
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella's eyes widened and she jolted away from him. "Nothing." She was shutting down again. Its what she did best. She didn't mean for it to slip out. And she sure as hell didn't want him to hear it. Now she just had to pretend that nothing happened.

    Tyler squeezed Phoebe's hand as he looked around the quaint diner. His eyes landed on a familiar face. "Dylan!" He gestured Phoebe with him as he walked to his best friend. "Of course you would be eating here too." He stated chuckling. Vegas was starting to seem like a very small place.
    October 18th, 2014 at 04:52am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan sighed and heard a familiar voice. He glanced up seeing Tyler and Phoebe. How the hell did she get here? Dylan smiled softly, "Yeah." Dylan said to Tyler and smiled. "Vegas must be small." He muttered a little and glanced at Phoebe than back to Tyler.
    Phoebe held to Tyler's hand and looked at Dylan. Her eyes slowly glanced over to the girl beside of him. Her eyes widen a bit seeing her best friend since high school dance camp. "Arabella?" Phoebe asked lightly.
    October 18th, 2014 at 01:42pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella avoided her attention the second she heard someone call Dylan's name. She hoped that if she pretended she didn't know him they wouldn't have to explain. That was until a voice spoke her name. She slowly turned her heard towards the pair. Her eyes widened, "Oh my gosh, Phoebe!" She jumped out of her seat to hug the girl.

    Tyler watched the girls strangely. He glanced at Dylan and gave him the silent 'what the face'. "Uh- how do you two know each other?" He questioned. This was just getting weird.
    October 18th, 2014 at 03:53pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan looked at Arabella and Phoebe before looking at Tyler. "That's my wife." Dylan said looking at him and looked at Phoebe. "How do you two know each other?" Dylan asked looking at the two girls.
    Phoebe smiled hugging Arabella as the two pulled back. "We had went to dance camp together." Phoebe said.
    October 18th, 2014 at 10:50pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella pulled away from Phoebe. "I can't believe this. It's been so long." Her smile was growing with every second that passed. Then it dawned on her, "Oh my gosh! Are you Dylan's married friend?! Holy shit! This is so crazy." Her voice was raising with excitement which caused some people to stare, she just laughed in response.

    Tyler interjected, "Whoa. Did you say wife?" He stared at Dylan with a confused expression. What the hell was happening in this town. He glanced at Phoebe who seemed so happy. This caused him to smile but the second he looked back to Dylan his face turned stern.
    October 18th, 2014 at 10:58pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan looked at Tyler and sighed, "Yeah." Dylan said shoving his hands into his pocket. He stared at his friend and shook his head. "My agent said that I can't take and get annulled because it would look bad on my part." Dylan told Tyler.
    Phoebe laughed, "Yeah I am." Phoebe said showing her wedding set. "A year and half now." She pointed to Tyler and smiled at Arabella. "What are you doing here? I mean gosh it's been far too long." Phoebe grinned at her.
    October 19th, 2014 at 12:02am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella gawked at Phoebe's beautiful wedding set. It was definitely expensive. "Well congrats!" She beamed. "I actually live here." She glanced at Dylan. "At least for now that is." She stated. She wondered if she would have to move. She didn't want to but she probably didn't have a choice.

    Tyler sighed and patted Dylan's shoulder. "I'm sorry man. How is that going for you so far?" He pressed. He kept an eye on the two girls, making sure they were still preoccupied with each other.
    October 19th, 2014 at 12:08am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan sighed shaking his head, "Not so good." Dylan admitted and saw the line move and moved with Tyler as they talked.
    Phoebe smiled, "Thank you." Phoebe said and looked at her. "Wow you live here? That's pretty amazing." She paused hearing her last statement. "What do you mean at least now?" Phoebe asked her keeping her eyes on Tyler and Dylan slightly.
    October 19th, 2014 at 12:21am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella shrugged. "It gets old after awhile." She decided to simply ignore Phoebe's last question. She didn't really want to get into that at the moment. She grabbed Phoebe's hand and walked to the boys. "Did you miss us?" She teased. She figured she would fill Phoebe in about the drunken wedding some other time. At this point she just wanted food.

    Tyler nodded at Dylan and watched the girls walk over. He chuckled at Arabella's statement. "I missed Phoebe." He stated glancing at Dylan. He looked at Phoebe, "Did you miss me babe?" He teased back, sticking his tongue out at her.
    October 19th, 2014 at 12:37am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan looked at Arabella and kept quiet lightly. "Yeah." He replied softly to her question of teasing. Dylan looked at Tyler, "You said you had news?" Dylan asked.
    Phoebe tapped her finger against her chin, "I have to think about it." She giggled pecking his lips and smiling. "Of course I did." She said holding to him hearing Dylan's question. She looked at Tyler and smiled at him.
    October 19th, 2014 at 12:44am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella frowned and stood next to Dylan. He was nothing but sweet to her and she just couldn't accept it. She looked up at the group. "I'll be right back." She stated, almost inaudible. She squeezed passed a few people and walked outside. She leaned against the wall and searched her purse. "Please be in here." She begged to herself. She smiled when she found her flask. She glanced around and made sure no one was around. She opened it and gulped down the contents. It was enough to help her get through this awkward situation. She found a mint and placed it in her mouth to cover the scent. Her phone beeped as she was about to walk back inside. Sorry I was late. It's in there now. She smirked. Thank God. She put her phone away and made her way back to Dylan.

