I'll Taste Your Blood Tonight

  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    "P..please don't leave me like this" i said softly, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Please..." I begged him. I looked up at him, i was in too much pain to try and run. All I wanted to do was go to sleep. I wanted to go to sleep and be able to wake up from this horrible nightmare that was reality. He turned to look at me, a sick and twisted smile appear on his face.

    I groaned in pleasure before kissing down her neck. I looked up into her eyes. "Aw come on babe, all you have to do is cooperate and I'll go easy on you. Maybe I'll even pull out early" i said to her, a smirk making it's way onto my face.
    September 30th, 2014 at 01:28pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I let a soft sigh escape my lips. I walked over to her as I undid her hands and her legs. I grabbed some clothes and laid at the foot of the bed. "I am trusting you. Might be a mistake." I said feeling my soft spot escaping. "If you try anything, I mean ANYTHING. I will fucking hurt you worse than this." I told her. "Bathroom is over there." He pointed to the door near the dresser. "If you feel like bathing go ahead. When I come back your ass better be in this damn bed." I warned her before leaving the room.
    I looked into his eyes and narrowed my eyes. I took and turned my head from his face as I looked at the wall. I wasn't about to break and give into him. Moan for him. No fucking way. I just wanted this to be over with.
    September 30th, 2014 at 01:41pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I sniffled quietly and got dressed before slipping back into the bed. "Why did this happen to me?" I whispered quietly, tears in my eyes. I curled up in a tight little ball and began to cry.

    "Aww come on baby. I know you want to" i whispered in her ear before kissing her lips as I continued to thrust in and out of her,
    September 30th, 2014 at 03:12pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I stood in the kitchen as I made her some food. I couldn't let her die on me, just yet anyways. I took and saw Brian come in, "Sofite Jimmy." Brian grinned at me as I narrowed my eyes at him. I turned around and headed upstairs sighing. He was right. I was a softie. But something in her tone and face broke my heart.
    Feeling his lips on mine I gagged as I took and bit down on hard on his lip. I saw him yank back as I narrowed my eyes at him spitting in his face.
    September 30th, 2014 at 04:39pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I jumped slightly when I heard the door open I had a small hope that someone was coming to help me but when i saw Jimmy i laid back down and put my back to him before curling up in a ball. I could smell the food and it just made me sick. "I'm not hungry" i muttered

    I glared at her before dipping my head down and sinking my fangs into her neck.
    September 30th, 2014 at 05:24pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I laid the tray down at the nightstand and sighed, "Fine. It's here if you decide to eat." I took and turned going to the door. I saw Johnny outside as I shut it and locked it. I walked across the bedroom grabbing me some clothes and going to shower.
    I felt his fangs press into my neck as I let a scream escape my lips. "Pl-Ple-" I whispered trying to get him off of me and out of me.
    September 30th, 2014 at 06:05pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I watched as Jimmy went to go take a shower. I sighed quietly and stood up, limping over to the window i sat on the little sun bed that was hidden by the black and red curtains. I placed my head against the cool glass as i watched the rain pour down. I watched as a flash of lightly struck through the sky. I sniffled quietly and continued to watch the storm until I felt my eyes grow heavy and close as I fell asleep curled up and snuggled up in his soft shirt.

    I smirked against her skin and continued to drink for a moment before I pulled away. "Are you gonna behave? I asked her, not moving as I stared down into her eyes, my body slicked in sweat.
    September 30th, 2014 at 09:03pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I took and walked out of the bathroom dressed and ready to lay down and rest a little. I saw Logan in the sun seat asleep. I gently grabbed her and laid her on the bed after cleaning the sheets off and putting a new set on. I covered her up with the blanket. I took and laid on the small sofa in my room as I took and closed my eyes laying there.
    I looked at him giving a narrow gazed, "I have no choice, now do I?" I growled a little towards him.
    September 30th, 2014 at 11:24pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I whimpered quietly in my sleep, tossing as I began to have a nightmare about the night where he killed my parents and my brother

    "Please!" I heard my mom sob right outside my door. I was hiding on the top shelf in my closet behind all the blankets "please leave her alone! Please she's just a little girl! She doesn't deserve this! Please" i then heard a groan of annoyance "just shut up!" I heard a male voice shout. I then heard the sound of my door open and someone walking into my room. "Sweetheart, you can come out now" i whimpered quietly and held onto my teddy bear as tight as i could, tears falling down my cheeks I watched as my closet doors opened and light flooded the small space he pulled the blankets away and pulled me down from the shelf. "Let me show you something little one" he said. I clutched onto my teddy bear as he led me to the door, there laid my mother, her neck broken. He showed me to my brother his throat was sliced and finally to my father who lay dead with his neck ripped open. The tall man crouched down to look at me. "One day Logan you will be looking for me and I'll be waiting. You won't ever mention what happened because of the fear but you'll be looking for me. I'll see you when you're older"

    I shot up gasping in fear, tears rollin down my cheeks. I looked over to see him laying on the small couch in the room and I curled up in a ball and began to cry.

