Playing With Monsters |Closed RP

  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "No, she came inside threw her rings on the table and took John, what did you do?" She asked frowning deeply at her son, "Jackson what did you do?! she took my grandson! Luckily Grace was asleep or she'd have taken her too." I frowned at my son, "You better fucking fix this."

    I sat at my moms place crying softly as I stared at John who was fast asleep in his car seat, "its okay baby," My mom said to me holding me close as I cried I held my chest in pain as I had over worked the stitches, "He was with another woman! I can't believe he was with someone else, he seemed like such a good guy." I sobbed

    I smiled and took Avery home "You and I have the rest of the day alone, what should we do gorgeous?" I asked looking at her with a smirk on my lips, I laughed when she smacked my arm, "Im sorry I can't help it I'm a guy."
    November 13th, 2014 at 10:19pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    "I am fucking try ma." I told her and sighed. I took and got on my bike hoping I could remember where her mom lived. I took and decided to take my truck instead. I took and got in it and drove to her mom's home. I parked my truck so she couldn't see it as I got out. I walked up to the front door. I had to make this right. I couldn't lose her.

    "A horny guy." I laughed kissing his lips. "I actually have to go meet my grandma and mom for the dress fitting. I have to get a hold of Anna too because she has to try her maid of honor dress on as well." I smiled kissing Opie's lips. "So you mister have a day to hang out with your best friend." I smiled pecking his lips one more time. "Ok Ope, I gotta go or I am going to be late." I laughed slightly kissing him one more time before heading to the shop where my grandma and mom were waiting on me.
    November 13th, 2014 at 10:28pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked out the peep hole and saw Jax, "Mom, take John into the other room okay?" I said softly and waited for her to go into the other room I opened the door slightly the chain lock still latched so he couldn't come inside, "What do you want?" I said looking at him through the crack in the door, "I don't want to see you, if Grace was mine I'd have her here to but knowing your crazy ass mother she'd say I kidnapped her, just get out of my life Jax, go back to your whore."

    I sat around the house trying to get a hold of Jax when I didn't I went to find my dad and the kids I got to the lake and found the kids fishing with my dad I went and sat next to him "Hey pop." I said and kissed his cheek, "They behaving okay?" I asked sitting next to him watching Faith and Thomas who were so focused on fishing they didn't notice me at all.
    November 13th, 2014 at 10:33pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and looked at Anna the best I could through the crack. "Anna please. I am sorry ok. I know what I done was wrong, and I am fucking sorry. My crazy ass mother wants me to fixs this. And so do I. Anna place can we talk?" I begged her and sighed heavily. "I don't know what came over me, and I know it was a fucking huge mistake, Anna." I told her feeling the tears sting my eyes.

    I nodded my head to Opie, "Yeah their doing great." I told him and smiled. "Nero called a while ago though." I told Opie sighing. "Some shit is about to go down and isn't going to be good. Nero said that Lin said he knew it was Jax and you that took his heroine and guns. He's wanting revenge. How he knows I have no idea." I warned Opie as I watched Faith and Thomas.

    I sighed when I didn't get Anna on the fourth try. I took and looked at the dress. I smiled to myself, "It's gorgeous." I said as I took and saw my mom and grandma admiring me. I took and fluffed it out a little as I smiled turning around. I saw a Chinese man standing in front of the window grinning. I took and looked at him as I saw the gun, "Duck." I screamed out to my mom and grandma as the bullets broke through the window. I screamed to the top of my lungs falling back into the mirror behind me as a piece of the mirror cut into my back along with the two bullets lodged into my stomach and chest. I dropped to my knees and then to my side with part of my body hanging over the small run way, "That's a message to Opie and Jax. Next bullet is going for Jax's old lady." The Chinese man said before leaving. I tried keeping my eyes open but found it useless. I heard my mom screaming and my grandma as everything began to drift out.
    November 13th, 2014 at 10:59pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I stepped outside and glared at him, "Fine talk," I said looking at him I went wide eyed as blood started pouring out of my neck as the chinese car sped off I looked at Jax and collapsed into him gushing blood from the neck, I felt my whole body tingle and pain until it was gone nothing left my body went limp as I stopped bleeding and breathing I had bled out in Jax's arms.

