You Stupid Girl |Closed-RP|

  • Chris

    I could hear the conversation between Josh and his slave I whispered knowing Josh could hear me, "Dont kill her idiot." I mumbled about him being too violent for his own good. I looked at Ricky and shook my head, "have the chef take Amy a tray of dinner and few pain killers." I said before walking into my study to sit down and think about the feelings that had come over me when she stood up to me. She's just a whore don't you dare repeat last time damn it, Jesus christ.

    By last time I was talking about one of my first slaves from when I was a younger vampire I fell in love with her, long blonde hair and blue eyes much like Amy I was in love with her until another vampire stole her from me and killed her in front of my eyes because I'd gone soft on her and showed her compassion.

    My face was swelling up as he thrust into me my nose still bleeding I cried out loudly screaming with each thrust I collapsed when I felt him jerk away suddenly I was bleeding pretty badly my nose was gushing blood and so was my ass from the tear I looked at Josh weakly and I whimpered I closed my eyes and went limp on the bed shallowly breathing trying not to think of all the pain I was in. I let a little whimper out when he pushed into my pussy and came.

    I felt my arms drop from their shackles I laid on the bed limply and I looked at him with one eye as the other one was swollen and turning purple from the punch I had a perfect fist on my face and my nose felt broken. I whimpered when he barely touched me I couldn't even move.
    November 8th, 2014 at 07:19pm
  • @ Let Live Again;


    Trying to keep relaxed under the warm water, I jump slightly when I hear the bedroom door open then close shut, the footsteps making me instantly realize it was the monster named Chris. I barely craned my neck over to see him walk into the bathroom and kneel down beside me, "You almost done?"

    I didn't even respond, only look away from him and hope that he would be annoyed enough to put me out of my misery.

    "Look at me," he growled, "Don't think this is the end of today. I still have to break you in more so you know I won't go fucking soft on you. Either say you are done so I can get you out of the tub and let you eat on the table in our room or I can make you suffer right here. Which is it?"

    Sighing, I look up at his eyes, "I'm done..."

    Looking at her pretty face that I know I kind of fucked up from the punch, I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "Well now you know what its like to push my temper. You learned your lesson?"

    "Yes..." she barely whispered.

    "Good, now let me get you in the shower...but first," I added in before I straddled her chest and cut open my wrist with my teeth, "You are going to let that wound heal with my blood. It won't turn you, only heal you. Now don't fight or I will just leave you like this."

    Watching her nod, I carefully place my open wound on to her mouth while grabbing on to her hair so her head remains a bit back so she could let the blood run down her throat easier, "That's it...take it all in...I will release you ounce I can see the wound on your face heal to normal. Plus, you will feel better after this," I chuckled.
    November 8th, 2014 at 08:20pm
  • Chris

    I lifted her out of the tub helping her stand up. I got her clothes and handed them to her, "if you try to run you'll be caught and tied up in the basement instead of getting to sleep in a bed and have warm food." I told her and left the door open so she could follow me downstairs to eat. I sighed already feeling something I shouldn't which was remorse I saw how broken her eyes were I laced her drink with my blood before I had come up so she wouldn't be so sore anymore.

    "Sit." I said to her and sat beside her a nice warm dinner was waiting for her. I sighed gently and looked at her I think me feeling the remorse was worse on her than anything, being rougher to prove that I wasn't soft or that I wasn't fit to be a leader of my coven. Josh and I were the leaders of the coven.

    When he pulled his wrist back I touched my cheek it was back to normal and I just had some dried blood I looked into his eyes, my blue eyes looked completely shattered like all the spirit was gone from them. "Sir," I said quietly, "May I please ask you a question?" I muttered quietly and winced when he lifted his hand I watched as he unhooked my shackles instead.

    "Fine," He said looking at me, "What made you like this? you can't have always been like this..." I whispered and saw him move closer to me I whimpered in fear. "Please dont hurt me I take it back I'm sorry I asked." I said but blinked when I felt him gently touch my hair.

