What You Want

  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    "F-Fuck I'm so close," I moaned, trying to move my hips as fast as I could to getting closer to my orgasm, "Fuck...Chris...I'm gonna cum so hard."

    "That's it," Chris purred seductively, his hand moving fiercely against my clit while the other pulled at the nipple of my right breast, "Cum over my dick...so I can cum into you as well," he hummed in approval.

    "Yes," I said lowly, soon letting out a loud cry as I came over his cock and spasmed against him, "Fuck Chris!" I yelled, a groan soon emitting from his mouth as his seed spurted into me rather violently before I collapsed on top of him with his dick still inside of me.

    "Mmmm I can never get enough with how hot you are, no matter how many times I say it, and how much of a great kisser you always are," I snickered, my fingers trailing over her body as she moved to lay next to me.

    "You sure know how to give me good sex," Sammy giggled, a sound I can never get enough of, "Seriously, when was the very last time you had sex with someone besides me."

    I smiled, "Five years ago," I said in all honesty, chuckling at her surprised look, "That's no joke either."
    November 30th, 2014 at 11:57pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I wrapped my arms around her form as I held to her. I took and kissed the top of her head keeping her close to me.
    "You know how to give me some fucking amazing sex." I whispered into her ear.

    "So do you." She giggled slightly her head still resting on my chest.

    I smiled as I rubbed her back a little, "Yeah you do it better." I muttered to her as I kissed her head again.

    I looked at Josh shocked and surprised, "Really?" I asked him seeing him nod as he chuckled.

    "Swear on my life." Josh replied.

    I stared at him, "Oh my god..."I said shocked staring at him not knowing what to say in all honestly.
    December 1st, 2014 at 12:40am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Jackson Teller;


    "Over the past few days, I never knew that you would already be this amazing," I smiled, staring at his eyes while my fingertips moved along his lengthy black hair that rested on his shoulders a bit, "I can see this moving farther in a good direction someday."

    Chris raised his brow, "Oh really? How do you think that already?"

    I smirked, "Because if the sex is this good, I can't imagine what home would be like."

    Chris let out a laugh, "You are too funny. But...sadly, we live in different houses."

    "Then I can get my ass up to visit you every weekend when we aren't touring," I winked, "That way, you have many ways to screw my brains out."

    I laughed at her priceless reaction, "Oh it isn't that big of a deal, c'mon now babe."

    "Yes it is!" Sammy giggled, patting my chest lightly, "You are sexy, handsome, and downright badass. And yet, no girl wanted to get laid with you at all these past years? I think this generation is kind of lost here, don't you think?"

    "Uh duh," I chuckled, patting her ass a bit as I leaned in to kiss her lips, "Mmmm but this was a good enough wait for me, that's for damn fucking sure. I can have this anytime I want and not have to worry about getting so lonely."
    December 1st, 2014 at 02:44am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    (Dumbass Mibba, LOL)
    December 1st, 2014 at 02:47am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I grinned at her, "I am liking that idea." I told her as I lent down and kissed her lips lightly.

    "In all honesty. I am seeing this going places too. I have never felt this way about anyone. And the way I feel about you, it's something that no one has ever seen from me." I admitted to her.

    "Really? You're just saying that." She smiled at me.

    "No babe, it's the truth." I assured her and smiled at her cupping her cheek.

    I blushed at his words as I smiled at him. I cupped his cheek and smiled, "I agree with you. I love being able to have you all to myself, whenever I desire." I grinned at him.

    "That I agree with." Josh grinned at me as he lent in kissing my lips.

    I smiled returning the kiss as I pulled back a second and admired him. "I'm glad we hooked up that night. Other wise I wouldn't be here with you. I never open up to anyone but Maria. But you, you're the first I have been like this with and opening myself up too." I told him.
    December 1st, 2014 at 02:54am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;


    Feeling his hands against my face, I smiled down at him and adjusted myself to where my face hovered right over his, "You truly are the sweetest person I ever met in my life. I never knew you would be so kind and caring like this."

    "I have a bigger heart than you realize, Maria," Chris smirked, his fingers playing with the colorful strands of my hair, "Can you imagine what the fans would say when they find out I'm dating you?"

    "The guys on my side of the fanbase would want to kick your ass," I giggled, my index finger moving across his pierced bottom lip, "And the girls on your side are going to wanna tear me apart."

    "Well I'm glad to be of service to you opening your beautiful self up to me," I chuckled, gently running my right hand through her soft dark hair while my left hand moved along her lower back, "Where do you live?"

    "I actually live in a very nice condo with Maria because we were still single and wanted to be 'room-mates' I guess," Sammy giggled, "We always have the best nights."