    Tyler smiled at Dylan. "Dude, I can't believe I let that slip my mind." He pulled Phoebe closer to him. "We're pregnant! And she's coming with me when we shoot!" Tyler was more than thrilled. He paused for a moment, "And of course, you're going to be an uncle." He stated with a hint of obviousness.
    October 19th, 2014 at 12:54am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan grinned and hugged Phoebe tightly, "I am so glad that you guys are." Dylan hugged Tyler and grinned. "I am going to be an uncle. I am excited. I get to spoil a kid." Dylan grinned at Tyler. "Congrats to you two." He smiled.
    Phoebe smiled and saw Arabelle leave. She frowned a little and looked at Dylan smiling as she held to Tyler's hand. "Yeah it's exciting news." She smiled and pecked Tyler's cheek. "Babe, what about my salon when you go to shoot? Do you think your mom would help my mom out and run it?" Phoebe asked.
    October 19th, 2014 at 01:11am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella rejoined the group. She could see that she missed out on something but didn't bother asking. She pulled her phone out and scrolled through the contacts. She smiled when she saw that Dylan's name was in there. She assumed that also happened sometime last night. She opened a new message and typed it to him. If I quit my job here, can I come to California with you?. She didn't really want to say that out loud in front of Tyler and Phoebe. Right now this was still something her and Dylan needed to work on.

    Tyler's smile had yet to fade. "Thanks man." He glanced down at Phoebe. "Of course. As soon as she finds out she's going to flip out. She'll do anything for you babe, you know that." He stated placing a soft kiss on her temple. The waiter called their names and he followed him. They had a nice booth at the back of the restaurant, in seclusion.
    October 19th, 2014 at 01:18am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan felt his phone going off and looked down at it. He opened the message up and looked at Arabela. "Hey guys we'll be right back." Dylan told Tyler and Phoebe before going outside the diner. "Of course you can come with me. That's why I asked earlier, Arabella." Dylan told her.
    Phoebe smiled and sat down with Tyler. She held to him and kept into his side. She lent back into the booth seat. She glanced around seeing some people staring at them. She took and smiled at Tyler, "So how long are you off from shooting?" Phoebe asked Tyler.
    October 19th, 2014 at 01:40am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella sighed and wrapped her arms around him. "Dylan, I have a lot of problems." She whispered as she laid her head on his chest. She listened to his heartbeat. It was like music to her eyes. When she breathed in she could smell his cologne, it was intoxicating.

    Tyler shrugged. "A week." He glanced at her. "Sorry there's not more time for just us. We just have to film when we can because everyone is starting to branch out." He stated. He took a sip of water and held her hand under the table.
    October 19th, 2014 at 01:46am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan held onto her, "Whatever it is I can help." Dylan told her and kept her close to him. He kissed the top of her head and smiled lightly.
    Phoebe shook her head, "It's ok baby." Phoebe told him and kissed his lips lightly and smiled.
    October 19th, 2014 at 04:54am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella forced a smile. "Its going to take time." She stated. She stared into his beautiful brown eyes, "But thank you." She stood on her tip toes and kissed him, a little aggressively. She couldn't help herself. He was sexy and sweet.

    Tyler leaned his head on hers. "So what do you want to do after this? This whole trip is now officially all about Phoebe." He said smiling at her. He wanted to make sure that she had the best weekend. She truly deserved it.
    October 19th, 2014 at 05:09am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan smiled at her and held her close to him, "Ok. How about we go eat?" Dylan asked as he kissed her one more time before going to the booth where Phoebe and Tyler were sitting.
    Phoebe smiled staring into his gorgeous eyes. She giggled slightly, "Baby if you want to hang out with the guys some too, that's fine." Phoebe said smiling at him as she pecked his lips. "Maybe some mini golf or something?" She asked lightly.
    October 19th, 2014 at 04:46pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Arabella nodded and followed Dylan into the diner. She sat down next to him and smiled at the couple across the table. She laced her fingers with Dylan. "I'm starving." She stated with a slight giggle.

    Tyler shrugged, "I want to spend time with you." He glanced down at her. "Mini golf sounds awesome. We should find one of the black-light ones. Those look like so much fun." He beamed. He was such a child sometimes.
    October 20th, 2014 at 03:02am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Dylan heard them talking, "So what are you two talking about?" Dylan asked and grinned at the two. Dylan held to Arabella and smiled kissing the side of her head and smiled.
    Phoebe smiled at Tyler, "Sounds like a plan." she smiled at her husband and pecked his lips. She glanced over when Dylan talked not realizing they had joined them. "Mini golf." Phoebe replied and smiled.
    October 20th, 2014 at 03:13am