Somethin' Bad |Closed RP|

  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Wake up in the morning’ don’t know what happened

    Emily Donovan & Spencer Reid

    Paige Rossi & Dean Winchester

    Whoa… Something bad
    Whoa… Something bad
    September 22nd, 2014 at 02:28am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    "So, what're we thinking? Woman in white? Sirens? Possession maybe?" Emily asked from the passenger side of the Impala. It was sort of the closest thing to home that she had being that it was pretty much motel room after motel room. Not that she'd really known anything else in her life. She'd always been on the road with her dad, though he did work quite a few cases with John Winchester back in the day, and she could recall quite a few nights spent watching crummy TV with Sam while Dean babysat them. That was years ago though, obviously. She'd been hunting with Sam and Dean for a few years now. It honestly wasn't that bad, though getting stuck in the middle of a spat with those two was never fun. She felt like the voice of reason between the two brothers sometimes, though things had honestly almost always been that way.

    Dean Winchester
    "It's too early to know for sure. Bobby's digging to see if he can find anything else out, said he'd give me a call if he did." Dean answered. "Either way, it definitely seems like our kind of thing." There had been a string of murders over the course of the last couple of months in a town in southern New Jersey. All of the victims had been young men, and all of the murders had been strikingly similar. Sam had seen a story on the most recent one in the paper the other day, they'd just finished a rather annoying case involving a poltergeist, the son of a bitch had certainly put up one hell of a fight, so this was their next stop. She and Dean were headed to the crime scene, and Sam was going to go talk to a few of the previous victims families. He was usually better at that sort of thing than she and Dean were.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 03:24am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    "Could there be something else we're missing, Reid?" Aaron Hotchner, leader of the BAU team asked Spencer. Snapping him out of his brainy thoughts he looked at Hotchner shaking his head, "Nothing that I see so far." Spencer answered bluntly. He took the folders he had in his hands looking at each crime scene. Everything was the same. Nothing had changed for the MO, the victims were killed the same way. The men were the same age, early twenties to later thirties. Most were single, only one was married but the BAU hadn't known that till afterwards.

    Running his fingers through his short hair, Spencer let a sigh escape his lips as he continued looking over each case. Something had to be missing, something had to let him know what was going on.
    Paige Rossi
    She'd left her home in Quantico, Virginia with her father, Dave Rossi sometime ago. Paige never stayed in one place too long, fearing the worse. That her father would find her. She'd been on the run from him for a few years now, she didn't want him to find for her. For her own personal reasons. He didn't believe in the supernatural. She did. She had witnessed a demon kill her mother before her eyes when she was ten years old. Since then, Paige had never been the same.

    Closing her eyes tightly, she pushed her car into drive as she climbed out of the charger shutting the door. She had her hair fixed into a tight ponytail, as she kept the sunglasses that covered her eyes pushed up to the bridge of her nose between her eyes. She walked briefly at the crime scene looking things over. She was closer to catching the demon who murdered her mother.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 04:15am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    "It almost always is." Emily pointed out. She couldn't really remember a case that didn't end up involving something supernatural. If it seemed like it was their kind of thing, it pretty much always was. Hell, there were even a few cases in which something didn't seem like it was their type of thing when it actually was. It wasn't long after that that they arrived at the crime scene. As she and Dean approached, one of the officers outside spotted them. "Can I help you two?" He asked. "I'm Agent Romanov and this is my partner Agent Banner."

