not over you.

  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Lyla took a deep breath and nodded her head, "Maybe so." Lyla said. She took and lent into the sofa and bit on her lip. She had no idea what to say about Zayn. It wasn't like him to be like that. Well considering everything that had went on in his life recently, it did make sense though. "Maybe Zayn will come around, and hopefully your mom won't intrude." Lyla tried to assure her friend.
    Zayn frowned at Liam and sighed, "Dude I am sorry she done that to you." Zayn said and frowned. He took a sip of his beer sitting there. "Maybe shit will work out for us." Zayn told Liam hoping that things worked out for the two of them. God knows they both had been miserable for four years.
    Aria sighed and stood near the doorway and nodded, "Very sure." She said lightly. She knew he was shock, hell she was too when the doctor had told her. She hugged herself lightly not knowing where this was going to go. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She whispered lightly.
    Harry nodded his head towards her. "Yeah they do that quiet a bit. Judge people before getting to know them." He said sitting on the bench near them. "They judged me for a long time." He admitted to her sighing. "They had called me gay. Stupid for wanting to leave this town." Harry said to her. "I know how you feel." He looked at her.
    October 20th, 2014 at 03:13pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Cecilia shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows." She said sighing, she knew better than anyone that Zayn was stubborn. She also knew that if there was one person who would do anything to make sure that Cecilia ended up with someone she liked it was her mother. And regardless of Zayn's tattoos, surprisingly, her parents loved Zayn. Which meant that her parents wanted her to be with Zayn since they'd had a past and it would make sense in there minds. Which only meant that Cecilia knew better than to trust that her mother wouldn't try and pull something over on both her and Zayn.
    "I'm sorry that she left you too." Liam said knowing what Zayn was feeling right now. They both kind of felt for each other and how they were kind of screwed over by the girls they loved. And it sucked. "I hope things work out for us." He sighed, all Liam wanted was for things to feel better than they did right now. He wanted to either be totally over Lyla and not bothered by her being back in town, or he wanted to talk to her and be over how she'd just left without talking to him about anything and at least able to mend his heart. Even if they didn't get back together he wanted to be over this never ending feeling he had in his heart about how things had ended with them.
    Louis sat down on the hard fence thing that for as long as he could remember circled around part of her parents garden. This was news that he hadn't exactly expected. It was also new that he wasn't 100% sure how he felt about it. A part of him felt very happy and excited given this meant he was going to be a dad, have a family, and with the girl he loved at that. But there was this other part of him that wasn't as thrilled. This meant so many things would be different, and what if he was a bad dad. He wasn't really prepared. He didn't really feel old enough yet either. He was excited though. So to make sure she knew that he reached out and pulled her into him and kissed her on the lips. "We're gonna be a family."
    "Sounds kind of harsh." Emilia said not really sure she understood the point in small towns judging people the way they did. It never really made anyone feel any better and it kind of only reflected poorly on them. Then again though the whole judging thing wasn't just here in this small town. It happened everywhere, and it sucked everywhere too. "It's not just here that people are like that though. I think it's just harder to deal with in places this like this because everyone knows everyone and it's so small that word travels faster. Plus you have to see the people every day. Back in London when people say things or judge you it's different because the likely hood of you seeing the same random person on the street every day is rare."
    October 21st, 2014 at 06:15pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Lyla nodded her head slowly. She knew how Cecilia's mother was. Especially when it came down to her being with someone that her mother liked. Lyla frowned a bit playing with her locket that Liam had given to her. She took and cleared her throat a little, "Maybe thins will go good. I hope anyways." Lyla said to Cecilia. She stood up from the sofa and stretched a little. She looked at Tommy playing his game and smiled. She felt her phone going off and grabbed it seeing a message from her dad rolling her eyes. "Seems like your mother and my father like to butt in when they don't need to be." She sighed.
    Zayn nodded his head, "Yeah man. I hope so too." Zayn sighed softly. He just wanted to know why she ran. He wanted his heart mended from the torture he'd endured the past four years. Zayn sighed and lent back into the chair, "Maybe we need to get them and talk to them? See why the fuck they left and explain things on both ends?" Zayn suggested towards Liam.
    Aria looked at Louis shocked in some sense. She knew he was feeling like her. They were so young, what if they were bad parents? What if something went wrong? So many thoughts rushed through her mind. She held to Louis and kissed him back and nodded her head slowly. "We are." She whispered against his lips before kissing him again. "I know you're terrified. I can see it." She stopped staring at him. "I am too." She admitted.
    Harry nodded his head staring up at her. "That's where I was heading for college." Harry told her and looked out at the water. "But my father had other plans. My mother told me to go on." He paused. "My parents are divorced." He said and sighed. "My father told me that I had to go here, and deal with the shit. Or he wouldn't pay my intuition." He sighed. "That's why I took the job. So I could pay my own way in. So far it hasn't turned out right. But one day it will." Harry told her giving a slight smile.