    "No girl sex?" I joked, laughing when Sammy looked at me in shock, "I was kidding!"

    "You are a perv," she laughed, "Only in your dreams would you wish that."

    "Hey, Maria is Chris's chick and he would chop my nuts off if he found me getting aroused of Maria screwing your brains out," I chuckled.
    December 8th, 2014 at 02:00am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I grinned hearing her words, "Let them try." I muttered as I lent into her touch.

    Pressing my lips hers I took and kissed her lips deeply and held to onto her. I loved her more than anything and was glad that she was all mine.

    I giggled hearing him talk about Chris chopping his nuts off. "Then we couldn't have no more time like this." I whispered to him smiling.

    "Yeah that's right." Josh grinned at me.

    I took and smiled at him as I curled into his chest smiling to myself at how amazing this all felt.
    December 16th, 2014 at 02:21pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;

    **About Two Months Later**


    With the tour complete, it was sadly a time for all of us to head home. Sammy and I lived in Chicago in our own large condo on a private property. Chris lives in Scranton, PA, which isn't that far from Chicago but still a drive or a good flight to reach. I just hope I will be able to see him over the course of our break. It will be about 4 - 6 months of break time before we do the big money gigs: the festivals. My band and I have been doing tours for a 1 1/2 straight. It will feel nice to relax, especially since Christmas will be here in a matter of a few weeks.

    With both MIW and MDR buses in Chicago, since it was "on the way" to Scranton for MIW, we all parked in front of my large private condo that had a backlot for us to unpack everything. I walked off the bus and saw Chris coming towards me, a small smile on my face, "I'm going to miss you..."

    I was actually extremely sad that we had to go our separate ways. I didn't want to go back home without Sammy there with me, especially for Christmas. I actually wanted to do something romantic that day but now, I don't think it can happen because of how far apart we were from each other.

    Frowning when I saw Sammy walk up to me from the bus, I pulled her into a big hug with my arms wrapped fully around her, "I don't want you to go... I'm going to be sad that you are going to be living here and I'm all the way in fucking PA," I pouted, kissing her cheek before pulling away to look down at her.
    December 18th, 2014 at 11:32pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I frowned hearing her words. Their had to be some sort of way that we could be together on Christmas.

    I wanted to spend that time with her and just be with her. It was supposed to be a time to be with loved ones. And I wanted her to be with me. "Maria." I replied to her.

    "Yeah baby." She said lightly as I took her into my arms holding her tightly.

    "Maybe you come home with me or I could stay here with you? I don't want to be apart on Christmas." I frowned staring at her as I kept her close to me kissing her lips deeply.

    I gripped onto Josh's back sighing a little into his shoulder. I didn't want to be apart from him either. Christmas around the corner, I wanted to spend it with him. It was the first time in a very long time I had someone like him to love me.

    "Maybe one of us could go or stay with other?" I suggested to Josh cupping his cheek as I took and lent in kissing his lips lightly.
    December 19th, 2014 at 12:25am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;


    Listening to his suggestion, I smiled and lent up to kiss his lips, "I would love to come over. My parents live all the way in Florida so I would be traveling there and then going to PA for you. If you don't mind me staying at your place for a week?"

    Chris grinned, "A week of you is the best present I could get. Since you have my phone number, text me your Skype name so I can have some cyber fun with you," he winked.

    I giggled, "Okay."

    Hearing that they have to hit the road in minutes, I sighed and hugged him tighter, "I don't want you to leave... I'm going to miss you so much."

    "Yeah, you and Maria should come over to PA to bother us," I chuckled, "That way, we can drink, party, and eat as much food as possible. Sound like fun?"

    "Absolutely," Sammy said, pecking my lips, "I'm going to miss you so much. I'll give you my Skype in a bit, okay? Drive safe out there."

    "Love you baby," I smiled, hugging her tight against me as if I was afraid to lose her in a heartbeat, "See you in a few weeks, okay?"
    December 19th, 2014 at 01:18am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I took frowned looking at her as I nodded. "I am going to miss you so much too baby." I told her as I lent in kissing her lips.

    "I'll see you in a few weeks ok." I told her as I pulled back to look down at her frowning. I was so scared that I was going to lose her in a heart beat but I knew she'd be at my house in no time. I kissed her one more time before giving her my skype name and heading to the bus to get ready to head to PA.

    I frowned giving Josh my skype name. I took and kissed his lips lightly before he took and had to leave. "I'll see you in a few weeks." I told him as I kissed him harder the last time.

