take aim and reload.

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    Charlize "Charlie" Dawson

    Sebastian Stan

    Ella Carter

    Chris Evans
    August 29th, 2014 at 05:12am
  • Ella grinned as she stared at her beautiful dress in front of her, this was her first premiere she was attending and she couldn't wait to leave for it. Her dress was absolutely perfect, a present from her older sister to wear for a very special occassion and this was certainly one of them. She bit her lip as she finished getting herself ready, Ella didn't expect her cousin to invite her and Charlie to the premire of the Winter Solider, she just couldn't believe it. Ella's cousin was one of the costume designers so she knew her way around the place and she had extra tickets, so how could Ella refused. "I am so excited aren't you?" she turned to Charlie and grinned.
    Sebastian had showered and was now getting ready for another premiere of The Winter Solider, he loved doing this, it was what he loved and he couldn't wait to get there. Of course he didn't really have a date but he didn't really think he'd need one, though he took both his parents a couple of times and his sister on one so there's that but other than that he just went alone. He wasn't dating anyone at the moment and frankly he wasn't interested at the moment.
    August 29th, 2014 at 06:52am
  • "Depends on what you consider excited." Charlie said as she finished putting on her lipstick. She popped her lips, smiling in the mirror and fluffing up her hair once more before turning to look at her friend. "Excited for me would be attending the Doctor Who press tour. I'm not exactly obsessed with everything Marvel like you are, El." Her tone was light and teasing. "Though, I'm not going to argue and say that the men in those movies aren't attractive, because they are."
    Chris was nearly finished getting ready for another premiere for The Winter Soldier. The first premieres had been in Europe, since the movie was opening in theaters there a few weeks earlier than it was here in the United States, and the New York one was the first one of two here. This sort of thing was honestly his favorite thing about the whole process. Now his family and friends got to see the finished product for something he'd put hard work and effort into for months at a time, and that was just the filming aspect of it. There was all this pre-production stuff as well, but now it was done, and the people he cared about most would get to see all of his hard work and effort in a more finalized form.
    September 2nd, 2014 at 02:51pm
  • Ella let out a small laugh eacape her lips, "well you don't have to go if you don't want to it's not like I'm forcing you to. I'll find someone last minute" she said teasingly. Ella put the finishing touches on her hair and make up and smiled wide, "I think I look pretty damn good don't you think?" She bit down on her lower lip. "Maybe I'll meet some hot piece of Marvel ass" she chuckled. Ella still couldn't believe how lucky she had gotten. "I hope I don't make an idiot of myself" she laughed.
    Sebastian finished getting ready and was out the door. He was excited this was probably his favorite part about doing press. Premieres. Getting to see people's reaction to his hard work and dedication Sebastian knew this movie was bigger then the last so he hoped hia portrayal of the Winter Solider was spot on. After driving around finding a parking spot Sebastian made his way to the red carpet followed by his agent and body guard.
    September 2nd, 2014 at 03:40pm
  • Charlie laughed. "I have nothing better to do anyway, and I'm not sitting at home, watching things on Netflix when I look this good." She said, a slight grin on her face. "And who would you find last minute anyway? I'm your best, and only, friend." She was only teasing obviously. "You look almost as fabulous as I do, so I'm sure you'll attract someone's attention tonight."
    Chris was looking forward to tonight. His mom was coming along with him as his "date", and it was the first time he'd really be seeing her since all of this press and promotion stuff started a few weeks ago. He couldn't wait until this press tour and premieres were over though so that he'd get to go home and spend some more time with his friends and family. That was the only real thing that sucked about his job. He felt like he was hardly ever home. Once at the venue where the premiere was taken place, he walked up with his mom, along with his body guard and agent, towards the red carpet.
    September 3rd, 2014 at 03:13am
  • Ella rolled her eyes "of course not. Oh I know" she chuckled looking in the mirror and smiling to herself. Ella shrugged her shoulders "I guess who ever interest I catch" she laughed again. "Look whose talking" she teased back as she grabbed her jacket. "Let's go our ride is here" she tugged on her arm. "Well thank you, you will too," she opened the front door "were coming hold your horses!"
    Sebastian walked along his date which was his mother as they walked he smiled softly. "Yeah mom he'll be there" as they walked to the red carpet and started taking pictures. He smiled for the cameras and led his mom to where. Chris and his family "hey" he walked up holding her arm.
    September 3rd, 2014 at 04:33am
  • Charlie laughed. "What did you roll your eyes for? I'm realizing how fabulous I look in this dress. Wouldn't want it to go to waste by sitting in front of the TV, binge watching How I Met Your Mother." She grinned at her friend. The thing was, she was only partially joking. Charlie was the type of person who sort of just spoke her mind. If she thought she looked good, she was damn well going to say something. Some saw it as being conceded, she just saw it as being honest. "Wouldn't want to be late." She followed her friend out of the apartment building.
    Chris had already posed for some pictures, and he'd spoken with an interviewer or two as well. Though he'd been doing stuff like this for quite some time now, it didn't make him any less nervous. Thankfully, his mom and some other family members, as well as friends, were there to support him. It put him at ease knowing that there were some familiar faces from back home there was well. His anxiety, for the most part, was in check though, and he didn't think he had too much to worry about tonight seeing as, once they were inside, it was showtime more or less. "Hey." He grinned, seeing Sebastian walk over with his mom.
    September 4th, 2014 at 03:31am
  • Ella shook her head "nothing," she was used to her's upbeat and confident attitude. "Wel if we're lucky we can meet some of the stars wouldn't that be great? " double checking in the mirror Ella finished up and walked out the door. Getting into the limo that her cousin had rented for them. "I told her I didn't want this she didn't listen"
    Sebastian had brought his mother to premiers before so this wasn't new to her. He covered some interviews and photo shoots already as part of press and now they we're just enjoying socializing. "You've met my mother haven't you? " he smiled. Sebastian introduced his mother to the rest of the cast and Chris' mom as well. He looked as last minute arrivals walked down the carpet. They were probably the extras from the movie.
    September 4th, 2014 at 03:48am
  • [did you still want to do this? :) ]
    December 7th, 2014 at 12:12am