Competing Species

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Competing Species

    Brendon Yalley || Werewolf

    Anya Derks || Vampire

    Amber Summers || Hunter

    Justin Hunis || Werewolf
    October 18th, 2014 at 01:58am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Slowly climbing the tree, Amber was careful as to where she was moving. Once she reached the top, Amber leaned back into the tree making sure to stay close to the trunk. She had found one of the taller trees nearby a werewolf pack that she was stalking. It was her duty, her sworn promise to wipe out any sort of magical creature on the half of the human race. They were all vile things that just looked for blood, that wanted nothing more than human flesh between their teeth. Today was a werewolf pack. She may not be able to kill all of them at once but she could pick them off.
    Justin walked through the town, heading back to his pack. It was beginning to get late and there was nothing else of interest in the small town. Yet it had so much potential. Still he wished that one of his pack matss would have come along but all of them were busy today. The alpha always tried to make sure that they stayed out of trouble for the most part.
    October 20th, 2014 at 02:53pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Looking around, Brendon walked down the road. He made it to where his pack was meeting. He had the clearest senses of all of the pack. He could smell her and nudged one of his pack members and nodded his head towards the trees and bared his teeth. He had turned to where Amber couldn't see them. "Female. A little younger than myself.' He said quietly, and crossed his arms over his chest wanting to know what they planned to do. "I say we don't do anything unless she comes out." He murmured to the pack leader, holding his look. The pack leader nodded.

    Anya had her hair down surrounding her face. Her skin was a nice tan color that shone in the light. Her eyes were a dark green illuminating the way she looked at people as if she were even more mysterious. Her power, along with being a vampire, was she could feel other's pain. It was a curse more than anything. Scars littered her body from when she was a human. She looked around wearing a light blue tank top along with jean shorts. They stopped mid-thigh showing off a great deal of her tanned skin. She wore a jacket that covered her upper body. It was unzipped allowing her tank top to peek outwards. Looking around, she kept her head down as she walked. She was not in a good mood and was slightly upset. She wanted nothing more than a drink of the best alcohol.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    October 21st, 2014 at 12:51am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FlyAway;
    Amber continued to pay attention to the pack that was in front of her. She noticed that most of them seemed to be waiting for something and it did not take her long to realize that the alpha had not joined them yet. A small frown came across her face. Now if there was anyone she would want to hit first it would be the leader. After that it was normally easier to take the rest of them out when an essential part of their team was missing. Amber shook her head a bit before checking her items, ensuring they were in the right place. Her weapons, including the hidden ones were where they needed to be. Everything she needed for this fitted on her body. Once her check was done she decided that she might as well move closer now. Slowly she began to head down the tree. Halfway down she stopped, noticing a few werewolves close by. Amber got a better grip of the tree while one hand moved to her back, beginning to pull out a silver dagger.
    ((Wait, Are we assuming that vampires and werewolves will attack each other the moment they see one another? Or is this more like they will ignore each other unless pushed? Sorry I just need to know so Anya and Justin can meet up.))
    October 21st, 2014 at 04:43am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Brendon nodded to the leader and said, "I'll do the meeting tonight. The first one she'd hit would be you." The leader nodded and shifted and ran to his home. Brendon turned back around and addressed the group his ears always focused in on the Hunter. He simply kept his senses open to her. He knew she would attack eventually.

    (Enemies on site)

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    October 21st, 2014 at 04:48am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FlyAway;
    Amber was quiet for a few moments as they walked through, continuing their way to the meeting. She stayed still until they were gone. Then she moved her way down and began to slowly make her way to the meeting. She wanted to get close enough to kill but not close enough where they would notice right away. Once she was able to see the meeting for the most part, Amber moved into the bushes, hiding her whole body well there. Now all she needed was something to leave or a distraction. She wasn't crazy to full on take the pack out by herself. Though if she got the right opportunity then she could take a few out. Even a kill or two could make it easier for the future.
    Justin rounded the corner, running right into a woman. Immediately he stopped and began to apologize to the girl he had bumped. However the moment his eyes met hers, Justin began to growl. It was a vampire. Quickly he jumped back, creating some room between the two of them. "Vampire." He growled at her, getting into a fighting position. No he would not be able to get away without fighting her. It was just something that had to happen. They were worse enemies and if he hadn't then she would have only taken the oppurtunity to kill him. Vampires were vicious that way.
    October 21st, 2014 at 05:09am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Brendon simply sighed not getting how this huntress could be so foolish and reckless. He picked her up by her arm and slung her on the ground before tying her up. "This was rather unwise of you." He said sighing unhappily. He frowned wondering what he should do with her now. He thought and dismissed the pack meeting for the night leaving him and just the huntress.