    October 21st, 2014 at 07:19pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ sorry I disappeared for like ever!!! ]

    "Yea I hope so." Cecilia said pushing her fingers through her hair. She understood the whole thing, and even though she kind of hated it she totally understood that her family had some kind of weird status thing they were kind of in love with and Zayn fit into that perfectly. Even with his tattoos and everything else her parents loved him, he fit into their world well, and they already liked him so they didn't see why Cecilia would want to be with anyone else. And while she did want to be with him, because she'd always known she wanted to be with him, she hated that her parents would probably try and force them back together. Or at least they would given the chance. It really sucked. "Yea, it's kind of annoying really how much they butt in."
    Liam sighed and ran his hand over his head. Zayn had a point kind of, maybe they could just sit down with the girls and talk to them. Try and figure shit out. The only issues was Liam didn't know if it would really work, it could've though. "Maybe. I mean I am really pissed off at Lyla about this whole thing, but I mean maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and sit down with her and figure some things out." He said biting his lip. Liam wanted closer on this as much as Zayn did and for all he knew Zayn could have a point. Maybe talking to her was a good idea, and even if if did wind up with a ton of yelling. As long as he got some kind of closer and maybe felt like he'd be able to move on things would be better than they were.
    "Of course you are." Louis said shaking his head feeling stupid for acting like he was the only one totally freaked out by this. Yes it was exciting news, but at the same time it was news that he hadn't been expecting so it'd taken him but surprise. He was happy though, even if it wasn't really part of the plan he'd had. Hell it wasn't what he'd been expecting her to tell him when he'd came over. "At least we're in this together." He said smiling his best at her and kissing her head. He knew that together they could figure everything out. Everything would be fine. A little weird at first maybe, but fine in the end.
    "So are you going to a community college or are you attending Cambridge too? I mean I know there's more than just one school around here. And we're not that far away from London really. Maybe if you have free time sometime we can go or something." Emilia said smiling at him, this really wasn't like her usually. To be honest she usually hated things like this. She was fine with other people and all, but that didn't mean people always liked her. Plus Harry was an attractive guy. Which yes she was attracted to him, but Emilia wasn't one to usually just automatically be so trusting around guys like she felt right now so it was a little weird for her. But kind of a good weird if that was possible.
    October 25th, 2014 at 08:05am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Lyla nodded her head at Cecilia's comment. Parents were so annoying. She knew her dad would butt in. He wanted her with Liam. Regardless the tattoos he had on his body. Her father saw Liam as the perfect guy for her. He always questioned her as to why she ran. Maybe she didn't let Liam explain the situation. But what her eyes saw were more than enough to know something was going on. She sighed and felt her phone vibrate. She saw a message from an unknown number and ignored it sitting there quietly lost in her own thoughts.
    Zayn nodded his head to Liam. "I am going to give it worth a shot. I might yell and shit. But I need to know why she left. Why she left the night I had planned everything out for months to propse to her." Zayn sighed and got up from the table. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and found Cecilia's number. He hoped it was the same. He quickly typed a text out and sent it. Cecilia, it's Zayn. Mind to meet me at the pier later? I was kind of hoping we could speak.
    Aria nodded her head and held to Louis. She pecked his lips slightly and pulled back slightly. "Next step is to tell our parent's." She muttered lightly. Her mother was a highly respected doctor around here and her father was a well known police officer as well. She bit on her lip looking at Louis. "You know their going to be pissed and asking so many damn questions." She frowned staring at Louis scared.
    Harry looked at her and smiled, "Sounds really nice to me." Harry told her and smiled. "Right now a community college around here." Harry replied and smiled to her. He had never been so forward with a girl before. But with her something was different and he just couldn't place his finger on it. He smiled at her and bit down on his lip and smiled over at her. She was very attractive, and most girls around here believed that he was gay. But he wasn't.
    October 26th, 2014 at 06:21pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Cecilia read the message when she felt her phone vibrate in her lap and sighed. "Zayn wants to meet me at the pier later." She said not entirely sure how she felt about that. It was him asking her to meet him somewhere, and it wasn't like her mum had gotten involved and was forcing them to have dinner and lock them in a room afterwards until they talked or anything. Which only meant that it was more open, like she could totally just bolt if it turned awkward or too intense. She'd probably feel really bad though since she knew she did feel like she owed him answers. It made her nervous though, she hadn't exactly seen Zayn at all in the past four years and she was pretty sure he was pissed off at her still, possibly hated her, and that of course was enough to make her nervous. Uh, sure. What time?