    "Dad, get to the cabin now, take the kids and go now." I said and frowned I ran to my truck and sped back into Charming I saw the crime scene tape around the bridal shop I saw Avery's mother, "Where is she!?" I called out running to them but only to be stopped I cried, "NO! Avery she's my fiancee no!" I cried not knowing where she was or what happened to her.
    November 13th, 2014 at 11:06pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and looked at Anna crying out. I saw Tig and Chibs pull up along with medics. I took and looked at them as I saw them pry me from her body. I cried harder as I took and got into my truck and took off. I found the Chinese men as I ran them off the road. When they were in the field I got out and grabbed the AK I kept hiding in my truck. I took and began shooting them till they were all dead. I growled out as I blew their car up and walked away. I sat against the truck as I held the 9MM I had in my hand. I glanced at it as I took and twirled it a little. I was going to kill myself and ease the pain. It was my only solution. Anna was gone, and I had nothing left. I cried harder as I dropped back against the side of the truck not caring anymore.

    I saw how torn up Opie was I as grabbed my soon to be son n law and took him into my arms. I kept him close to me letting him cry. I turned him from the scene so he couldn't see them bringing Avery out. I kept my self together for my family. I rubbed his back as I frowned. "Shhh." I whispered to him.
    November 13th, 2014 at 11:59pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I managed to find Jax I ran over to him and pryed the gun from his hand, "You can't kill yourself! You can't leave your son and your little girl all alone!" I slapped him across the face, "You need to take lin out, " I said to him and held him close, "For your daughter and your son for your wife." I sighed and held him close I knew he'd never be the same.

    I held onto Averys mother as I cried I held her close, I caught a glance over at Avery, "Oh god," I cried out and held her mother close, "This can't be real this can't happen!" I slowly pulled back and looked at her mother, "Im so sorry this is my fault I should've protected her more please forgive me louise, Im so sorry." I cried to her mother.
    November 14th, 2014 at 12:11am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and looked at Chibs through the tears I had in my eyes. I took and looked down at my hands. Right now the solution I had sounded perfect. That way I could be with Anna. I cried a little harder and sighed heavily. I got up slowly with Chibs's help as I took and looked at him. I got in my truck not saying a word as I headed off. I was going to murder Lin if it was the last thing I ever done.

    I gripped to Opie as I rubbed his back, "She isn't dead yet, Opie." I whispered into his ear and looked at him. "She has a slim chance, but she isn't gone just yet." I told him as I kept him in my arms. I watched the ambulance disappear as I kept Opie close to me taking him to my car. I saw some of his friends pull up and told them to get his bike. I got him in my car with my mother as I drove to the hospital and sat in the waiting area with Opie.
    November 14th, 2014 at 12:25am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I followed him and sighed I got John and Grace and took them up to the cabin leaving them with Gemma and Piney Happy was with Jax to keep him alive. Tig and Rat were with Opie I rode to check on Jax. I sighed out quietly and looked around as I got to red woody I knew why Jax was even more shook up Anna died angry at him she wasn't wearing her ring and she was planning on leaving him because he cheated on her.

    I sat in the hospital chair crying into my hands this was the same place I'd been when I lost Kayla I didn't want to lose Avery too I needed her the kids needed her they weren't little infants anymore I couldn't just give them a new toy to make them okay they understood and they knew what was going on...
    November 14th, 2014 at 12:37am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and looked at Happy as I took and slammed the knife down onto the table. I growled out as I looked at him, "Get me Lin." I told Happy in a ordering tone. I was going to make his god damn Chinese ass hole pay for murdering my wife.

