The Blind Side

  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan smiled at him, stepping from the shower and into the awaiting towel. "Such a gentlemen." She said before wrapping it around her body. Grabbing another to dry her hair. "So you need to go talk to you chief, huh?" She questioned him, as she started to pull on her clothing.
    Jace smirked at her, giving her a wordless answer. Before turning to the waitress, placing his order in. Then turned his attention towards the girl sitting in front of him. He knew they needed to talk, but he didn't know where to start.
    July 31st, 2015 at 11:24pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    "Yeah, just so he will give me some time off. I am sure he will though. I'll give him a call," Christian stated as he dried off his body. Reaching for his clothes, he pulled on a pair of jeans and a tight fitting T-shirt that accentuated his muscles. He kissed the top of her head before exiting the bathroom and called up the chief. "So, you want a week off?" The gruff voice on the end of the line asked, wondering if this was the same Christian who never took a day off in his life. "Yes, exactly," He reiterated. "Okay, I guess, but whatever you are taking off for better be damn worth it," His boss said before ending the call. Christian was well aware that it was.
    Trinity decided to bite the bullet, seeing that the awkward silence was about to kick in. "So, what are we going to do? About us?" She was sure to whisper the last part of her question, only loudly enough for him to hear. "I'm not exactly sure that your Chief is going to like the fact that you're screwing a gang member," She chuckled a little to herself at how ironic their position was.
    August 1st, 2015 at 12:14am
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan smiled watching him walk out the door, she started to tame her hair. Running a brush through the damp strands. Once she was satisfied with the out come she exited the bathroom. "Hey." She smiled at him, before dropping her dirty clothes into a hamper. She was kind of bored of being in the house, but she didn't want to deal with her brother right now. And she also had to pack for the time they were going to be gone.
    Jace shrugged at her questioned, the waitress placing a coffee in front of him. Grabbing the sugar he poured some into the cup before stirring it up. "I can handle my chief." He informed her. "Though we need some form of contact with each other." He knew he was beating around the bush to ask for her number. Though he was wanting to talk to her, he just didn't like doing it out in the open, since they were hoping to keep this quite.
    August 1st, 2015 at 12:36am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Glancing over his shoulder, he grinned at her greeting and met her halfway across the room. "Hey," Christian replied as his hands settled onto her hips. "So, good news. My boss said that it was fine to take off for the week. We can leave as soon as possible. I have to stop by my house though to pack some clothes," He informed her, feeling his grin grow into a smile.
    Trinity nodded in agreement, knowing that running into each other on coincidence would not be enough anymore. Although enjoyable, they were no longer merely occasional flings. "Okay, a form of contact sounds like a good start. Would a cell phone number do?" She asked, reaching into her back pocket. "Don't put my name down though and don't make it something suspicious either."
    August 1st, 2015 at 01:09am
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan froze hearing his words. "You want to leave immediately?" She questioned him, surprised that he was wanting to leave now. Shaking her head she offered him a smiled. "Okay, why don't you go to your place and pack." She offered, "and I can pack here." She figured the faster they go on the road the sooner they'd be back.
    Jace smirked at her, shaking his head. "Always so suspicious." He teased her, taking a sip of his drink. Before smiling as his place was placed in front of him. Thanking the waitress he quickly tucked into his food. He was extremely hungry especially since last nights events.
    August 1st, 2015 at 01:29am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Christian nodded his head, but he could see the shock on her face. "Sorry, I just wanted to meet your father as soon as possible," He admitted, wondering if they were moving too fast. Sometimes, he was swept away in the rush of it all. "Great. I'll come pick you up in half an hour," He smiled before moving away to return back to his house.

    After the thirty minutes were up, Christian arrived promptly at her house. "Jordan?" He called out to her, waiting to load her belongings into the car.
    Trinity glared at him since she wanted Jace to take this seriously. "I just don't want anyone to know my name if you accidentally lose your phone or something, okay?" She frowned slightly, taking a bite of her food. Maybe this was all a mistake. Maybe they were just two totally different people. "Now, do you want my phone number or not?"
    August 1st, 2015 at 02:27am
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan started packing her stuff the moment Christian left her room. She was surprised that he had agreed, but glad that he was taking it seriously. After making sure she had everything she'd need, she placed her bags down by the front door. Then took a turn around the house. Either her brother had left or he was sleeping in her cousin's room. Shrugging it off she'd worry about him later. True to his word Christian arrived back at her uncles house. "Hey." She greeted him, opening the front door.
