::Who Knew::

  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Chase Morgan; The Boyfriend

    Emily Dawn; The Girlfriend

    Derek Williams; The Bestfriend
    October 23rd, 2014 at 03:12am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    As she inspected the bruising all over her body, Emily gave a sigh the look on her face was fear. She hadn't expected that Chase would be like this once he had asked her out. Now that she knew it, she couldn't let go of him. She was too scared too. The purple and blue bruising on her arms and legs were starting to get darker. She hated that. She made a sound in the back of her throat, knowing that if Derek ever found out about this, he'd beat the ever living shit out of Chase. She frowned and then texted him a good morning. As she stood up, glancing around her neat little room, she started to get dressed for school. She slipped into her ripped skinny jeans, and then her tank top. She noticed the bruises popping out against her pale skin and frowned. She slipped on her black Of Mice & Men hoodie. She covered the bruises on her face with her concealer and other makeup. Next, she rimmed her sapphire eyes with black eyeliner, and covered her lids with black eyeshadow. She finally finished up by pulling all of her curling hair into a pony tail at the top of her head. Wrapping a black and white bandana around her head in front of her pony tail, she finished up and grabbed her backpack starting to head to school. She smiled as she texted Derek. She texted Chase as well, hoping he had calmed down from yesterday.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 03:49am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Derek knew something was going on with Chase and Emily, it was just a feeling that he got whenever her boyfriend would text her when he was with her. The way she would act when he was mentioned around her but he didn't know what so he couldn't do anything about it. He wasn't going to simply because he didn't want to make her problems any worse than they already were. Not that he knew that were bad but she didn't act the way she used to. She wasn't as happy as she used to be.

    Getting ready to head to school, he smiled when his phone buzzed. He pulled his phone from his pocket and quickly texted Emily back, hey u. hows it? Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he picked up the pace on the way to school.

    - -

    Chase had been pissed last night, he had been in such a good mood but then with Emily sitting on his lap, her 'friend' had texted her asking her how she was and things. He had never been comfortable with Emily's relationship with her friend, Derek, and just the way the other guy acted made him uncomfortable. He hadn't slept much that night and when he got to school, he was still annoyed because of his lack of sleep. Stalking into the school, he headed toward Emily's locker, ignoring everyone else.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:00am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily giggled seeing Derek text her back and sent back, Oh you know, going to school. What about you loser? She teased him. She smiled as she made it to school. Glancing around, she headed towards her locker humming as she did so. She seemed in a good mood at the moment. She had her backpack on her back, only one strap on her left shoulder. As she made it to her locker, she saw Chase and gave him a bright smile. Seeing the look on his face, she knew he wasn't in a good mood. She bit her lip and kissed him on the cheek and hugged him tightly. "Hey, love." She murmured and hoped he cheered. It wasn't only because he got violent when in a bad mood, it was also because she hated seeing him a bad mood. It made her feel bad. She wanted to cheer him up. She laced her fingers with his and smiled up at him.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:04am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Chase's arm wrapped around Emily's shoulder immediately and he leaned down for a harsh, possessive kiss. His grip was tight enough to bruise, his eyes narrowed a bit as she eyed her up and down for a moment. "I don't want you talking to Derek any more, Emily," he said, the first thing he was going to say to her. He hated that she talked to Derek and the fact that this guy just thought it was appropriate to talk to another guy's girl rubbed him the wrong way completely. "I don't like how he looksa t you," he murmured, reaching up to brush a strand of hair out of her face. "You're mine, aren't you?" he whispered, a smirk starting to show on his features.

    - -

    Derek laughed Emily's text and rolled his eyes. Just getting to school. Want to hang out before class? He sent the text, hoping that he could hang out with her for a few minutes before class because it seemed like they were spending less and less time together now. It was bothering him because Emily had always been his best friend and he felt kind of lost without her to talk to all the time. Even though he knew she was in a relationship, he just wished they could spend more time together. After all, hadn't he been her friend before Chase was her boyfriend?
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:10am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Can't. I'll see you in class though. Came Emily's reply before she met with Chase. She felt Chase's firm grip around her and almost winced, but knew not to. She knew the consequences of that. She was enveloped in a harsh kiss, but kissed him back anyways loving the feel of him. Hearing his words, her eyes widened. She frowned and shook her head, "Sweetheart, he is just my friend. I promise. I would never do anything with him. Besides I am yours." She told him hoping that that would satisfy him. She would be utterly lost without communication with her best friend. She kissed his smirk and stood up on her tippy toes. She took his face in her hands gently and looked him in the eyes, "I'm yours'. That won't change." She told him and leaned in and kissed him again, this time it was gentle and loving. She pulled away after a few moments and buried her face in his chest as she hugged him.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:15am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Chase let out a low growl, indicating he was less than impressed with her response but he nodded. It'd be a shame if she thought she was free though becaus ehe was just letting it go for the time being. He was just letting it go until they were alone because he knew that other people might try to cause a scene. "I want to go right home after schoool. I have a lot of homework I need to do," he said, loud enough for others to hear so no one would start to think anything. He rarely ever did homework because it was just too boring to him so he would either convince her or someone else to do it for him. He smirked when he looked down to her, "make sure you're ready to go," he said, fully expecting her to listen. After all, he was already in a shitty mood and if she pushed hi, last night would just be repeated.

