we all need a moment in our life.

  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    @ Jackson Teller;
    @ Jackson Teller;
    The last thing Demi wanted to hear was the fact that she had to have a god damn tutor. It was complete and utter bullshit in her opinion. "Seriously?" she questioned with a displeased tone to her voice. "I would prefer to fail than have a god damn tutor." She shrugged her shoulders and looked away from Mr Haner. "By the sounds of it, I have no choice in the matter so I still don't think I will be trying."

    Matt let out a deep chuckle and rolled his eyes at Monica's comment. "Unfortunately I can't do that. Even if I could I still wouldn't," he stated. "I have discussed this with your parents and they would like it if I tutored you," he said slowly. "I know you will absolutely despise that idea, but I know this will hardly go anywhere if I don't make it somewhat bearable for you. I want to see you succeed Miss Greene and I will try my hardest to make sure you do."
    October 1st, 2014 at 01:56pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ shepherd of fire.
    Brian shrugged his shoulder, "Your problem, not mine." He got up and looked at her. "See you tomorrow, Miss. Mathers." He told her rolling his eyes sighing. This was going to be one student that would whip his ass trying to reasoning with them.

    Monica looked at him and let a soft laugh escape her lips, "Sure you will." She said with a boring tone in her voice. "Are we done here?" She asked not caring anymore. Even if he was her tutor.... she still didn't give a flying leap.
    October 1st, 2014 at 02:58pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    @ Jackson Teller;
    Demi looked back at him with a fake smile on her face. "That it is, sir," she replied. She pushed herself up from her chair, gathering the things she needed. "Unfortunately yes you will," she shot back with a small laugh. Demi shot him one last look before heading out of the classroom.

    Matt shook his head slightly at her response. She was a hard girl to please. "I could just make it hell for you, but I am trying to be nice here," he shrugged. He smiled a touch before motioning towards the door with his hand. "Go, I'll see you tomorrow for another fun lesson. I can see you're thrilled already," he said, his voice turning rather sarcastic towards the end.
    October 1st, 2014 at 03:13pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ shepherd of fire.
    Brian shook his head sighing heavily. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. He sat down grabbing his phone as he called her parents. He took and looked at the papers telling her parents about the stuff. He sighed ending the call. Now he had to go over there before tutoring to straighten this out and her attitude, which turned him on so bad.


    "So thrilled that I just can't control it." She said sarcastically as she turned around and walked off. She took and sighed going into the locker room and changing into her uniform. She walked out and headed to her next class.
    October 1st, 2014 at 03:54pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    @ Jackson Teller;
    [ff-ing hope you don't mind tehe]

    Demi had a small scowl on her face as she set the table for dinner. Her mother had told her only twenty minutes ago that they were having a guest over tonight and she wasn't letting it slip on who it was. By the way that she was telling Demi to change into something a bit more acceptable, she assumed it was just her aunt who liked to have a go at her for not dressing like a mature woman. To be honest, she didn't want to dress like a fucking secretary. She was happy and comfortable in her tight cotton shorts and her baggy tank top that dipped down extremely low on the sides, giving a pretty clear view of her bra. "Can't you just tell me?" she pleaded to her mother who had a stupid grin on her face as she set the dish of lasagne on the table. "You will find out soon enough. They will be here soon."

    Matt pulled up outside the house that Monica and her parents lived in. He rubbed his face tiredly and let out a loud sigh. He did not want to be doing this tonight. He just wanted to get home and laze about until tomorrow morning. It needed to be done though. He needed to know what her parents expected of him and how often they wished for him to tutor Monica for. He slipped out his car and locked it behind him as he made his way towards the front door. He shifted on the spot as he pulled down the sleeves of his uncomfortable plain black button up shirt. He hated dressing like this; he preferred a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt not a dress shirt and pants. He looked like an absolute tool and he hated it. With a quick eye roll, he raised his fist to the door and knocked loudly. Just before the door was pulled open, he put a fake smile on his face hoping they couldn't see the fact that he didn't want to be here.
    October 2nd, 2014 at 11:58am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ shepherd of fire.

    [I don't Cute]

    Brian turned the engine to his car off and sighed sitting outside of Demi's parents home and hers. Her parents had asked him to come over for dinner to talk about what was going on with her schooling and how she was failing everything. He took a deep breath as he got out and locked his car up. Walking up to the front door he stood there a minute feeling like a complete ass. He wanted to be in his jeans and tee lounging on the couch. Having a nice beer and some tacos or nachos. Brian let a loud sigh escape his lips as he took and balled his hand into a fist knocking on the door. He heard shuffling as the front door was pulled open. He took and put on a fake smile hoping it didn't show. He was welcomed inside as he stood there before removing his shoes from his feet and following Mrs. Mathers led him into what looked to be the den.
    Monica sighed hearing someone knock on the door. She pulled her bedroom door open and remembered her mom had said to dress nice. She peeped down the stairs not seeing anyone. She jogged down the stairs and stopped when she saw her gym teacher sitting on the sofa in the den. She growled out underneath her breath going into the kitchen looking at her mother, "Why is he here?" She asked harshly in a whispering tone.

    "Because you need to be tutored, we know you love Basketball. We just can't figure out why the hell you won't take part in the class." Monica's father Richard said to her.