    I smirked down at her and looked into her eyes before continuing what I had been doing. I kissed her lips in a deep kiss making sure that she realized that I enjoyed every moment, every little thing I was doing to her.
    October 18th, 2014 at 01:59am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    From the way she had shot up in the bed. She had a dream about me. The night I had ripped her family from her. I was the only family she had now. She'd ever have again too. I opened my eyes and looked towards her grinning seeing her cry. It did break my heart, because she was destined to be with me. Or so in my eyes she was. I cleared my throat and looked at her, "That night when I did that. I only done it for one reason. We're meant to be together. I had to show you that I meant what I said. That you are my only family and I am yours." I told her going to the bed.

    I bit down on his lip once again and got him to stop kissing me. I took and narrowed my eyes at him seeing the anger flash before his eyes. I took and hoped what I had in mind worked. I head butted him hard as I could and shoved him off of me and out of me. I managed to get out of the bed as I grabbed something and slid it over my body going to the bedroom door. I wanted out of this nightmare. I had no idea what the hell this fucker wanted with me. I wasn't sticking around to find out. I had to get out of here get Logan and get out of this hell.
    October 18th, 2014 at 02:50am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "Why are you doing this to me!" I yelled at him. "I don't think of you the same way you think of me. You're fucked up, you're a monster a being that doesn't deserve to live!" I screamed at him, throwing a pillow at his face that he easily caught and threw to the side. "You are thousands of years old. I'm only 21 this is fucked up! I will never love you and I will never want you and I will never be like you! Ever!" I screamed at him.

    I growled in annoyance and put on my shorts. "You won't make it out of here alive darling!" I yelled out at her "there are five of us here! You're in a nest and if I can't have you then the boys will gladly drink you to death!"
    October 18th, 2014 at 03:08am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I grinned down at her, "Oh yeah." I told her as I got close to her my eyes flashing a bright vibrant red as I growled lowly at her. "We'll see about that." I told her. I took and lent down as I bit down into her neck sucking some of the blood and pinning her down to the bed. God her blood was so intoxicating to me.

    I slowly turned and looked at him my light colored eyes staring into his hazel ones. I felt the fear course through me as I held to the door handle. My body shaking violently. "What the fuck do you want from me?!" I screamed out him grabbing the vase near the door and throwing it at him.
    October 18th, 2014 at 03:24am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I screamed in agony when I felt his fangs dig into my neck. I squirmed below him tryin to get free. "Let me go!" I screamed at the top of of my lung. I whimpered in pain feeling my eyes grow heavy as I fought to stay awake. "Stop" i croaked out, everything began to get blurry and i soon felt my eyes close as I passed out

    "Now isn't it obvious what I want from you darling" i said to her before ducking to avoid the vase that she threw in my direction. "There is no need to get violent here, I'm a vampire, I'm just doing what my instincts tell me to do"
    October 18th, 2014 at 03:38am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I pulled back from Logan seeing her passed out. I took and sighed a little as I wiped my mouth getting up. I covered her up and turned the lights off. I walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. I took and stripped my clothing off. I took and stepped into the shower as I took and felt the hot water lacing my back as I smiled in relief. I sighed a little and stood there for the longest time. I took and got out drying off as I walked into the bedroom getting come clean clothes on.

    I narrowed my eyes at him, "What drinking someone to death, because you are so fucked up in the head? That you want something that isn't yours. I will never be a damn monster like you." I shouted narrowing my eyes as I took and looked at him.
    October 18th, 2014 at 03:51am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I lay completely limp on his bed, could hear and feel anything that wa going on around me but I couldn't wake up. I felt the bed shift and soon i felt his cold hands wrap arnd me and pull me to his body. I wanted to wake up and shove him away so that i could run, so I could get away from this bastard but I couldn't wake myself up.

