where you go I will follow

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Rory Gilmore -- Logan Huntzberger
    October 28th, 2014 at 08:59pm
  • magnus bane.

    magnus bane. (150)

    United States
    It had taken Logan forever, and a lot of determination, but he finally found where the Obama campaign was at the moment and he had done everything he could so he was there as fast as he possible. He always seemed to miss them and it sucked. The wait seemed unbearable as he checked his watch for what seemed to be the millionth time. He was hoping he didn't miss this one, and he was pretty sure that there were still people there, but his car couldn't seem to get him there any faster. "Can you step on it? Please? I don't want to miss her again. I need to talk to her." The driver looked back for a second, "I'm sorry Mister Huntzberger, but we are stuck in traffic, there is nothing I can do." Sighing Logan pulled out his phone and decided to see if Rory would actually pick up his call for once. It took everything he had in him but he called her and put his phone to his ear, praying that the traffic would let up, but it seemed extremely doubtful that it would. It wasn't for lack of trying, this was probably the four one he he had found and the first one that was still going on, so of course he was trying to get to it and he knew that'd he'd catch up with her at some point.
    October 28th, 2014 at 10:39pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Rory was having the time of her life working on the campaign. Yes it wasn't exactly what she'd thought she'd be doing so soon after graduating from Yale, and of course she missed everyone like crazy. But it was so much fun, which might've even seemed a little crazy sounding given it was a presidential campaign and there was a lot of work that went into, plus she didn't get that much time to herself. But she didn't mind. Rory had always kind of been a workaholic. Plus all the work and the moving around kept her from letting her mind stray for too long or wander off to Logan and how much she missed him. She was honestly still quite upset with the fact that he couldn't understand that while she wanted to be with him forever and always this was her future. And she couldn't throw everything away after all the hard work she'd put into getting this far just to go live in California with Logan. And Rory certainly wasn't the type of girl who wanted to graduate from Yale just to say she did and then end up a stay at home wife or something crazy. She didn't want to spend her days organizing parties for Logan's business associates. After all Rory was anything but a trophy wife. And he'd been the one who walked away when she'd told him she wasn't ready to get married right away. What was so bad about a long engagement anyways? Or doing long distance again? Sure it'd sucked and she'd hated it but until she was sure she was ready what was the big deal? Lord she missed him a lot still, and hated that he'd walked away. She hated that she'd let him walk away. This was why she hadn't thinking about him, because he still made her mind a jumble of thoughts. She finally pulled herself from her thoughts and went to pour herself a cup of coffee so she could get back to her work.

    "Rory Gilmore's desk how can I help you?" She heard her friend Kasey answer her phone for the millionth time, honestly Rory didn't didn't know what she'd do without her. The girl had been so helpful lately taking all of Rory's calls so she could actually get things done. And it was quite helpful that she'd been able to get her calls from her cell forwarded to the phone at her desk while they weren't at the hotel.
    October 29th, 2014 at 01:10am
  • magnus bane.

    magnus bane. (150)

    United States
    When someone finally answered and it wasn't Rory's voice he nearly hung up, but didn't. Swallowing hard he traded ears and replied, "Hi, may I speak to Rory, please." God, he actually said please, a word that rarely fell from his lips, but seemed to more and more in regards to Rory, "And can you tell her it's important." He was actually paying attention to the floor, ignoring the traffic outside and ignoring how sick he felt from nerves. A part of him felt that Rory wouldn't listen to him and maybe have even decided that it was a good thing they weren't together. But Logan was determined to make things between them work. He was a fool for not realizing before, but there wasn't anything wrong with a long engagement or long distance. They were definitely meant to be so there wasn't a need for a rush, and his idiocy probably lost him the only real chance at having a love that kept him alive. Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but Logan knew that Rory would probably be the only person that he'd ever want to commit to, with the added bonus that he had something that his father didn't have. So he was waiting patiently while the assistant figured out if he could or not. She had tried to weasel out who he was and what it was about out of him, but Logan wasn't budging, if Rory was going to hang up, it would have to be directly from her, it was the only way that he was going to accept any of this.
    October 30th, 2014 at 05:59am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Rory sipped on her coffee and tucked her hair behind her ear before she started to type away. This was usually what she spent her day doing, typing up something. Of course given she was a reporter for an online magazine and all there wasn't really any other way to get things done. She wouldn't really want things to be any other way though because she loved it. "Rory I have a man on the phone for you. He says it's important." She said as she walked the phone over to Rory. And Rory just nodded and took the phone. She didn't really know who it was and it wasn't like she was too busy to talk to whoever. Plus there were a number of men it could be actually. Her dad, her grandpa, though she was sure either of them would've let it be known it was them. It could be Luke calling to give her a random update on her mom or something. Hell for all Rory knew it could be Jess just calling to check in or maybe even someone she'd called within the last twenty four hours trying to get a few interviews with some of the local people about Barack and how they felt about him. "Rory Gilmore here." She said into her phone smiling at Kasey knowing that the girl had probably talked to everyone Rory actually knew personally enough to know what they sounded like and know to take a message and if it really was important enough or not. Which mean that Kasey had to think this was an important phone call.
    October 30th, 2014 at 06:31am