This Life |Closed RP

  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I grinned at her words as I lent down sucking her neck. I slid my hand between her legs and began rubbing her clit furiously. I felt her wiggle underneath my touch. A moan escaping her lips. I grinned even more as I kept going. "Mmm you like that." I purred to her seeing her nod her head as her eyes closed rolling into the back of her head. "Are you about to cum?" I asked her huskily.

    "Y--Yes." She muttered out in a low moan.

    I grinned little as I took and felt my self getting to my point. A loud groan escaping my lips I as began going faster feeling the release taking over as I exploded into her.

    I gripped onto his forearms digging my nails into it. I let out a loud moan followed by a slight scream. My body was trembling beneath his touch that he was sending through me. I took and gripped to him more as I moaned louder. "Y--yes." I replied to his question a little late. I took and felt my orgasm about to take over me. "Oh god..." I whispered as I closed my eyes arching my back. It was coming and I couldn't stop it. I had to do whatever it took to keep Ricky alive.
    October 24th, 2014 at 01:49pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    The orgasm that took over me was, dare I say it, the most intense fucking climax I ever felt. My entire body spasmed out of control as my walls tightened around his dick. During the orgasm, I was digging my nails into his shoulders so hard that it trickled some blood, but for a guy like him that little thing didn't phase him one bit.

    "Fuck..." I panted with heavy breaths as Matt slowly pulled out of me and crashed on the bed right beside me with a groan of exhaustion, "That...was a great round 2 of morning sex..."

    "No fucking shit," Matt muttered with a chuckle against the pillows before trailing his hand over my shaking body and glancing over at me, "Did you enjoy it?"

    I nodded with a smile, "Y-Yeah...just a bit shaky now from that proof?"

    "Fuck! Wendy!" I yelled out when I felt her orgasm wrap around my cock in a vice-like grip, "Holy shit!" I growled out loudly before spilling my load into her for the first time in many months.

    Just knowing I filled her with my seed made me realize how much she was marked as mine now. Her beautiful, gorgeous body with a fascinating personality was enough to drive me wild besides the mind-blowing sex. Fuck, I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world right now.

    Coming to a halt, I remain inside of her before collapsing on top of her body in exhaustion with sweat slicked along my skin, "Mmmm...that was so good, baby...."
    October 25th, 2014 at 03:54am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I let a soft chuckle emerge from my lips nodding my head. "Yeah, I can tell." I told her as I lent over kissing her lips lightly. "If you want to clean up you can Ariana. Your clothes I had bough for you are in the dresser, and closet. Your underwear is in the chest with mine." I told her kissing her lips lightly.

    I saw her nod her head as I took and smiled propping myself up. I admired her a second, "I know you might still hate me. But in time I hope you'll love me as much as I love you." I lent over kissing her lips. I took the ring and looked at her. "I had this especially made for you. I thought it resembled you." I told her showing her the engagement ring that I had made for her.

    I took and bit my lip as I looked at him. I held to him and painted for some much needed air. "Yes it was..." I whispered to him and sighed. I took and felt my body jerking I had never felt anything like that before.

    "You are all mine." Jimmy whispered to me.

    I nodded my head and gave him a light smile, "I am." I muttered against his skin as I kissed his shoulder blade lightly.
    October 25th, 2014 at 04:24am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    Glancing at the ring made me instantly grin in joy at just the sight of how goddamn beautiful it looked. But the thought of Chris's engagement ring had my heart twist in a knot, knowing that Matt personally took that ring and probably buried it deep within the house to never be seen again. It hurt so much to think that I was betraying Chris's marriage offer when really, I was only playing this act to prevent him from being killed.

    I love you so much Chris...but please forgive me...

    "I...I love it," I smiled, watching Matt get off the bed in his boxers and kneel on one knee in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed with a blanket to cover my body, "It's so beautiful. B-But really you don't have to marry me because I have a kid... Then again, it is however you want it to be.

    "Glad you agree with me," I grinned, slowly leaning in to capture her lips in mine while I remained on top of her, "Mmmm that was the best 'welcome back' present I could ever get...and I promise, I could give more to you than you could ever imagine."

    Wendy blinked a bit before revealing a soft genuine smile, "Really? You really could?"

    I nodded in full honesty of what I meant, "Absolutely, baby. I'm going to help raise this child with you, give you all the luxury you could ever want in your life, and make you live a happy life with me until the days end for both of us. I promise that with all my heart."
    October 27th, 2014 at 12:56am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    "And this is how I want it to be." I told her smiling at her. "Ariana, I may not be like Chris. I may be different. But one thing is. I love you with all my damn heart." I told her as I slid the ring onto her finger smiling at her. "I promise to keep you and our child safe. Nothing will ever harm either of you. I swear." I told her kissing her lips lightly.