    Dean Winchester
    "You two from the BAU?" The question almost caught Dean off guard, almost, though it wasn't the first time someone had asked him questions after he flashed his badge. "No. My partner and I worked a case similar to this one a couple of years back. We were in the area, figured we'd do whatever we could to help." He was normally quick at thinking on his feet, so this never usually seemed to be a problem. Of course, there had been a couple of issues with the feds in the past, though it usually died down after a while. The officer nodded. "You must know the one inside then. She said something similar when she arrived a few minutes ago." Dean nodded. He wondered who the other agent was. Another hunter? An actual fed? "Well, if my partner and I could have a look around..." The officer nodded. "Of course." Dean ducked under the yellow crime scene tape, Emily following behind him.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 12:29pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    The plane landed as we all filled off of it. Running his fingers through his hair, Spencer looked around at the settings through his sunglasses. He walked over to the two SUV's that were parked and ready for the team. He climbed into the one with Rossi and Hotch to head to the crime scene while the others went to the station to begin processing everything again. "So anything?" Hotchner asked Spencer as he looked up from the backseat where he'd been staring at the files again. "No, nothing yet Hotch. Maybe something at the crime scene." Spencer said as he saw the house come into view.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige looked over the crime scene as she kept her eyes on the body a second. This just made no sense, in all honesty. If this were a demon, the killing was getting sloppy and not caring. She heard footsteps as she turned around to see Dean Winchester, non of the less. She crossed her arms lightly seeing the slight smirk tugging on his lips. She'd worked a few cases with him and Sam a few years ago, and some in the past few months along with Emily. She shook her head and smiled lightly, "I should've known that you'd been on my heels." She joked smiling at Dean and Emily.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 01:30pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Dean Winchester
    Dean smirked when the blonde turned her head, immediately recognizing her. He'd worked a couple of cases with her in the past, though he hadn't seen her recently. "What are you trying to say?" He asked. "Because, if anything, I think you've been on my heels. I know I'm an admirable person, Paige, but this is taking things a little too far, don't you think?" Paige was a pretty awesome person. He, Sam and Emily had met her through Bobby, and Dean kind of hit it off with her almost instantly. Now it looked like they'd be working the same case, something that he certainly didn't mind.
    Emily Donovan
    "Do you always make everything about you?" Emily asked Dean, joining in on the banter. Dean was like an older brother to her, and Sam as well. Of course, that was because she'd practically grown up with the two of them. They were like family to her. Those extremely overprotective older brothers, but family nonetheless, and she was glad to have the two of them in her life. With her dad no longer around, those two and Bobby were kind of the only people she really had. "What's your take on all of this?" She asked Paige, eyeing the body for a moment before looking back over to the blonde.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 09:32pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    We pulled up to the crime scene getting out. Spencer took and walked showing his badge along with Hotch and Rossi. He walked inside spotting a blonde, brunette, and some guy. Right off the bat he could tell these were not Feds. They were someone else. Spencer cleared his throat, "Who are you?" He looked at the three of them. His eyes locked with the brunette as he felt something in his heart squeezing. He smiled lightly at her, "I'm Dr. Spencer Reid." He spoke to her.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige grinned at Dean about to answer Emily hearing the man speaking to them. She took and looked at him as she heard his name. It sounded so familiar. Then it hit her, he worked with her father. "Shit." She muttered underneath her breath getting a look from Dean. She took and turned about to leave coming face to face with her father, "Paige." Dave spoke to his daughter causing her to freeze. This was the last man she wanted to see right now.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 10:34pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    Emily hadn't really thought twice about it when the officer outside had asked if they were with the BAU, and something told her that Dean hadn't either. Usually, they didn't have too many issues dealing with feds, though there had been a couple of instances in the past. She knew that coming into contact with them wasn't good. She honestly didn't know why most people didn't question the badges or say they were fake. She wasn't complaining though. She knew that identity fraud was bad, and things would probably be worse if the number of fake IDs that she and the guys had were found, or the contents of the trunk of the Impala was seen. So, when one of the men asked who they were before introducing himself she wasn't too sure of how to respond. Before she could respond, Dean did for her.
    Dean Winchester
    Dean grinned slightly. "I don't know what you're getting at, Em. It is all about me." He said, glancing over to Paige moments later and waiting for her response. He, Emily and Sam didn't have very much to go on yet, they did know that this was their kind of thing though, so getting Paige's opinion would be good too. Paige was a damn good hunter, so he was sure that she had a couple of decent theories as well. However, that never came. Just before she was about to answer Emily, three men walked in. Dean knew immediately that they were feds, and he also knew immediately that this wasn't good at all. He shot a questioning look Paige's way, hearing her swear quietly, though he understood why moments later. She knew one of them, and by first name too. At first Dean thought maybe that was a good thing, they'd let them on their way without asking any questions, however, after looking at Paige, and seeing the expression on her face, he wasn't so sure anymore. "We were just leaving." He said.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 11:46pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer looked between Dave and the blonde seeing how she was staring, and the narrowed gaze she was giving him. He knew they knew each other very well. Spencer rubbed the back of his neck unsure about this. "You're not leaving till you give us who you are." Hotch answered looking at the guy. Spencer took and saw the guy shoot him a look and shook his head. Whatever was going on made him a little uncomfortable. He took and walked over to the scene and began looking at it trying to figure it out.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige heard Dean say something as she kept staring at her father. She heard him say, "We were just leaving." Paige looked to Dean and nodded her head as she started to walk by her father as he grabbed her arm. "Paige, you're not going anywhere's." Dave spoke to her as he looked down at her. She looked up at him letting a sigh emerge from her lips, "Dad." She whispered narrowing her eyes. "I have nothing to say to you." She jerked her arm free walking out quickly trying to gather herself together.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 12:02am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Dean Winchester
    It was obvious that Paige knew the man, though Dean didn't know how she did. He could tell that she wasn't happy to see him though, and the man looked to be rather shocked to see her. He really didn't know what was going on. He knew that this didn't look good though. They had nothing to really hold against them though. Not yet anyway. "I don't see why I have to do anything." He said, crossing his arms. He glanced over to Emily for a moment and then Paige, watching as she walked out.

