Playing With Monsters |Closed RP

  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    We all have our demons.

    Kayla Black

    Jax Teller & Opie Winston

    Krissy Hendershot

    And we all play with monsters...
    September 29th, 2014 at 12:42am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    Turning into the parking lot of the old timey diner I cut the engine off and got out of my car I ran a hang through my bright hair and walked inside the red and white help wanted sign stared me in the face as I approached the counter, "Yes dear?" the little lady behind the couch said when I walked up to the counter, "I'd like to apply for the job," I saw the lady smile at me, I gave her a sweet smile, "Alright deary, the form is right here fill it out and turn it into me," I took the paper from her and walked to a booth sitting I filled out my information then turned it in, "Thank ma'am." I said softly and walked off I left the building as I was walking out I heard a loud motorcycle I looked over seeing two men riding side by side on their bikes through town.

    The bikes roared as Jax and I rode through town on our way back to the clubhouse, I glanced over at him following his lead as he sped up as we passed a cop I turned into the parking lot of 'T-M' I backed my bike in beside Jax's cutting the engine off I smiled at my best friend, "That was fun," I said plainly looking at him I sighed softly, "I'm lonely man, I need to find me an Old lady instead of just fucking these piece of shit crow-eaters." I said as I got off the bike taking my helmet off I pulled a cigarette out of my vest pocket and lit it up offering the pack off to Jax.

    {hope this was okay.}
    September 29th, 2014 at 01:04am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I took and sighed standing in the police station. Being transferred from San Juan to her, really was awful. Being the new sheriff, I had no idea if I wanted it anymore or not. From what the old town sheriff, Wayne Unsure told me about this town. I had a lot of dealing to do. Crossing my arms I finished fixing the small things in the corner sighing a little. I took and sat behind the desk tracing over the top of it. I glanced up seeing Wayne come in as I smiled, "Mr. Unsure. Glad to see you come by." I smiled going over giving him a light hug. I took and sat with him as we began talking and he gave me tips and everything. The last county I was in, I got in deep with a MC. I knew, from what he said. I would probably here too.
    I took a cigarette and lit it up. I took and looked at Opie nodding my head, "Yeah." I agreed with his statement. "So do I, brother. I really need an old lady. These bitches here are getting very old." I admitted to him sighing. "Going home every night and laying in my bed alone. Is too." I let a soft laugh escape. I took and walked with Opie towards the Clubhouse as I sighed. "I heard a new Sheriff is coming into town today." I grinned at him.

    {Hope this was ok honey? And yours was PERFECT Mr. Green}
    September 29th, 2014 at 01:18am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I pulled up at the TM garage parking in the visitor parking I walked towards the Office to speak with Gemma about a Job I had caught a glance at the blonde and his long haired friend I smiled a little and walked into the office, "Hi doll what can I do for you?" Gemma asked sounding very unamused, "I saw you have a job here, for an office manager with I came to apply for it," I said bluntly I looked at the older woman these types of people didn't scare me. I had grown up around bikers and they weren't scary once you got to know them. "You don't look like you'd fit in around here," Gemma said I slammed my hand down on the table leaving a little patch from my fathers biker gang on the table, "I fit in can I just have the damn job or not?" I was getting tired of waiting.

    I followed Jax's eyes as we watched a colorful girl walk into the office of the garage, "I've never seen her in town before, you think she's here for that job?" I asked Jax and saw him staring at her ass, I laughed and walked into the clubhouse stopping when my dad told me to go check out the new sheriff and welcome her to charming I sighed out and walked back out of the clubhouse getting on my bike, "why is it always me?" I muttered as I drove over to the police station, I sat outside by the sheriffs car waiting for her to come outside.
    September 30th, 2014 at 12:49am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I grinned getting up and going towards the office. I heard my mother say she wasn't the type to work here. I stepped inside seeing her slam her hand down onto the desk. I grinned a little seeing a patch, "I think she fits in, Ma." I told my mother as I extended my hand to the girl. "Jax." I told her as she looked at me. "Ma give her the job. I think she'll do good." I told my mother grinning at the girl.
    I took and watched Wayne leave as I took and grabbed the cruiser keys. I walked out of the station and stopped a little ways down the stairs seeing a man sitting by my cruiser, Must be one of the MC members. I thought to myself. I took and walked over towards him as I stopped at the front of my car.
    September 30th, 2014 at 12:57am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I extended my hand out to this man shaking his hand I looked over his patch's on his vest, "President, Men of Mayhem, Original.." I mumbled out loud, "Im Krissy, its nice to meet you Jax," I grinned at him tucking a peice of my hair behind my ear I heard an unamused cough from Gemma as I turned my attention back to her I leaned over the desk to sign my name on the paperwork and the time card.

