You can go to hell.

  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Brittany Wesley

    Stefan Salvatore
    Damon Salvatore

    Ivy Lexington
    October 12th, 2014 at 12:03am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Standing in the graveyard, Brittany glanced around. This town was small, not something she was used too. She crossed her arms lightly and began walking onward and heading into the woods. She had to explore this small town. Just to know what it was like. She took and kept walking as she sighed quietly to herself coming up to the back of her house where she'd left an hour ago. She headed around to the front seeing two guys walking out of the house across the street from her.
    Damon took and walked out of Elena's house with Stefan and sighed, "I told you so." Damon said in his cocky tone towards his younger brother. "Stefan, when are you going to ever listen to me?" He smirked at his brother going down to the 67' mustang.

    [Hope it's ok!]
    October 12th, 2014 at 12:27am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ivy was not keen on being kept waiting. After a frantic text from one of the Salvatore brothers regarding Elena and her lack of ability to keep her blood thirst down to a normally level they had asked for Ivy and her witchy abilities to be present at the boarding house (they didn't want to worry Elena). Ivy knew the sudden change in Elena's life was difficult but she couldn't sit around and hold her friend's hand, Ivy had her own problems to deal with. Frustrated Ivy pulled out her phone and sent a text to Damon At the boarding house, I'm waiting.
    Stefan glanced over at Damon with a sigh, he didn't like it when his brother got all high and might because he was right. "Listening to you always ends up in someone getting hurt." Stefan said with a strained smile, his brother was unpredictability was something Stefan disliked a lot more than he was willing to admit. Stefan unlocked the car and was about to get in when something tingled the back of his neck. Looking from his car Stefan caught a glimpse of a blonde he didn't recognize across the street. "Any idea who the blonde is across the street?" Stefan asked casually as he opened the drivers side door.
    October 12th, 2014 at 12:56am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Damon saw the message from Ivy and let a laugh escape his lips. On our way, Ivy chill. Damon said getting inside and watching Stefan start the car up and pull out. Damon caught a glimpse of the girl and shook his head. "Never seen her before." Damon said and looked at Stefan. "Think she could be a threat?" Damon asked.
    Brittany saw a car pull out from the house across the street. She stepped inside the home shutting the door. She took and walked into the kitchen seeing her mother staring at her. "Have a nice walk?" She asked. Brittany just shrugged a little. "Why did you move us here?" Brittany asked.

    "I have friends here Brittany." She said simply and took and handed the cup to Brittany. Brittany took it and sighed sipping on the blood as she walked through the house heading up to her room. She took and looked over at her laptop and decided to do some digging into this town.
    October 12th, 2014 at 02:21am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    [I forgot to say your first post was great XD perfect amount]

    Stefan put the car in drive and began to head out of Elena's street but not before glancing back at the house he had seen the girl walk into. "Well put it this way Damon whenever someone new is in town it affects the supernatural," replied Stefan. New people in Mystic Falls meant that those of a supernatural persuasion had to be extra careful. "I'll get Jeremy to go over and introduce himself when I see Elena later," mentioned Stefan as he began to head to the boarding house.
    Well I am letting myself in. Ivy hit send on her text and pushed herself off her Mini and headed into the boarding house with her rucksack. Ivy had become to go to witch since Bonnie and magic were no longer best friends anymore. Ivy was not really attached to a coven, the magic she practiced did not call upon the ancestors so much. Ivy dropped down onto one of the sofa's and chucked her rucksack on the end which contained her grimorie, it was her mothers but Ivy's mother rarely practiced magic and she knew most things off by heart.
    October 12th, 2014 at 02:50am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    [Awe, thank you honey Cute]

    Damon took and nodded his head, "That's the best idea." Damon said to Stefan. Damon took and watched Mystic Falls pass by as they soon pulled up at the boarding house. Damon got out and slammed his car door shut. He walked in and grinned seeing Ivy sitting on the sofa. "Ivy..." He grinned walking over and opening his arms up to her grinning.
    Brittany read over the many articles that she could find. People dying, and everything. She had no idea why her mother wanted to come here. She took and bit her lip seeing a picture of her mom and some man standing together. She printed the picture off as she took and walked downstairs, "Who's that?" She asked her mom. "Klaus." Her mother answered giving her a light smile as she held to her chest lightly before going back to doing what she was. "Who's Klaus?" Brittany asked her mom. "A man." Her mom simply said waving her off. Brittany took and walked back upstairs to her room sighing a little.
    October 12th, 2014 at 03:04am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    [Ahh no problem XD]

