For the Fallen

  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Payson Willett & Oh Sehun
    Park Chanyeol & Sina Dare
    October 13th, 2014 at 10:30am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Zhang Yixing;
    Payson sighed as she shuffled her things onto the trolly. Her family had already bid her farewell, not accepting the fact she was a witch. Rolling her eyes she watched as people bustled past, so much for kind and generous people. Nibbling on her lip she place her bird cage on top of all the luggage. Frowning at it's empty contents. Her bird was mischievous. Known for his escapes, lifting her eyes to the sky she could see the enormous bird circling. Rolling her eyes she already hated the thing. But since her family's owl died over break she had to have some kind of pet for school. Her father choose a bald eagle. Since the school rules didn't specify what kind of animal you could have, it was more of a guide line. That was the only thing her father had gotten excited about, the fact she was allowed a pet. And Bald Eagles were protected by laws in the states, it made it a rare opportunity for him to actually see one. Sighing she decided she'd better worry about the bird later, yes bird she hadn't named it yet. Nothing she came up with sounded right. Pushing the trolly to the platform she hurried along, not wanting to be late. Breaking through the bricks she felt the familiar rush of excitement, something that never got old. Peering around she moved her trolly to the right so it could be loaded with the others. Grabbing a small messenger bag she headed into the train trying to find a empty compartment.
    Chanyeol stood on the platform, his family had decided it best to leave and not make much of a scene. He didn't really care his father and him were not really on speaking terms because of his scores in Transfiguration. He really didn't care, it wasn't until this year his scores really matter. Shrugging off his thoughts, he turn looking over the crowd of people, searching for a familiar face.
    November 5th, 2014 at 06:50pm