    Liam watched Zayn in his moment of confidence text Cecilia to meet him later. He knew it was a good idea, Zayn needed closure and the best way to get that was going to just be facing her and hashing everything out. Even if there was yelling and in was one of the most intense conversations he might ever have in his life, Liam was positive that it was what Zayn needed to be ready to either forgive or forget her. "I think I'm gonna go for it too." He said regardless of how he'd rather not deal with Lyla right now. It was probably better to do it now and get it over with than wait around and potentially never talk to her and just have this giant hole in his heart getting bigger and bigger, so he pulled out his phone and sent her a message. It's Liam and we need to talk, preferably tonight.
    "Lord they're gonna be so mad." Louis said sighing and running his fingers through his hair in nervousness. He loved his parents, and he was pretty sure that Aria's parents liked him, but he wasn't sure how much longer they'd like him when they found out. And he got that this was a big deal, he and Aria were going to have a baby together and they weren't exactly married or engaged right now. Which of course so many people looked down upon, but Louis was trying to convince himself that it'd be okay. He did have a job at least, and he had his own place too so at least they'd have some money and a place to live in order to support themselves and the baby. He was also going to take responsibility for this. He'd be there and wasn't going to be a deadbeat, or one of those guys who just bailed because he didn't have the balls to step up and be a dad after he'd gotten her pregnant. He was still nervous as fuck though about telling the parents, and just in general about everything really.
    Emilia was glad he thought it was a good idea too, and that she hadn't totally seemed like a weirdo or anything trying to force him into doing things with her. Not that she thought that to begin with, but well you never know how someone will feel about things. "So do you like it so far then? And what exactly are you going for?" She asked hoping still that she wasn't being too forward or anything like that. The last thing that Emilia wanted was so mess this up by coming on way to strong or being weird by asking like a million little questions and seeming annoying. She was just interested and trying to make small talk but she had learnt that sometimes guys didn't like being asked a million questions about their futures. Which was apparently what small talk about college was.
    October 27th, 2014 at 06:56pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ ? ]
    October 30th, 2014 at 04:08pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    [[I had no idea you'd posted in here. I am sorry honey.]]

    Zayn saw the message come through his phone. He took and breath and bit on his lips before typing. In an hour? He hoped she'd come in an hour. He needed to work through this with her. The only way to do so was to make sure that they had issues and all. But maybe in the end, something could come out of it. Maybe something. He no idea cause as of this point. His emotions were all over the fucking place.
    Lyla bit her lip at the news her friend told her. She felt her phone going off and bit her lip. "Liam just texted me saying the same, but just to meet." Lyla whispered and sighed. She had no idea if she should accept it or not. She knew their be harsh words. They'd be fighting and yelling. Was she really ready for it? She frowned and sighed knowing she had to sooner or later. Sure, where at and what time?
    Aria watched Louis slightly stare into space. She knew he was nervous. She was nervous as well. Her parents loved him, and she loved her parents. She knew her dad would probably want to murder him and bury his body somewhere's. She took and sighed lightly to herself and ran a hand through her hair. Her parents would be home in a matter of minutes now and she had no idea how to tell them. "At me not you." Aria whispered feeling the unsettleness in her stomach. She rushed to the side of the porch and empty her stomach out into the yard sighing heavily.
    Harry glanced over at her, "Right now just basic courses, English, Science, stuff like that." Harry told her and stretched lightly. "I haven't honestly picked a path yet. Part of me wants to do music, cause I love to sing and act. Another part wants me to do cooking and such. So I haven't really got a mind set yet, if you know what I mean." Harry gave a light smile to her. He truly had no idea what he was going to do with his life. Let alone his education. He had thought about it a few times but other than that. He hadn't set his mind to anything.

    [[Again I am so sorry.... Sad]]
    October 31st, 2014 at 02:06am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ you're fine! Arms ]

    Sure I'll be there in an hour. Cecilia replied sighing and playing with her hair, like she always did when she was nervous about something. She was super nervous about this, she could also only imagine what would happen when they were face to face. There would most likely be yelling, a lot of feelings were gonna get brought up and they'd probably be heartbroken all over again. She was still gonna go though, there was a lot of things she needed to get out in the open with Zayn. She was sure there was a lot he wanted to get out in the open with her too, and they might as well go ahead and get everything out in the open now while they both had the courage. And who knew maybe this would be good for them both. Sure she wasn't expecting to get back together with him, hell she wasn't even expecting Zayn to be willing to give her another chance or even forgive her, but that didn't mean this couldn't be good for them. "Well I guess we're gonna meet them tonight and see what happens."
