Somethin' Bad |Closed RP|

  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Paige Rossi
    Paige nodded her head to Dean, "Yeah Bobby may know more about this demon, and its killing style." Paige smiled lightly as she crossed her arms over her chest. She saw Emily and smiled at her, "Hey Emily." She said not even having a chance to say hi to the brunette. She took and cleared her throat a little, "I'm staying at the same motel as you guys. I saw Sam earlier." She said. "Maybe in an hour or so we can all meet at the diner near the motel and discuss this more?" She suggested wanting to get as far as she could from this crime scene.
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer smiled going inside as he lent down at the body. He began examining the wounds on the person. This surly wasn't done by a weapon of some sort. Spencer looked at Hotch and Rossi, "I know this is going to sound shitty of me." Spencer stood looking at the two older men, "This wasn't a human that murdered this woman. This was something else." Spencer said.

    "How do you know?" Rossi asked Spencer.

    "The wound indicates that a nail or something was there. Then there are teeth marks. The last wound i'd say was done by a knife. But the first two were made by something else." Spencer said. "I'm going to ask around about this." Spencer walked out and left the crime scene smiling at the girl he'd been talking too. He took and walked down the street and began talking to people as he soon headed for the library to figure this out.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 01:37pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Dean Winchester
    Dean nodded. "I already had him looking into it before. I'll give him a call and let him know that we've ruled everything out other than something demonic." He said. He glanced over when Emily walked over. "We've pretty much ruled everything else out." He didn't want to be the one to tell Emily about Paige's mother. He didn't think that it was his place to do so, and he really didn't know if Paige wanted Emily knowing right now, so he figured he'd let her tell Emily if she wanted to. "Now that you mention it, I could really go for a burger and some pie." He grinned slightly.
    Emily Donovan
    Emily made her way over to where Dean and Paige were. "So we're definitely saying that whatever son of a bitch is doing this is a demon then?" She asked, having heard what Paige said to Dean. It made sense. If anything, this looked like something demonic. "Hey." She said, smiling at Paige. Neither of them had really gotten to say hi to the other with everything that had went down earlier. "Yeah, that sounds great. I'm starving." She glanced over, seeing the man she had been talking to before walking past. She sent a small smile his way. "I might head over to the library for a little while, see if I can find anything on this bastard."
    September 23rd, 2014 at 02:24pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Paige Rossi
    Paige smiled at Emily seeing who was heading for the library, "Ok. If you need help." Paige smiled at her. "Just call, i'll be willing to come and help you out." Paige smiled at Emily. She saw the guy walking down the street as she rubbed the back of her neck lightly, "I'll meet you at the diner. I need to go and change." Paige smiled at Dean. "And what is it with you and pie?" She grinned.
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer finished asking some people questions as he walked over to the library. He took and smiled as he walked inside going straight for their supernatural section. He didn't believe in things like this. Just simply and logically things like this didn't exist to him. He grabbed a book and sat down as he began flipping through some pages scanning them.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 02:36pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    Emily nodded. "Will do." She said, smiling at Paige. Emily was actually planning on looking into this more, though she had also noticed who was headed for the library. Not that she'd actually admit to that fact or anything like that. "I'll meet you guys at the diner in an hour or so." She told Paige and Dean before heading down the street towards the library. Once there, she headed down one of the aisles, scanning the titles of the books there. Finding one that she figured might be useful, she grabbed it, and turned, about to head over to a table and sit down. Of course, she didn't expect a certain trench coat-wearing angel to be right there. She really hoped no one had seen him just appear like that. "Dammit, Cas! A little warning would be great next time." She whispered harshly. "We need to get you a bell or something." She sighed, her heart slowing slightly as she relaxed a bit. "My apologies." He said. She rolled her eyes slightly, shaking her head. "It's fine."
    Dean Winchester
    Dean was sort of oblivious to the fact that Emily might have another reason for heading to the library other than to do some research. It wasn't the first time that that was the case, though when he did notice things, he tended to go all overprotective older brother on whoever Emily seemed to have shown an interest in. Sam was the same way, though Dean had a tendency to be a bit worse. "It's amazing, that's what." He said with a grin. "I'll meet you there." He climbed into the Impala, starting her up, before heading back towards the motel.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:32pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer took the book back as he grabbed another. He heard a familiar voice talking to someone as he peeped around the corner to see the woman from earlier. He smiled as he took and grabbed a book from behind her, "Sorry, excuse me." He told her. He took and walked around jumping when he saw Emily. "Emily." He said sitting down. "Sorry." Emily smiled at him. Spencer just shook his head reading over. "Hotch or Rossi send you?" Spencer asked.

