Rules of Engagement

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther decided it might be a good idea to make a friendly acquaintance with the future queen. He wondered on over asking her to dance. She polietly accepted and he began to lead her in the dance noticing how easily he over powered her. Her sister was right about one thing. Luther smiled making polite conversation.

    Elenor danced with yet another suitor but this one seemed less intrested in her then he others which was ammusing. He seemed to be preoccupied sneaking a glance at the perfect time towards her sister and with the strong handle he used to lead her it seemed a much better match. Elenor rather be intellectually challenged than to be ruled by blunt force. She glance toward Henry wondering if he noticed what she did. Elenor looked back at Luther trying to be polite.
    November 10th, 2014 at 07:35am
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    Estelle watched the man head over to her sister and ask her to dance, and she forced herself not to scoff. However, she did allow herself to look away and accept the offer of another suitor, one she'd seen eyeing her sister earlier. Wichter, she thought his name was.

    Henry was a step above angry that Luther had dared to dance with the object of his affectiona, but not entirely surprised. The only logical thing to do was to ask the younger girl to dance, if only to send the other man a message. But he didn't want Estelle. He wanted Elenor, and he'd be damned if he left without her.
    November 13th, 2014 at 04:02am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther smiled at Elenor. "It sure is a very nice evening." he said looking as her as she twirled around. Elenore nodded and smiled. "Yes it is." she said and stopped dancing as the music stopped and dinner was announced. Luther smiled and bowed. He stepped away and smiled headed toward the other room.

    Elenor smiled and headed toward her seat beside her father. She sat as most of the guests stood but there where two spots beside her and her sister. Her father stood and greeted everyone. "Greetings guests and suitors." He smiled at Estelle and ten Elenor. "I have made my decisions for the hands in marriage for my daughters."
    November 13th, 2014 at 05:08am
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    Wichter watched the younger girl prance away once the song had ended, her fingers slipping through his like sand. Luther was headed to the next room for dinner, and he made his way after him with long, easy strides.

    Estelle slipped into her seat mere moments before her father made the announcement, having stopped to get a drink and chatter a little. No one cared much about her; it was all about Elenor, and she played on it.
    November 20th, 2014 at 05:08am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    The king smiled and took his youngest daughters hand helping her to stand. "I have taken my time to try and find those worthy of my spirited Estelle." he looked around the room and smiled. "Luther please join us." he said and smiled handing his daughters hand to Luther. "I now present Estelle's hand in marriage to Luther." he said. Luther smiled and bowed to Estelle. "My lady." he said and pulled out her chair and pushing it back in once she was seated. He smiled sitting beside her.

    The king then turned and to his eldest who stood and kissed her father's cheek. Ellenor had known this time would come. She smiled and placed her hand in her father's. The entire room went silent. "My daughter Ellenor's hand in marriage is a rare and priceless gift given only to the most suitable of suitors." The king looked around the room. "Henry please join us." he said and smiled. As Henry came up he turned to him. "Henry I have watched you very carefully and not only will I be entrusting you with my daughter but my kingdom and legacy. So do you swear to uphold the laws and the principles of this kingdom? Do you swear to cherish and to protect my beloved daughter Ellenor?" He held his daughters hand at the ready to hand to Henry.
    November 20th, 2014 at 08:06am
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    The spirited girl stood up, soaking up the little attention she'd be paid before Ellenor became the talk of the room, and grinned at the man who took her hand from her father's, not entirely surprised that he'd made such a choice. Her gaze swept over the crowd and settled on one man in particular, Hector, she thought his name was, before flickering away.


    The king gave away his youngest to Luther, which meant his odds had grown tremendously. When the king called him up, a smile took over his features as he strode up to stand before him, getting down on one knee to listen to the other man. "I swear, your Majesty."
    November 21st, 2014 at 12:38am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther smiled at Estelle and kissed her hand. He beamed loving that he had won. He had gained the hand of a very wonderful woman and that he knew would make a wonderful queen. Luther grinned as he watched the oldest daughter being given to another.

    The king handed Ellenor's hand to Henry. "Then will her hand you are responsible for the welfare and care of her and the kingdom. The marriage will bind our kingdoms together and you shall take the crown upon my demise." He said and motioned toward the seats. "Thank you honored guests please be seated and the banquet shall proceed."
    November 21st, 2014 at 01:33am
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    The girl played up to the crowd by curtsying playfully, a flirty smile gracing her lips when he kissed her hand. She then moved aside and sat back down on the other side of her father, settling her hands on her lap.


    "Thank you." The man stood once his hand was in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. He motioned for her to sit and took the seat beside her, pleased that Luther had settled for, or at least been forced to settle for, the younger daughter.
    November 24th, 2014 at 06:17pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther smirked watching his bride to be. Yes she was spunky indeed. Luther ran a hand through his hair and smiled as the meal was served. He ate happily knowing that their wedding would be first because she was the youngest and everyone wanted to see Ellenors wedding. Luther took Estelles hand and laced their fingers together as the entertainment arived.

    Ellenor smiled softly as he sweetly held her hand. She sat down and looked out at the guests and smiled. She didn't like the idea of an arranged marriage but she would for her country and besides Henry didn't seem that bad. Prehaps like her mother had learned to love her father maybe Ellenor could learn to love the man holding her hand now.
    November 24th, 2014 at 06:35pm
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    She allowed him to hold her hand, but hardly dwelled on thoughts ofnhim, because a husband picked by her father was hardly satisfactory. He'd have to do, ofcourse, but she was repelled by the idea of dissolving into the type of wife that lived only for her husband.