    "So what'd she say?" Liam asked Zayn as he read the message he'd gotten back from Lyla. It was weird really asking her to meet up with him, especially after how things had went down earlier. This was something that Liam needed to do though. He needed to talk to her, face to face, get everything he needed to say to her out in the open. And he was going to make sure that she listened to everything he had to say, because if there was one thing he wanted to come from tonight, he wanted it to be Lyla understanding that he didn't cheat on her. He wasn't sure she'd want him back, he wasn't even really sure if he wanted to give them another go, what he knew he wanted though was for Lyla to get the explanation he tried to give her before she'd left him. My place in like an hour? Liam didn't want to take Lyla to the pier to talk, mostly because he knew that's where Zayn would most likely go with Cecilia and it might've been weird. Plus who knew who else was at the pier tonight so his place was probably the best bet for privacy.
    Louis pushed his fingers through his hair still totally freaked out. He wasn't even sure how he'd noticed Aria rush to the side of the porch to empty her stomach, but he did and he was quick to be by her side and hold her hair out of her face. And when she was done he slowly turned her to look at him and kissed her forehead. "They're gonna be mad at us both." He told her trying not to freak out any more than he already was. "I mean sure they'll be mad that you had sex and we weren't exactly protected well enough apparently since this happened. But they'll be mad at me too. Either way though we're in this together." He told her knowing that no matter what happened Louis would be right there by her side. Even if things weren't turning out at all how he'd pictured them, this was how it was meant to be apparently. "I need you to know something," he started gently rubbing her shoulders, "even though this isn't exactly how I pictured things. I mean I didn't really expect to be a dad for a few more years, I'm glad it's happening with you. Because I love you, so much. And you're the only person I ever pictured this happening with even if it isn't how I thought it'd be."
    "Well I think either would be a pretty good choice. And really as long as whatever you pick makes you happy you'll be fine." Emilia told him with a smile. "Because you need to do what makes you happy, even if it's both in the end." She told him sure that so many people just threw away their dreams, or rather locked their dreams up to go after something that seemed more reasonable or because they let someone talk them out of what they really wanted. Which wasn't at all the kind of person Emilia was. She'd rather go after her dream and fail a few times before she got anywhere than give up before she even tried and never know if she could succeed at all.
    October 31st, 2014 at 03:58am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Zayn nodded his head and looked at Liam. "She said she'd be there." Zayn sighed a little running his hand through his hair. A nervous habit he had and always would. He took and looked at Liam. "What did she say to you?" Zayn asked curiously wondering if Lyla would show up or not.
    Lyla sighed replying back, I'll be there. She slid her phone into her pocket picking at the hem of her shirt. She looked over at Cecila and bit h on her lip nodding. "Guess we are. I just hope this all goes good. Other wise, there will be a lot of heart break all over again." Lyla admitted and sighed.
    Aria nodded her head and held to Louis. "I am glad that it's happening with you too." She muttered against his shoulder holding to him. She was still freaked out by this hole ordeal. She heard her parent's vehicle pull in and looked at Louis scared to death. "I... I guess we have to tell them." She frowned.
    Harry nodded his head. He knew where she was coming from with that. He smiled at her and nodded, "Thanks for the talk." He told her and smiled at her looking back out at the water. "So what are you studying to be?" Harry asked her curiously.
    November 1st, 2014 at 09:45pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Cecilia nodded her head. Honestly Cecilia was kind of worried that no matter what the night was going to end in heartbreak. Or at least she was telling herself that so she wouldn't get her hopes up. She didn't want to go into this expecting anything only to be let down when things didn't quite go her way. Plus she didn't even know what Zayn wanted to say to her, she was pretty sure she knew what he wanted to talk about. But as for what he'd actually say to her, or how he really felt towards her she had no idea. And the worse she thought it would go the better it might turn out.
    "She said she'd be here." Liam said also running his hand over his head out of nerves. He'd almost been expecting her to ignore the message and never reply. Of course he'd also thought that she'd reply only tell him that there wasn't anything for them to talk about and then go on as if nothing ever happened, or like she'd never left then randomly came home 4 years later. Somehow really Liam had pictured almost all the possible things he thought could've happened and her saying she'd meet him just hadn't seemed possible. "I guess we're both in for a treat tonight then." He said worried about what the night would bring, but he wasn't gonna back out. There was too much he needed to get off his chest to back out.
    Louis bit his lip when he also heard her parents arriving home. "I guess we do." He said totally afraid of what they'd say, or how they'd react really. This was a very nerve wracking thing. And he didn't even want to think about how her parents would react, just like he didn't wanna think about how his own parents would react either. The good news though was that at least he had his own place. And he had a job that paid well so he'd be able to support them both. Sure he was only 22 but the fact of the matter was Louis, though sure he wasn't ready for this, was going to make himself ready for this.
