Anywhere I Would've Followed You

  • Without really thinking about it, Roedanya reached out to punch Alec in the arm -teasingly of course. It might've been her imagination, but the resultant shock seemed to be stronger than the previous shocks. It wasn't a bad thing and it didn't hurt her... more like it froze her with her balled fist still touching his arm, creating a bridge for the current between them to pass through. And the longer they stood there, the more she wanted to be closer to him. Eventually though, she forced herself to pull back, and absently rubbed her hand, which still tingled. The connection broke almost like a snap that left her feeling cold where she'd been warm before, and all she could do for a moment was fight the urge to reestablish the connection.

    "Well, that was intense," she finally muttered with a shaky laugh once the silence got to be too much. She wasn't looking at him but down the road, and as she noticed that at some point they had stopped walking, she started to move again, putting some distance between them. That seemed like it was going to be the best thing to do for the moment. Maybe space would make the urge to touch him again go away. It had been almost unbearable earlier, after all, though it seemed to be getting better now. So... distance and going back to their conversation.

    Roedanya had to search her mind for what they had been talking about, something that wasn't exactly a common occurrence, and was relieved when she finally found it. "There might be a way for you to talk to Corvus... I would have to talk to him and probably try to find a book that'll help me figure it out though. I don't really know... and I can only talk to Corvus." she paused. "Actually, I've never tried talking to other animals. I didn't have to come up with some spell to talk to Corvus. I've been talking to him as long as I can remember. Other animals I would need some sort of spell for though." There. Back to their conversation. She'd feel normal again before she knew it, too.
    February 2nd, 2015 at 01:52am
  • Alec smiled when he felt Roedanya's fist come into contact with his arm, however when she did that another spark tingled through his whole arm. The tingles moved quicker this time and was soon spreading into his shoulder and chest, his eyes coming to focus on her when they suddenly stopped walking along the path. He simply just looked at her as the current flowed between them, this was the most that they had ever felt and it was strange. He suddenly had the urge to be even closer to her, like he needed to be there with her. He had never felt like this before and he wasn't sure where it was coming from, but he wasn't going to fight how he was feeling.

    Apparently Roedanya did as she pulled her fist away and stepped away from him, he was confused and honestly a little freaked out. Neither of them knew what the spark meant but it had to mean something, no one gave someone else a feeling like that. He begun to walk again but decided it would be best to keep the distance between them, they really did need to work out what was happening between them.

    "Well I'd love if you could talk to Corvus and search for a book, it would be awesome if there was a way for me to talk to Corvus." He told her as he did find that very cool and would love to talk to the crow and hear what Corvus said back to him, "Have you ever wanted to speak with other animals? It would be cool, but I guess doing a spell each time would get tiring." He didn't know that for sure, but he was guessing that it would be.
    February 2nd, 2015 at 09:34am
  • "Within minutes, you would be begging to make it stop," Roedanya warned teasingly, knowing that Corvus could understand her. Predictably, he gave an indignant, angry caw at her from his perch on Alec's shoulder, and she laughed. "Relax Corvus." As he cawed again, she rolled her eyes. "Yes, I know you're a smart crow. Mmhmm, a good crow too. You're amazing, I swear." She stopped at the look on Alec's face and pressed her lips together, deciding it might be best from this point onwards to just speak to Corvus in her mind, rather than out loud since she was the only one who could actually hear what her crow was saying.

    After a few moments, she cleared her throat. Dealing with Corvus had helped shake the aftereffects of whatever it was that had happened. She was sort of glad that Alec didn't seem to want to talk about it or press questions on her that she couldn't answer. She could honestly say that never happened when she touched others, and she was pretty sure the same went for him. Which meant she really needed to find out what it was.

    "Anyway... I can't say that I've been around very many other animals. They don't really seem very intelligent anyway. I don't know if there would be any use in trying to talk to them," she trailed off, and gave him a grin. "And who said that's what I would do anyway? Having to use a spell every time I wanted to talk to an animal, and you make it sound like the spell would have a limited amount of time to work too, for one animal at a time... That's an inefficient use of magic. I would find something I would only have to cast once, or a couple of times. It would spread to all animals, but would probably have a time limit." She paused to think about it. "The kind of spell I'm thinking would probably wear off after a couple of days, I think."
    February 18th, 2015 at 12:26am
  • Alec chuckled softly to himself when he listened to Roedanya as she spoke aloud to Corvus, he was greatly amusing to him at least now that he knew she could communicate with the crow. "I highly doubt that I'd want you to stop me from being able to communicate with Corvus, I think I'd have the best time." He grinned as he reached up and scratched the crow's head, he listened as she told him about the spell that she had an idea of.

    "How am I suppose to know? I don't use magic and I've never heard of a spell that will allow you to communicate with animals," He tried to defend himself, he had never even thought about being able to speak with animals. "It would be pretty cool to, but I guess it would wear off eventually. I mean there would only be so much that you could speak about, you also already have Corvus. Do you really want anymore animals to hang around you?" He spoke as the grinned stayed on the face.

    He continued to walk with her back towards the school which shouldn't be too far away from them now, "If Corvus ever wants a change then I'm more than happy to take me. Daniel will hate it but I'd enjoy his company," He knew his older brother would have something to say about the crow, but Alec couldn't care less.
    February 19th, 2015 at 11:59am