    I glared at her, hate glowing in my eyes. "You think I wanted to be this way? You think I wanted to live off the taste of human blood, become addicted to it? Turn into what I am!" I shouted in her face. "Well you got another thing coming because you make it sound like it's so easy for me to live the way I do. Well lets see how you cope with it" i spat. I pinned her body to the wall and ripped my wrist open, watching the blood ooze out. I forced my wrist into her mouth and tilted her head back to the point of where she had to swallow it. After a minute or to I pulled away and looked at her. "See you in a few hours" i said before grabbin her face and snapping her neck.
    October 18th, 2014 at 04:02am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I kept my arm around her a second. I knew I had drank a lot of her blood from earlier. I knew it was now time to do what I had been planning for so long. I took and slit my arm open and managed to tilt her head back as I put my arm up to her mouth. I forced the blood down her throat at all means that I could. I took and snapped her neck into and got up. I walked out of the room cleaning my arm up and heading downstairs seeing Matt. "Dude you look pissed as hell." I told him sitting beside of him.

    Everything happened in a whirl wind. From him shouting at me and accusing things. He came at me like a bat out of hell and before I knew it my world went dark..
    October 18th, 2014 at 04:19am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I had felt everything go by so fast. from the moment where there was something running down my throat to the feeling in my neck. What felt like years I was burning, i was in pure agony and suddenly I shot up, gasping for air. I looked around, everything was brighter, louder, everything smelled different. I slowly stood up and walked across the room to the door. I could feel my stomach rumble and I knew that there was food beside the bed but I was hungry for something else. I stumbled out into the bright hallway, grabbing my head and closing my eyes. Slowly I reached out for the wall and i followed it. After a moment I opened my eyes and saw the staircase that led to the lower area of the house that had much dimmer lights. I walked down them and turned to the left to see Jimmy and Matt siting there discussing something. "What did you do to me!" I yelled out at him before sinking to the ground in pain. My head was killing me, I was starving and everything was so loud.

    "Fucking bitch put up a fight. She pissed me off, so I fed her my blood and I-" i cut myself off when I saw Logan standing there with anger in her eyes as she screamed at Jimmy. He turned her to. This would be interesting. I knew he had been waiting so long for this moment, he had been watching her ever since she was a little baby.
    October 18th, 2014 at 04:55pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I narrowed my eyes at Logan as I got her up from the floor. I took and drug her down to the basement where we kept the slaves that we fed off. I looked at her, "I turned you into what you were meant to be." I told her as I stopped at one of the slaves that was near dying. "You're in pain because you need to feed." I took and set her at the slave. "Feed." I told her.


    I jolted awake as I drew in air. Everything was more clear, louder, brighter, and everything smelt so different. I gripped my head feeling the sharp pain going through my head. I winced as I managed to get up and grab a hold of the wall near me. I took and got down to the lower level seeing Matt on the couch. I narrowed my eyes, "You fucking turned me." I growled out at him.
    October 18th, 2014 at 11:08pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I pulled away from him. "You bastard" i hissed at him. I looked ver at the young girl who was a year or two younger than me. "I'm going to fucking kill you" I spat in his face. When he told me to feed off the girl I shook my head and glare at him. "No." I said softly. "I won't drink blood. I-I won't hurt her" i stuttered out, i backed away from him and the girl who looked like she was begging me to just kill her. I watched as he sighed and pulled out his pocket knife. I watched him cut the girl's throat to the point of where she was bleeding. Instantly the smell of her blood hit my nose and my mouth started to water. I could feel my fangs trying to push their way out and I began to whimper in pain, tears rolling down my cheeks. I watched as he threw the girl at me and I caught her. I could smell the blood now and before I realized what had happened I bit into her neck, squeezing her arms to the point of where I broke them.

    I sat there smirking when she growled at me. "Yes I did. You make it seem like I can live with what I am? Well now you get to experience it for yourself." I said. I stood up and grabbed her by the arm. "And because I turned you with my blood you will never be able to be killed. No matter what. " I said to her before dragging her down to the basement.
    October 18th, 2014 at 11:20pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I grinned watching her suck the girl's blood. She broke hear arms and I snickered. I took and lent into the wall behind me admiring how she was sucking on the girl's neck. I saw the girl go limp as I grabbed her body and threw her. I took and looked at Logan and took her arm and led her upstairs back to the den, "See that wasn't so bad was it?" I grinned at her as I put her down on the couch.

    I narrowed my eyes trying to jerk my arm from his but he kept his grip tight on my arm. I growled at him hearing him chuckle at me. He threw me down to the ground as I watched him get a young girl and drag her towards me. He cut her neck open and threw her at me. "Feed." He told me. The blood coming from her smelt so good. It made my mouth water. I took and lent down feeling the fangs push through my gums. I took and felt the tears fall from my eyes as I grabbed the girl and bit down into her neck draining her of the crimson liquid.
    October 18th, 2014 at 11:29pm