    She nodded her head as I smiled at her. I took and got up and slipped into my pants. "I am going to walk downstairs real quick check on something. I'll be back in a few minutes." I told her kissing her lips as I took and walked out of the bedroom. I headed down to the room where the nursery would be and saw all the work that had been done. I smiled standing there a minute before going downstairs to check on some gang related stuff.

    At his genuine words I could feel something I had never felt. I took and bit my lip nodding my head to him. I gave a light smile to him, "It sounds perfect." I whispered cupping my hand to his cheek. I bit down on my lip taking a deep breath as I smiled at him.

    "And it will be." Jimmy replied smiling.

    I smiled and nodded my head. Ricky please forgive me. Everything I am doing is for you to remain alive.... I thought to myself staring at Jimmy.
    October 27th, 2014 at 01:19am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    Watching Matt leave the room, I instantly turned my smile into a frown. Everything was happening so fucking fast that it made my head spin and nausea take over me. An unpleasant knot twisted in my chest at the thought of Chris being chained up in the dark, damp cellar with Ricky, wondering if I had been beaten up by Matt. It's going to hurt him when I say that I have to follow along with Matt...but yet, it's for my real relationship's own good.

    Once the time comes, I will end Matt's life and give him the true peace he always wanted from his pathetic sad life...which I hope will end with the simple pull of a gun's trigger to his head.

    Letting out a long sigh, I head into the bathroom bare naked, automatically turning the fan on and starting up the hot bath. If I am to really follow along with this, why not get to know Matt more when he sits beside me as I bathe?

    "Glad you can smile around me, because I was afraid I be seeing that sad frown constantly," I chuckled, cautiously getting off of her and pulling on my pair of boxers that I took off before we fucked, "I think it's best I give you a nice bubble bath in my little hottub in the bathroom. It has jets too that causes a muscle relaxation to the human body. I use it all the time to keep me calm before bed," I smiled.

    Walking over to her, I gently picked her up bridal-style in my arms and walked over to my bathroom that was definitely very large for its size and contained a large white-colored hottub dead in the center with a TV on the wall even.

    "Here ya go," I said as I placed her small form on the empty cushioned seat next to the tub, "Let me start it up for you."
    October 28th, 2014 at 07:27am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;

    Did this get sent? lol
    Stupid Mibba...
    October 29th, 2014 at 04:07pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I walk into the bathroom seeing Ariana getting into the tub. I sit down beside of her on the edge of the tub and smile at her. I turn the TV on that hung high on the wall and smiled at her. "Feeling ok?" I asked her as I glanced over at her kissing the top of her head lightly. I see a small nod come from her head as I get up grabbing her a wash cloth and towel. Handing her the wash cloth I go and get her some comfortable clothes other than the gown.

    I return and sit them on the counter and returning to my seat beside of her.

    I watched him start the water up as I slowly walked over and climbed into the tub with his help. Sitting down I felt the jets hitting my back. I let a soft grunt escape my lips. It felt amazing like he had said. I lent into the tub and gave Jimmy a light smile. "You were right. This is truly amazing and calming." I replied to him softly as I kept my back lent against the tubs wall.
    October 29th, 2014 at 04:37pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    "So, um, Matt?" I asked, an idea coming to mind that will really get me going with this whole 'trust' factor with him so things can go according to plan.

    "Yeah, Ari?" Matt responded, his hazel eyes glancing down at me.

    I smiled, "I was wondering...if you really want to make this...official, why don't we go on a date then? Like get a chance to go somewhere to eat and maybe watch a movie, with supervision keeping an eye on us of course in case anything happened. And...can I at least say goodbye to Chris?"

    "Told ya," I chuckled, gently taking off my shirt to cool off a bit before placing the fabric on the counter nearby, "And if you ever want anything to drink while you rest in here, let me know. I be happy to do anything."

    Saying that, I gently take a seat next to her outside of the tub and stroke my fingers along her hair, "I want you to be as comfortable as you can be. I rather you enjoy your stay rather than be miserable."

    "Thanks Jimmy," she whispered before I leaned in and kissed the side of her head.

    "And I won't join you unless you say so, so don't worry about that," I chuckled.
    October 31st, 2014 at 02:15am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I took and looked at her and nodded my head. I had to trust her after all. I sighed a little. "Sure. I'll take you out." I replied softly giving a warm smile. "And you can say goodbye. I'll have one of our guards go down with you. I'll give your space for that." I told her as warmly as I could.

    Ariana nodded her head slightly, "Thank you." She said lightly as I nodded my own head.

    "You're welcome. How about tonight? The date?" I asked her smiling.

