Playing With Monsters |Closed RP

  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I walked into the office walking past Avery and the other family, "Mr Teller," I said and pointed to a door, "follow me this way," I said to him and walked into a small conference room, "How can I help you Mr. Teller?" I asked not really knowing why he was here. "is something wrong?" I asked a little worried.

    "you did?" I smiled a little, "Thank you so much," I looked at Faith and took her hand, "That really means a lot to me to know they're actually together Miss, Avery." I said smiling at her I looked at her taking in how she looked I felt something pull at my heart a little and I sighed "Thank you," I said and took the kids out ot the car where my dad was waiting, I let Thomas run to him I picked Faith up and kissed her Cheek I put them in my dads truck, "I'll be home a little later dad, thanks for watching them." I said to him and watched him take the kids home I got on my bike and rode out of the parking lot, I went to the cemetery and sat by Kayla's grave.

    "Six years baby," I said softly and lightly traced her name on her headstone, "I love you so much Kayla but, I think its time I moved on and found someone to help with the kids, they're being teased and I don't think Thomas is taking it well, I love you so much I'm not replacing you." I sighed and kissed the stone. I laid the flowers I had brought a red rose for Kayla and a Pink lilly for Krissy. "Bye ladies." I said and walked off.
    November 10th, 2014 at 02:57pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I looked at her and nodded my head, "Grace came home crying. Said some kids were making fun of her for not having a mother." I told Anna. I sighed, "Look I don't want my kid crying because some kids are mean to her over her not having a mother." I told her.
    I watched him walk out and walked out of the office. I took and cleaned up the classroom as I took and sighed a little. I ran a hand through my hair as I took and walked out. It'd been six years since my husband had been killed in active duty. I frowned a little knowing I had to move on for the sake of my sanity.

    I watched the kids sleep on the couch as I smiled at them. I got up and made my way over and onto the front porch in time to see Opie pulling into the driveway. I smiled at him, "Their asleep son." I told him sitting down in my rocker.
    November 11th, 2014 at 12:06am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked truly hurt I shook my head, "Mr. Teller I assure you that did not happen in my class room, tomorrow I'll watch and make sure nobody upsets her, lots of people don't have mothers its nothing for her to be sad about,I don't have a mother I never did." I told him and looked at him I sighed quietly "I promise she wont be picked on anymore I'll find the kids who are picking on her and I'll reach out to their parents." My husband was killed in a hunting accident nearly 8 years ago, I had a son who was hit and killed in our front yard by a drunk driver 10 years ago. I became a teacher shortly after my son died.

    "I promise I wont let anyone hurt her." I told him.

    "Thanks Pop," I said to him and sat down by him in my chair, "I went and talked to Kayla today," I said to him and sighed out, "I think I need to move on and get some help with the kids," I said softly, "Its been six years I think it's been long enough for me to be moving on right?" I asked him and sighed, "I want to do the right thing by my family pops."
    November 11th, 2014 at 01:43am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I nodded my head and took and got up from my spot in the chair, "Thank you Miss. Anna." I replied to her as I walked out. I took and headed for the graveyard. I sat down at Krissy's stone and saw Opie had done been here. I laid the pink rose on Krissy's stone and the white rose on Kayla's. I looked at Krissy's stone frowning, "Babe it's been six long fucking years. I miss you so much babe. I wish you were here." I said tears began falling. "Babe, I think it's time I move on. Grace needs a mother figure in her life. It won't replace you, but I need help other than my mother raising her. I hope you'll forgive me and won't be mad. I love you so much baby." I said kissing her stone and getting up as I walked off heading home.

    "Kayla would want you happy ope, and you know that." I told him patting his back. "She wouldn't want you miserable son. Moving on would be the best thing." I told him trying to assure him of his deciciosn but I knew she'd want him to be happy and the kids too.
    November 11th, 2014 at 02:37am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    The Next morning


    I waved when I saw grace I saw how upset she looked to be here and that broke my heart I kneeled down in front of her taking one glance up at Jax, I smiled at Grace, "I heard you were being picked on, I want you to know its okay for you to come talk to me Grace," I took one of her little hands, "I dont have a mommy either, I grew up with my daddy just like you," I saw her perk up and smile at me, "I promise its not a bad thing that your daddy is raising you, our mommies are both in heaven and I'm sure your mommy is proud that you came back to school." I told her and gasped when she hugged me, I smiled a little and hugged her tightly, "Oh thats a girl you're so brave," I stood up and looked at Jax, "I'll take good care of her Mr. Teller I promise."

