Twin Stoc.

  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States


    Winston academy is nothing like it appears to be. The whole foundation on which it was given its prestigious reputation is just a pile of lies. The truth is Winston Coast Academy is really Twin Stoc it's even in the name. Twin Stoc is really a secret government agency creating twins and separating them into different wombs, messing around with the controls and brainwaves to test the nature vs. nurture theory once and for all. The twins were both given the same genes and their brains were wired the same way they were just put in separate environments. The children were all kept safe distances a part as to not discover each other and disrupt the study. The scientist also wanted to test the theory of creating exact opposites with a few twins and see if they put a negative twin with a positive influence around them if they'd stay negative and do the opposite for one with positive emotions. All the twins in the study have odd birth marks on the front of either their left or right shoulder blade they look like a moon within a sun. They weren't picked by accident to go to the school, it wasn’t on talent, they were always meant to go back. The school is on a private island hundreds of miles from any land in an effort to keep their subjects contained. The parents have no idea about their children not really being their children. Some students take it better because it's better than they've had their whole life being catered on hand and foot and having everything you want given to you with the snap of your fingers... if you behave.
    A few final words before I move on trust no one, three strikes with principle Morris and you're on your way but I wouldn't aim for that because he/she is also the head doctor and can get quite pissed when you screw up the experiment he/she's spent most of his/her life on. Question everything and remember your teachers are both the scientists and doctors so everything is being tested every little things count.
    The All-Stars are the students that are basically suck ups. They get away with everything because they do the assignments and don’t really fight the tests or try to run away. They stay on the main part of the island away from the dangers and don’t try to interfere with the tests. They get the best things but they are also the devious ones the ones that would sooner rip out your throat then help you unless it’ll help them in some way though not all of them are that ruthless some just spoiled rotten. They are also a lot smarter than average people and they are on levels of geniuses and prodigies they are the ones that have excelled in the experiment far more than expected.[/black]

    Also in their nature they are made to connect specifically to certain emotions and actions so they kind of tried to predetermine that they'd be an ass or react to something in a certain way or even be an artist/scientist/athlete/addict because it's their nature or if nurturing is the key component in how someone turns out.

    No god modding
    No Mary Sues or Gary Stues.
    NC-17, sex, drugs, violence. But let's also get some sort of story line going as well
    Inside drama is great, outside drama is not.
    Pregnancies must run past me.
    All student's are twins. Someone else can play them if you want or just not to bring them in at all or bring them in later.
    No killing another character.
    Only two subjects for All-Stars to excel in please
    To reserve: your name| character gender | role | faceclaim?
    Update your reservation post with your profiles.
    Picture and the name of your character in every post unless on a mobile device.
    No one liners.
    No Claims let things play out please
    Please have good grammar and spelling.

    If you have any questions just ask and I'll answer them all as best as I can.
    If you don't post after a few days I'll pm you and if you don't respond after a week you'll be removed unless you let me know a head of time.

    Profile Skeleton.

    [b]Your Name:[/b]
    [b]Character Name:[/b]
    [b]Subject:[/b] {If a teacher or All-Star}
    [b]Personality:[/b] {This is important if their a student. It helps us understand their traits.}
    [b]Bio:[/b] {At least four sentences. But detail makes me happy Cute}
    [b]Image:[/b] {Maximum of five}

    Grayson Wilde_____________Logan Harper
    Ema| male - John | Male
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Ryder Hart_____________Beatrix Labelle
    Nixie Patterson_____________Deacon Hayes
    Danica Brooks_____________Jason Brooks
    Lydia Wilson_____________Julian Andrews
    Willow Finch
    Ema| male - Ema| male
    Ema| male - John | male
    John | Female
    - -
    - -
    - -
    September 21st, 2014 at 02:20am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Ema| male | student | Jake Abel
    Ema| male | student| Dylan O'Brien
    Ema | male | teacher| Ryan Kwanten
    Ema| male | student | Colton Haynes
    September 21st, 2014 at 03:05am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    Really? That makes me happy to know. Cute And Ya you can be my twin for Nina I was thinking about 17 for the age what do you think?
    Your Name:Airy
    Character Name: Nixie Marie Patterson
    Role: Student
    Orientation: Unsure
    Personality: Nice, sarcastic, sweet, a little naive,

    Character Name:Beatrix 'Bea' Malina Labelle
    Age: 17
    Role: All Star
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Subject: art, Music
    Personality: She’s manipulative and quiet and a hidden aggression that only comes out when needed. She keeps her emotions to herself and will do whatever it takes to get what she needs. She has a fighting instinct in her and does not believe in the words impossible or no. She's not sweet or naive in anyway and she knows exactly how the world works. Bea is brutally honest whether she should be or not and well she couldn't care less. She's defensive and most people would describe her as an annoying bitch that picks at everything around her and she doesn't trust easily.
    Bio: Bea was born to a successful couple a mother lawyer and a father surgeon so she pretty much grew up with nannies. She went to a few prep schools in New York and most of the students came from successful families so she needed to be something in order to survive and be noticed. She hardened up and became a little bit of a bitch, she's honest to fault and she doesn't really care at all. She got the letter to Winston Coast and her parents more then happily agreed because she was becoming a little to much to handle.

