Light-Years Away (Open RP)

  • @ Stage Doctor
    Ripley Tuck
    Ripley nodded "I guess we are pretty different that everyone here. Weak, you could call it." she said softly. She hated feeling powerless and not being able to do anything about it. They had actual power inside them, and all they had were machines. That could also break or be used against them. Ripley looked at each of the tribe members with envy. She had spent her whole life trying to make herself powerful by working hard and training in combat. All for nothing...
    October 31st, 2014 at 05:58am
  • @ Stage Doctor @ Imprinted
    Klara Dmitrievna Volkova

    "Oh wow, that's amazing!" Klara exclaimed when Ryker made the fireballs. She watched in awe as he juggled them, then made them disappear and then also when Ripley pointed out that his hair also acted like fire.
    "How does it work? Do you know? Some sort of thermal reaction inside your cells maybe?"
    October 31st, 2014 at 05:48pm
  • @ tendo choi

    @ Imprinted
    Image Image
    Ryker chickled, and said," I personally don't know how it actually happens- it just kind of does for us. If you want to know a certain answer, you might want to check with the wisemen of each tribe in order to find out the specifics."
    November 1st, 2014 at 12:22am
  • @ Stage Doctor @ Imprinted
    Klara Dmitrievna Volkova

    Klara made a mental note to ask about the powers if she ever got the chance to talk to one of their wisemen. While at first look, the aliens may look fairly human-like, it was becoming more and more obvious that beyond the first glance, they were actually pretty different.
    "And you say the other tribes can do the same sort of thing but with the other elements?"
    November 1st, 2014 at 03:22am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Ripley Tuck
    "Do any of you have special powers that the others do not?" she asked as she continued to listen in to what the others were saying, but trying to make it look like she was only paying attention to Ryker. "Do each tribes have these wisemen?" she asked still looking curiously as Ryker's hair.
    November 1st, 2014 at 08:56am
  • @ Imprinted
    Image Image
    Ryker nodded at Klara, and said," Yes. The Arians use the wind, the Terrians use the ground, the Hydrians use the water, and we Fyrians use fire." Ryker then turned to Ripley, and continued," There aren't any of us that have specific powers that only one of us can use or anything- to the degree that I know. Usually a technique can be taught and learned with the proper amount of training. Also, we all basically have wisemen, but they come in different forms."
    November 1st, 2014 at 02:56pm
  • @ Stage Doctor @ Imprinted @ tendo choi
    While she had been trying to keep to her own conversation, Roedanya's curiosity won out in the end, and she ended up listening to the conversations around her as best she could. "The older you are, the more you will learn. Certain abilities will open themselves up to you, or will be passed down to you by the elders of your tribe," she pitched in as Ryker finished speaking, giving the group a small smile. "I like to think we are fairly peaceful as a group of people, and not a lot of bad happens. Unfortunately, our memories are also long, and grudges are harbored for centuries unless the situation is made right." Roedanya paused. "If you are wondering, I am a Terrian, since Ryker has said he's Fyrian... but you probably shouldn't come to me about Terrians unless its about general information or history. If you want to know anything that pertains to recent anything..." she glanced around and pointed to a figure by the ship: Alexios. "Alexios is Terrian as well."
    November 1st, 2014 at 04:54pm
  • @ manic; @ Stage Doctor
    Klara Dmitrievna Volkova

    Klara turned to see where Roedanya was pointing and spotted Camille talking to a dark haired man, whilst Danie was watching from the doorway of the ship. She could see the similarities between the man and Roedanya, but his skin was darker and his body language was completely different.


    Alexios caught sight of the gathering further into the woods, surprised to see that there was a Fyrian, a couple of Hydrians and a Terrian, as well as more of the new arrivals. He gave his excuses to Camille, before striding towards the group to find out what was going on. If any decisions were being made, there should be a Terrian representative there - one that hadn't been exiled.
    "Roedanya." While he knew they would never be friends due to the circumstances, he didn't see the need to be antagonistic towards her like some members of the tribe, especially seeing as she hadn't done anything to him personally.

    (Does Alexios know why she was exiled?)
    November 1st, 2014 at 06:13pm
  • @ tendo choi
    Roedanya nodded to Alexios as he approached, almost as if inadvertently summoned. "Alexios," she greeted with a faint smile. "You have impeccable timing. I was just explaining that questions about Terrians that somehow involved anything recent should be directed towards you instead of me," she explained to him.

