The Langdon House ::Closed::

  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Tate Langdon

    Jai Williams

    Ben Harmon

    Avery Sanders
    October 26th, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ FlyAway;

    Avery pursed her pale lips in thought, the dark tunnels of her mind taking a hold of her. Twenty years old and her mother was still controlling her life. The blonde knew she needed to see a therapist, but that didn't mean she wanted to be forced into it. Her mother was worried, or that was her father's defense. Bull, she was worried about her precious reputation. Her daughter's well-being was not what the fifty year old cared for. Standing on the porch of the infamous murder house she couldn't help but twist her full lips downward. This was her tenth therapist in her short lived life. She could run for it and nobody would care; not her mother, not her father, and this stupid therapist. She was just another pay check - no one cared about her. They all thought she was silently searching for attention - each slash to the wrist and every pound shed was a cry for help. Running her tongue over her bottom lip she raised her small, trembling hand to knock delicately on the wooden surface; not once, not twice, but a quick three times.
    Tate Langdon never knew drew him to this house. Sure, it was nice in an ominous kind of way, but the fragile teen enjoyed. It was almost like he never left the grounds. Did he? That's where his mind got hazy... His sessions with Mr. Harmon were never very helpful. He still found himself fantasizing about death. He was a lost cause, but still he visited the therapist. He had nothing better to do. Ben wasn't too bad, a little annoying, but not too bad. A single hour had past since his session with Mr. Harmon had ended, but still he found himself lingering in the upstairs hallway of the house. He stood in a small room, a room that was oh so familiar to him, and stared out into the front yard.

    [ this is probably very bad, lol. i'm sorry. /.\ ]
    November 2nd, 2014 at 06:08am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    It's great cx )

    Ben got ready for his next patient having gotten done with Tate. He rearranged the room for the next patient's liking, not getting too close to her, but no being too far away either. He scratched his beard hoping she would be comfortable. He didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. He actually cared for his patients. He hated that they went through whatever they were battling. He hated seeing scars on their wrists. It made him unable to think well and made him just hate that they felt the need to hurt themselves. Hearing a soft knocking on the front door, he knew Jai wouldn't get it. He went and got the door and said, "You must be Avery." He said and smiled at her warmly. He stepped out of the way and said, "Come on in. I apologize for the place looking so disorganized. It's only been a week since we got here." He shuffled her in a little bit and said, "Would you like something to drink?" He tilted his head.

    Jai was wearing her Guns N' Roses shirt without sleeves to reveal her bare shoulders. She had tattoos on her back and a new one on her collar bone. Her red hair was neatly pushed away from her face. She knew her uncle was with his patients so she simply stayed upstairs. She knew he hated to be bothered. She looked down at herself in her skinny jeans and her tight shirt. She swiftly completed her makeup and lined her lips the same color as her hair illuminating her features even more. She looked down at her shaking hands and sighed softly to herself. Her pale skin was an ivory color making her that much more beautiful. She looked down at her beat up converse and then grabbed her sketch book and went into the basement and started to draw not wanting to be up in the light. She started to sketch her tattoos that lined her skin. She had a nose piercing. Her uncle didn't care because she was expressing herself.

    @ mistermorgue.
    November 2nd, 2014 at 07:40pm