    I sat in the long line of cars waiting to drop their kids off I knew Thomas didn't want to come today. I forced him out of bed, Faith too I knew they both had been picked on, "So, Miss Avery is now both of your teacher so you're in the same class you have the same lunch and same reecess so you'll be fine." I assured them and parked I got out with them and walked them up to the building I saw her and I felt my pulse rise I hadn't felt like this since I met Kayla "Hi Miss Avery," I heard both my kids say in unison
    November 11th, 2014 at 02:57am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I smiled seeing Grace hug Anna. I took and smiled at my little girl that she was taking a liking to her teacher like that. I nodded my head at Anna, "Thank you." I told her lightly and smiled giving Grace a big hug and kiss. "Love you love-bug." I told her and smiled up at Anna as I stood upright. "Please, call me Jax." I told her and smiled.

    I turned around and smiled at the two twins. I knelt down, "Hi sweeties." I told them and smiled. "I know yesterday was rough for you two. But it won't happen again. I promise." I smiled at the two. "You know not having a mommy isn't all that bad. I didn't have a mommy nor a daddy." I told them. "My grandpa raised me, and I turned out great. So it isn't all that bad that your daddy is raising you. You two are amazing and he's doing an awesome job." I told them as I fell onto my ass when they hug me tightly. I smiled rubbing their backs lightly as I got up and held to their hands. "Mr. Winston, they'll be fine. I promise." I told him.
    November 11th, 2014 at 03:17am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at my dad when he called me love-bug "Daaad, thats embarassing!" I said and ran off inside I saw Faith and Thomas with uncle opie and their teacher I ran into the class room and put my backpack up I hoped today would be better.

    I looked at Jax and smiled, "Right, Jax." I said and looked at him tucking some hair behind my ear, "Call me Anna then." I said looking at him, "Have a good day Jax, I'll see you at 2:30 for pick up." I said and walked into the building to get into my class room.

    I smiled at my kids hugging their teacher I couldn't help but smile at her words, "Call me Opie," I said looking at her, "Mr. Winston is my father." I joked lightly, "Have a good day kids be good for Miss Avery." I waved and walked over to Jax I looked at him, "I'm hot for my kids Teacher, does that make me a bad guy?"
    November 11th, 2014 at 03:26am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    "If it does than it makes me one too." I told Opie. "I have the hots for Grace's teacher." I told him and smiled a little. "I talked to Krissy yesterday and like I told her. I can't keep living like this. I have to move on." I sighed and looked at Opie. "I think we both need to move on Ope." I said.

    I smiled watching him leave. I walked the two into the classroom and smiled helping them get their stuff up as I began the class.
    November 11th, 2014 at 05:14pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I kept a close watch on Grace through the day I found the kids and walked over, 'Leave her alone now! I'm telling your parents," I said to them firmly and took Grace's hand "Come on sweet heart lets go play a game, I looked down at her and played hopscotch with her for recess. When school was over I walked her out and stood next to her she had a tight grip on my hand. I saw her dad pull up I walked her over to the SUV and picked her up putting her in her car seat I helped her buckle up, "See you on Monday Grace," I said looking at her I smiled at Jax, "Have a great weekend Mr. Te-Jax.." I fixed myself and turned to walk to the building.

    "DADDY WAIT!" I called out and unbuckled myself I got out of the car and ran after Miss Anna, "Miss Anna, Miss Anna!" I jumped on her and hugged her, "Thank you, I love you." I said to her and ran back to the car I climbed back up and buckled back in "Okay.." I said to my daddy.

    I was running a little late picking the kids up I had my dad with me I parked and walked in with him, I saw my kids run to my dad I looked at Avery, "Im so sorry I know you want to go home I'm sorry," i said to her and looked at her, my dad walked off with my kids, "Miss Avery, would you ever want to grab a cup of coffee or a drink with me? to uh talk?" I asked trying to ask her out.
    November 11th, 2014 at 05:37pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I stood watching Grace with Anna. I smiled as I looked at my mom nodding. "I'll be right back baby." I told Grace shutting the door as I heard her and my mom talking. "Anna." I called out to her jogging to catch up to her lightly. "I... Um... Was wondering if you'd like to go for a drink or something tonight?" I asked her trying to ask her out but failing miserably.