    Ivy heard the sound of engine stopping and the boarding house door opened with the two brothers. Ivy watched ad Damon walked over to her and opened up his arms. Their friendship (if you could call it that) was a bit temperamental at times but today they were okay with each other, Ivy stood up and greeted Damon with a hug. "Damon," she greeted, "Stefan." After the small embrace Ivy sat back on the sofa, "So I was already looking for spells to control a blood thirst and as expected nothing came up," began Ivy, "But I talked to my mom and she basically said Elena has to learn to control it. If not our options are making her housebound, compulsion or me performing a huge spell to stop Elena getting in withing five feet of any human." Ivy hoped the last one wasn't an option because the spell hadn't exactly got a good track record. Ivy had only seen Elena since her transformation and it didn't end well so she was unsure of her friend's current state of mind. "I am hoping you are going to tell me that you've sorted out Elena and you want me to help with a different matter," said Ivy with a hopefully smile.
    Stefan killed the engine as he stopped in front of Ivy's mini before getting out and locking the car. He headed into the house and saw his brother embrace Ivy. Stefan listened to Ivy as she explained that she couldn't really help Elena's blood thirst. "Well she is now drinking out of a blood bag thanks to Damon," answered Stefan as he made himself a drink. "But speaking of different matters, can you do a spell or something to see if there any newcomers in town?" Stefan hoped Ivy had something in that book of hers.
    October 12th, 2014 at 03:27am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Damon took and plopped down onto the sofa and laughed lightly. "Yes dear brother over there is worrying his head off about this new girl." Damon said as he lent into the back of the sofa.He leaned over grabbing a shot glass and the bourbon and poured himself some. He took and swirled it around a little before downing it fast. "Ah." He smirked.
    Brittany pulled her jacket on and walked down the stairs. Sliding her hands into her pockets after she was out on the porch she began walking heading towards the town. She sighed a little as she looked around. This small town had a homey feeling. But it was so small. She didn't like small towns, she liked her beaches and stuff. She spotted a place called The Grill. She took and headed over to it and slid into a booth ordering her something to drink.
    October 12th, 2014 at 04:18am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "I'm not a miracle worker Stefan," replied Ivy as she returned the grimoire to her rucksack, "I'm not being some spy either." Ivy was not going to go spying on whoever this new girl was suppose to be, if she caused a problem later on then they could deal with it then. "So since Elena has stopped attacking people I will be safe to go back around there?" asked Ivy as she ran a hand through her red hair.
    "Noted," sighed Stefan as Ivy shot down his request, he would have to do the investigation himself. Stefan didn't fancy sticking and watching his brother drink, he had work to do, "Look I am gonna head out, start checking out this girl. I'll be at the grill if you need me." Stefan explained before offering a quick wave to Damon and Ivy before heading out the door.
    October 12th, 2014 at 04:56am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Damon looked up at Ivy downing another shot. He nodded. "Should be." Damon said as he grimaced at her. He took and got up from the sofa and sat the shot glass down on the end table. "Shall we go test it out?" Damon grinned at her.
    Brittany smiled at the guy that brought her the drink. "You're new right?" The guy asked Brittany causing her to nod her head. "Yeah, I'm Brittany." She said looking at him. "Matt." He said smiling at her before walking away. She took and sipped the iced tea she'd ordered and looked around.
    October 12th, 2014 at 05:21am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ivy frowned a little as Damon stood up, "I'm a guinea pig now?" she asked as she too stood up, "Because if she does launch herself at me you will the one to blame Damon." Ivy picked her rucksack and walked past Damon heading for the door. "I'm driving by the way."
    Stefan drove back into Mystic Falls and parked just outside the Mystic Grill. After locking his car Stefan headed into the grill and went to the bar, as he sat down he glanced around the grill and he spotted the blonde he saw this morning talking to Matt. Stefan ordered a drink and decided he would wait a moment before going over and introducing himself.
    October 12th, 2014 at 04:32pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Damon grinned following her out and slamming the door. "Ok miss. witch." Damon laughed getting in the car and looking over at her. "If she comes at you. I'll deal with her." He said grinning as his cockiness began seeping out.
    Brittany saw the guy set the bill down and walked away. She grabbed her phone out seeing a message from her mother. She rolled her eyes and sighed a little. She sipped the tea and scrolled through the webpage she was on about this town.
    October 12th, 2014 at 05:19pm