    The suitors that would leave for home with nothing of great value were now beginning to mingle with the lesser women, and he found himself grateful that he wouldn't have to lower his standards that much.
    November 24th, 2014 at 06:51pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther smiled at Estelle. "Estelle... you are very beautiful." He whispered to her. He wanted to strike up a conversation but wasn't sure what to talk about. Luther looked at her waiting for her to speak. Women always had something to say.

    The king called Hector over and was whispering to him. Hector looked over at Estelle and Luther then back at the king nodding. He went and stood behind them silently.

    Ellenor chuckked lightly at the entertainment and gasped when they released a handfull of butterflies. They where so beautiful. She smiled as one came over landing on Henrys arm. She gently cupped her hands and moved the butterfly off him letting it fly away. She smiled at Henry wondering what it would be like to be married to him.
    November 24th, 2014 at 07:11pm
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    "Thank you, Luther. You're not so bad, yourself." She murmured back, eyes mischevious. Hector somehow ended up behind them, and she found herself sitting up a little straighter and smiling a little more in response. "What kind of wine do you fancy, by chance?" It would be helpful to know what her husband liked.

    A butterfly flitted over to and landed and on his arm, and his betrothed cupped her hands and helped the butterfly off of him, her fingers uncurling to let it fly away shortly after. Surely, she wouldn't harm a fly. He smiled back at her, appreciating her gentle demeanor.
    November 25th, 2014 at 05:37am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther chucled and ran his thumb over her knukles. "It is so hard to pick but I will have to say it is a Valpolicella." He said softly and smiled. Luther grinned and looked at his glass. "What about you Estelle?" He whispered seeing her react to his closeness, or so he thought. He had no idea that Hector was the one to creat this change in Estelle.

    Ellenor smiled at Henry seeing the kindness in his eyes she had not seen to much of before. Seeing how they hardly knew each other she was pleasently surprised. Ellenor grinned as the the show and banquet ended. The music started again and she looked at Henry. "Will you dance with me?"
    November 25th, 2014 at 06:00am
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    "I fancy that, as well." She liked any kind of wine. The girl had no preference. She inched closer to him so that he wouldn't suspect she was acting up for Hector, and squeezed his hand.

    "Ofcourse, my lady." The man stood and pulled her chair out, offering her his hand to guide her out to the center of the floor. "You've always liked dancing, haven't you? I can tell."
    November 26th, 2014 at 07:57pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther smiled and took her ha d holding it in his pleased by her actions. He smiled and brought her hand to his lips kissing it gently. She was an equidist girl and he was glad to have earned her hand. "You will love Italy. There is more taste to it then any other country." He smirked. "You will see."

    "Henry." She said softly. "You can call me Ellenor. We are to court yes?" She asked as she walked onto the floor with him. "Yes dancing is one of the most beautiful ways of expressing ones self." Ellenor smiled as she began to dance with him.
    November 27th, 2014 at 01:33am
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    Italy. She'd forgotten that she'd be leaving to live with whatever man won her hand. "I can't wait." Although she'd certainly miss aspects of hernhome, like the room she'd grown up in and the horses that had been around forever. Hector, too, though she didn't really know why and didn't want to admit it out loud.


    "If you insist, Ellenor." He was relieved that she'd said so, because it seemed too formal to constantly address his fianceè the same way he'd address an acquaintance lady. "You're very good at it."
    December 4th, 2014 at 03:31am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther smiled glad that she wanted to come. He looked at the dance floor. "Would you like to dance my lady?" He asked and offered her his hand. Luther did want to make his to be queen happy because it would make things so much simpler. But he was king and he would get what he wanted.

    Ellenor smiled. "Thank you. You are very good at dancing as well." She said following his lead. It was nice to see how kind he was. She knew there might be times where he wasn't after all he was a king but he seemed to honestly want to know her.
    December 6th, 2014 at 07:07pm
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    "You don't have to call me that, you know. Estelle works just fine." But she couldn't very well make him call her that. He could technically call her whatever he wanted, all formalities aside. She took his hand, though, smiling gratefully. "Yes, I'd love to."


    It wasn't as much of a compliment for a man to be told he was good at dancing, but he accepted it gratefully and spun her slowly. "You'll like England, I think."
    December 8th, 2014 at 03:49am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ rust and stardust
    Luther smiled and joined her on the dance floor. He grinned as he lead her in the dance his hands gracefully guiding her along the floor. "Perhaps we can talk to Henry and arrange a time for the both of you to return here at the same time so you can see each other. Perhaps in the winters."

    "Oh..." Ellenor blinked a few time surprised but she shouldn't have been. All of this was just happening so fast. "Yes I suppose it would make since for you to want to be home." she felt silly for not realizing it but she would be leaving her home, her kingdom, her people. Ellenor caught a glance of her sister and frowned momentarily before forcing the smile back to her face. She would miss her sister. She loved Estelle very much despite their differences. She knew with time they could be close like they once had been.
    December 8th, 2014 at 07:32am
  • rust and stardust

    rust and stardust (100)

    United States
    @ Jinxling

    "I'd like that." It hadn't really occurred to her until then that she wouldn't see her sister. Ever, possibly, unless their husbands allowed them to return home at the same time, like he'd suggested. It was a strange idea, not being around her older sister. She never faltered, however.


    "Surely, Luther and I can arrange for you and your sister to reunite occasionally. Once a year, maybe twice." He doubted the woman would like the thought of never seeing her sister, so he decided to give her some sense of hope. He wouldn't mind letting her go to meet her sister, but he had to wonder how tightly he'd keep Estelle reined in.
    December 11th, 2014 at 03:43am