    "I'm a leader, tough, people fear me. I don't like when people aren't afraid of me Hazel." He said as he moved my hair from my face. I looked in his eyes and saw some remorse but I didn't let on I noticed it I looked down, "Trust me I'm scared of you. I shouldn't have said what I said to you master." I said holding back my tears. "I was wrong."
    November 8th, 2014 at 08:46pm
  • @ Let Live Again;


    Sitting very cautiously in the seat while in my new set of clothes, which was only a new pair of bra, panties, and the long black nightgown that covered my body from my lower collarbone to below my knees, I wince lightly at the feeling of my lower body still stinging from earlier. I was glad to be in a comfortable seat in a nice dining room, or I would be in some hell.

    "Our...chef is one of the best in the area and he made you this nice meal," Chris cleared his throat, pointing to the meal in front of me that consisted of tender turkey meat, steamed vegetables, mash potatoes with homemade gravy, some butter and bread, and a glass of chocolate milk, "We need to keep you in shape if we plan to have you here. I will be sitting down watching you to keep an eye on you."

    Nodding reluctantly, my shaking fingers picked up the silverware and began to slowly pick at the food. I took slow bites at a time because of my very weak, fearful state. The food was definitely delicious...but I wanted to savor what I could have at the moment...

    From the corner of my eye, I could see Chris leaning back in the chair having a cigarette with his eyes on me. I kept my head down and said no word, afraid of getting broken again...

    It definitely caught me by surprise when Hazel actually fucking apologized to me. Usually, girls wouldn't say anything or become fucking annoying brats, ending up with them being beaten to the point of near-death until I heal them or locked in the "dungeon" for torture. I wonder if what I did really made Hazel think what she was really going against.

    Cautiously, I slowly got off of Hazel and grabbed my clothes off the floor, "I appreciate your apology. Often, the slaves I once had were damn annoying when it came to talking back and disobeying without common corteousy of manners in learning to apologize for the mistakes they caused. So I must say, that was definitely...a bit rewarding," I looked over at her, watching her small frame slowly sit up on the bed, "I suggest you get washed up and wear this," I pointed out before placing a pair of silky black sweatpants and a tank top with some new underwear on the bed.

    "Thanks..." she muttered.

    "Don't even think about running off because if you do, you are going to wish you never pissed any of us off, got it?" I warned.
    November 9th, 2014 at 04:08am
  • Chris

    I kept my eyes glued to her as I smoked my cigarette I knew she was trying to prolongue dinner so she would have time to rest I wanted her to just drink the drink, I had used a strong red wine to hide the taste of the blood so it would heal her, I knew that if I had tried to pin her down and make her drink from a wound she'd only struggle and cause me to have to punish her.

    I smiled a little when she finally drank some of the drink, I was hoping since it was Alcohol she'd just drink it right away so it'd 'numb' her pain. "Good wine right?" I asked lowly only seeing a little nod as she downed the whole drink. "It will make you feel much better." I said as I leant back again.

    I saw it, I fucking saw it happening. The closer I'd get to her the more softer I'd get on her. I couldn't let anyone know the struggle I was having with this gorgeous girl.

    Rewarding I sighed and nodded as he walked out I got up and walked into the bathroom I turned the shower on, there was a tiny window up high on the wall no way to escape, I got into the heated water. I had the heat turned on so high my skin turned red I sighed into my hands and cried. You're going to die here, you'll never see Jack again. You're never going to see your dog again. Your parents will think you've run away, your best friend will miss you, and you'll lose everything. I cried against the wall my whole body shaking as I tried to stay silent.

    Josh could feel her sadness and her pain he slowly walked into the bathroom and watched her cry for a little bit. "Are you finished?" He said firmly causing her to jump, he watched as she quickly rinsed her hair out and shut the water off she tried to cover up with her arms as she grabbed a towel.

    I wrapped the fluffy towel around my body and grabbed the clothes I slid them on my wet hair falling into my face. "I'm done." I whispered to him as he grabbed my arm I thought he'd be rough but he gently lead me down to a dinning hall. I saw the girl I'd been locked up with. Taking a seat next to her I saw her eating slowly I sighed.
    November 9th, 2014 at 09:58am
  • @ Let Live Again;


    After finishing most of my meal and downing more wine, I could feel the alcohol hit me a bit as if it was the only way out to most of this pain. I knew I was going to die here; the life I had is fading right in front of my eyes like a dissipating fog in the darkness. And since dinner was done, I knew that Chris had some other forms of action for himself to get rid of the remorse that was very evident in his eyes.

    At this point, I could care less...