    Emily laughed, "Hotch was worried." Emily sat down with him. "We'll I am fine." Spencer said seeing Emily give him a look as he ignored it hoping she'd go back to the station. Soon she left, and he sighed in relief.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige took and walked out of her motel room after she'd took and got changed and got her tablet and phone. She ran a hand through her hair as she walked across the street to the diner. She sat down in a booth opening her tablet case up and turning the tablet on. She began searching into the deaths.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:53pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    "I do not understand how a bell would help." Castiel said, confusion evident on his face. Emily simply shook her head, letting out a sight. "Forget I said anything." She could tell that it had gone completely over his head, and she didn't really feel like giving him a full explanation. "Is there a reason why you came?" She asked, wondering why he'd come to see her instead of Sam or Dean. She shifted her gaze from the angel momentarily when someone went to grab a book from behind her. She smiled, seeing who it was. "You're fine." She said before turning back to Cas. "You, Sam and Dean need to be careful, Emily." He said. "Aw, thanks for the concern, Cas, but we've dealt with demons before. I'm sure we'll be fine." She said as she started over to a table, the angel following close behind her.
    Dean Winchester
    Dean arrived back at the motel a few minutes later. Walking into the room, he spotted Sam seated on one of the beds, laptop out as he typed away, probably trying to find out more about what they were dealing with. "Hey, find anything?" He asked as he went to grab some clothes from his bag, wanting to get changed out of that damn monkey suit. "Nothing yet. I did speak with a few of the previous victims families though. Whatever we're dealing with is definitely behind all of these killings." Dean nodded. "Paige has a theory. I'm going to give Bobby a call, see if he's found anything, and Emily's down at the library doing some research right now. We're all meeting at the diner in a few minutes."
    September 23rd, 2014 at 04:06pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer took and listened to the girl talking with the man as he took and went back to his book. He heard the man tell her she needed to be careful. He couldn't help but to wonder if something was wrong with her. He took and looked over his shoulder a little seeing her sitting down as she continued talking to him.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige sat the booth as she kept typing on her tablet trying to find anything she could. She glanced up seeing her father walk into the diner and right to her. He sat down in front of her as she narrowed her eyes at him, "Dave." She said rudely.

    "Paige what are you doing here? And posing as a Fed." He said.

    "None of your business." Paige narrowed her eyes at him. "Just leave, dad. I have nothing to say to you." Paige told him. She looked up seeing him eyeing her.

    "Paige." He said. She took and eyed him and didn't budge. She kept refusing to talk to him. She watched him sigh and slid a card to her before he got up and left.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 04:59pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    "Emily, this is different. You all need to be careful." Castiel continued as Emily made her way over to the table. She sighed, taking a seat and opening up the book she'd gotten. "Cas, I appreciate the concern, but I'm sure that we can handle this. We'll be fine." She said. Despite everything, something kind of did stir within her. She knew that this wasn't just some low level or crossroads demon, but they'd be fine. They always were. If Cas knew something, her tell her and the others. When the angel didn't say anything in response, she turned, planning in saying something else to him. However, he was already gone. "I need to teach him about exits and entrances." She mumbled to herself, shaking her head.
    Dean Winchester
    Dean got changed and soon he and Sam were heading on over to the diner. Walking inside, he glanced around, spotting Paige already seated at one of the booths. Emily wasn't with her, though he figured that she'd just gotten caught up with doing research at the library. He might go into overprotective older brother mode sometimes, but only when he deemed it completely necessary. He figured she was fine. However, Paige looked rather pissed off. Making his way over, he slid in across from her. "Now I know you couldn't have missed me that much." He joked, hoping to get a smile out of her.