    - -

    Derek frowned at the reply and sent a sadface to Emily before heading off to class, after stopping at his locker to grab the books he would need.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:25am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily heard the growl and looked up eyes wide. She frowned and heard his response eyes widening. She nodded though and murmured, "Alright." she pulled away gently, still holding his hand in her own. She murmured, "I will. I don't have any after school things today." She responded, knowing that if she did, she would have to skip. She kissed his cheek and started to walk to class with her hand in his. She had her book bag on her back and murmured, "I think I'll go to the bathroom before class, love." She kissed his cheek and then murmured, "I'll see you at lunch." she smiled up at him before heading to the bathroom. Once in there, she disappeared into a stall and slid down pulling her knees to her chest and tried to calm down so she wouldn't bust out crying. She needed the makeup on. It was covering bruises. If she cried it off, it would be useless.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:30am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Chase was quiet for the rest of the way and when she mentioned wanting to go to the bathroom, he nodded. He squeezed her hand and kissed her forehead before turning and heading off to class. He didn't quite care to stick around and wait for a girl to finish in the bathroom. They always seemed to take forever, anyway.By the time he reached his class, he was starting to feel more awake. Chase rubbed at his eyes once he had sat down before turning to talk to his group of friends.

    - -

    Derek was sitting in his first class already, drumming his fingers on his desk quietly. Every time someone walked through the door, he would look up in hopes that it was Emily but it never was. He sighed and decided to pull out his drawing pad, mind racing away as he began to doodle. He wasn't really paying any attention to what it was doing, it was more just to pass the time than anything. Before he knew it, he had drawn a cluster of some of Emily's favourite flowers. When he glanced down, he smiled and started to rip it out of the book, figuring he could give it to her when she showed up.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:38am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily calmed herself down to the point where she knew she wasn't going to breakdown and just cry. She cried herself to sleep everytime Chase and her had a fight. She stood up and got her bookbag and headed to her class. She went into the classroom. Heading to where Derek was, she sat down beside him and said, "Hey." She fake smiled, making it seem as if she were really smiling. They had study hall, so she just set her bookbag down and turned her attention to Derek. Her sapphire eyes seemed brighter from trying not to cry, and her silvery hair was out of her face due to her having put it up. Giving her attention to Derek, her mind slightly started to wander to Chase wondering what he was going to do when they got home to his house.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:43am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Derek frowned when he looked up and spotted Emily just starting to sit down by him. He eyed his friend up, quiet. Shaking his head, he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. There was something about the way she smiled - it didn't quite reach her eyes but he chose to be quiet. He didn't want to say anything to her because he didn't want to risk upsetting her anymore than he already seemed to have. Instead, he presented her with the picture that he had just finished drawing. "I made this for you," he said, grinning. He just hoped that it was enough to hopefully cheer her up. Emily didn't ever seem to be as happy as she used to and he hoped he could cheer her up. At least for a little part of her day.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:49am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily's hand always shook, but at the moment they were shaking even more than they usually did. She pulled her hoodie down so the bruises wouldn't be shown. Lord knows how he would respond to hearing that Chase abused her. Noticing he had pulled something out, she turned her attention to it. She smiled, this time for real, at the drawing and took it gently and said, "Awh. It's beautiful." she giggled and then smiled at it. She took a picture of it in case something ever happened. She always did that with Derek's drawings. She put it in one of her binders, going to put it on her wall when she got home to her own house. She smiled up at him and hugged him gently. She was warm and cold at the same time. Her head only came up to his chin. She was tiny. Chase was taller than Derek so it was worse with him. She came up to Chase's chest usually.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 04:54am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Derek frowned slightly when he noticed her take yet another picture of his drawing - he never quite understood why she took pictures of whatever drawings he gave her. After all, he always was giving her simple drawings so why did she need to take pictures of them? He shook his head, watching her, but chose not to say anything because he figured that it wasn't that big of a deal. Derek leaned over and quickly hugged her, squeezing her gently. "Just like you," he murmured, not able to help himself. While he feel an attraction toward Emily, he wasn't going to act on it because he understood she was happy in her relationship (or so he thought) and he just wasn't going to do that to her. "How are you and Chase doing?" He asked, figuring ti couldn't hurt to try and make some conversation with her.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 05:06am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily loved his drawings and always had ever since they had met, which was when they were in preschool. She smiled and saw the confusion on his face and said, "In case they ever break, I'll have them this way and be able to remember them." She felt his arms wrap around her and felt the sudden need to cry and to just hold onto him. She did that, hold on to him that is. She heard his words and blinked and smiled, "Awh." She cuddled him and said, "I can't hang out today. Chase wants to." She frowned softly, and then shook her head making it disappear. She looked up at him and heard his question and bit her lip and said, "It's great!" She lied and smiled fakely. She grinned and said, "What about that girl that you took out the other night?" She tilted her head.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 05:11am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Derek pouted at Emily's words, he had been hoping they would be able to hang out that night but Chase wanted to hang out with her. Yet again. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, not wanting her to think he was angry or upset with her because he wasn't. He was more frustrated with Chase than anything. He nodded at her answer and smiled, "I'm glad to hear it," he answered, reaching up to ruffle her hair. At the mention of Stacy, Derek smiled a bit more. "She's great, I think I'm taking her out again tomorrow night, too," he paused, his face lighting up as an idea dawned on him. "What if you and Chase came? We could go on a double date," he said, not able to hide his excitement at the potential idea.