    I took and stood up as I saw the Sheriff, "Sheriff Black its an honor to meet you ma'am my name is Opie, I just wanted to be the first member of The Sons Of Anarchy MC to welcome you to charming, and give you a little piece of advice." I cleared my throat and looked at her, "If you think they're on your side you're wrong, they go where the money goes, as should you, it is safer around here for everyone involved, I know of your past with the other MC's and I know how you think you're a tough girl born and raised by the streets well around here that thinking gets you killed, ask Wayne why he retired..." I smiled a little, "Welcome to charming." I started my bike and took off, on the seat of the cruiser was a white envelope full of money.
    September 30th, 2014 at 11:03pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I grinned watching her as I lent over a little checking her ass out. Damn she was fucking hot as hell. I grinned seeing my mother narrow her eyes at me and shoot me a glare. I grinned at her wiggling my brow and plopping down on the sofa in the office. "Welcome aboard." I told Krissy grinning at her.
    I crossed my arms sighing as I looked inside of the cruiser. I saw the money as I took and rubbed a hand over my face. 'What have you gotten yourself into, Kayla?' I took and got inside of the cruiser as I saw the money. I tossed it again as I sat there burying my face into the palm of my hands. That man was sexy as hell. I started the cruiser up and pulled out of the station parking lot and headed into town.
    September 30th, 2014 at 11:15pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I smiled at Jax when he said welcome, I nodded, "Thank you Jax, I don't think I would've gotten this job without your, input." I said and grinned at him I followed Gemma out of the office and into the clubhouse she handed me three boxes of paperwork, "Get started," She said to me I sat down and started to file and book keep for them with help from bobby I got it done in no time.

    I rode to the clubhouse only to see Gemma walking across the lot with the hot girl I walked over to Jax, "Damn dude put your boner away." I smirked at him and cleared my throat, "I told the sheriff what she needed to hear and I left the money on the seat of the cruiser," I said looking at Jax, "While you were here getting a chub for the new office girl."
    September 30th, 2014 at 11:28pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I grinned at Opie, "What can I say? She's fucking smoking hot as hell." I told him as I looked at Opie. "So this new sheriff. What do we know about her?" I asked Opie. "Other than everything that Juice informed us on." I looked at him leaning back against the wall trying to hide the boner that I did in fact have. That girl was just so damn hot.
    I took and walked into the diner that Wayne had said was good. I took and walked inside removing my sunglasses as I walked over to an empty booth. I sat down and looked over the folder Wayne had give to me about Sons of Anarchy. I began flipping through it reading over each member and everything. I saw the one that had shown up at the office. I traced over his facial features as I let a soft sigh escape. I flipped onward reading the notes and everything Wayne done to stay in with Sons of Anarchy.
    September 30th, 2014 at 11:34pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I sat inside the clubhouse there were girls and bikers everywhere inhaling I sighed out muttering, "good to be home," I buried my nose in the paperwork sighing to myself, "Yeah this is amazing," I said quietly, to myself as I organized and filed everything that needed to be done, I put the boxes back up in their organized spots. I walked outside sitting down on the picnic table to have a smoke.

