Relatives You Don't Like

  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    All of us--even people like me who think very strongly of the importance of family and love their family in principle--have that one relative we just don't like all that much.

    For me, it's one of my uncles. He' know, that one uncle who likes to go on grammatically and factually incorrect political rants on Facebook? That's him. And he's not above name-calling.

    He's also the epitome of Rich White Conservative, which bugs me more than it should. He always posts about his trips to the country club for golf and stuff and I'm like, if he was any more stereotypical a white Republican he would be the posterboy for Fox News. Most of my family is conservative, and in generally I have nothing against Republicans, but this guy just takes it too far and any time anything he doesn't like happens in politics he goes off about how his rights as a Rich White Straight Guy are being taken away.

    And I mean, he's not just a straight-up horrible person, though he's done some horrible things that I don't feel comfortable mentioning here for the sake of my family's privacy. Most of them were a long time ago anyway. He's still fun to talk to on occasion and he's my uncle and I still love him. But good god he makes me angry and I'm perpetually resisting the temptation to just block and unfriend him on Facebook because I get so sick of his crap.

    So there's my rant. How about you guys? Have any relatives that no matter how much you want to love them because they're family they just don't seem to ever stop pissing you off?
    August 30th, 2014 at 05:02am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    OHMYGOD we both have those uncles that piss the living hell out of you.

    My uncle assumes that he's better than everyone. & of course he is that uncle of mine that also goes on tangents on FB about political happenings + governmental conspiracies. I swear, he's that one guy who loses his temper & acts like he's the 'man' who no one can stand up to. Yea, we butt heads rather wickedly. Recently more so bc I've lost complete patience for the man. He also has this thing where he tends to treat his daughter like she's a princess & better than the other kids (aka my brother).

    Yea, we butt heads all the time like I said. I basically laid down the law that he has no right screaming at my brother, intruding in my life or treating me like I'm two when I'm clearly eighteen & responsible of my own life. + I proudly told him to fuck off & he's listened. Doesn't mean that he won't be less annoying -.-
    September 3rd, 2014 at 12:59am
  • EdgeOfReality

    EdgeOfReality (100)

    United States
    My half-brother.
    He has a drug problem.
    But I've pretty much completely cut him out of my life at this point.

    More recently my in-laws (do in-laws count?)
    September 3rd, 2014 at 06:07am
  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    My cousin Jenna. Literally, when I was younger she was very mean to me. After she found out I got sick she sucked up to me and tried getting to know me. It pissed me off so fucking much. She tries to get to know me, yet she tells ALL of my relatives that my dad beats me + rapes me + molests me. Um, we live over 350 miles away. We never see you. Why would you lie to everyone and have them hate my dad? My dad's never beat me or raped me or molested me. It just disgusts me that she would do something like that and then try to get to know me. It's like, you're 25. What do you want with a 17 year old who lives SO FAR AWAY and DOESN'T COME HOME BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU GUYS BECAUSE YOU STILL THINK MY DAD RAPES ME TO THIS DAY? Finger
    September 6th, 2014 at 01:15am
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    My cousin Nick. I absolutely cannot stand him and he and I never got along. He's a few years older than me, and I'm glad that he's moved to Georgia because I don't have to see him anymore. XD
    September 6th, 2014 at 02:06am
  • shelbyvengeance

    shelbyvengeance (100)

    United States
    My uncle (gpa's brother). he's creepy. he moved down here last year after retiring and he annoys all of us. I can't really stand most of my gpa's family to begin with. they all like to argue and i just don't like being around them. never have. the only one of his family i like (other my gpa of course) is my cousin (creepy uncle's son). he's always been so cool. when he came down for christmas when i was younger, he would play video games with me. he's pretty much a big kid.
    September 6th, 2014 at 10:25pm
  • amber12334

    amber12334 (115)

    Well my great-grandfather is a murderer so I'm not really a fan of him File
    September 22nd, 2014 at 05:01pm
  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    My cousin drives me up the wall. She's younger than me and easily influenced by her peers, but she insists on copying everything that I do which irks me because everyone coddles her so when she decides to do something that I've been doing for months already, she gets everything she wants until her phase is over. I also hate that she constantly has her face glued to her phone when the family is together. Like, I know nothing in your life is important enough for you to ignore your family so cool but no.
    September 26th, 2014 at 04:59am
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    I have an aunt that I would kill in a hearbeat if I just had the perfect chance, seriously. I absolutely hate her.

    I've never known someone who has true pleasure in humiliating and making people miserable like her. Nobody invites her to family parties because we all know that when she gets bored she always goes and find at least a prey to attack and someone will end up hurt, this when the whole family don't get into a huge fight because of her.

    She was really horrible to my ex-boyfriend, always asking him the most improper things just to make him uncomfortable or making up stories to make him think I was cheating on him or something like that -and he believed her because who doesn't know her for a very long time thinks she's an angel on earth. It was a serious pain. I have no intentions to ever let she anywhere near my current boyfriend so when we went to meet mom together for the first time we had to come up with a strategy so he would be at mom's place in times of the day when aunt wouldn't be able to show up. That was exhausting.

    No sane person would ever behave the way she does, and she's been like that for her whole life, so I believe she must have some sort of mental illness, but that doesn't make me hate her any less than I do.
    October 16th, 2014 at 03:01am
  • Angel Dust

    Angel Dust (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I don't consider them apart of my family despite them being related to me through my stepdad but I don't really like my stepdad's side of the family that much. I mean when they're not being loud and obnoxious, I can handle them. But my stepdad's sister-in-law (who's married to one of his older brothers that I actually like and can tolerate) likes to ask me personal questions that I prefer to keep to myself unless I trust a friend to tell it too (she's mellowed out a bit on that though now that I'm older).