    "No problem." Emilia told Harry gently nudging him with her elbow. "What're friends for." She added feeling comfortable enough to consider Harry a friend already. Even if she still hardly knew him and all, so far he was sweet and totally the type of person she wanted to be around anyways. Plus he was the only person so far in town she'd met that hadn't formed a totally awful opinion of her just based on the way she looked which she liked. And who knew maybe he'd have a group of friends she could meet and they'd welcome her into their group or something. "Me, I'm studying journalism. I kind of have a knack for writing. I prefer creative writing over anything, because I'd love to be a published author, which is what I'm striving for. And I mean book published not like in a magazine or anything. But I need a fallback in case writing books falls through or I'm not nearly as good as I think I am." She said laughing a little.
    November 2nd, 2014 at 07:00pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Zayn looked at Liam and nodded his head sighing lightly. "I suppose we are." He replied softly. He knew they'd be yelling. A whole lot of shit would go down along with drama being rekindled. But this was something that had to be done. He had to let her know how he felt, no matter what happened. To this point he didn't care. He got up giving Liam a man hug and leaving for the Pier. When he arrived he sat down on a bench glancing out at the waves rolling in and the seagulls lurking around and hawking out.
    Lyla took and saw Aria's parents come in and smiled hugging both of them. She told them to tell her she had to leave. She hugged Cecilia as well before leaving and walking towards Liam's home. She sighed shoving her hands into her jacket and biting on her lip a little. The thoughts of tonight were racking her nerves. She was terrified of the outcome. But knew that this had to be done. She had a lot to get off her chest, and she knew he had a hell of a lot as well from the way he acted earlier today.
    Aria frowned seeing her friends leaving. She looked at Louis and jumped hearing her parents come out onto the deck. She bit on her lip and sighed heavily closing her eyes it was now or never. She sat her parents down and sat down with Louis. "Mom. dad. We need to talk." She began and held to Louis's hand tightly. "I found out the other day at the OBGYN that I am pregnant. It wasn't planned but we're keeping the baby and we're going to do this together." She saw the horror on her parents and closed her eyes hearing her dad threaten Louis and her. She fell the anger boil up inside of her, "Shut the fuck up. We love each other and no matter what we're going to raise this baby together." She growled out before taking Louis hand and walking away.
    Harry chuckled slightly, "Sounds like an amazing goal to reach." Harry replied to her smiling. She was amazing and someone that he could be around for hours and never get bored. She was just like him in many ways and both had awful opinions formed about them. He took and glanced up as he saw one of his friends sit down on a bench across the pier. He wondered what was going on he glanced back at Emilia and smiled, "Do you like to bowl?" Harry asked her.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 11:34pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Cecilia sent a smile to Aria and mouthed made the motions to let her know that she'd call her later before she left to head to the pier to meet Zayn. And the whole walk there she was trying to keep herself calm, but it wasn't working out quite like she'd hoped it would. Honestly she was more nervous right now than she'd ever felt in her life. And there'd been plenty of moments when she'd been nervous in the past. Like when she decided to sleep with Zayn the first time, when she got her first tattoo, that time she and the girls crashed her dad's car and they had to tell him. She couldn't forget the time she opened her college acceptance letter, or moved out to live her dream, and of course the classic leaving without telling Zayn. Which was what tonight was all about anyways. But honestly she'd take any of those moments over this one. She knew she had to do this though, no matter how nervous she was, or how badly she didn't want to face him she had to. There were just a lot of loose ends that needed to be tied up between them and she knew she owed this to him. "Hey." She said biting her lip still trying to calm herself down when she saw him and took a seat next to him on the bench.
    Liam nodded his head and sighed as Zayn walked out the door to go meet up with Cecilia. It meant that soon enough Lyla would be getting there and they'd have to face each other again. As if seeing her that morning hadn't been bad enough, of course he shouldn't think like that because meeting up with her tonight was his idea and he wasn't going to back out, not since he really needed this. He was just nervous, and kind of already riled up just from the thought of seeing her and everything being out in the open. It felt like the right choice, but at the same time he felt like it wasn't going to do any good. And he didn't know why he thought that since this had to do some good, because it just had to. Liam couldn't live like this anymore, having this unfinished business with Lyla was honestly eating him alive. So tonight had to mean something, things just needed to be settled tonight so he could move on with his life.
    Louis held onto his girlfriend's hand the whole time she was telling her parents. And honestly they'd reacted much like he'd thought they would. Until the end he understood why she pulled him off the couch and they left together. Her parents were totally overreacting at that point. He understood they were both still very young and they weren't married and all but what did that really matter? He had a job, he had a place to live that wasn't with his parents. He was more than ready to take responsibility, plus they still had time to figure everything out. Which was mostly if they'd get married and how their child would be raised and what not. They were gonna be a team about this, and that was what mattered. Not that they were young or unmarried. Plus Louis kind of believed that things always worked out how they were supposed to in the end. Which probably sounded weird, but he did. Sometimes it didn't make sense, and there were times when it felt like the world was against him but at the end of the day he always told himself that for whatever reason that's just how it was supposed to be, and he'd know the reason when it was time.