    I looked at Jax and shrugged, "She's a strange one actually, what juice has on file for her is the only thing we have other than she's a hot piece of ass," I said looking at him, I moved away from him, "Dude this is awkward would you go get rid of that thing or go plow someone, Jesus," I said leaving him against the building I walked into the clubhouse and sat with Bobby.
    September 30th, 2014 at 11:48pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I took and walked to the picnic table as I saw the girl from earlier. I took a breath hoping the boner would go away. But knew it wouldn't. I took and walked inside grabbing a crow-eater. I took and forced her to give me a blow job in order to get rid of the boner. Once she finished I shoved her aside going back outside seeing the girl, Krissy still on the picnic table. "Hey." I said sitting down beside of her.
    I closed my office once I got back and decided to head home. I walked inside the house as I took and closed the door locking it. I stripped the uniform top off as I took and began stripping and slipping into something more comfortable. I had my lounge pants on, with my cami top. I went into the kitchen and grabbed me a bite to eat as I took and headed into the living room to watch some reruns of shows.
    October 1st, 2014 at 12:19am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I blew the smoke out of my nose and looked over at Jax, "Your fly is down," I said and took another drag off my cigarette with a small smile on my lips, I held my cigarette out, "Want a drag?" I asked looking at him, "After all blow jobs do take a lot of out a man," I said and got up as he took the cigarette, I walked to the water fountain and leaned over it taking a drink I glanced back at him, "Do you have a thing for staring at my ass Jax?"

    I wondered what that Sheriff would be like outside of work if she was a wild child at heart or a cop all around, I got up and left the clubhouse going home I noticed the police cruiser in the driveway of the house just down the road from me I knocked on the door and smirked seeing the Sheriff, "Howdy Sheriff welcome to the neighborhood, I would've brought baked goods but I doubt you'd like what the special ingredient is in them,"
    October 1st, 2014 at 01:15am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    I took a drag off the cigarette as I walked over and handed it back to her and grinned after zipping my fly up. "Yeah I do. It's a beautiful piece of work as yourself." I grinned at her leaning back into the wall next to the water fountain.
    I let a soft laugh escape my lips, "You mean weed?" I asked him as I looked up at him. "Want to come in?" I asked stepping aside staring at the member that had been at the station earlier.
    October 1st, 2014 at 01:23am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at him as I wiped the water off my lips and took another drag of the cigarette I smiled at him, "Easy there big boy, dont want to hurt your little friend by getting him excited again," I smirked a little, "Im so not your type Jax," I smiled at him, "Besides keep work and relationships separate boss." I said and walked into the club house after I had put the cigarette out.

    I nodded stepping into her house I looked at her, "About earlier, if I came off threatening in anyway, I didn't mean to I'm not threatening you I'd never threaten a woman of the law," I said looking at her, "I just wanted to give you some friendly advice from the neighborhood bad guy," I said chuckling out as I looked at her.
    October 1st, 2014 at 01:28am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I crossed my arms as I watched her disappear into the club house. This was going to be one tough cookie to crack. I took and felt an arm on my shoulder as I glanced at my mother. I shrugged her off sighing, "Jackson. Don't get involved." She warned me walking to the office. I rolled my eyes at her as I sighed a little. I walked into the club house and saw her sitting. I grinned going to the bar and getting us both a beer. I walked over to her, "Here in case you need on." I grinned going into the back.

    I shook my head smiling, "I get it." I told him as I pushed the door up. "I've dealt with MC's all my life. Trust me that was cake compared to me being threatened." I told him and smiled, "So thank you for the advice since I didn't get to tell you earlier." I smiled at him grabbing some brownies I'd made earlier, "Want one?" I smiled.
    October 1st, 2014 at 02:28am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked up when he offered me a beer, "are you trying to buy my affection with alcohol Jax?" I asked softly and took the beer taking a drink of it, "Has your mother made the whole, dont get attatched to this girl Jax, shes not good for you Jax, she doesn't belong." I said looking up at him as I moved the papers aside, "you obviously like me or you wouldn't be trying to talk to me, so lets talk.."