    [sorry if this is short, I'm on my phone and can't really tell :P]
    September 23rd, 2014 at 08:26pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer walked over to Emily and sat down at her table, "A friend of yours?" Spencer asked her smiling. He began glancing through the book that he had found on supernatural beings. He took and looked at her, "I am taking it that you know a lot about this case, than you're letting on? About what truly has happened to the person?" Spencer questioned her. Something about her reeled him in, and he wasn't one to be like he was being at this moment. But he found it so easy to talk to her.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige glanced up looking at Dean and let a cheeky smile escape at his sarcastic comment, "Of course I didn't." She teased him back and grinned. She lent over hugging Sam as she took and lent back. She slid her tablet across the table to the two men, "This isn't a low-level demon." She started looking at them. "The night of my mother's murder, I smelt sulfur inside of our house. At this crime scene, I could smell it." She told them. "But I keep coming up empty handed in my search to figure out what type of demon this is." Paige let a light sigh escape as the waiter came over to take their order. She ordered a burger and chocolate shake, just like always.

    [It's fine honey don't worry :p]
    September 23rd, 2014 at 08:45pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    "Yes." Emily said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. That was the truth. Cas was a friend. He'd been considered about the well-being of her, Sam and Dean, so obviously he was a friend. She glanced back down to her book, skimming the table of contents. Sometimes, reading these books made her laugh. Some people just didn't get the details about certain supernatural creatures right. She usually left the researching part to Sam, he was better at this kind of thing, though she didn't mind doing it every once and a while. "You could say that." She said vaguely.
    Dean Winchester
    Dean chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "I'm hurt, Paige. That cuts deep." He said, resting a hand over his heart as he feigned both shock and hurt. He was grinning soon after. He was glad that he'd gotten her to smile. He knew that she still wasn't in the best of moods, but at least he'd gotten a smile out of her. It was better than nothing. He nodded in response to her later words. "This one's going to be a major pain in the ass. Hopefully none of the bastard's friends are hanging around here." Though, he had to admit, he'd rather have a couple of other demons around than witches. He hated witches.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 10:09pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer nodded his head going back to the table contents. He got up and put this one away just like the others. He grabbed one reading Demonology. He walked over to the table and opened it up and began reading over the book. He took and got up and smiled at the girl, "Well, hopefully you'll be calling me and taking me up on my offer." Spencer smiled as he showed the librarian he was taking that book while he was there. He headed across the street to go back to the hotel so he could read up on this.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige nodded her head, "Hopefully." She said lightly staring at Dean as she smiled a little. Some odd way he knew when she was down, he could always make her smile. She took and smiled running a hand through her hair. "Just make no sense with the sulfur though." She brought up seeing Sam nodding his head.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 10:30pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    Emily smiled. "I just might." She said. She eyed the book in his hands. Demonology. "You're on the right track." She said vaguely before getting to her feet. This book wasn't much help at all. The author hadn't really gotten anything right, other than the occasional fact, and she figured that she was better off just meeting up with Sam, Dean, and Paige at the diner. They could talk and bounce theories off of each other there. Without another word, she made her way out of the library and down towards the diner.
    Dean Winchester
    Dean smiled at her. He was glad that he somehow managed to get her to smile whenever she was down. He liked to think that he knew her pretty well, after all, they had worked a few cases together, and she'd been at Bobby's a couple of times when he and Sam had been there. She was really a great girl, and he really didn't like knowing that she was upset, so he always tried his best to make her feel better. "It doesn't. We must be missing something." He said as the waiter came over with their food.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 10:56pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer R

    Spencer took and walked into his hotel room once Hotch had given him a key. He sat down on the bed taking his messenger bag off and laying it on the bed beside of him. He looked down at the book remembering the girl calling out, "You're on the right track." He couldn't help but to wonder if it was true. He took and looked through it trying to find something about sulfur smell. He was the only one out of the team noticed it, and noticed the smell coming from the victim.
    Paige R.

