty good mood and he was pretty easy to please.
    December 10th, 2014 at 02:34am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Omg I think I just found my new favorite movie...]

    Brayden loved the feeling that she got when she was up there on that stage. It was just such a...rush. And she really didn't think she'd ever get used to how amazing and euphoric it felt being up there in front of people who appreciated and loved her music. It was just awesome. She loved what she did for a living and she honestly would never trade it for anything else in the world. "This next one's a cover. Sing along if you know it." She said, a smile playing upon her lips. She just couldn't not smile right now. She was so glad that Sam had called her up and asked her do the show tonight.
    "I'll stay here with her." Luke volunteered. Ebony was his girlfriend after all, and he liked to think that he knew her rather well so he highly doubted that she'd wanted to move from where she was right now. She was clearly into listening to Brayden perform, and he thought that that was rather cute. Actually, he thought everything about her was cute, though he supposed his opinion was at least slightly biased since she was his girlfriend and all. He'd stick with her until after Brayden's set, and then go and find the guys. He didn't have a problem with doing that at all. "You guys go ahead and find Jack, we'll find you afterwards."
    December 10th, 2014 at 03:41am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ and what would that be? tehe ]

    "Well you are her boyfriend." Ashton said patting Luke on the shoulder then headed off with Michael and Calum towards where they'd just seen Jack, and that's where they'd be when Brayden was done with her set and Luke was bringing Ebony back to meet up with them. "Jack!" Ashton called when he'd made it back stage. This was the biggest reason he'd even wanted to actually come tonight. Yea Ashton loved concerts as much as the next guy but he was a bit more excited to just hang out with a friend he hardly got to see given the whole living in different countries thing. Even if Jack hadn't been there though tonight still would've been great, because well it was a free concert and well the people preforming were all pretty amazing.
    Ebony turned to smile at Luke when Brayden started her next song. She was quick to grab Luke's hand glad he'd brought her along. And she of course started to sing along because of course Ebony knew the words. This was probably one of the best concerts Ebony had been to, and she'd been to quite a few. She'd found really that a lot of the times the lesser known people were better in concert than some of the more well known people. And she didn't know why that was but it was just what she'd discovered. "I can't get over how happy I am that I got to come along." She told Luke just overjoyed that she'd been able to tag along rather than being stuck at home missing out on everything, and without Luke around.

    @ zima.
    December 10th, 2014 at 06:10am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Silver Linings Playbook!]

    Brayden continued on with the rest of her set, really just having a kick-ass time out there. She loved her job so much and she honestly couldn't think of anything else that she'd rather be doing with her life. She was her happiest when she was playing music. It had always been that way, and she knew that it would always be that way too. "Thanks guys. I'll be hanging out after the show so I can meet each and every single one of you." She said. With a smile on her face, she set her guitar back down before heading backstage.
    "See you guys later." Calum said before following Ashton and Mikey backstage. He couldn't help wishing that he was the one who was obligated to stay with Ebony. He knew that he shouldn't think that way, Luke was one of his best friends and he should just be happy that he was happy and that he made Ebony happy, but he really couldn't help how he felt. It wasn't like he was going to act on his feelings. He couldn't do that to Luke or Ebony. He couldn't put Ebony in a position like that, and he just couldn't do something like that to Luke. It just wouldn't be right.
    Luke nodded. "See you later." He said, watching as the others headed backstage before focusing his attention on his girlfriend. He smiled at her words. "I'm glad that you got to come. I miss you terribly when I'm on tour." He stuck his lower lip out in a slight pout for a moment, letting out a soft chuckle soon after. He looked up to the stage for a moment. Brayden was actually really good. Not that he was all that surprised. Jack had said she was pretty damn talented, and her songs were decent too. "She's really good."
    December 11th, 2014 at 01:19am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I love that movie!!!! ]

    Ashton honestly was pretty impressed with Brayden and her music. Of course he had no doubts that she was great, mostly only considering Ebony talked about her all the time, and he tried his best to just take Ebony's word when it came to music choices because she hadn't pointed him in a wrong direction yet. Sometimes he could be iffy towards her choices just because she did listen to such a variety and the last thing Ashton wanted to listen to something terrible. He'd probably end up telling her he liked it either way though just so he didn't upset her because well she wasn't his girlfriend but he did have to admit she was pretty good at guilt tripping everyone of them when she wanted to. They all loved her to pieces though, and maybe some more than others, an in ways they shouldn't, but there wasn't anything Ashton could do there. When he saw Brayden walking off the stage though and of course back towards them he couldn't help but smile. "So you were absolutely amazing out there."
    "I miss you terribly too." Ebony said finally turning to fully face Luke so she could wrap her arms around his neck and smile at him. "I'm feel really lucky to have not just you but Calum, and Mikey, and Ashton in my life too." She told him glad they were all friends, and of course that she'd been given the chance to love Luke and have him love her too, because it was amazing. And before she let the moment end she stood on her tiptoes and planted her lips on Luke's. It was so great that she not only was here with them but that she'd been able to experience Brayden's music live, and with Luke of all people next to her. "I told you guys she was amazing." Ebony said softly when she broke the kiss off. "I wouldn't love her so much if she wasn't."
    December 11th, 2014 at 02:14am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [It's so good!]

    Brayden grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge backstage, taking a long sip from it. Looking over, she smiled at the guy who had approached her. She recognized him almost immediately, she knew that Jack and the other guys from All Time Low had become good friends with the 5SOS guys. She didn't know that Jack had invited them all to the show tonight, but they were friends, so if they were in New York at the same that Jack was, it wasn't all that surprising that her would. "Thanks." She said, taking another drink from her water.
    Luke smiled down at his girlfriend. "And we're all lucky to have someone like you in our lives, Ebs." He said quietly. He meant what he said too. He really didn't know how he could have gotten so lucky to have someone like her not only as a girlfriend, but as one of his best friends. She was amazing, and he sometimes wondered what he'd done to deserve someone like her in his life. The smile on his face widened slightly, and he kissed her back, hands resting lightly on her waist as he did so. "Well, what do you say we go backstage so you can meet her then?"
    December 11th, 2014 at 02:45pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ it is really good! tehe ]

    "Anytime." Ashton told her still with a smile, he was sure she wasn't exactly surprised that they were there given it wasn't exactly a secret they knew Jack and would make plans to hook up with him when they were all in the same area. "Oh I'm Ashton by the way." He added realizing he hadn't even actually introduced himself, even if she did know who he was already he shouldn't ignore his manners, his mother hadn't raised him in a barn after all. "I'm Michael!" Mikey called to Brayden setting his chin on Ashton's shoulder and smiling at her, "but you can call me Mikey if you'd like. And that there is Calum."
    Ebony knew everyone in their little group was lucky really. They all had each other no matter what and as long as they had each other they'd always be fine, Ebony just knew it. "Sounds like a plan." She said taking his hand ready to head backstage and meet Brayden. She hadn't ever met Jack in person but they knew one another thanks to skype and all and the guys did talk to the ATL guys on occasion via skype so of course she'd been in the room for that some. It was excited though that in a matter of moments she'd be backstage meeting not only Jack but also Brayden. Who she was honestly a little bit more excited to meet.
    December 12th, 2014 at 04:52am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    @ zima.
    [ tehe ]
    January 3rd, 2015 at 03:45am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    @ zima.
    April 22nd, 2015 at 04:30am