    She rolled her eyes sighing as she heard her mother say take him the drink. She took it from her and walked into the den looking at her PE teacher sitting there. She had to admit that he looked rather damn hot in the black button up shirt and the black jeans he was wearing to match. She cleared her throat and was going to try and be as pleasant as she could for the sake of god. "Here's you something to drink, Mr. Sanders." She said politely.
    October 3rd, 2014 at 01:37pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    @ Jackson Teller;
    Demi leaned against the doorway to the den with a scowl plastered on her face. She was expecting to see her blonde headed Aunt sitting there having a glare off with her father who would always be watching some form of music channel on television, but instead she was greeted by the sight of her fucking music teacher. "We should eat so we can get this over and done with," she spoke loudly with her arms folded against her chest. Her mother looked over at her with a scowl on her face because she wasn't being 'polite' while her father had amusement written all over. She was like her father in every single way and the only thing she got from her mother was her looks.

    "Aren't you going to sat hello Demi?" her mother question with a scolding tone.

    Demi let out a soft laugh as her eyes fell on Mr Haner. She had to admit he look god damn fine, but she still wasn't pleased that he was in her home. She did not want to deal about school tonight; this was the last thing she wanted. "Hello Haner," she spoke in a rather fake cheery voice, "you looked as thrilled as I do about this." She could see the fake smile on his face, he was almost as good as her at it. "You could've done this during school mother and not after," she stated as she turned on her heels and walked back into the kitchen to grab a drink.


    Matt shifted uncomfortably in the sofa as he looked around the room. He let out a soft sigh as he turned when he had heard Monica's voice. He looked up at her with a genuine smile and took the drink from her. "Thanks," he mumbled quietly as his eyes quickly scanned her body. His eyes quickly shot away and focused in on the blank wall in front of him. He mentally scolded himself for eyeing her up since she was a god damn student and barely fucking legal, but he could never help himself when it came to a fucking hot woman. "I guess you weren't expecting to see me?" he questioned quietly since her parents had yet to return. "I was expecting this to happen during school and not at your house," he chuckled as he finally looked back at her and took a small mouthful of the drink in his hands.
    October 4th, 2014 at 12:47pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ margot verger.
    Brian sighed lightly seeing her disappear. He shook his head a little and sat there making small talk with Demi's father over music. He heard her mother call that dinner was ready. He got up following the family into the dinning room. He sat down and took and bit his lip. He didn't want to be here. She had that part right. "Mr. Haner, what can we do to get her to improve?" Demi's mother asked him.

    "She's a bright young lady. And an excellent student. If she could just learn that sometimes it isn't going to go her way." Brian paused. "I know if she sets her mind to it. She'd be the best student I have seen." Brian said.
    Monica nodded her head, "So was I." She said in a harsh tone and frowned a little. She had to admit seeing him out of his normal clothes from school. He was really hot. She took and looked him up and down fast before disappearing to help her mother like she always did.
    October 5th, 2014 at 08:13pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    @ Jackson Teller;
    Demi looked at her dinner with a bored expression. Her appetite had been lost from the moment he stepped foot into her home. It wasn't that she didn't like him, it was because she hated the talk about school. She hated being there and she hated the shit that they were teaching her. It was completely pointless. All she wanted to do was to learn something that she was genuinely interested in.

    "I don't want to be the best student you've seen," she butted in as she glanced up from her food to set her eyes on Mr. Haner. "I don't want to set my mind to it because I find it absolutely pointless. I can play music in my spare time rather than playing it at god damn school. I don't want to be part of this stupid school band thing and I don't care if it's a part of my assessment or not." She paused to shake her head and fold her arms against her chest. "I already know I am not going to get my own way, but I will sure as hell try to make it bearable for myself."


    Matt pursed his lips together as he kept his eyes on her; watching her walk away. He sighed softly as he pushed himself off of the couch to where her father was sitting at the table. He sat down near him. He was actually shocked at how much Monica's father was actually talking to him and how much they actually had in common. It was making the night a hell of a lot more tolerable. Matt's eyes turned to Monica's mother who was finally serving their dinner.

    "Mr Sanders," her mother started with a small smile on her face, "do you think this tutoring will help our daughter?"

    Matt took a small sip of his water before smiling softly at her. "To be honest, I have no idea. It all depends on how much effort Monica puts in with this as well," he stated. "I hope it does because she is an outstanding student and athlete. I have seen her at her best, but everything had started to go down hill. I will try my hardest to make sure it does help. Every student is different and it will take me some time to see how I can help her out but that is only if she puts in effort on her end too."
    October 11th, 2014 at 11:37am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Brian looked at her in kind of shock and let a low sigh emerge his lips. The dinner was quiet after that. He got up from his seat and helped out and thanked Demi's parents for the dinner. He took and walked to the door slipping his shoes on and walking out of the house. He heard a door open and turned to see Demi in the doorway. He had no idea what to tell her. He turned back and got in his car starting it up and heading home sighing a little.


    Monica rolled her eyes and looked between her and Mr. Sanders. Monica narrowed her eyes, "Just as I said earlier today. I don't plan on putting any effort into this. Cause frankly I could care less." Monica narrowed here eyes at him as she heard her mother scoff.

    "Monica Marie, that is it. You put effort into it, or else." Her mother scolded her causing her to roll her eyes at her.

    "No mother, I will not." Monica growled getting up and walking off and heading into the den away from them. She sighed and lent into the couch shaking her head. Stupid tutoring. Stupid school. It was all so stupid.
    October 16th, 2014 at 12:42am