    Paige nodded her head and took a bite of her burger looking down at the tablet once Sam had handed it back. "We are bound to be, missing something." She frowned as she took and looked at the tablet. This had her stumped. She glanced up hearing the bell above the diner door ring as she saw Emily walk in. She smiled at her scooting over into the booth so she could sit with her. She took and looked at her, "Any luck at the library?" Paige asked her.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 11:20pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    Emily reached the diner a couple of minutes later. Once inside, she looked around, spotting Sam, Paige and Dean rather quickly. Walking over, she smiled, sliding in next to Paige. "None at all." She said. "What about you guys? Find anything else out about this bastard?" She asked, stealing a fry off of Dean's plate which earned her a glare. She simply sent a smirk his way before popping the fry into her mouth.
    Dean Winchester
    Dean nodded, taking a bite out of his burger as soon as it was set down in front of him. He was starving, and the burger looked damn amazing, and it tasted dam amazing too. "Nope, nothing." He said, taking another bite out of his burger. He shot a look Emily's way when she stole a fry from him before shaking his head at her smirk. "You were there pretty long to have made no progress..." He commented. He was just throwing it out there. Mainly to be a pain in the ass. He loved getting on Emily's nerves. She was like his younger sister, how could he not?
    September 23rd, 2014 at 11:43pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    Spencer took and finished looking at the book as he sighed. He ran a hand over his face deciding to go get some food. He left his messenger bag on the bed as he took and walked out and to the diner. He was in need of some food. He didn't pay much attention as he sat down and ordered a fry and water. He sat there sighing a little as he racked his brain trying to figure things out.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige let a soft laugh escape her lips watching the two of them. They were like brother and sister. She smiled finishing her burger off and shake. She saw her phone flashing as she saw a message from Bobby. She read it and looked at Dean, "Bobby said to call him he needs to talk to you." Paige spoke to Dean smiling. She had to admit, behind his attitude ways, and everything. He was sweet and caring. She had fallen for him the first time she'd seen him years ago. She always loved teasing and flirting with him, but now she wanted more from all that.
    September 24th, 2014 at 02:50am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    Emily quirked an eyebrow. "What are you getting at, Winchester?" She asked, snatching another fry off of his plate. She knew that Dean was just trying to be an asshole so that he could get under her skin. He'd always done that. It was just how the relationship that they had worked. When they were kids, he used to pick on her constantly, and that had just translated to them bickering quite frequently as adults. "He must've found something." She said when Paige said that Bobby wanted Dean to call him. "You should go give him a call now, see what he's come up with."
    Dean Winchester
    Dean smirked slightly, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just saying that you're starting to lose your touch, Donovan." He teased before taking another bite out of his burger. "Alright, I'll go give him a call now. See what he might've found out. Keep your paws off my fries." He said, shooting a playful glare Emily's way as he stood up. "You two, keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't eat 'em all. And order me a slice of pie while you're at it." He grinned slightly before turning and making his way out of the diner so that he could call Bobby.
    September 24th, 2014 at 03:03am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid
    The waiter sat the fries and water in front of him as he got the ketchup and began pouring it over his fries. He saw one of the men from earlier as he looked over seeing the girl. He took and smiled a little shaking his head as he turned around and began eating his food. He was beginning to let his feelings out, he liked her and he barley even knew her. But yet he liked her.
    Paige Rossi
    Paige grinned grabbing the plate and sliding it to Emily. She ordered Dean some pie as she smiled stealing a few of the fries. "He's going to be pissed," Paige laughed seeing Sam taking the fries into his mouth along with Emily. She shook her head at the two and smiled watching them.
    September 24th, 2014 at 03:20am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    Emily shrugged his shoulders. "It's his fault. He should've ordered me something, and he didn't, therefore, I have every right to steal his fries." She said, a slight grin tugging at the corners of her lips as she stole a few more off of Dean's plate. "He shouldn't be eating all of this anyway. I don't know how he hasn't had a heart attack yet with all of the bacon cheeseburgers and fries he has 24/7." Of course, she wasn't much better, she did join Sam in getting a salad every once and a while though, but it wasn't like she could have a nice, home cooked meal when she was on the road all the time. It was just the life she'd chosen to live. Sacrifices she'd made when she became a hunter. Glancing around, she spotted the guy from earlier. He'd introduced himself as Dr.Spencer Reid. He looked kind of young though, not that she was saying that that meant that he couldn't have a PhD or anything like that. She smiled slightly before turning and focusing her attention back on Sam and Paige.
    Dean Winchester
    Dean walked out of the diner and over to the Impala. He leaned against his baby and dialed Bobby's number, waiting for him to pick up. "Did you find anything?" He asked when the man answered the phone. "Well, hello to you too." Dean simply rolled his eyes. He was used to Bobby's somewhat snarky and sarcastic attitude. The man was honestly more of a father to him and Sam than his own father had been, and he knew that that held true with Emily as well. They were all sort of like a family. A rather dysfunctional one, but a family no less. "To answer your question, I did find something, and I'm not so sure you're going to like it..."
    September 24th, 2014 at 03:29am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Spencer Reid