    I glanced at Jimmy when he chuckled. I nodded my head lightly looking at him. I had to gain his trust and I needed to tell Ricky that I was pregnant too. I frowned a little and looked at Jimmy, "To make this whole thing official..." I paused. "Why not take me on a date? Maybe dine out or just go on a long beach walk?" I offered staring at Jimmy. "And please...let me tell Ricky bye." I whispered staring at Jimmy.
    October 31st, 2014 at 02:40am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    "Tonight sounds great," I smiled even more this time, wondering what it was like getting on the romantic side of Matt on a first actual date, "Where do you want to go?"

    "Anywhere you like, babe," he grinned, patiently waiting an answer from me as he rubbed my hand sensually, "We can go out to eat or go somewhere more private?"

    "I like to get to know you more," I nodded slowly, "You incredibly sweet side to you that I like to see more often if you don't mind...mostly for this date. We can have more alone time and everything."

    "No problem at all, Wendy," I chuckled, gently stroking her head with my right hand in a comforting manner, "You want to get out of the tub yet?"

    Wendy smiled, "Nah, not just yet. It's too nice in here. can join to keep me more company?"

    I smirked, "Sure thing," I nodded before standing up and removing my clothes, gently placing them on the counter nearby as I soon got in the tub completely nude, "Well shit, it does feel good," I snickered, slowly sliding into the tub next to her in the warm water, "Mmmm I like this."
    November 3rd, 2014 at 01:15pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I nodded my head and smiled at her. "I like that." I replied to her kissing her lips lightly.

    Ariana smiled at me as I petted her hair lightly. I'd do anything in the world for her, and now I was realizing that. I smiled at her and slid my hand into hers as I rubbed the bump slightly and kissing her lips lightly.

    I giggled at him as I scooted over to him. I lent into his side resting my head against his shoulder. "I have to admit. I really like this side of you." I whispered into his side. I glanced up at him and smiled at him. I bit my lip and stared up at him as I lent up best I could kissing his lips lightly.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 08:40pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    "Mm," I moaned softly when he pressed his lips harder against mine, my fingers gently tangling into his long amber hair as I soon pulled away, "Thank you... I really do like this soft side of you."

    Matt smiled, his dimples forming in his cheeks that actually looked completely adorable, "Thanks babe. I appreciate a beautiful woman like you telling me that."

    I blushed a bit, "You're welcome... You mind...taking a seat right next to me in here for a bit? It's more cozy," I winked.

    "Thanks, sweetheart," I smiled, "And I like this side to you too. I love seeing you smile and release that adorable giggle of yours. It makes my day better."

    "I would hope so, Jimmy," she whispered, pressing gentle kisses to my shoulder, "How long did it take to get all these damn tattoos on your body?"

    I laughed, "Long enough. Trust me, the neck one," I pointed to around my neck, "Hurt the most for some odd reason. Well...more like it tickled with a hint of pain. Damn artist was getting aggravated," I chuckled.
    November 8th, 2014 at 01:55am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I grinned at her and nodded my head. I stripped out of my clothes and laid them aside. I got in the tub with her and took her into my arms. I kissed her lips lightly and kept her close rubbing the back of her head lightly. "So when do we find out about the baby?" I asked her lightly keeping her close.

    "Soon, I think." She replied her eyes closed.

    "I have the best OBGYN flying in to be your doctor the remainder of your pregnancy." I smiled kissing her lips lightly.

    I giggled as I traced the hand cuff tattoo around his neck. I smiled leaning into him and kissing his lips tenderly. Some odd reason I was finding myself falling more and more into his hold.

    Something about him, just something about him made me feel alive. Like I did with Ricky. I took and smiled at Jimmy as I kissed him one more time. I felt the pain in my stomach as I quickly got up from his grasp and rushed towards the toilet emptying my stomach.
    November 8th, 2014 at 06:24pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    Smiling up at Matt, I pecked his cheek and rested my back against his chest, "Thank you, Matt. I just hope this pregnancy goes well... Are you expecting any gender at all?"

    "I would love to have a boy," Matt said honestly while running his fingers through my hair, "Raising a boy to become the leader in this entire industry would be a great way to carry on my legacy. It's been a part of my dream to have a boy as a child..."

    I gulped, "W-What if its a girl? You going to give her away...or dislike her?"

    Watching Wendy puke her guts out in the toilet bowl made a deep frown form on my face as I gently rubbed her back, "Let it all out, baby.... Don't hold back any vomit because it will only come back later on."

    Finally ending her session, Wendy slowly sat back in the tub and let the tears fall from her eyes, "That fucking hurts...ugh, I hate throwing up. It's even worse when pregnant..."

    I nodded, "Because it disrupts everything within you...and makes your body convulse. If you need any medication, I can order one of my doctors to prescribe you the best kind of no cost or trouble."
    November 14th, 2014 at 02:31am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I looked at her seeing her fear, "I'd never give my child away or dislike them. If it's a girl, I'll lover her just as much as I would love it if it was a boy." I told her giving her a smile.