    Character Name: Danica Marie Brooks
    Age: 17
    Role: All Star
    Orientation: Straight
    Subject: Science and Sports(Dance, Ice skating, Tennis)
    Personality: Danica is quite simply a bitch and she'll use her charm and sex appeal to get whatever she wants. She can get anybody to do what she wants just by batting her lashes. She loves messing with people for entertainment but her favorite is screwing around with their hearts. She's spoiled, conceited, devious, and hates not being in control. She loves to flirt and loves the little games she plays but she won't ever fall in love herself not again.
    Character Name: Deacon Archer Hayes
    Age: 18
    Role: All Star
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Subject: music(singing, piano, cello, and guitar), and theatre
    Personality: Deacon's a bit of a narcissistic ass. He loves to make himself seem like the most amazing person in the world and pretends like every time he screws up he didn't fuck up at all. He loves to be the center of attention all the time and has the shortest temper. He's constantly picking on others and hitting on beautiful girls. He has this laid back quality about him and he can be rebellious, hostile, deceiving, possessive, and vain. He's only a nice guy to his teachers and pretty much a bad ass to everyone else.
    Bio: Deacon's hasn’t had the easiest or hardest life but he’d always been the center of attention. His father owned a little diner bellow his family's apartment. His mother died when he was three giving birth to his little sister who died a few weeks later due to being born premature. His father was never really the same and he neglected Deacon and his diner forcing Deacon's older brother Milo who was fifteen to take responsibility of both the diner and Deacon. His father started to lose it all gambling and drinking and all the money earned was sucked away by their debts. There was barely enough money for them to pay for their food, and their bills. Milo and Deacon had to scrounge for food once their restaurant got shut down.
    Milo did everything he could to get a job and take care of Deacon leaving their father behind and focuses everything on Deacon. Being his brothers everything is what sparked his narcissism and need to be the center of attention because he felt that he was important enough for people to sacrifice themselves for. When Deacon was seven his brother finally saved up enough money he bought a used guitar and cello and paid for Deacons lessons. His brother signed him up for acting lessons at the local theatre to keep him busy so that Milo could pull extra shifts to keep them busy. Deacon found everything he loved in theatre, cello, and guitar and then in middle school when he got the lead in the school musical and from there his love of himself just grew and he started pointing out everything wrong in everyone else. He was ecstatic when he got the scholarship to Winston coast though it didn't really come as a surprise to him it was something he expected because he was just that amazing.
    His freshman year he became the star student joining in the All-Stars in less than a week of attending school. He was always a hit with the teachers kissing ass and coming out on top and being the lead in nearly every play minus the few that he was too busy with the orchestra to audition for. He also became a ladies man though some would wonder why because he was blunt with them and completely honest with them in what he wanted and what he saw. He's nothing like his twin brother and he refuses to admit that their related despite the fact they both look exactly the same though he tends to say that he's better, smarter, and sexier.

    Character Name: Ryder James Hart
    Age: 18
    Role: Student
    Orientation: Unsure
    Personality: Ryder is a calm guy though he does come off a little into himself and he’s more of a rebel than you’d assume seeing as he’s got this good guy good looks going on. He hates being told what to do and if you criticize him he’ll get defensive and hostile but he can be rather sweet but you have to pry your way onto his good side and into his heart.
    Bio: Ryder has always been a more distant person. Even as a kid he’d rather play by himself than with a group of kids. He hated being told what kinds of games he should play and what part he should get to play, that’s when he decided he wouldn’t take it and if he was told to be the prisoner he’d go off and be the cop. He wasn’t ever one to listen to anyone but his mother out of respect and love not because he had to but because he wanted to.
    If you asked a teacher or student how Ryder was they’d say he was difficult, hard to hand and disruptive but if you asked his mother she’d say he was the sweetest, kindest, and the most helpful little boy in the world and she didn’t understand why she was getting calls and letters from school. It wasn’t until seventh grade when not one person managed to implant herself into his heart. It was his music teacher Miss. Katie pushed her way into his heart first and made him find a love in music. He spent many afternoons in her room with her leaning new songs and learning how to play the guitar it wasn’t long before he started to do things for her without being asked and he always seemed to be a happy little helper eager to please her. She was the only one besides his mom that he could talk to and it was her who helped him come to the decision to attend Winston Coast. He felt bad leaving his mother and he had to be told thousands of times that he was not like his father and he would still be able to see her during holidays and vacations though upon arriving he was told that it wasn’t acceptable and that just sent him over the edge. He became a dick always starting fights and causing trouble doing everything he could to be sent back home but nothing seemed to do it. He blamed everyone for him being stuck there and managed to make no friends and plenty of enemies both teachers and students alike. The only time he spoke was to either insult someone or say something sarcastic and rude. He resents everyone and he hates his ‘twin’ for embracing being here and loving it.