    "My family thinks it's a crazy goal to go after and that I should be more reasonable about my future. They wanted me to do something they think is more meaningful. Like be lawyer or a doctor, since apparently those are the only respected positions to work. Really I'm almost positive that they'd rather find some rich guy and marry him and be like a trophy wife or something. But that's just not who I am, and I'm doing something I love." Emilia told him not meaning to get into some huge thing about her parents, hell she'd given up really on trying to make them happy a long time ago and settled on making herself happy. "Do you know that kid?" She asked Harry when she noticed him look at him, which she face palmed, of course he probably knew the guy. "I haven't been bowling in forever actually. So I probably suck now." She said laughing a little.
    November 4th, 2014 at 11:16pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Zayn glanced over at her and sighed heavily. He took a deep breath staring at her. She hadn't changed much. He gave a light nod, "Hi." He said rather nervously and coldly. He took and looked down at his hands. "I don't want to beat around the bush. Why did you leave?" He asked looking up at her tears forming as he tried to keep all his emotions under control.
    Lyla looked up at Liam's house and sighed heavily. She walked across the street and bit on her lip. She had no idea where this would go. And honestly she was terrified out of her mind. She wanted to get this resolved, but she didn't know if she could go through with staring at him. She closed her eyes tightly raising her hand into a fist and knocking lightly on the door. Saying a silent prayer to herself.
    Aria sighed holding to Louis hand as they walked down the street. She didn't live but a few houses away from Liam's house. She sighed and looked over at him, "I am so sorry." She muttered tears rolling down her cheeks. She kept a grip on his hand looking forward. It felt like the world was against them at this point. She knew her parents would over react. But in some sense she wanted them to be happy too. She sighed heavily.
    Harry looked at her and nodded, "One of my mate's his name is Zayn." Harry replied to Emilia and smiled at her. He took and shook his head, "Neither have I honestly. We should go sometime." Harry told her smiling. "I think your goal is amazing. Regardless what your parents say. Their just looking out for you. But I do understand what you're saying. My father is the same way. He thinks I need to be a lawyer or something instead of going after my goal of music. My mother is very understanding though." Harry said.
    November 5th, 2014 at 02:16am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Cecilia looked over at Zayn and had to swallow back the lump forming in her own throat. She knew she had to do this, give him an explanation, but lord seeing him this upset about everything wasn't what she was expecting. "I was scared," she started biting her bottom lip wishing her thoughts weren't so jumbled right now, "everyone had such high expectations of us that I cracked under all the pressure." She told him knowing this wasn't really how she'd thought this would go at all. Cecilia felt awful about leaving things with Zayn the way she had, and truthfully seeing him right now how he was made her feel even more awful. Clearly she'd broken his heart when she'd ran, and maybe it'd been stupid for her to just up and leave instead of talking to someone or staying and trying to figure something out. But she hadn't stayed, she'd ran. And in the time she'd been gone she had discovered a lot about herself and she felt like a different person almost. A better person than she used to be. Of course none of that changed the fact that she'd missed Zayn but clearly broken his heart 4 years ago.
    Liam sighed when he heard the knock on the door. It was time for him to face things head on, and of course he was starting with Lyla, so he finished off his coke then went to answer the door and let her in. It was probably gonna be a little awkward, he knew for sure there would be some yelling, and he was doubtful that this would end up with them hugging and making up. But no matter how it ended it needed to be dealt with, so he was gonna deal with it. "Come in." He said stepping out of the way for her, unlike when he'd seen her earlier and hadn't let her in. He was only doing this really because he knew it was the right thing to do, plus it Zayn could find the courage to face things with Cecilia then he figured he should do the same with Lyla.
    "Shh." Louis said shaking his head and pulling her into him again and kissing her head. "It's not your fault." He whispered into her hair while he rubbed her back. Louis hated that her parents felt the way they did. He hated the way they'd reacted, and he really hated that they couldn't just be supportive. He wasn't going to let it bother him though. Maybe in a few days they'd calm down and change their minds, realize how stupid they're being, but even if they didn't Louis wasn't going to let it get to him. He loved Aria and he was going to be with her and help her with this baby no matter what they thought the pair should do, or what they wanted them to. This was his and Aria's life not there's. Though it did make him a little nervous to tell his own parents. He was sure they could wait a while before they went there though. He was pretty sure they'd been through enough just telling her parents tonight. "Let's go inside okay, I'll make us some coco."