    I looked up seeing the doctor coming out in blood soaked scrubs. I gripped to Opie's hand frowning. I sighed heavily as I saw the doctor stop at us, "Miss. White's family?" He asked. "That's us." I replied getting up with Opie at my side as I held to him. "I am so truly sorry. She didn't make it. She had too much internal damage done to her when she got here. She's in the recover room if you'd both like to tell her goodbye." He told us before walking away. I looked at Opie feeling my world crash as I gripped to him rubbing his back.
    November 14th, 2014 at 12:52am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Time skip: two years on, lin's in prison


    I sat on my bed as I played with my little brother John who was two, it was two days after my 8th birthday, my dad had been too busy to come to it I had a fun party with Faith and Thomas. I got to stay close to Uncle Opie during the party. I looked up sadly when my dad walked in I rolled my eyes and picked John up, "I thought you forgot about us," I said harshly to my dad, "why are you even here now? you already missed mine and John's birthday."

    I looked at my twins as they did their homework I made them both dinner, "How was school?" I asked them looking over at them I tried to keep things as normal as possible but Faith was struggling I knew Thomas was too but he'd never show it to me because he wanted to be strong like me , "it was fine." Thomas said I looked at Faith, "What about you Faithie? How was school?"
    November 14th, 2014 at 01:05am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I sighed heavily looking at Grace. I knew she blamed me, and hell I blamed myself. To be honest my kids didn't need me one bit. I sighed and looked at her, "Here I got this for you." I told her as I handed her the locket that belonged to her mom. "This was your moms, I had it restored a little for you, Gracie." I whispered to her.

    I shrugged my shoulders playing with my pencil, "Ok." I muttered underneath my breath. I wasn't telling him about the fight I had gotten into or the fact that I had cussed my teacher. I could care less anymore. My life sucked.
    November 14th, 2014 at 01:30am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at the locket and clutched it in my hands, "You know, I know you miss them but you're pushing us away daddy." I said to him sadly, "Me and Johnny need you and you're never here, you're always gone, we lost our moms we dont want to lose our dad too.." I said with tears in my eyes, "do you think either of my moms would want this from you? "

    "Your teacher called me today at lunch, want to explain yourself to me Faith?" I asked her as I sat across from her looking at her, "I want you both to listen to me, I miss them too okay? I'm trying my hardest to keep it together for you two because I'm your father, I miss your mom Kayla and I miss your mom Avery so much okay guys I don't know what to do to make you both better I can't do anything more than what I am already doing. I need you two to talk to me when you need me."
    November 14th, 2014 at 01:36am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I sighed and sat down beside of Grace taking her and her brother into my arms. "No they wouldn't baby." I told her as I kissed the side of her head sighing. Neither of the girls would want me to be away from the kids. I took and frowned as I kissed her head. "I am sorry baby. I am sorry that I have been pushing you two away, I never meant too." I told her keeping her close to me as tightly as I could.

    I narrowed my eyes getting up from the table, "You let that Chinese man kill her, dad. There's nothing you can do." I yelled at him as I walked away. I walked down and into my room as Poppy came into the house. I sighed getting in my bed and covering my head up crying softly into the pillow.
    November 14th, 2014 at 01:45am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "I want a mommy dad." I said to him and sighed to him shaking my head, "They always leave, why cant we have a mommy?" I pouted up at him and cuddled into his side looking at John as grandma came into the room and took him I sighed quietly, "I want a mommy to tuck me in and cuddle me" I whispered as I started to cry again I'd cried myself to sleep almost every night since Anna died.

    I held my head in my hands crying softly I felt Thomas hug me I sighed and cried harder as I hugged my son Faith was just like her mother I got up and looked at my dad, "She hates me and thinks I got avery killed," I sighed quietly and walked into her room, "Faith.." I said sadly the tears still falling, I sat on her bed and put my hand on her back, "I didn't let that man kill her, I wasn't there to protect her, I was at the lake watching you and Tommy fishing." I sighed quietly and looked down at her, "Im sorry you hate me.."
    November 14th, 2014 at 03:00am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I cried softly as I pulled Grace into my laps. I knew she wanted a mom and it was my fault Anna had gotten killed, just like with Krissy." Baby I know you do. Sometimes, we have to settle for.... what we have." I replied softly. I had to admit I was lonely as hell and I wanted a wife, someone to help me raise my children other than my crazy ass mother. But there was no one. I was a biker outlaw president, that people feared in the quake of me.