    Jace shook his head, "you know if you keep being so serious everybody is going to think weren't getting along." He smirked at her, "and I understand." He chuckled before taking another bite of his food. Then pulled his phone out of his pocket.
    August 1st, 2015 at 03:20am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    "Hey," He responded, smiling as he stepped inside of the household. Glancing down, he noted that there were multiple bags at the front door. It was only one week, and it seemed like she had packed her whole wardrobe, especially compared to one small suitcase. "I'll get them loaded into the car," Christian stated as he started with the first two bags. "Did you pack your entire wardrobe in here?" He teased while making his way out to the car.
    "Well, you're kind of making it a little difficult over here," She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. Taking the phone from his hand, she placed her number underneath the contacts. She had nicknamed herself as 'Trish', considering that it was the closest name that first popped into her mind. "There," She stated, handing back the phone as she had gotten his number.
    August 1st, 2015 at 03:34am
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan laughed at him before picking up her toiletry bag, and rolling her eyes. "No for your information I didn't." She said shaking her head. "One's for my shoes, ones for clothing. And this one is for my bathroom stuff." She informed him. Placing the last bag into the trunk. "I don't mix all my stuff together like some people." She told him. "That's a good way for things to get broken or ruined." She said shaking her head.
    Jace smiled before looking over the number, then sent her a quick text. I'm hungry He smirked at the message. He knew they were eating so he hoped she'd get his message on what he was hungry for. Turning his attention back to his food, he continued to eat like nothing had happened.
    August 1st, 2015 at 03:57am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Christian cracked a small smile while closing the trunk, accounting for four bags. "Ah, yes, how could I forget?" He teased, getting the driver's seat. "Okay, you're going to have to put in the address into the GPS," He requested, not knowing what to do now. Since this was all last minute, he figured they would just go to motels along the way and figure it out. It would not be the first time he had an impromptu road trip.
    As she continued to eat her food, there was light buzz from her phone, and her eyes shot down, afraid that it would be from one of her higher ups. She relaxed when she realized it was from Jace. In her phone, his code name was 'Jason'. Trinity furrowed her eyebrows for a minute since they were eating food until it dawned on her. "Seriously?" She questioned aloud, feeling a heat rise in her cheeks. It had not even been twenty four hours since the last time they had sex, and he wanted it again.
    August 1st, 2015 at 04:08am
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan smiled at him, before putting the location of her parents house into the GPS. She knew with her trip down her she wouldn't have made it with out the device. "And for your information I happen to take very good care of my stuff." She informed him. "I have a pair of shoes that cost 500 bucks. So I like to keep things sorted." She shrugged, she was very organized. Some would call it OCD, but she didn't flip out about things not being in the right place. She just did it because not always did she have to money to replace the things lost or damaged.
    Jace smiled at her, before finishing off his food. "What can I say, I have a big appetite." He informed her. He knew that it had been problems in past relationship, but he wasn't as high strung any more. He knew that some times it wasn't always about sex. Though he didn't know how well this relationship was going to work. Since the only time they were to be together would more than likely lead to sex. But they'd just have to see.
    August 1st, 2015 at 04:21am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    After she entered in the directions, the female voice started to speak to him, asking him to head down the road and made a left. The trip would take a few days in total. "It would be a shame if your shoes mixed together with a top," He continued on, giving a small shake of the head. Christian turned on the radio just to have some noise in the car. "If that's what you prefer, I really don't mind. You're lucky that I pack light," He admitted, smiling over in her direction.
    "More like ravenous," She mumbled underneath her breath. "Where would you even want to... eat?" Trinity questioned, seeing as they were in the middle of the diner. Besides, public spaces did not seem to bother them, considering their track record. Trinity finished up her food, letting her leg innocently graze Jace's from across the table.
    August 1st, 2015 at 04:35am
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan rolled her eyes. "You walk in shoes, does that mean you want all that dirt and grime mixing with your clean clothing?" She questioned, "and I pack light." She informed him. "I just figured I'd return some of my mother's things while we were there, since I don't need them anymore." She nibbled on her lip. Her mother had given her a few things to help defend herself against an attacker. And a gun was one of them. "Because normally my make-up bag would fit into my big suitcase." She shrugged it off like it was nothing.