    (...my father in law just came downstairs. wearing a spongebob constume.)
    October 23rd, 2014 at 05:17am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Wtf.. XD)

    Emily saw his pout and said, "I know!" She frowned and said, "I was looking forward to hanging out with you. I'm sorry bae." She told him always referring to him with cute little names. She smiled hearing he was doing well with Stacey and said, "That's great! I'm glad." She smiled at him and then heard his request and bit her lip. "I'll ask Chase about it tomorrow. It depends on what he says. Honestly I thinkthe ifea is gold, but you know how Chase is." She murmured a frown appearing on her beautiful featurea. She hated when Chase WOULDNT at least be open to anyone else's opinions. But sometimes he just liked getting his way.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 05:23am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Derek smiled at the nickname, nodding quickly and excited at the idea of actually getting to spend time with the other. Even if they had to deal with Chase, he suspected at least they could have a few moments alone. At least, he hoped it would because then he could get a feel for what was going on with his best friend. If he realised that it had something to do with Chase, he wasn't going to be happy but the confrontation wouldn't take place at supper. It couldn't - especially not in the middle of public. He didn't want to put any of them in that type of awkward situation. "Sounds good, just text me and let me know, okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. While he was doubtful it would end up happening, he couldn't help but still be hopeful.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 05:37am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Emily smiled at him and laughed, "Of course silly." She poked his nose and then sat down in front of him on his desk and swung her feet. Her feet didnt quite reach the floor from on top of the desk. She hummed and hoped Chase would say yes. She loved her bestfriend with all her heart and knew if it ever came down to it she would pick Derek. She just wish it didn't have to be like that. She also wished that Derek didnt find out about Chase abusing her. She knew that it wouldn't turn out well and that she would be broken after that. She had thought about telling him, but always declined the idea not wanting to start trouble. Plus, Chase had his good sides. He wasn't all bad. He was actually really nice when he wasn't irritable.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 05:41am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    (I'm going to go ahead and skip to the end of the day, if that's okay, just so it doesn't get too back and forth. )

    Chase was waiting by his car, arms crossed as he waited for his girlfriend to come to his car. He sighed as he pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag. He wasn't much paying any attention to anyone around him, his eyes raised to the sky. Pulling out his phone, he sent a few friends different texts and sighed in frustration when he looked back down, glancing around to see if Emily was coming yet. When he finally saw her, he nodded his head toward her to let her know that he had seen her. There was a small smile on his lips as she reached him and he quickly wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug. "Missed you, how was school?" he asked, cigarette hanging from his lips. He pulled it out and held it away from them for a moment, leaning to press a kiss to her forehead.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 05:52am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    That's fine cx )

    Emily hurried from her class, her teacher holding her up. She finally interrupted him and said, "I have to go! I'm sorry! Tomorrow." She waved goodbye and hurried to the car to meet up with Chase. She had had a long day now and was super tired from it. She was in all AP classes and was in three different clubs because of her parents. She hurried over to Chase and immediately hugged him. "I'm so sorry, my stupid teacher would not shut up." She sighed in frustration. She looked up at him smiling when he kissed her forehead. "I missed you too love." She pecked his cheek. "Irritating and tiring. What about yours?" She asked him a smile on her face as she looked up at him.

    @ varkatzas.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 05:58am