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ivy rolled her eyes at Damon as she got in the drivers seat of her mini. When Damon was in the car she drove to Elena's house, Ivy was honestly worried she didn't want to fight off Elena but she wasn't going to die for her. Soon Ivy parked up outside Elena's house and got out of the car, "How did you get her to drink out of blood bags?" she asked as she made her way to the front door.
    Stefan had only order a small drink and it was soon an empty glass in his hand. Stefan decided to head over to the girl, he would make up some reason. Stefan was cautious as he approached the booth. "Sorry if I am speaking out of term but I don't think we've met, I'm Stefan," introduced Stefan.
    October 12th, 2014 at 07:30pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Damon shrugged, "Compulsion." Damon said looking at the house as he stopped. "It was truly the only way I could think of getting her to drink." Damon said and shoved his hands into his pockets and walked off heading up to the door. He got to the door and knocked waiting for Elena to come.
    Brittany glanced up seeing the man, "Hi." She said shyly. "Brittany Wesley." She replied softly and looked at the man. She extended her hand to him and saw him shake it. "So what is there to do in this town, Mr. Stefan?" Brittany asked.
    October 12th, 2014 at 11:46pm
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ivy wasn't that surprised at Damon's use of compulsion, Ivy just hoped that eventually Elena would be able to control her thirst. Ivy saw the door open and revealed Elena who offered them a bright smile before inviting them both in. Ivy headed indoors and glanced around the house, she half expected to see a body on the floor thankfully that was not the case. "I heard you were feeling better," smiled Ivy as she glanced at her friend. For some reason Ivy was not truly convinced Elena could control her thirst, something seemed off about Elena.
    Stefan would do well to remember her name as he shook her hand. "Honestly there is not much to-do in this town," replied Stefan, it was a quiet town if you were a human, "What brings you to Mystic Falls though?" asked Stefan.
    October 13th, 2014 at 12:10am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Damon glanced over at Ivy feeling her not believing that Elena was ok. Damon let a low sigh escape his pressed lips. He saw Elena nod her head towards Ivy as the two began talking. He walked pas the two going inside of the kitchen and getting him some booze to drink.
    Raising an eyebrow at Stefan she let a small smile escape her lips, "My mother wanted to come back here." She replied lightly not sure if she should tell the whole story to this stranger.
    October 13th, 2014 at 01:42am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ivy continued to talk to Elena as Damon passed them and headed into the kitchen. Elena's upbeat attitude was odd as only a few days ago Elena was crying in her bed before she tired to attack Ivy. Ivy headed into the kitchen with Elena not too far behind her, "It looks like Damon performed a miracle on you," said Ivy with a lace of sarcasm, "You now drinking out of a blood bag and all that." Ivy made sure Damon could hear the conversation as she entered the kitchen.
    "Oh really, I take it your mother grew up here," smiled Stefan, "Forgive me, it's just that not many people come to Mystic Falls with it being such a small town and that." Stefan was hoping that Brittany was willing to open up a little bit more.
    October 14th, 2014 at 12:43am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Damon took and smiled at Elena, "Yeah. Guess I did." He grinned at the two and smirked lightly. "Guess you two could call me the doctor." Damon grinned downing some of the booze. He grinned at the two ladies as he smirked a little.
    Brittany shrugged, "Not sure honestly." Brittany said and smiled as she took and looked at the guy before her. She got out of the booth and put the money down for her tea. "If you excuse me, I need to be going." She smiled making her way out of the grill.
    October 14th, 2014 at 01:28am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "I don't think Elena is out of the woods yet," replied Ivy, she had a feeling her friend would hit a few bumps in the road as she adapted to her new life. "Besides if it didn't work out, we would be here and I would be performing some sort of spell if your blood bag trick hadn't worked." Sometimes Damon got a little cocky but to Ivy that was Damon all over.
    "Sorry to have kept you waiting, maybe I'll catch you around," smiled Stefan as Brittany made her way out of the grill. As soon as she was out of sight Stefan sent a text to Damon Girl is called Brittany Wesley, any ideas?.
    October 14th, 2014 at 01:57am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Damon took and grinned at Ivy and smiled. "For now it's working. So no need to worry, right?" Damon asked looking at Ivy. Hoping she'd say everything would be fine right now. He put the bottle down and looked at Ivy. "Stefan said the girl is named Brittany Wesley. Any idea's of a family history?" He asked Ivy and sighed. "Shit." He muttered texting Stefan back. Maria Wesley was with Klaus before. I do remember her.
    Brittany headed for her home quickly. Brittany took and sighed walking in. She needed to talk to her mother about this guy. He was wanting more information, than what she was giving him. She took and sighed sitting down and talking with her mom.
    October 14th, 2014 at 02:45am