    Anya bumped into the werewolf and frowned. She noticed him hiss vampire and sighed. "Just go away." She mumbled not in the mood for this. She was already having a bad night. This just made things so much worse. She ran a hand throughout her hair looking at him wearily. She was ten times as old as him and probab
    ly just as angry. She crossed her arms and said, "You seriously want to have it out on a street simply because I'm a vampire? Stupid mutt." She growled baring her teeth at him. She didn't show her fangs, not exactly having a reason to. She rolled her eyes hearing someone come up behind her and said, "Leave, Dominic. Now. Before I tear your throat out." She hissed turning around to face another vampire. He growled and slapped her. Anya gasped and turned back around and snarled at him. She grabbed his throat and pushed him against a wall, her eyes now angry and red. She growled at him.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    (Sorry I'm on my phone)
    October 21st, 2014 at 05:22am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FlyAway;
    Amber was pissed off. It wasn't often that she got captured and it certainly never happened that easily before. The place she was hiding was not even all that bad. Clearly he had somehow seen her coming before she was able to hide. She growled a bit before shifting under the bonds, trying to find a loose rope not that didn't work she was just going to have to wait a bit before she could make her move. When the others left she turned to the main wolf, glaring at him. Amber did not know why he sent everyone away but he did not like it.
    Justin stopped what he was doing when the two vampires began to fight. He slowly stood up and watched then for a moment. Now this was not something that he really wanted to get involved in. Especially since it was two enemies going after each other. He might as well just let them kill each other. What did it matter to him?

    After a few moments of watching them, Justin jumped in and pounded the guy into he ground. After a few minutes of fighting he managed to get the male vampire to run for the hills. He turned to the female, now covered in some of his blood and some of the vampire's. "I may be a 'stupid mutt' but at least werewolves don't randomly attack each other on the streets." He growled at her a bit.
    October 22nd, 2014 at 07:10pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Brendon turned to the captured girl and crossed his arms. "You're so noisy." He sighed shaking his head and said, "I knew you were in the tree when I first got here. That was your first mistake. The other was being downwind where I could smell you. You're obviously reckless and apparently not well trained. Seems as if you trained yourself." He watched her, before turning around and starting to leave. He was positive she could get herself out of the bonds.

    Anya blinked when he had made him run for the hills. She turned back to him and said, "What makes you think it was random?" raised an eyebrow and watched him. She crossed her arms over her chest. She was medium height. A goof five foot four. She was especially skinny. She ran a hand throughout her long brown hair wondering what it was he was after. "You realize I haven't done anything to you correct? So why in the fuck are you trying to start something with you? Just because our species don't mix?" She snorted and said, "That's just plain ignorance." She bared her teeth, without her fangs, at him.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    October 22nd, 2014 at 07:16pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ SweaterWeather;

    Amber was able to get out of the bonds with ease but she was pissed off. Normally she was not caught so easily and what she had done was not sloppy. He was an expert which she didn't expect. Most monsters she went after were lazy in this way though he knew what he was doing. Next time she went after him she would be on her best techniques.

    Justin growled a bit. "You should just shut your mouth about that. I could have let him bit you to the ground and honey you can't say you would have one that fight. You were losing horribly. I helped you because you didn't attack me right now site but don't make your bitchy attitude make me regret saving your life." He said as he started to intense a bit. He doubted she would attack and even if she did it wouldn't be a long fight. She would be an easy kill.
    January 4th, 2015 at 03:46am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Brendon took out a cigarette and lit it before taking a drag from it. He walked away. He walked to the park and sat down before looking around gently. Sighing, he leaned his head back and shut his eyes before starting to relax. However, he never relaxed all the way, not once. He knew what that would include.

    Anya smiled softly hearing him and replied, "Ever think for a second I was simply waiting to see what you would do?" She asked him tilting her head. She was indeed strong and if he thought for one second he could kill her, he was wrong. Suddenly she stopped relaxing and looked at him. It seemed as if darkness clung to her very being and cloaked her in it. She seemed a hell of a lot more dangerous now. Her emerald gaze watched him. "I'm not the one being an ass because you met a stranger that was a different species." She responded softly. She turned away from him and said, "Maybe next time, I'll show you why you shouldn't call me honey." With that, she started to walk.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    January 4th, 2015 at 03:52am