    From the start, his heart was as cold as ice and his emotions were drowned from anger and hate. Ever since that horrific session up in the bedroom, there would be no chance to forgive him for how much pain he had caused me, along with trauma. He made me feel so...worthless...and disgusting. Now I just hate myself for being the one thing to give him the pleasure needed.

    "Ready to go back upstairs, doll?" Chris asked me as he put out his cigarette in the ashtray, a nod soon answering his question before he helped me to my feet, "Let's go."

    I knew that he was going to hide all that guilt in his eyes by taking the frustration on was very evident...

    Watching Chris get up with his girl in his grip and head to the stairs really made me think. Yes, I knew we all learned our lesson when Chris fell in love with one slave and then lost her from a slaughter for being too loving and not "vampire-like" as he should be. But even from his eyes and the way he grabbed her was definitely a sign that he was getting soft again.

    Fuck, for the sake of the life of our coven, we cannot let that happen again, or we are all fucking dead.

    Therefore, I must push him more into his darker side to get rid of that compassion part of him so we can all remain alive and not be staked through the heart by the Lord's coven...

    Letting out a long sigh, I watch Hazel hesitantly eat her food as if she was afraid it was laced with poison, "Hazel don't worry. It isn't bad for you. We have the finest chefs that get paid a shitload, live in this area, and practically make some of the best food in the nation. So please...don't hesitate. You need your energy and nutrition."
    November 10th, 2014 at 03:15am
  • Chris

    I knew I was supposed to break her in more but I just didn't have the heard I let her go. "Get some sleep tomorrow will be hell," I told her and sat in my chair in the corner I saw the surprise in her eyes and also the grateful look on her face I rolled my eyes.

    Watching her curl up I shut the light off only the light from the fire was in the room nice and dim for the human to sleep.

    I looked at Josh as he spoke my eyes were dead looking, I shook my head slowly. "I'm trying to take my time, master." I spoke quietly, looking at the plate "I know once we are back up there you're gonna torture me," I said shaking at just the thought I ate more of the food swallowing it down I sighed when I was finished. I stood up slowly and waited for him.
    November 10th, 2014 at 03:36pm
  • @ Let Live Again;


    "You are going to sleep tonight," I told her as I stood up from my chair and grabbed her arm, "You need your rest...because you have a big day tomorrow."

    I saw her look at me funny, causing me to smirk, "Our own Lord of the covens is coming over to see our new slaves and to approve of them. It's not that often that we get new girls to keep so he must be there to check you out. I wouldn't mess with him either because...he is rather...very terrifying when pissed off. But for now, let's get you some rest."

    "O-Okay," she whispered as I escorted her back to our room and locked the door from the inside.

    "Get to bed, I'll be right here," I said as I slowly sat down in my chair, watching her get under the covers and turn away from me, "Goodnight my pet..." I chuckled in the darkness, knowing I have something special for her in the late afternoon when they wake up that Chris is getting a kick out of as well.
    **Next Day - Late Afternoon**


    Groaning in my sleep, I was hoping that when I wake up, what happened last night would all just be a very bad nightmare. But according to the feeling of shackles on my wrists and the feeling of me naked, it was definitely...a fucked up reality.

    Wait...why do I have shackles on my wrists again?

    Opening my eyes, I look over in front of me to see Chris smiling down at my eyes with something rather discomforting in his hand: something that was in a rubbery shape of...a dildo?

    "Morning pet," Chris chuckled, petting the blonde strands of my hair, "I have to loosen you up again just in case our Lord wants a piece of you today. Just relax..." he cooed, placing the rubbery toy at my anal entrance that made me stiffen and whimper lightly, "Shhh I'm going to put this all the way in...and then I'll pleasure you with that nice cunt of yours, alright?" he grinned as he began pushing it through that made me cry out in discomfort, "This will make you get used to having it in the ass and enjoying it..."
    November 10th, 2014 at 04:00pm
  • Chris

    I got the dildo all the way in and I secured it in her ass with some latex tape. I looked at her and smiled darkly I rubbed her pussy lightly my finger playing with her clit I could feel the vibrations from the dildo in her ass through her pussy, "don't worry baby, it will be okay, I just want to make sure the lord doesn't damage my pet." I said to her and I grabbed a larger dildo and placed it at the entrance of her pussy slowly sliding it in. "Take it all." I said as I pushed l little harder and got almost the whole dildo inside her "Good girl you're fully stuff aren't you?"