    Jace felt her leg brush his, before taking a drink of his coffee. Smirking at her over the cup. "We can always do that at my place." He informed her, knowing that she more than likely stay with the gang. That would be a bothersome thing for him. Picking her up and dropping her off, would prove to be a problem since all he had right now was his police cruiser. His car was in the shop.
    August 1st, 2015 at 04:46am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    "Honey, I only need one pair of shoes, so they're going to be on my feet the entire time," He shook her head slightly, following the GPS' directions to make a right onto a highway. "Okay, great. So, we should come back with lighter luggage." Although with all of the stops along the way, the possibility of that happening was slim to none. He was sure that they would be buying souvenirs along the way. Christian glanced over at her, letting it go. It was a lost cause and not something he could change.
    Her eyes slid back out to the window where his police car sat before locking with his eyes once more. "And how far is your place?" She questioned, figuring that she would have to walk back to their base afterward. Besides, she could not lead a cop right to their safety zone. That would get her banished from the gang in a blink of an eye.
    August 1st, 2015 at 08:20pm
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan scoffed looking at him. "Really one pair?" She shook her head. "What about dress shoes, your not going to tell me that you wear your nasty tennis shoe with a suit." She knew that most guys had one pair shoved in the back of their closet. But still he had to have more than one pair. "I guess." She agreed about having less luggage.
    Jace finished off his coffee, shaking his head. "Not far." He smiled, "I just didn't feel like walking this morning." He chuckled, though he wished he would have. But then again if he did he would have missed her, so he was glad he did. "What afraid I might take you in?" He smirked.
    August 1st, 2015 at 11:46pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    "Okay, well, not just one pair. I do have another pair, dress shoes. I just stuck them inside of a plastic bag," He corrected, not seeing the need for another suitcase. When he met her father, he wanted to look proper, a man who could be respected. On the other side of the coin, Christian wondered how many pairs of shoes she had brought. One for every day of the trip? Nevermind, he did not want to think about it.
    Trinity raised an eyebrow, skeptical of the story. "Or maybe you're stalking me. Admit it," She smirked in return as she crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back against the faded leather of the booth. "You've already done it once, so you don't intimidate me the least bit," She responded, calling over the waitress to get the bill.
    August 2nd, 2015 at 02:47am
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan smirked at him, "see you still felt the need to protect you clothing." She chuckled, "but honestly I like shoe so sue me." She smiled at him. Though there conversation was about shoe, she felt at ease with him. And knew that if they could make a conversation last this long about nothing important, then she wouldn't be bored on this trip at all.
    Jace smirked at her, "oh yes I followed you home last night." He said shaking his head. "And if I remember correctly you want willing with me." He told her, she had been hurt so he didn't force her. But making fun of it was humorous. "And if you don't watch yourself it won't be the last time either."
    August 2nd, 2015 at 05:28am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    A small smirk took over Christian's expression. "Maybe I will," He teased before breaking into a smile. Considering the events of the past few days, they needed to have a light-hearted conversation, such as this one. It made them almost seem like a normal couple, which they clearly were not.
    "Well, how was I supposed to get away? My ankle was all screwed up, and you clearly had a firm grasp on my arm," She reminded him, recalling the way his smoldering stare had caught her off guard. Leaning forward, she placed her elbows onto the table and her wrists out. "Might as well lock me up now then," Trinity grinned, challenging him.
    August 2nd, 2015 at 04:47pm
  • @ Dandy Darling;
    Jordan let out a loud laugh. "And what would you sue me for?" She teased back. "Rent." She chuckled, knowing that he would have to think of something realistic before the courts ever touched it. And the only thing she could think of would be rent for taking up space in his trunk.
    Jace smirked at her, before playfully slapping her on the wrist. "I have a better idea." He told her before placing down money, more than enough to pay for both of their bill, and cover at tip. "But either way you might not get a get out of free jail card this time." He said standing.
    August 3rd, 2015 at 06:21am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    He thought for a moment, wondering what could even be plausible. "You would be surprised what people sue for." The news had reported one person attempting to sue another for accidentally spilling a drink onto their clothes. "But rent seems decent enough. Oh, and, gas," He grinned over.
    She laughed as he lightly slapped at her wrists and dropped them back down onto the table. "You didn't have to pay for my breakfast, y'know," She mumbled mostly to herself as she slid out of the booth. Grabbing her back, she slung it over her shoulder. "I think I could live with that," She countered with a challenging smirk.
    August 3rd, 2015 at 08:12pm