Your Last 100 Words

  • "The house stood oddly silent, probably more silent than when Brendon had been avoiding everyone. There was no pooping from the TV, the fridge was running quietly, the phones were finally silent and there were no sounds of the house settling around him.

    He didn’t like it at all. It was unnerving.

    It felt like the walls were slowly closing in as the air grew stale; making it harder to breathe the longer he spent in any room. He wanted to get out and go somewhere – anywhere. But he couldn’t because he could only walk so far and wasn’t allowed to drive either, doctor’s orders."

    Story linked in signature (:
    November 10th, 2014 at 04:38pm
  • 'The words that were being said didn’t really seem to do anything to help bring closure to this. Jed talked about Rosie in a different way that Devon remembered her.

    Devon was nit-picking the monologue from the preacher because he didn’t really want to be here. His fingers ached to have a cigarette between them, and his lungs burned to have the smoke fill them. He just had a craving for the little cancer-stick as his mother called them when she found out he smoked. He shook his head. This wasn’t anything like he would imagine his mother’s funeral would be like.'

    -from the twentieth chapter that's not up yet for Quarantine.
    November 10th, 2014 at 05:49pm
  • “No, I think you just haven’t given him a chance. He’s really a good guy, but you can’t see that because you are too stuck on yourself and your little record deal. You do realize that he got that coffee burn from trying to do something nice for you, don’t you? He’s trying to get you to accept him, but you can’t do that because you’re too full of yourself to realize anything.” I ranted, remembering the talk she and I had during the last few minutes of English. “He’s going to stay here, and there’s really nothing you can do about it."
    November 11th, 2014 at 05:04am
  • "Mid-sentence I felt him sit up, so I stopped and sat up too. “Did you feel that, just now?” He looked perplexed but his eyes were as bright as ever. After noticing my raised brows he sat cross-legged across from me. “It was like I could feel your movement in my whole body just now.” He was definitely reading my mind. He had to be. There was no way he could have known such important thoughts of mine twice within such a short time. Sure, we were best friends, but we weren’t telepathy type close until now somehow. Our eyes even widened at the same time."

    That was 106 but it felt weird to get rid of part of a sentence. Link in signature~
    November 11th, 2014 at 08:52am
  • Loki turned questioningly. “If you are founded on story telling, how do you have the resources for so many shops? How do are your people supplied the money to buy from them?”

    There was a gleam in the woman’s eye as she ducked, making her way towards the only tent with a purple-colored ring and runes painted on the canvas. “The same way you, Loki, get around.” And then she was gone, swallowed up by the flap.
    November 12th, 2014 at 12:23am
  • He’s not sure what the gift is, though he has a guess. It’s book sized and book shaped and wrapped in kraft paper with a peppermint patterned string crisscrossing around it. There’s no tag attached to the front, no note on the outside. He’s anxious to see what it is, but he wants that feeling to last, so he waits until the end the week, for after work, once he’s cleaned up his house and washed his hair and eaten dinner. He waits until he’s brewed his hot chocolate (sweet like he likes and with a candy cane added because there gifts wrapper reminded him) and is tucked neatly in his bed, before he carefully unwraps his present.

    - Bookwarm
    November 12th, 2014 at 12:43am
  • Pulling out his phone, John called Harker and asked him to come over and fetch his friend. With that, he himself sat down before her and picked up a file. But then, he kept it down and smiling, stared at her intently.

    What a peaceful face.

    And then he blinked.

    What the hell was he doing, staring at a sleeping girl?!

    Oh man… this was going to be tough. Even though it had been a unique day, the girl was way too persistent. And if he were to throw her out, he sure would have to plan harder.

    John chuckled at the thought, and then giving her one last look, immersed into his file.

    The story is on Mibba, it's called Meet With the Devil.
    November 12th, 2014 at 06:45am
  • Thor shook his head and grabbed his own blade off the ground. “I didn’t take you for bloodthirsty,” he spoke incredulously, staring at the man with the bloodied eyes.

    “I am for you.”
    November 17th, 2014 at 06:55pm
  • ' “I will win. And you know it! I’m just too awesome not t-“

    The dial tone buzzed in Brendon’s ear and he laughed pulling the device from his ear. Placing it on the table, he stood up and walked over to the sink that was now full of cold water. As he started draining the water, the calendar on the pantry caught his eye.

    Looking at all the red marks and pen notes for all the upcoming hospital and doctor trips, he sighed and turned away from the hanging pile of paper, pulling out the plug in the sink.'
    November 20th, 2014 at 04:46pm
  • Not for NaNo, but considering this thread's still up, I guess that's okay:

    Always her knight in shining armor, when he took the fall for her illegal spacewalk, the move that had gotten him thrown in prison block, they’d both assumed it would only be temporary. After all, Finn turned eighteen in a couple months, his case would be up for review, and he had a good chance of winding up right back on Mecha Station.

    Things would get better.

    This time apart was only another dragon to slay.

    They would get their happily ever after.

    As she drowned herself in her work, his words ran on a constant playback loop in her mind.
    February 27th, 2015 at 07:00pm