    I saw her sigh in relief as I cupped her cheek, "I might be a monster but i'd never do something so cruel like that." I told her as I took and kissed her lips lightly.

    I looked at Jimmy and nodded, "That'd be nice, to have something to keep it under control a little." I told him as I lent over and kissed his cheek.

    I cuddled to him and smiled a little. I was still feeling unsettling and felt like I was going to have to do it again. I rubbed my stomach lightly closing my eyes tightly.
    November 15th, 2014 at 02:18am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;

    (Been a long time since I replied to this lol finally got ideas haha)

    **Few Hours Later**


    After getting ready for the "date" tonight with Matt to get closer with him more, it was about time to say some painful words to Chris so that I can make this plan work. It is going to be a long-ass time for it to really conclude, but I hope it will be worth it...and I hope Chris won't hate me.

    I let out a sigh as I headed downstairs with Matt waiting in the living room so we could go out tonight. The guards left to give us space and by the fact that there was no way to escape anything anymore. My heart ached at the sight of Chris lying all beat up on an old springy mattress within an iron cell.

    "Chris?" I whispered, seeing his head turn to face me as I smiled weakly, "Hi..."

    "Now you are going to tell your little past loverboy, Ricky, exactly what you are suppose to tell him," I ordered her as I placed on my shirt for the night for our nice little beachwalk later, "You remember, right?"

    Wendy slowly nodded, biting her lower lip, "Yes, I do Jimmy. Just give me some time when I do."

    I smiled, going over and cupping her cheeks in my hands, "You can do it...and this is the best for the two of us. Believe in what we can do with our lives, okay? Trust me, it's for the greater good of living a better life."
    December 2nd, 2014 at 07:56pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I slowly looked over seeing Ariana. I winced a little at the pain as I let a small smile form onto my lips. Glad she was alive.

    "Ari." I whispered as I got up slowly from the mattress and limped towards the cell door. "You're ok." I looked at her.

    I finished getting dressed as Jimmy did too. We walked out as I headed for the other basement they had in this huge ass mansion.

    One of the guards escorted me down to the cells as I saw Ricky laying on a torn up mattress. I frowned as the guard left giving me time with him. I couldn't escape or anything. And what I was about to do was ripping my heart out of my chest.

    I slowly walked over to the cell and stared at him, "Ricky." I whispered.
    December 2nd, 2014 at 08:05pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    "Of course I am," I smiled weakly, grasping his hands in mine through the bars, "Although...the news I am giving you won't be the best."

    Chris frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

    I sighed, feeling the tears build up in my eyes, "T-There is no other way to get out of this...unless I fall for him on with giving birth to this baby with him by my side... I don't know how long this is going to take...but all I know is that if this keeps going, you might have to transfer to...some sort of solitary institution to keep you 'away' from me...according to Matt."

    Just by looking at his looks of pure hurt, I let the tears fall and short soft sobs spill from my lips, "I'm so sorry Chris...I tried so hard...I tried," I sobbed, holding on to his hand tightly.

    Glancing over my shoulder as I remained lying on the cot, I smiled when I noticed Wendy in front of the bars with her hands wrapped around them, "Hey babe..." I whispered, instantly walking up to her so I could hold on to her hands, " okay?"

    Wendy frowned, showing immediate attention that things were just going ugly for her, "I-It's not good Ricky... I don't know how I can tell you."

    "Baby, just tell me," I cooed, running my thumbs over her hands.

    Wendy closed her eyes tightly, "I'm pregnant...with your kid..."

    I blinked rapidly, feeling a rise of joy come to my heart, "That is so great," I grinned, the sight instantly fading when she didn't even show a hint of excitement, "I'm guessing...something else is bad...?"
    December 2nd, 2014 at 11:17pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and stared at her shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I took and felt the tears fall from my eyes.

    "I...." I couldn't even finish my sentence. I felt the pure anger and rage going through me. Along with the hurt and depression. I knew she had tried. I couldn't blame this on her.

    "I will find a way around all this." I whispered so only she heard me.

    I felt the tears falling. I couldn't tell him. I just couldn't tell him. I felt the tears fall faster. "I tried every which way to avoid this Ricky." I paused as a sob emitted from my lips. "I...I have to get to know Jimmy better. Fall for him and everything." I paused.

    "Other wise he'd kill the baby, you, and myself. I am only doing this to keep us alive." I said to him crying.

    "So in other words..."Ricky muttered the hurt and pain seeping through his words.

    "He says it's best if you were transferred to a solitary institution away from me..." I sobbed out feeling like my world was crumbling beneath me and it was.
    December 3rd, 2014 at 12:20am