    Character Name: Jason Brooks
    Age: 17
    Role: Student
    Orientation: Straight
    Subject: {If a teacher or All-Star}
    Personality: {This is important if their a student. It helps us understand their traits.}
    Bio: {At least four sentences. But detail makes me happy Cute}

    Character Name: Logan Denise Harper
    Age: 24
    Role: Teacher
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Subject: Health (Sex Ed., first aid, Health 2.)
    Personality: Logan is a strict hard ass all of her students know that and expect it. She always expects the best of her students and lets that be known at the beginning of the school year. She can be sweet when needed but most of her students need a firm guiding hand. She does tend to tease a few of her students to try and get them to try a little harder.
    Bio: Logan was seven when she had to step up and take care of her mother who had recently fallen off of the wagon that she'd been on for nearly eleven years when her father walked out on them. She did what she could, helping her mother to bed when she passed out on the couch, cleaning up vomit, keeping her warm, and trying to stay out of her way when she brought strange men home, and when she got a little too angry. For nine years she did everything she could to please the woman that barely noticed she was alive until she died of alcohol poisoning on Colleen's sixteenth birthday. Colleen was taken into foster care and for the first time she didn't have to be the adult in the house and she kind of digressed back into that little seven year old. She was shoved out of foster care two years later on her eighteenth birthday with nothing except a few items of cloths and the barely seven years of education she had managed to get. She ended up living with some guy that went by Shadow for a little over a year until he sold her to some rich guy who happened to be a scientist on the Winston study and he took a liking to her and her smarts. She knew a lot about health seeing as she'd spent a lot of time trying to manage her mother’s health and he helped her further her education and put in as a Health teacher telling her to take notes on anything she noticed.

    Character Name: Grayson Alexander Wilde
    Age: 27
    Role: Teacher
    Orientation: Straight
    Subject: Literature
    Personality: Grayson is a pretty nice guy though he's a little tough and is known to have a temper from time to time. He expects a lot out of his students. He is a bit of a flirt and uses it to try and motivate his students to better themselves in their education but he usually knows his limits and tries to keep his boundaries.
    Bio: Grayson was born the oldest of four to a young couple and he had a reasonably nice life. He and his sister were both pretty close in age so while he spent his teenage years goofing off and being a teenager Gwen spent her time taking care of their younger siblings while their parents worked. His dad walked out on them when he was seventeen with his secretary and his mom just fell apart so he decided it was time to step up. He started working two jobs and he even managed to fit in school and then college though he still stayed at home to save a few bucks. He decided about a year into college to major in science and minor in literature and soon after graduation he was offered a job though he wasn't sure if he wanted to take considering the test subjects were teens who didn't know that they were basically a little science experiment but he got used to it after two or three years of teaching.
    September 21st, 2014 at 05:30am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    Your Name: John
    Character Name: Knaves
    Age: 18
    Role: All-Star
    Orientation: Straight
    Subject: Math and science
    Personality: Knaves means well but sometimes he can come off as a bit of a know it all. He can’t really help it that’s just the way he is. HE is a very much of the work smarter, not harder, mentality. He almost never relies on physical actions, aside from running, preferring to think his way out of everything.
    Bio: Knaves was born to regular parents, so he thought, had a normal childhood, so he thought, and then got accepted to a private school, so he thought. When he came to Winston Academy he noticed something was slightly off. Now he just wants to leave but for some reason he can’t. So he sits now in the shadows and think of how to expose the school or just escape. He became an All-Star to try and throw the principal and the teachers off his trail and now actively sucks up to everyone.
    Image: {Maximum of five}
    Image Image Image

    Your Name: John
    Character Name: Dr. Wallaby
    Age: 68
    Role: Teacher
    Orientation: Straight
    Subject: Science and Mathematics
    Personality: Wise and very kind. He has seen the world many times over so he has that seasoned sort of outlook on life. He knows that his students are the future and it has made him happy in a way to watch them grow and learn.
    Bio: Mr. Wallaby may look like an old bump on the log whose time went whizzing by a very long time ago. However he can be cunning, ruthless, and make a mean cup of tea while he tears your argument apart. Back in the development of the students he was quite instrumental in developing the procedure that allowed the removal of one twin from one womb to implant into another womb. As his years move on he has started to become concerned with the ethical consequences that they place upon their students.
    Image: {Maximum of five}
    Image Image Image