    "Who's the girl?" Emilia asked glancing back at Harry's friend Zayn, "I mean I don't mean to pry he just seems a little bit upset and I'm guessing it has something to do with her." She added clearly oblivious to all the romance drama that'd went on in this town previously. "And we can totally go, I bet it'd be fun." She said nodding her head, she couldn't really say she was some amazing bowler who always enjoyed it or anything since she wasn't. Really the most bowling she'd done over the last like 5 years was on the Wii, but hey it might've been fun to go to an actual bowling alley for a change. "Thanks, it's nice to have someone else who understands." She said glad he actually understood since so many people didn't get that it was her life and she could choose to do what she wanted with it.
    November 6th, 2014 at 01:21am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ Cute ]
    November 10th, 2014 at 05:35pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Zayn took and looked at her frowning. He bit on his lip, "Why didn't you just come and tell me? We could've figured something out?" Zayn said to her the tears building up in his eyes. "You could've came to me and talked to me, or one of your friends. You didn't have to get up and run." Zayn screamed out a little feeling his anger. "I was fucking going to ask you to marry me that night, Cecilia when you left me. Do you know how damn bad that hurt?" He shouted running a hand over his face.
    Lyla walked into his home and heard him shut the door. She frowned as she took and bit on her lip. She stood awkwardly as she sighed shifting a little. She knew a lot of shit was about to go down between them.
    Aria nodded her head and frowned. She kept lent into Louis. She walked inside with him to his flat and bit her lip. "Louis." She whispered to him as she bit her lip. "What if you're parents react the way mine did? I honestly don't think I can handle another set of parents going off like that. You know my mum will call yours." She frowned keeping a grip onto his hand.
    Harry nodded his head, "Sounds like a plan." Harry replied to her smiling. "That's his ex girlfriend. He was propsing to her the night she up and left without a word to anyone. He's been heart broken over the years and never got over it." Harry replied to her and smiled.
    November 10th, 2014 at 10:08pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Cecilia couldn't help but flinch a little when he yelled at her, between Zayn being pissed off and yelling and the tears stinging her eyes she was really starting to regret being here right now. "Because I didn't want to figure things out," she yelled pushing her fingers through her hair. "How would it've been any better? Things would've been different with us if I told you I didn't want to marry you. Plus there was just so much I wanted to do before I settled down, like go to university which would've been another issue. I mean you wanted to stay here and I wanted to go away we had different paths! And for once in my life I just wanted to do something without being pressured into it, I wanted to do something alone, and I wanted to be independent. So when I actually got my acceptance letter into my dream school I weighed out my options and chose to leave." She told him knowing she'd hurt him, and it hadn't really been as easy as to just leave as he seemed to think it was, but she'd made her choice and she was standing by that.
    Liam ran his hand over his head, it was time to get this thing over with and have everything out in the open. He closed the door once she'd made it inside then headed into the living room, where he thought it'd be best to handle this at, and then took a seat on the couch. And for a minute it was quiet, and not the good quiet where everyone was comfortable and fine being around one another. No, this was the awkward tense quiet, the kind where there was so much tension you probably couldn't even cut it with a knife. "I didn't cheat on you." He finally said looking at her with his serious face on. He was dead serious about this, he hadn't been with someone else while he was with her. And honestly the few people he'd been with after she'd left meant nothing to him, and he hadn't really been able to be with them without thinking about her.
    Louis was quiet for a moment while he thought about what she said. And honestly he didn't know what he'd do if his parents reacted the same way, he did have to admit that it would suck. It was also very possible that they could, but he was trying to hope that they wouldn't. "I don't know." He finally said quietly, "we'll just have to deal with that when we tell them and see how they react." He told her nervous about telling them now, because he didn't want his parents to be upset with them too. And he didn't want Aria to have to deal with that, with both sets of parents being upset with them for this. Because honestly planned or not planned they were going to have a baby, and everyone should be focusing on the bigger picture here instead of how they thought it was a mistake.
    Emilia couldn't help but look back once more to Zayn and his ex-girlfriend. They didn't exactly look over joyed to see one another, of course from her own experience with exs she didn't really blame them for being upset. She wouldn't wanna be alone in the same room as anyone she'd dated in the past honestly. "Sounds rough." She said biting her lip before finally turning away and getting back to her walk with Harry. Even if she couldn't help but be reminded of herself from the little Harry had told her about this girl. Which was probably sad seeing as breaking someone's heart was never fun. Heartbreak in general just kind of sucked. "Well even though they don't know me I hope they figure everything out."