    Emily Donovan
    This whole situation was one that Emily wished could have been avoided. She and Dean were just trying to work a case. Paige was too, and so was Sam, though he clearly seemed to be the lucky one right now, being off questioning previous victim's families and all. She kind of wished that she'd gone with him instead of Dean today, and she normally hated questioning families. She just wasn't good at it. Sam was more sympathetic and empathetic than she and Dean were, so they normally left that part up to him. She doubted that this looked good, and she sort of wished that Dean, for once, would just keep his mouth shut.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 12:49am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Paige Rossi

    Paige rubbed a hand over her face once she got to her charger. She let a shaky breath out, one she hadn't realized she was holding in. She lent into the car resting her hands on the roof of it. She shook her head, wishing now she hadn't came here. She wouldn't had saw her father, and that look he gave her. She looked over her shoulder seeing Dean coming towards her as she straightened up, "Before you start with your questions. I'll make it easy. That is my father, and I haven't seen him in 7 years since my mother was killed by a demon." Paige bluntly told Dean.
    Spencer Reid

    Spencer walked outside looking around the perimeter. Every clue he was gathering, was leading to something strange. Something off. It was a human murdering. He honestly had never seen anything like this. He took and walked back to go inside running into the brunette from earlier, "I am truly sorry." Spencer apologized to her.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 01:46am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Dean Winchester
    "Now, if you'll excuse me." Without another word, or second glance, Dean walked out of the house after Paige. He wasn't going to give them an explanation, this didn't look good either way, and right now he was more concerned about checking on Paige than anything else. He figured that Emily would follow him out. Unlike him, she'd kept her mouth shut. That really just wasn't something that Dean did easily though. "That's why you got into hunting, isn't it?" He asked her. He'd asked Bobby once before, but he hadn't really told him much. Dean knew that something must've happened though. It wasn't a family thing like it was with him, Sam and Emily. Something had happened that caused her to get into hunting.
    Emily Donovan
    Emily wasn't far behind Dean. They'd just have to figure out another way to work this case, or maybe they just wouldn't work it at all. Of course, that wasn't really something that Emily wanted to do. This case wasn't just a skinwalker or poltergeist, it was obviously more than that, and a lot of people had already gotten hurt. Whatever was behind this, was something that needed to be stopped. As she started out, the man who had introduced himself earlier walked right into her. He was actually kind of cute. "It's alright." She said.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 02:10am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Paige Rossi
    Paige nodded her head looking at Dean. "Yeah. That's what pushed me into hunting." She admitted to him crossing her arms over her chest."My dad told me I was stupid, crazy. He even sent me to a psych ward for a year. He told them I had some mental issue over my mother's death." She sighed leaning into her car. "I barley ever knew my dad though, my mom said it was for the best. When she died, and I watched the demon murder her. I told him I would find him, and I would kill him just like he killed my mom." Paige told Dean sighing. She'd never opened up about her past till this moment.
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer smiled at her, "Sorry again." He said moving to the side. He took and looked at her a second, "You're not really with the FBI are you?" Spencer asked staring down at her. Something was off about her, a good off. She didn't have an FBI attitude like most did. She looked like she was hunting for something more behind the murder, than to what he was just searching for clues as to who done the murder.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 02:16am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Dean Winchester
    Dean nodded, though he didn't say anything until he was certain she'd finished talking. "And you just kind of took up hunting on your own?" He asked her. He'd learned a lot of what knew from his father, Emily's father and Bobby. She clearly didn't have that luxury. Now he wasn't saying that there weren't other equally dangerous professions out there, if hunting were perceived as a profession, but to learn all that on her own had to have been tough. And, from what Bobby had told him, she didn't work cases with other hunters very frequently. He, Sam, Emily and Bobby seemed to be some of the few exceptions. "How close are you to finding the bastard?"
    Emily Donovan
    Emily smiled slightly. "Honestly, it's fine. No harm, no foul." She said, stepping out of the house. She was about to head towards the car, where Paige and Dean appeared to be deep in conversation, when he spoke once more. Turning, she looked at him. "That obvious, huh?" She asked. She didn't see any reason to lie or keep up with a charade that obviously wasn't going to work. Though she sort of wondered what really gave her away. Most people didn't question her, Sam or Dean about it, and if they did, it was just one call to their "superior", aka Bobby, and no more questions were asked.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:10am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Paige Rossi