    Your Name: John
    Character Name: Ariel Graceland
    Age: 18
    Role: All-Star
    Orientation: Lesbian
    Subject: Theater and Singing
    Personality: You know that one bitch that every school has? Well Ariel is the queen bee of all manipulative bitches. She is ruthless, will stab you in the back for a pudding cup, and basically she’s not a very nice person. She is basically the polar opposite of her sister.
    Bio: Ariel and Abby are two completely different sides of the same coin. Ariel basically uses her experience in theater to help con people into thinking that she is the best thing on the planet. She bullied her sweeter and slightly more naïve sister for many years until they went to Winston Academy to which she completely cut off most contact with her sister. Now she is attempting to rule the nest with all the other theater kids. She is very talented though.
    Image: {Maximum of five}
    Image Image Image

    Your Name: John
    Character Name: Abby Graceland
    Age: 18
    Role: All-Star
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Subject: English
    Personality: Abby is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. She will forgo sleep, eating, and any other personal needs to help someone out. People meet her and wonder how she and Ariel can be related. She is very pure and will often be wearing white clothing, it’s almost too symbolic.
    Bio: Abby takes great pride in her writings, when she is feeling bummed she writes, when she is feeling sad she writes, when she is feeling inspired she writes, point is she writes a lot. She also is involved with many charities and is an English tutor for those having trouble with that subject.
    Image: {Maximum of five}
    Image Image Image

    I am also Austian Cashby's twin for the Dylan O'Brien faceclaim
    @ Austlan Cashby.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 04:32am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ King of the Klondike
    You have Zegers....
    September 22nd, 2014 at 04:33am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ Austlan Cashby.
    I know but I had a character all planned out with Dylan...but I guess I will just be stuck with Laura Vandervoort and Kevin Zegers. Wink
    September 22nd, 2014 at 04:34am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ King of the Klondike
    You can be the allstar of my Dylan. They can be twins
    September 22nd, 2014 at 04:41am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ Austlan Cashby.
    I forgot they can do that. THAT WOULD AMAZEBALLS!
    September 22nd, 2014 at 05:08am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ King of the Klondike
    It's settled then. You can be my Dylan twin. I think his name is going to be Bohen Gage.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 05:16am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ Austlan Cashby.
    The twin's name?
    September 22nd, 2014 at 05:48am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ King of the Klondike
    Yeah my twin. Message me and we'll discuss more instead of littering the thread lol
    September 22nd, 2014 at 05:51am
  • Little Dream

    Little Dream (100)

    United States
    Your Name: Vanna
    Character Name: Willow Marie Finch
    Age: 18
    Role: Student
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Personality: {This is important if their a student. It helps us understand their traits.}
    Bio: {At least four sentences. But detail makes me happy }
    Image: ImageImageImageImageImage

    Your Name: Vanna
    Character Name: Lydia Grace Wilson
    Age: 18
    Role: All-Star
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Subject: Art and Music
    Personality: {This is important if their a student. It helps us understand their traits.}
    Bio: {At least four sentences. But detail makes me happy }
    Image: ImageImageImageImageImage

    Your Name: Vanna
    Character Name: Julian Cade Andrews
    Age: 17
    Role: Student
    Orientation: Homosexual
    Personality: {This is important if their a student. It helps us understand their traits.}
    Bio: {At least four sentences. But detail makes me happy }
    Image: ImageImageImageImageImage
    September 22nd, 2014 at 06:54am
  • Little Dream

    Little Dream (100)

    United States
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:50am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    The list is updated
    September 23rd, 2014 at 11:24pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ Little Dream@ Austlan Cashby. @ King of the Klondike
    I want a few more people before we start.
    September 25th, 2014 at 06:33am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ TwistedLove
    Okay. I probably won't be adding any more characters just due to the nature of the RP would be a TON of characters.
    September 25th, 2014 at 06:46am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ Austlan Cashby. @ King of the Klondike @ Little Dream
    So we can start whenever the bios are all done.
    September 29th, 2014 at 06:03pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    Bio is done.
    @ TwistedLove
    September 29th, 2014 at 10:38pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    (I feel like I'm breaking a trend because a lot of my teacher characters are older than 40).
    September 30th, 2014 at 08:24pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ King of the Klondike
    It's okay it's not a bad thing.

    Nixie Marie Patterson

    Beatrix 'Bea' Malina Labelle

    Danica Marie Brooks

    Deacon Archer Hayes

    Ryder James Hart

    Jason Brooks

    Logan Denise Harper

    Grayson Alexander Wilde
    October 1st, 2014 at 11:38am