    @ Jackson Teller;
    November 11th, 2014 at 03:55am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Zayn stared at her and felt the tears rage in his eyes. Zayn took and narrowed them at her, "We could've figured it out Cecilia. I could've went with you. I'd gave anything for you." Zayn told her tears finally going down his cheeks. He stared at her and shook his head. He ran his hand through his hair trying to calm himself but couldn't. "I know you had dreams, Cecilia, but if you'd just came to me. I would've went with you. One thing i'd never done was held you back from your dreams." Zayn told her frowning at her.
    Lyla looked at him with slight widen eyes but didn't say nothing when he said that. She looked down at her boots as she bit on her lip. "Then why did I get the picture of you kissing another girl, Liam? And everyone saying that you'd been with her the night I left when that started?" She asked in a whisper keeping her gaze down onto her boots. If he hadn't cheated, then why did everyone say that. She felt so bad for it. She just wanted things to go to normal. But knew they were far from that. She wanted to go back in time and redo it to where it'd been right instead of her up and leaving to go to America to be with her mom. She sighed heavily, "I know I done it wrong. BUT I am so fucking sorry I left like that. I was hurt. And I know I fucking hurt you in the process of my own stupid decision." She said.
    Aria frowned and looked at him nodding her head. She held to his hand as she stared at him a second. Even though this was a mistake, she couldn't be more happier. She was honestly excited about this and nervous at the same time. She needed her parents but knew it wouldn't happen. She heard a knock on his door and looked at him nervous and scared. She knew it either had to be her parents or his parents. Or both. She bit her lip nervously praying silently. She couldn't handle this. She didn't need this extra amount of stress upon her. She needed everything calm and relaxing. But no. It wasn't. She felt the tears pinging her eyes as she glanced at Louis.
    Harry smiled at her, "I am sure they'd both be grateful to hear that." Harry told her and smiled. He walked with her and sighed, "It was rough on him, because of everything. He'd planned on asking her to marry him and all. The night she left and such. Yeah so hopefully this will do them both good." Harry replied softly walking with Emilia. "So I am assuming by the facial expression you've had the same heart ache as well?" Harry asked rather curious.
    November 11th, 2014 at 02:11pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I know this." Cecilia said sighing and taking a risk, she reached over and grabbed his hand. "Zayn I know you wouldn't have held me back, at least not intentionally. But I just. I just needed to find myself and it was something I needed to do alone." She told him knowing he might've thought it sounded stupid but it's how things were. Just like she understood that she'd broken his heart, and she really hated it. She'd spend the rest of her life making it up to him if she had to, she wouldn't take back leaving though. Because as wrong as it seemed it hadn't been, it'd been just what she'd needed in her life. She was positive that she was a lot more prepared and ready to be someone's fiance now than when she was 18.
    Liam shook his head and couldn't hold back his bitter laugh. "It's funny that you'd trust a bunch of girls you didn't even like, or people you didn't even know over your boyfriend." He said licking his lips. "I'm a guy though right? So automatically I'm a cheater because someone said I am. Because it's not possible for me to not sleep around, I have to want to be with every girl I see because of hormones. God, do you know how stupid that is!" He said already pissed off, and he'd probably just end up more pissed off as the night went on. "Pictures aren't always what they seem." He told her, and he would've thought she would've known that too but he just didn't know anymore. "Sorry doesn't cut it this time Lyla! You can't just fix this with a 'I'm sorry.'. You ripped my heart out and didn't even let me explain. You just took off!"
    "I'll get it, just stay here okay." Louis said smiling at her and kissing her head then going to answer his door. He was super nervous right now, this could be both sets of there parents. Or it could just be one set, or it could be someone else. Either way he was super nervous. The last thing he really wanted to deal with tonight was parents. Especially parents who were gonna be assholes about his and Aria's choices in life. Both him and Aria were adults and he was pretty sure they were both at liberty to do as they pleased. There wasn't much the police or anyone else could do either because well he had his own place, he didn't live with his parents and Aria had spent enough nights with him that she practically lived with him they just hadn't ever made it 'official'
    Emilia popped her fingers out of a nervous habit before looking at Harry and nodding her head slightly. "More or less." She told him biting her lip, "the guy I was dating when we were 18 proposed to me right after graduation, and what made it worse was that we were in front of family and I felt so awful but I told him no because I wasn't ready and I left not long after that. I never told him bye or anything, of course he didn't want to see me. Then I took a couple years to find myself. Figure some things out, like what I really wanted to do with my life, if I'd made a mistake telling him no, things that helped me figure out who I was as a person. Then finally I enrolled in uni and now here I am. So I get where she came from leaving like she did. Even if she would've stayed if she would've said no they'd probably still would've made it to that bench." She told Harry knowing not everyone was going to understand, but it's how it went.
    November 13th, 2014 at 03:34am