    "Thank you," I said as I took a brownie I looked at her, "What do you mean you've dealt with MC's your whole life? You're what 22 23 years old?" I asked looking at her I shook my head, "I was born into the club much like Jax the president we both ate a ton of shit trying to get to where we are now and the top isn't as pretty as one would think," I said looking at her as I ate the brownie, "if you work with us, we work with you. We know we're not above the law, or under it we are middle men trying to make a living, but we've been labeled as outlaws."
    October 1st, 2014 at 05:35am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    "My mother sticks her nose in my business too much, to be honest." I told her as I sat down and looked at her. I took a drink of my beer looking at her. "Where did you come from? You're not from Charming or I would remember, Krissy." I told her wanting to know a little more about her.

    I laid the container on the coffee table as I walked over to the sofa. I pulled the book out and flipped it open. "I was born into MC's too." I told him as I pointed my dad out. "He was the president of the Hell Demons. Last year a very dirty cop in our state took and murdered him right before my eyes. I had just finished doing my training at the Police Academy. I tried to stop the man, it didn't work." I sighed closing the book up. "I let my dad die. Someone told me the man lives in Oakland that killed my dad. I took the job of Sheriff here to see if I could locate the man." I paused looking at Opie. "I haven't yet." I sighed running a hand through my hair. "I know it sounds like revenge, part of it is. But I love doing my job. And back home, I helped the MC when they needed it. I didn't label them as outlaws. And neither will I with your MC. I'll help any way I can, as long as when I need the help too. It's there." I told Opie looking in his direction. "And you can sit, if you want." I offered a seat on the sofa. "Plus these brownies are my own special ones." I winked at him grinning.
    October 1st, 2014 at 01:35pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I crossed my legs looking over at him as he sat down, "Look, Jax I'm gonna be blunt with you." I started and rubbed my leg lightly. "You're right I'm not from here, I'm only passing through your mother was right, don't get with me, I'll never be the right girl for you Jax." I looked at the stack of paperwork, "I'm sure you'll just have jucie look me up, I see he's good at digging into peoples personal lives, why don't you do that and come tell me what you've found out I'll tell you if its at all true." I said looking at him as I got up, "Thanks for the beer, Prince." I said as I walked out to the office to grab another box.

    I was a little shocked by her motives of taking the Job in charming, "Well, aren't you just full of surprises Sheriff," I sat on her sofa and took a brownie taking a bite, I smirked "Damn these are good, you put Bobby's to shame, he'd be so hurt if he knew the new Sheriff makes better special brownies than he does," I said and looked over at her, "I'm sorry about your old man, I know all about revenge." He said softly, "The MC and I will help you in anyway we can."
    October 1st, 2014 at 11:50pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and watched Krissy go get another box and sighed. I was not giving up on her. I took and got up and went out of the Clubhouse and headed for the office. I walked in and called Juice to get him to do some digging. She was right. There was something about her that was intriguing to me. I had to know more about her.

    I nodded my head, "Thank you, Opie." I told him getting another brownie. "I do huh? Well, I might have to try Bobby's to see for myself who's better." I grinned at Opie. "Would you like a beer or something?" I asked him lightly. I wanted to ask him about the revenge part but... Didn't know if I should or not.
    October 2nd, 2014 at 12:51am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I passed Jax as he walked into the office I sat back down and got started on the paperwork. Juice walked into the office setting a file folder down in front of Jax, "Everything I could find on Krissy Hendershot." he said to Jax.
    Name: Kristan Noelle Hendershot DOB: October 6th 1990. Born in Chulo Vista, California to Angel Duke and Jackson Hendershot read on her birth certificate, Jail records included several petty thefts, one count grand theft Auto. Her father Jackson was President of The Banditos MC in Chulo Vista an outlaw that killed her mother and was killed in a house fire that only Kristan survived because she was at a friends out. Krissy's ex husband Emilio Alvarez brother to Marcus President of the Mayans. it was all there in front of Jax her whole life story.

    "uh, sure." I said looking at the sheriff, "Its weird how nice you are, without your badge on, does that end after you go to work tomorrow?" I questioned as I looked at her when she brought me the beer I took it from her and took a drink smiling a little. "Good choice in beer, I love this brew" I said and looked at her I was so interested in her now knowing she came from a background much like mine and Jax's would be good to our advantage, especially since she wants revenge on the murder of her dad.
    October 2nd, 2014 at 01:14am