    I giggled looking at Opie, "Avery. Please." I told him and smiled. "Drinks sound really nice, and if you're asking me on a date, then yes i'd like that." I told him grinning slightly. I crossed my arms over my chest lightly smiling at him. He was rather handsome and it was time for me to move on from everything that had happened to me.
    November 12th, 2014 at 01:28am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "Are you asking me on a date? If so, yes Id love too, if not I'll feel really awkward." I said looking at him I grabbed my note pad and wrote my number and address down I handed it to him, "6:30 good?" I asked looking at him.

    I couldn't help but grin like an idiot when she said yes, "good' uhm" I rubbed my neck and smiled when she gave me her info, "mind if we take my bike?" I asked looking in her beautiful dark eyes. I could get lost in them, the fact she looked nothing like kayla made it better
    November 12th, 2014 at 02:25am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I grinned at her and nodded my head, "Yeah I am asking you on a date." I told her and smiled at her. "Yeah that's fine. I'll see you then." I told her. I took and walked towards the SUV and got up in it. I smiled to myself and pulled out.

    I smiled, "Not at all. I love Motorcycles." I told him as I patted his arm lightly. "I'll see you tonight then, Mr....Win... Opie." I caught myself and smiled at him as I headed back into the classroom to get my things and head home to get ready for this date.
    November 12th, 2014 at 03:46am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I rushed inside and cleaned my class room up I went home and quickly got ready I looked at the picture of my husband and son, "10 and 8 years I love you guys but it's time I can't live in the past for the rest of my life, I want to be happy and have a family." I said and kissed the picture before I put it away. I fixed my jeans and my shirt when I blinked I heard a motorcycle I smiled a little and walked outside I climbed on the back of Jax's motorcyle and held onto him.

    I went home with my kids and my dad I saw my dad's cheesy grin I sat with my kids, "Tommy, Faith, I need to talk to you both. "I said to them and sat down with them, "Daddy's gonna be an adult with you right now okay? Your mommy and I were perfect together and I love her very very much, she gave me you two and thats a gift nobody can take away from me, but Daddy gets lonely and misses mommy," I looked at them and sighed, "Miss Avery and daddy are gonna go on a date, its where two adults go have dinner and talk.." I said to them, "If miss avery and daddy like each other she could become daddy's girlfriend. It's not replacing mommy I will always love mommy but I think you two need a mother figure in your life so kids wont make fun of you."
    November 12th, 2014 at 06:21am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and drove out of her street and headed to the outskirts of Charming. There was a perfect little diner there for us just to enjoy each other and talk. I smiled feeling her arms around me as I grinned to myself. I took and pulled up at the diner going to one of the vacant spots. I parked and kicked the stand out as I watched her get off and I followed her in suit. I took her hand gently and led her inside the diner as we sat down at the booth. I saw the waiter come over as I placed my order and smiled at her, "Order whatever you want." I told her.
    Thomas and Faith

    Thomas looked at Faith with a smug grin, just like his daddy wore. He smirked over towards his dad as did his sister. "We like Miss. Avery. Can she be our new mommy?" Faith asked her daddy with a big smile like her mommy used to wear on her face. Thomas nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah daddy can she?" Thomas asked smiling at his daddy.

    "I'd say son you have their approval." Piney chuckled out patting Opie's back watching his grandchildren and his son.

    I looked at the fireplace mantel as I stared at the picture of Ethan. I frowned tracing over his face, "Baby it's been six years. I have to move on. I can't keep living in the past. It's not fair to myself. I'm lonely and I want a family. Something we didn't get the chance to get." I told him as I frowned. "I really like Opie, he's a nice man and very sweet. His children are so loving, and I love them as if they were my own. I would never replace their mommy. But I want a family, Ethan. I am sorry, and I love you baby. But I have to do what I have to do." I said as I kissed the picture and went to the bedroom. I fixed my hair and adjusted my clothing I had on as I went into the living room waiting for Opie to arrive.
    November 12th, 2014 at 01:55pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I ordered and water and a turkey sandwich I looked at Jax, "So Jax, tell me about yourself?" I asked looking at him as I pulled my glass close and took a drink. I heard him talk about himself, his club and the mother of his children, "I'm sorry you lost her that way, it had to be hard." I said to him and took his hand giving it a gentle squeeze, I heard him ask about me, "Well I'm from the south I moved here with my husband when we found out I was pregnant, my son Ryan was playing in our front yard when a drunk driver hopped the curb and hit him and killed him in our front yard," I said shaking my head, "Then my husband died a few years later in an accident on the interstate in Stockton." I said looking at him and I sighed, "I was real depressed and I couldn't get out of the funk because I lost my kid and my husband so I focused all my energy on helping kids and so I became a teacher."