    Then there's my stepdad's third older brother (I think. He has a lot brothers and one younger brother), who's kinda snobbish and so is the step-uncle's wife. Back when my mom and stepdad were in their dating phase (this was before they moved out of state and moved in together), they (Mom and Stepdad) took me to my stepdad's sister's house for a pool party/family gathering kinda deal and well, Stepdad's Snobbish brother has a daughter who absolutely adored me.

    We were playing in the pool, you know, playing water tag and w/e you can think off, when the Brother called his daughter over. After a few minutes of talking to her parents, the girl came back over, got back into the pool, and she blatantly ignored me. When I asked her why she stopped playing with me, she said her parents didnt want her playing with me.

    That hurt my feelings tbh and I didn't understand what was so bad about letting her play with me when we were just playing tag. My mom got annoyed by it but yet the little girl was allowed to play with my twin brother, which was totally fucked up. Ironically enough, when my stepdad's mom died, the same Brother and his Wife attended the funeral, only to hear the will to see if they would be getting the truck that was promised to my stepdad. Needless to say, they didn't get it and they got pissed and cut off all contact with my stepdad and his family altogether.

    I only dislike my stepdad's family for the sole reason that they're loud and obnoxious and they tend to be a bit selfish and greedy.
    October 20th, 2014 at 09:42am
  • Alucard Radke

    Alucard Radke (100)

    United Kingdom
    i HATE my dad. he's never been there 4 me. he and my mum got divorced when i was a baby, coz he had an affair when mum was pregnant with me. i only saw him at weekends and he didn't see me or my sister during the week.
    anyway when i was about 9 i stopped seeing him coz i got sick of his lies and him letting me down. plus i got closer to my step-dad (who i now call dad). my dad, or Mark, didn't fight to see me or my sister, didn't even try. so he left the contry and i haven't seen him since.
    thats when i had my 'i hate the world' phese. i was so hurt by him i can't put it into words. but i tried my best to stay strong and move on with my life.
    last year Mark messaged me on Facebook, wanting to see me. i didn't know what to do, it had been too long. but i wanted answers, ¨why did he leave and why didn't try to see me sooner?¨ i told him i'd see him with my Auntie and her boyfriend, but he didn't show. he messaged me back the next day, not even saying sorry and wanting a second chance. i said no, i couldn't get hurt and let down.
    I didn't hear from him again til my 21st birthday. i got so mad, like how dare he wish me a happy birthday and act like everything is fine. i told him to f off and didn't hear from him til just this week. he messaged again and i simply told him to f off.
    this man has hurt me in so many ways. i feel he abandoned me and that he doesn't love me, or even wanted me in the first place. i have trust issues coz of him leaving! i don't wanna see him right now, i want to focus on myself and sort my life out. i wish he and my grandma, who tries to push me to see him, would understand that. i need time for my heart to heal.
    October 26th, 2014 at 01:12am
  • VixL

    VixL (100)

    United States
    My second cousin on my mom’s side. We were raised like sisters, when we were younger and at one time I thought we were best friends, but she never saw me that way. Instead, she just saw me as her flunkie. I’m the oldest by a year or two, but she always treated me like I’m way younger than her and takked down to me because I let her. She’s also extremely jealous of me because her mom used to compare her to me back when we were younger, because i used to be very quiet and agreeable while she was loud and talked back. She can put everyone else down, yet the time you tell her how you really feel about her, she feels personally attacked. She thinks she’s always right, too. You can’t correct her. This year I finally told her I’m no longer going to be her flunkie. She now all of a sudden wants to consider me as her friend since her other friends don’t talk to her anymore. This woman never called me and even forgot my birthday in the last years when I used to consider her my “best friend”. Ha. I was delusional. And when I told her where she could stick it because now all of a sudden I’m her last choice and she wants to start being a better friend to me like how I was to her all these years, she gets an attitude. I’m tired of giving my all to people who tell me that after eight + uears of me giving them my all, they, “Never really saw me as a friend” (that’s what she told me last time when she confronted me about why I said I wasn’t going to be her friend anymore). Chick please. If I wasn’t your friend then, calling you, listening to you, being on your side, sending you gifts for your birthday, than I definitely am not going to be your friend now. You don’t even have to worry about that. I’m glad I let go of her toxic relationship because mainly all she ever did was put me down and use me. I also don’t like my mom that much either for the same reasons (puts me down/tries to use me). But I’m living with my mom right now, so I can’t get away from her yet or establish the boundaries I need to be healthier and happier for myself. I can’t wait until I can, however get rid of that toxicity in my life as well. I’ll awlays love my mon and my cousin, but they’ve done more hurt to me over the years than good. And sometimes it is time to establish a level of respect and separation so that this toxicness ends.
    March 26th, 2018 at 10:37am
  • Queen of Suburbia

    Queen of Suburbia (315)

    United States
    I've kind of had a falling out within recent years with my second cousin after two holidays ago I called her out for treating my aunt/her grandmother like shit and she told me it wasn't my place and that I had no idea what was going on. Ever since then we don't speak much, which is a shame since we used to be close when we were little kids.
    She kind of always bothered me though, she's always been a bit of a spoiled brat. Her parents were well to do and she was the only child. They gave her everything and she seemed to walk all over them. She also always wanted to be a singer and everyone always told her how fabulous she was, yet when she tried out for the Voice and a bunch of other shows she was always overlooked. She's an alright singer, but she sounds better doing musicals and she always tries to sing soulful songs that don't really complement her voice. I do feel bad because her parents died recently, but when I tried reaching out to her and called her she was very formal to me. When I tried contacting her again a few times she would read my text messages or facebook messages and just never respond.
    September 29th, 2018 at 03:20am