    I stepped back from him watching him head to the bus. I frowned dropping my head as I held the tears back. I hated this, this really sucked. Being away from him. I mean I hated it.
    December 19th, 2014 at 01:52am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;


    Watching the MIW bus leave was a painful knife to my heart. I wasn't going to be hanging out with Chris for a while and it's just weird being back at home without him. It's amazing that I am going to see him in three weeks or so but still, no man could ever replace someone like him.

    When Sammy approached me as our crew members unloaded the bus for us, she began having a small amount of tears escape from her eyes. I frowned and held her close to me, "Hey, hey, we will see them again...right? Shh, it's okay..."

    "I know I shouldn't be crying about this but I"m not good with...having someone I really like to be...so far away," she sniffed as I held her tighter against me.

    "This sucks," I sighed, resting against my bunk on the bus with Chris across from mine, "Wish I didn't have to go home...but I have a family to see...and other shit to deal with. I just wish I could have dragged her along with me."

    "Trust me, I feel you, Josh," Chris breathed, pulling out his phone to probably look through the pictures he and Maria took, "Just...hanging out with Maria was something I never had before..."

    I looked over at him with a smile, "Same goes with Sammy for me. I seriously never expected this on tour but damn, she's so incredible," I chuckled lightly, looking through my own photos I took of her and I at various places across the country.
    December 19th, 2014 at 06:14pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and frowned hugging to Maria. I knew she was right but I couldn't stand it. It was like a knife cutting through my chest. I took and patted her arm lightly. "Lets go inside. I freezing." I whispered to her lightly.

    She nodded her head as we took and headed inside of the condo. I headed back to my room to change into some lounge pants and a tank. I slipped into my MIW hoodie and pulled my hair back into a messy pony tail.

    I walked back out and smiled at Maria, "Hey." I said lightly sitting on the leather sofa.

    I looked at the pictures resting my head against the wall sighing. "I miss her so fucking much." I muttered.

    "I feel you, Chris." Josh replied.

    I nodded sighing as I took and looked at the pictures frowning. "I wish I could've brought her with me." I admitted like Josh had earlier.
    December 19th, 2014 at 10:58pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;


    I smiled over at her, "Hey. Want a drink?" I asked, holding up the bottle of wine and two wine glasses, "I plan on doing some ideas on our new album while I just got home. Or I would lose them completely and would be fucked for the entire break of songwriting."

    Sammy giggled, "Sure, I will have some wine. I plan on putting on a TV show if you don't mind. I can always watch it in the other room if it will bother your writing."

    I shook my head, pouring her a glass, "Not at all. I have a bunch in my head to write down that I can do in a heartbeat. Mainly about my time with Chris," I blushed.

    "Trust me, if I was able to, I would have just thrown her into my bed and tie her up there so they wouldn't throw her out on the way home," I joked, "I'm kidding... But really, it won't be long until we see them again. It will be a big-ass orgy going on when the two arrive," I laugh.

    Chris rolled his eyes with a loud chuckle, "Don't bring that up too loudly or Ricky will be on to it."

    "Hell yeah I will!" I heard him shout from the front of the bus that made me crack up.

    "In your dreams loser!" I shouted back at him, "You wish you had one of our girls but you never will! Find your own woman!"
    December 22nd, 2014 at 08:36pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I took and laughed at Ricky and Josh going on. I took and grabbed the notebook and began writing on a new song idea that had came into mind. I didn't know if it'd be good enough for our band and what not. Seeing as it was about Maria. But hell, when she got to my house I could take and sing it to her.

    I took and hummed lightly to myself and wrote the lyrics. I grinned a little as I finished up and began on another. Hell being in love sure had advantages. I could write songs now, unlike before and having a shit load of trouble.

    I took and smiled at Maria as she poured the wine. I watched her get to work with the song lyrics. I took and smiled at her as I took and got up stretching a little. I took and turned the TV off deciding on reading up some material I needed too. I took and walked over to the recliner and kicked it out grabbing the drumming book. I began reading over some pages and making some notes in my notebook that I kept.
    December 29th, 2014 at 02:27pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;

    **A Few Weeks Later - Morning of Dec. 24th**


    "Sammy, you almost ready to go? Our flight leaves in an hour!" I called upstairs, hearing her feet shuffle around with the suitcases, "I don't want to miss the flight or I will kick your ass!"

    "I'm coming, you psycho!" Sam laughed, banging her suitcases down the stairs, "You all set to go?"

    "Hell yeah," I grinned, "Our taxi is outside. I don't want to keep him waiting too long."

    "On we go then!" Sam shouted before scurrying out the door and to the taxi.

