not over you.

  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Zayn looked her as he gently squeezed her hand. He had to admit that it felt nice her holding his hand like this. All the hate he'd felt for her was fading. He sighed as he pulled his hand from hers and ran it through his hair. He stood up and stared at her, "Where do we go from here?" Zayn sighed as he walked over to the railing leaning into it and looking out at the water.
    Lyla heard his bitterness and screaming. She took and knew that it was a huge mistake to come here. She turned her head from him hiding her tears. She sighed, "You're right!" She shouted getting up as she walked away from him to a window. "I was fucking stupid for believing someone, and not even hearing your side. I am so fucking sorry that I didn't! I was 18 and stupid, Liam." She screamed out turning around and narrowing her eyes at him. "But you take that someone you love more than your own fucking life and seeing a picture like that, you automatically think the worse! I knew I done it ass backwards and wrong and I can't go back to make it right. But I want to make it fucking right now." She said shaking as she sighed heavily.
    Aria slowly got up and saw him open the door up. She saw both of their parents there and felt her stomach turn. She immediately ran away and to the bathroom. She slammed the door shut emptying her stomach. She sighed heavily leaning into the wall closing her eyes. "Why can't they just fucking accept it and be supportive?" she whispered out to herself.
    Harry nodded his head with a light sigh, "Yeah I figured they would either way." He told her and took and hugged her lightly. "Sorry that you had to go through the same thing Cecilia did." He told her and pulled away from her walking through the park near the piers with her.
    November 14th, 2014 at 12:40am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I did start the other roleplay that we just started too! I don't know if you saw my post or not but I thought I'd let you know anyways XD ]

    Cecilia let a small smile grace her lips when she felt him squeeze her hand, but it faded quickly when he pulled away and had walked over to the railing. She sat there for a moment just looking at him not sure where to go from here, before she stood up and followed him. She leaned against the rail and looked over at him wishing she knew what do to, or what the right decision would be right now but she had no idea. She didn't know what they were supposed to do, or where they went from there but maybe they'd be able to figure it out together. "Where do you want us to go from here?" She finally asked him softly knowing that she couldn't make a decision like this on her own, not this time anyways. They both needed to be on the same page when it came to there relationship.
    Liam ran his hand over his head and sighed, he'd known this would happen. That they'd yell at one another and probably weren't going to be civil, but then again how could anyone really expect him to be civil after everything she'd put him through. And maybe this was totally the wrong way to handle the situation, but it's how it was being handled. "You still could've treated the situation a little better." He told her, "you could've taken a day or so to calm down and think things through before you bolted. And even if I might've thought the worst, or totally overreacted at first I would've still given you a chance to give some kind of explanation. You didn't even do that. You just accused me of cheating the minute you saw me and refused to let me explain what happened. It's like you didn't even want it to not be true." He said knowing that was harsh, and he would hope it wasn't true, but it was like she'd given up all together. "I want them to be better too." He said softly finally, and he did, he wanted things to be better with them too. That didn't mean it would just happen right away though.
    Louis couldn't help but shake his head when he opened the door and saw both his and her parents waiting. "You all need to leave." He told them not even caring. "Aria doesn't feel well, and the last thing that I'm going to let happen in my house tonight with or without her around is listen to any of you talk to us about this decision. Because it's not your decision to make, it's ours. We're the ones who'll decide what we want to do and how things will be handled. Who gives a shit if we're not married, or that we're young, or that there are other options, because we don't. We're adults, and we've made our choice. I love Aria, she loves me, and we're going to love this baby together. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go check on my girlfriend." Louis told them all before he shut the door and made a beeline for the bathroom.
    Emilia smiled and slightly hugged Harry back before he pulled away and she went back to following him to wherever they were going. "Thanks, but it's totally fine. I mean it wasn't really at the time and I was totally heartbroken and felt like the biggest and most heartless bitch on the planet there for a while. Because really I mean who tells someone no to a marriage proposal? And in front of there families and friends? After a while though I got over it. I moved on and knew I'd made the right choice saying no. And I've convinced myself that while not often do you hear of someone turning down a marriage proposal it does happen more often than you'd think."
    November 15th, 2014 at 02:32am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Zayn looked over at her as he sighed heavily. All honesty he wanted to be with her again just like they were four years ago. But he couldn't go down the heart ache road again. He took a breath, "Start out as friends again?" Zayn asked her a little. "See how it goes and then go from there? I don't know Cecelia. I want you back as my girlfriend. But I can't the damn handle heart ache again if you leave again on me." He admitted to her sighing a little.