    I sniffled as I rolled onto my side looking up at him. I wiped my eyes, "I don't have you daddy." I whispered. I sat up and crawled into his lap. I sat there quietly as I held to him. "I just want a mommy, daddy." I replied softly. "Why do they always leave?" I asked him as I kept close to him. I started crying softly as I held tighter to him.
    November 14th, 2014 at 11:02pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Time Skip: another year

    I sat still as brooke did my hair for my dad I sighed quietly and walked out to catch the school bus, "Bye daddy." I called out and ran towards the school bus I stepped out without looking and screamed.


    I heard a girl scream I backed my car up and groaned as the speeding car struck my car but avoided the little girl, I got out of my car and ran over to the little girl, "Are you okay munchkin?" I saw a family run out of the house as the little kid hugged me tightly I hugged her tightly and ran over to the guy I busted his window in and pulled him out of the car, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? THERE ARE KIDS HERE YOU DIP SHIT!" I said and punched him in the face he fell the the ground out cold from being drunk. My son Braxton was standing with my mom by the front door. I looked at the little girl who was still attatched to my hip, I hugged her again and kneeled down, "its okay sweetie the bad guy wont hurt you.

    I watched all of this unfold in front of my house Jax living down the street a little I walked Thomas and Faith with me down to the bus stop, "Dude, is everything okay?" I heard sirens as the cops showed up I sighed and looked at Thomas and Faith, "who wants to skip school and stay with dad today?" I asked them both as I knew the bus wouldn't be going anywhere soon, I saw parents pulling their children off the bus to take them to school.
    November 15th, 2014 at 12:05am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I ran down to Grace as I saw her reach out for me. I took her from the woman's arms and kept her in my arms, "Are you ok baby?" I asked her seeing her nod her head lightly. I took and kept her close to me frowning. I rubbed her back lightly glad she was ok. I looked at the woman and smiled at her, "Thank you." I told her keeping Grace close to me.

    I looked up at dad and nodded my head, "I want to stay home." I said seeing Uncle Jax put Grace down as I ran to her. I took and grabbed her in a hug holding to my best friend. I frowned keeping her close to me as I pulled back glad she was safe.
    November 15th, 2014 at 02:06am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I nodded my head to the blonde man, "Of course, I couldn't let a kid get hurt," I glanced to the man who was being arrested I felt two little hands on my legs I picked my son up and looked at my totaled car, "Well fuck," I said softly and kicked the tire I looked at my mother and shrugged, "Guess I"m walking to work"

    I looked at the woman and smiled she lived right next door to me and daddy, I looked at Faith and smiled a little I tugged on the ladies hand, "My daddy can give you a ride to work, hes single." I said to the lady with the red hair I didn't see a ring on her finger or anything.

    I laughed softly hearing Grace set her dad up on a date, "way to go Gracie," I high fived my niece, "Alright everyone to Uncle Jax's house move out!" I called watching all three of the kids run towards the house I walked inside and gave Gemma a kiss on the cheek I sat with the kids letting them watch morning cartoons
    November 15th, 2014 at 02:52am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I blushed sighing at Grace, "Gracie." I told her and laughed slightly as I looked at the woman. "I can give you a lift, and since you saved my daughter. I can repair your car. I own Teller-Morrow Auto Repair." I told her and smiled at her as I took and cleared my throat a little.

    I smiled sitting with Grace, "Good job." I giggled. "I wished daddy would find him one." I told her and smiled at her before looking at the TV.

    I took and walked out seeing my sister and nephew talking to a blonde headed man. I looked at my mom, "Some drunk hit your sister's car." She said. I sighed as I saw my twin seven year olds come out as I took and frowned at them. Jase and Riley began asking questions as their grandma took them in and answered them. I watched my sister talking with a man as I took and grinned a little sitting on the steps lighting up a cigarette and smoking it.

    [[Hope it was ok that I made our character's sisters? If not i'll change it Cute]]
    November 15th, 2014 at 03:16am