    (sure, if you want him to ^-^ -realizes I never actually put why-)
    November 1st, 2014 at 06:23pm
  • @ manic;
    (If the reason is general knowledge within the tribe, then he'd know. If you want it to be a secret then he probably wouldn't.)

    Alexios nodded in agreement, whilst looking at the other people gathered around with curiosity. Like Camille, a couple of the new arrivals looked like Terrians, but the other was more similar to an Arian. 'Was she from a different tribe, or did their race just have more variation in appearance?' He wondered.
    "Hello," He smiled at the newcomers, before turning back to Roedanya and asking, "Do you know what's going on?"
    November 1st, 2014 at 07:29pm
  • @ Stage Doctor @ manic;
    Ripley Tuck
    "So Roedanya have we decided what we are going to do?" Ripley asked as she looked over at the woman. Looking back over at Ryker she gave him a small smile making the woman beside him glare and her hair appear like fire.

    Glaring at the woman Arsen tried not to get her hair going, for it took her too long to clam down once it flared up. "Ryker we need to get back to tell my father what's going on." she said trying to pull him by his arm.

    "Guess your not so big and bad after all." Journey said to River after he gave in to Roedanya. "I think I may join you and Rain with the Earthlings." Journey said to Roendanya "You may need me."

    Rain Rain smirked as Journey teased him, she guessed she wasn't the only one he annoyed. "So when are we leaving?"

    Xavier Simmons
    Xavier had been studying the movement of the sun. "We need to make camp before it get's dark, which looked like it will be in about two hours." he said looking at the others seeing if they understood what he had said.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 12:50am
  • @ Imprinted
    Image Image
    Ryker smiled back, and then turned to nod to Arsen. He said," I completely agree- he should definitely be filled I on the situation. I'll come back with you to tell him." He then bowed to the Earthlings, and turned away from them to begin jogging back to the Firian village...
    November 3rd, 2014 at 02:26am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    "What's up with you and that Earth girl?" Arsen asked as her hair began to die down a bit from being away from the woman. She kept pace with Ryker easily as they made their way back to speak to her father. Looking over at Ryker his face was a bit red but she couldn't tell if it was from running or something else.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 02:32am
  • @ Imprinted
    Klara Dmitrievna Volkova

    "There's a few lightweight tents on the ship if we need them," Klara piped up, "Along with some basic supplies and kit." In the excitement of preparing for the trip, she'd ended up memorising the entire provisions and equipment list.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 03:46am
  • @ tendo choi
    Ripley Tuck
    Ripley looked from one person to the other. "Well? What are we doing?" she asked getting a bit annoyed that they still had not made a decision.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 04:22am
  • @ Imprinted
    Image Image
    Ryker was indeed only red from the running, though. He looked over at Arsen, and raised an eyebrow as they walked, before saying," What do you mean? She's a complete alien with no knowledge of our home. I was just trying to help. I apologize. Anyway, what are you going to tell your father?"
    November 3rd, 2014 at 05:47am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Arsen nodded as he apologized, but she was still unsure if he was telling the truth. "The truth, I guess." she said as she looked over at him. "He will find out one way or another even if I didn't." Arsen said for she knew her father and he would want to know everything about the powerful fire even if they would not be able to use it as a power for themselves.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 09:13pm
  • @ Imprinted
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    Ryker nodded, and added," Well, based on what the humans were saying, I don't think that it is necessarily a normal powerful fire. I believe it is the machine that they used to travel here producing it. Regardless, we will probably have to organize a meeting between your father and the humans to find out for certain."
    November 4th, 2014 at 02:36am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    "Yes, well I hope my father wont want to take the ship and use it against the other tribes. Because from what that woman had said they use the elements to produce other things. I can also see him making himself more powerful and making the other tribes do his bidding if he was able to get more of those things called guns" Arsen said with a grim look on her face.
    November 4th, 2014 at 02:44am
  • @ Imprinted
    Image Image
    Ryker sighed, and ran his hand through his already-messy red hair. He then leaned closer to Arsen, and said," You don't think that your father would actually go as far as to get his hands on them just to push us forward in an effort to overcome the other tribes and gain more power for himself- do you?" He paused, then, and realized that there actually was a possibility of him doing that, and frowned, saying," Sorry..."
    November 4th, 2014 at 03:38am