    Paige shrugged running her fingers through her lengthy blonde hair sighing a little, "I was dead on track till these murders began." She paused letting a sigh. "When the second one happened, I lost all track on him. Till today. This murder is identical to my mom's." She paused. "It was her anniversary." She whispered showing no emotion to keep her self together. "If I can figure this murder out, I may be able to find him." She admitted.
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer smiled at her shoving his hands into his pockets. "Well to be honest. You are not like most woman in the FBI that I have seen and worked with." He paused a second. "You're more laid back, and don't have that edge that screams out "i'm FBI" you have an edge that says, "i'm me." Spencer smiled at her. "Just by reading your body language." He grinned at her.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:18am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Dean Winchester
    Dean frowned slightly, giving a slight nod. He knew better than give her his sympathies or anything like that. He doubted that she was telling him all of this because she wanted sympathy. If she wanted that, she'd probably be talking to Sam. He was more sympathetic than Dean was. "Sam, Emily and I worked a case similar to this one a couple of years back. That's why this one caught Sam's eye when he saw something about it in the paper the other day."
    Emily Donovan
    "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Emily asked, quirking a brow. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She knew that she wasn't a convincing fed, and neither were Sam or Dean, though most people they came across didn't seem to have any reason to question them. It was rather strange actually, though she never complained about it. It made her job a hell of a lot easier in the long run. Not that she minded a little challenge every now and again.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:25am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Paige Rossi
    Paige nodded her head, "Maybe looking into it, could help with this one?" She offered and gave a slight smile. "Thank you for being sympathetic towards the subject and situation." She gave him a light hug and smiled pulling back.
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer smiled at her, "Depending on who is looking at the situation." He crossed his arms once he removed them from his pocket. "I, see it as a good thing. Because I like the more laid back you." Spencer smiled at her.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:30am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Dean Winchester
    Dean nodded. "I don't see why not." He said, shrugging his shoulders. He offered her a small smile. Like he'd told Emily earlier, this definitely seemed like their kind of thing, and now, after talking with Paige and discovering that this case was almost identical to how her mother had been murdered, he was even more convinced. He was kind of surprised when she thanked him, though he hugged her back. He hadn't really realized that he was being sympathetic or anything like that, but he supposed he was if she was thanking him for it. "You don't have to thank me, Paige." He said as he pulled back. "Where do you think we go from here?"
    Emily Donovan
    Emily nodded. It made sense, though she was looking for his opinion, not anyone else's. She was really just curious, though she smiled when he told her that he saw it as a good thing. She didn't know why, but she was glad that he saw it that way. "You don't even know me." She pointed out. Hell, she hadn't even properly introduced herself earlier. She knew his name, but he didn't know hers.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:38am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Paige Rossi
    Paige rubbed the back of her neck lightly, "Maybe review the case from several years back? If there's a connection then this is the demon that murdered my mom." Paige said as she looked down. "It'd also help to do my mom's case over too." She said looking up at Dean.
    Spencer Reid
    "Right, I don't." Spencer smiled at her as he shoved his hands into his pocket. "But like I said I can read body language. And yours is a good one." He assured her and smiled. "I better get back inside to doing my job." He told her handing her a card with his number on it. "I'll be in town a few days. Maybe we could talk some more?" He smiled before going inside the home to look some more at the deceased victim.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:47am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Dean Winchester
    Dean nodded. "And if it is the demon that killed your mom, we should probably give Bobby a call too, see if he can find anything." He told her. He was becoming more and more convinced that they were dealing with a demon here. But it more than likely wasn't just some low-level crossroads demon. This demon was strong, and had been taking victims for a few years now. This case was certainly going to be a lot less easy and quick as the last one was. That was for sure.
    Emily Donovan
    Emily smiled. "Good to know." She said. She was just glad that, so far, there hadn't been too much of an issue with her, Paige and Dean being caught at the crime scene. Of course, she was pretty sure that that had something to do with Paige walking off earlier. She still hadn't gotten the story on that, though she was sure that she'd find out soon enough. She glanced down at the card when he handed it to her and smiled. "I don't see why not." She smiled at him before turning and walking towards Dean and Paige.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 04:03am