    Spencer took and finished up as he paid for his stuff. He grinned a little and paid for the girl's table as well and ordered her a burger and fry figuring she could use it, "Just tell them someone already took care of it." He got up and left the diner. He heard the man talking to someone and glanced at him before going on his way. He got a ways past the diner and smelt the sulfur smell. "What the hell is that?" He asked himself as he swatted his hand following the odor to find nothing but a yellow looking residue.
    Paige Rossi

    Paige took and smiled as she turned her attention towards where Dean was. She could see his face was all kinds of emotions. She got up and walked out of the diner to where he stood. When he got off the phone she looked at him, "Dean what's wrong?" She asked worried catching a hint of the sulfur smell as she fringed at it.
    September 24th, 2014 at 03:36am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emily Donovan
    "Something's up." Emily said, watching as Paige walked out of the diner and over to a rather upset looking Dean. Whatever Bobby had told him obviously hadn't sat well with him at all. Moments later, the waiter came over with a burger and fries for her, also letting her and Sam know that someone had already paid for the table's check. "Look's like someone has a secret admirer." Sam teased lightly, causing Emily to roll her eyes. "Shut up, Sammy." She shot a playful glare his way before popping a fry into her mouth. She glanced out the window, frowning slightly when she saw Paige and Dean talking. Paige looked worried. "Okay, something's definitely up." She took a couple of bites out of her burger, and ate a few more fries before she stood, Sam following suit, and headed out of the diner. "Smell that?" She asked, frowning as she smelt sulfur. Whatever demon they were dealing with was around here somewhere. It was close.
    Dean Winchester
    "Dammit." Dean mumbled to himself as he got off the phone with Bobby. Bobby had been right when he'd told him that he wouldn't like what he'd found. He didn't like it at all. This wasn't good. Not at all. That son of a bitch was supposed to be dead. He and Sam had already dealt with him, but apparently that wasn't the case. From what Bobby had come up with, it appeared as though Azazel was still around. He wasn't dead after all. He turned, looking to Paige when she walked over. "If the bastard that killed your mom is behind all of this, I know who it is." He told her. The stench of sulfur hit him moments later. "And he must be close too."
    September 24th, 2014 at 03:54am