    I hugged my kids tightly, "I don't know I'll see what happens until then you can't call her mommy until she says you can." I explained and kissed their heads I hugged my dad and waved as I walked out I drove over to her house pulling up in the driveway I shut the engine off smiling as I saw her come over, "You look gorgeous" I said to her and felt her slip behind me, I handed her my helmet and put on my spare I wanted her safer than I was I took her to the opposite side of charming to another little diner that I loved I parked in an empty space and slowly lead her inside. "I love this place it's nice and quiet."
    November 12th, 2014 at 06:08pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I looked at her and frowned at her words, "Wow, I am so sorry. That must have been awful." I told her and shook my head, "Sorry forget that last part." I told her as I squeezed her hand back. To lose a child and a spouse. That's awful. Something I pray I never have to go through with losing a child. I had lost Krissy and now that Anna was growing on me. I was praying to the man above that I didn't lose her. I couldn't take it again. "I truly am sorry though, Anna." I whispered to her as I lent across the table pecking her cheek.

    I took and looked at Opie and smiled, "This place is really cute." I told him as we walked inside. I sat down at the table with him and smiled. He looked rather handsome outside from what I had saw him in school pick up and everything. I smiled at him as I ordered a cheeseburger and fries with a iced tea. I smiled at Opie as I looked him over a second, "This is really nice. I am glad that you asked me to come with you." I told him.
    November 12th, 2014 at 07:07pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at Jax and smiled a little, "Its fine, I'm fine." I looked at him and blushed when he kissed my cheek I smiled "I'm glad you asked me out, its been a long time," I said smiling a little I ate my dinner with Jax and made small talk with him I looked at him as we got back to my house "I had a lot of fun Tonight," I took a chance and gave him a kiss. I felt him kiss back I slowly drew him inside and towards my bedroom It was the first time I'd had sex since my husband. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as we got into my bed I took my shirt off pushing his cut off.

    "I love coming here," I answered her and ordered a burger and coke I looked at her and smiled, "I'm so glad you said yes, I haven't dated in six years actually a little longer," I told her and smiled, "Tell me more about you Avery?" I looked at her and smiled a little. I was really taking a liking to her I smiled looking at her.
    November 12th, 2014 at 08:10pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and laid my cut on the floor as I pulled my own shirt off. I began working on her jeans and my own jeans getting them both off. I took all of our undergarments off. I took and grinned down at her as I lent in kissing her lips. I hadn't had sex in six years. I slowly lined myself up with her entrance slowly pushing myself inside of her.

    "I lost my husband six years ago. He was in the Military and got killed over seas. We'd just gotten married and moved to Charming when it happened." I told Opie and sighed. "Never got the chance to start a family with him." I said and smiled the best I could. "I actually used to live in Stockton and moved here when he got deployed. I loved Charming a lot better than over in there." I told Opie. "I always loved children so I thought being a teacher would be the best solution for me." I told him and smiled. "So tell me about yourself?" I asked him and smiled.
    November 12th, 2014 at 08:29pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I moaned lightly as I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck I kissed him deeply as I felt him thrust into me I hadn't had sex in so long it felt so good to be with a man I moaned loudly and felt my orgasm reach as I tightened around him my moans of pleasure echoing through the room as my orgasm reached its peak.

    "My wife died six years ago she uh was pregnant with the kids and when she had them they found leukemia and she didn't last more then a few hours after they were born I got a few pictures with her and the babies and that was it, uh I work for Teller-Morrow Automotive, I grew up here, I'm a member of an outlaw MC, but please don't let that throw you away from me because I'm not a bad guy." I said to her and looked in her eyes.
    November 12th, 2014 at 09:11pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I felt her walls tighten around my cock as I felt my own pressure rising very fast. I exploded inside of her as I moaned her name out. I painted a little as I kissed her lips lightly pulling out of her and laid beside of her. I took her into my arms as I kissed the side of her head. "That was amazing." I whispered to her.

    I smiled at Opie taking his hand into mine, "I am sorry about your wife having cancer." I told him and frowned a little. "Trust me, Outlaw Biker stuff isn't running me away." I told him. "I grew up one myself in Ohio. So I know how it is." I admitted to him and smiled. I kept my hand around his smiling. "I like you a lot Opie, and I don't think I am going anywhere's. I love your children their sweet and something else." I smiled at him. "I like you a lot, you're sweet, kind, and caring." I admitted blushing as I rambled.
    November 12th, 2014 at 09:41pm