    Lyla glanced back at him, "I said I know I went wrongful about it Liam, and all I can say is that I am sorry for the way it happened." Lyla whispered as she wiped her eyes and sighed. "I didn't want it to be true Liam. I wanted it to be some sort of lie that you we're 'supposedly' cheating. I didn't want to think that the man that I loved was cheating. But I panicked and overreacted before actually thinking." She said softly and sighed.
    Aria leaned into the toilet throwing up for the fourth time. She grunted a little holding her stomach. It was painful this round. She sighed heavily and rested her head to the wall a little as she stared down at the toilet. She closed her eyes lightly hoping this passed. She knew part was her nerves the other was her actual pregnancy. She sighed a little rubbing her hand over face a little when she felt some of it die down. She flushed the toilet and washed her mouth out before opening the door seeing Louis getting ready to knock. She wrapped her arms around him feeling weak, "I feel like shit now." She whispered into his shoulder.
    Harry nodded his head listing to her. "I am glad it got better in time for you." Harry said and smiled at her. He shoved his hands in his pocket, "This park is really nice. Not many people come here, and it stays really quiet." Harry told her smiling as he walked the path with her. "I had proposed to a girl once before, and she threw the ring at my eye. After that I said i'd never do it again." Harry told her and smiled over at her lightly.
    November 15th, 2014 at 03:00am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Cecilia tucked her hair behind her ear and licked over her lips before she replied. "I understand," she told him nodding her head. She wasn't upset with him or his decision, she got it really. He was just doing what he thought was best to protect his heart from her. She hated that he couldn't trust her, but she couldn't really put that on anyone but herself. "I don't have any intentions on running away this time, but I think it's a good idea to start as friends and see what happens."
    Liam sighed before he finally plopped onto the couch and ran his hands over his face. He didn't know why it was so stressful having Lyla back, or why it felt this was. He also couldn't help but wonder how things were going with Zayn and Cecilia, hopefully better how things were turning out with him and Lyla here. "I just need some time," he finally said not sure what else there was for him to do. Honestly he needed some time to let it sink in that she was back, that she felt about how things turned out. And maybe once he'd let that all sink in he'd be up for starting over or being friends, or something. Right now though he was so confused, upset, and overwhelmed he didn't know how to handle anything.
    "And I'm so sorry you feel that way babe." Louis whispered into her head rubbing her back gently. He knew she was probably saying that due to the fact that she was vomiting non-stop almost, he was also sure that the fact that their parents didn't seem happy for them was mixed into that and he really did hate that. She was pregnant and their parents weren't making it any easier on her. They shouldn't be yelling, or getting upset in front of her, or acting the way they'd acted because adding more stress onto Aria wasn't good for her or the baby. So Louis was going to make sure he did whatever he could to help her through this, no matter what.
    "Me too." Emilia said nodding her head, even though her and the guy who'd asked her to marry him didn't talk anymore and as far as Emilia knew he'd probably found someone else by now. She wasn't sure why but she could tell that the park was a quiet place, maybe because it wasn't dirty like some parks where the were always so busy the trashcans were always overflowing and shit. It just looked peaceful. She tore her eyes from the park though to look at Harry when he told her of how he'd proposed and then gotten the ring thrown at his eye. "Clearly she wasn't the marrying type of girl. Sorry to hear she said no though."
    November 23rd, 2014 at 04:45pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Zayn looked at her and nodded his head. He was glad that she understood. It killed him to do it this way. But he had to do what he could to protect his heart from her. He let a sigh escape his lips, "I'm glad you understand." Zayn told her.
    Lyla looked at him and nodded her head. She got it and didn't want to stay and keep him upset. "Ok, Liam." She replied softly as she took and walked to his front door. She pulled it open stepping out. She pulled the door close as she headed home. She was going to give him the time he needed. She felt bad for the shit that happened, and really didn't know what else to do, but leave and let him have time to himself.
    Aria sighed and held to Louis. Glad she had him through this. The stress of all this was getting to her. She held tighter to Louis, "Can we go to bed?" She asked him lightly. She was tired, and she just wanted to sleep. Get her mind off of everything.
    Shrugging his shoulders Harry stared at her, "Her loss I suppose." Harry smiled at Emilia and glanced around the place. He took her hand lightly leading her down to the small pond as he sat down on the ground. "This place is peaceful right here." Harry replied to her softly.
    November 27th, 2014 at 04:38am