    Chris and I arrived at the airport way before Sam and Maria were even gonna get here. We were both too excited to see the two girls again. I was glad that their parents were able to wait it off until next week to see them.

    Sipping my coffee that I got at the Starbucks within this airport, I sit beside Chris near the area where the girls were gonna enter from the plane, "You seem a bit jittery, dude," I chuckled at Chris.

    "I been staring at the calender since Maria left, of course i am jittery," he sighed.
    December 31st, 2014 at 06:11am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I took and walked through the terminal in the airport once we landed safely in PA. I was beyond excited to be seeing Josh. I took and went to luggage claim with Maria to get our bags. I smiled turning around my eyes locking onto his as he grinned. "Babe." He said softly.

    I grinned lunging myself into his arms and wrapping them tightly around his neck. I had missed him so much. "Babe." I whispered into his ear keeping a grip on him as I kissed his lips deeply.

    I saw Maria turn around as I took and lent in kissing her lips deeply. I took and wrapped my arms around her glad to have her back. "I missed you babe." I told her.

    "I missed you too." She said holding to me.

    I smiled keeping her close to me as I kissed her lips once more before taking her bags and heading out for the car.
    January 1st, 2015 at 04:32pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;


    "Fuck this is so exciting," I giggled, the biggest shit-eating grin across my face right now as I rested against Chris's shoulder while Josh drove the car and Sammy was in the passenger seat, "You better have some good alcohol to handle me just right."

    "Do you not know us that well, Maria?" Josh gasped, "I have the strongest shit! And the most tastiest of drinks. Fuck, saying that, I may have to hide it from all of you."

    I laughed, "Josh, I'm not that bad of an addict. Just when it comes to partying and all, then I want anything available pretty much. But for now, I just want to rest from the flight and maybe pig out while watching B-movies."

    "Sounds like a plan to me," Chris muttered, a kissing sound soon heard in my backseat that made me roll my eyes with a chuckle, "I miss you so much, baby," I heard him say.

    I groaned and glanced at them sparingly through the rear-view mirror, "Listen here, don't fuck in the backseat of my car or you are going to be in it for some washing on this baby. I don't want it to smell of sweaty sex either, unless it is just Sammy and I getting with it in the car alone."

    I could tell that Sammy blushed at that compliment, causing me to grin and run my hand on her thigh, "Or we can do it in my bedroom, if you like," I whispered to her as I kept my focus on driving to our large house that Chris and I shared.
    January 8th, 2015 at 07:38pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    Hearing Josh's statement caused me to laugh slightly. Of course he'd be the one of us four to say that. I took and gave a light chuckle and smiled, "We'll just get my car and fuck in it." I grinned at Maria as she let a soft giggle emerge from her lips.

    "Sounds great to me." She winks playfully at me.

    I chuckle and keep her close as we ride towards the house.

    Hearing Josh say that caused me to grin and blush all in one. I shook my head a little as I took and rested my hand on top of his that was running up my thigh. "Either way, as long as we're together." I mutter towards him smiling.

    "Always." Josh whispers to me smiling at me.

    I smile at him as I turn my attention back to the scenery that was passing before us.
    January 10th, 2015 at 01:16pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;


    Once we arrived at their fairly large place that they owned right within the woods (probably the perfect place for some peace and quiet), I got out of the car and went to the trunk to get some of my stuff while Chris got the rest, same goes with Sammy and her mountain of crap. When everyone arrived in the house and placed their luggage within the assigned rooms that belonged to one of our men, I let out a sigh of relief in Chris's room and crash on the King-size bed. The space in this bedroom was awesome and very dark in both color and added architecture that he must have placed in himself. It was like living in the bedroom owned by the modern Dracula.

    Continuing to remain lying on my back on the bed, I smiled when I saw Chris crawl on top of me and placed gentle kisses on my lips, something I truly wanted for many weeks now.

    "Can't wait to wake up to this every morning," I chuckled, running my left hand through his hair.

    Now that everything was placed in my room, I went over to Sammy when she didn't expect me coming and picked her up in the air with a small growl, "Now you are all mineeee," I let out an evil playful laugh.

    "Ah! Josh put me down!" Sammy giggled out before releasing a squeal of surprise when I dropped her on the bed.

    Smirking down at her joyful expression and her adorable giggles that I missed hearing so much, I pounced on top of her in an attempt to keep my body on hers so she would have no where to go from here and I can have her truly as mine in my own damn room.

    "Mmmm now i have the one prize I been wanting for weeks to add to my room," I chuckled as I nipped her shoulder a bit.
    January 12th, 2015 at 03:33am