    I heard her little whimpers I heard a few moans of pleasure, "See it's not so bad having something in your ass huh," I smirked as I grabbed an electrode pad and placed it over her nipples, "This might sting just a little," I said and hooked it to the battery I heard her scream in pain that sound was music to my ears I felt the darkness as the lord got out of his car downstairs I turned the electricity up on the battery. Stop feeling guilty about this damn it

    I woke up when I heard Josh whisper in my ear my eyes snapped open and I struggled against the chains for a brief second I looked at him helplessly I saw a line of toys laying on the bed next to me I whimpered out praying to god he wasn't planning on using those on me they were too big for me. I felt his finger at my anal entrance I groaned when he pushed some lube inside me, I pinched my eyes closed quickly.
    November 10th, 2014 at 04:27pm
  • @ Let Live Again;

    (Totally using Marilyn Manson as the Coven Lord if that's alright LOL because he perfectly fits xD)


    "Please...." I whispered before letting out another cry of pain from the shock on my breasts, "Please! Stop!"

    Chris chuckled, a battle of different emotions he was possessing fully present in his dark eyes as I looked up at him with my watery ones, "There, now you are all slightly loosened up in case my master wants to have some pleasure with you. But by the looks of how beautiful and fragile you are, I'm sure he wouldn't mind at all."

    A few tears passed my eyes at the thought of being tormented by what they call their "Lord", who I bet was someone of malevolent power and strong enough to probably snap me in two if I pissed them off. Feeling my heart tighten in my chest when I heard distinctive chattering from downstairs, Chris smirked and quickly took the dildos out of me that caused me to let out a whimper of pain and both relief. The electric pads were off of my body and now I was lying there shaking uncontrollably at the horror that is to become me.

    "You will behave," Chris warned with a growl as he placed the dildos and the pads in a chest and hid it under the bed, "If he wants to have fun with you when examining you, which he most certainly will, then you better not piss him off. Because trust me, girls have definitely regretted that and almost died on that stupid part. Got it?"

    I nodded rapidly, "Y-Yess..." I gulped, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs.

    "Shhhh relax," I whispered into her ear as I moved my finger in and out slowly out of her ass, "Our Lord is in the house today and don't fear, he isn't looking over you first. Amy down the hall is the first on his list, then you. So until then, I'm going to loosen you up so you feel less pain when he possibly fucks the shit out of you to have a taste of what I have."

    "Please..." Hazel whimpered as I grabbed the dildo near her and placed it in her ass, slowly pushing it all the way in, "Ah!" she cried out.

    "Shhh, just take it all in, baby," I told her before finally coming to the finishing point of having it fully in, "Now...let's do the glorious other hole, hm? First time to feel stuffed," I chuckled, "But this will be a way to get you prepared from now on. Think of an exercise when we have guests over."

    Gently pressing the other dildo to her main entrance, I slowly pushed in and smirked at the feeling of her stiffening up violently, "There you go...."
    November 10th, 2014 at 04:40pm
  • Chris

    Part of me was concerned he'd hurt her I didn't want that I looked up and bowed when I saw him walk in, "my lord." I said as I moved to the side, "This is my new slut, Amy." I glanced towards her and looked at him I knew he'd test my feelings for her I watched him grab a scalpel and drag it along her stomach cutting her slightly, Fucking bastard. He didn't say a word and I stood still as a brick watching as he licked her wound tasting her blood.

    I looked at her looking in her eyes for a second sorrow flashed in my eyes before I went back to being stone cold and still as he examined her I watched his hand touching her body all around. "May I?" He finally spoke I nodded and stepped over to my chair sitting down.

    I heard her scream out as he started to take her violently there was no remorse in how he fucked her ass I blinked when I watched him trying to fit four fingers inside her tight pussy I couldn't imagine the pain I sighed regretting not stretching her more.

    I tensed feeling like I was going to rip if he tried to stuff any more of the dildo in my pussy I screamed when he forced it in, I groaned in pain when he turned the vibrations on I closed my eyes and moved slightly as it felt good I didn't want it too but it did I groaned lightly and kept my eyes closed.

    "Good little slut," Josh cooed and looked in my eyes, "cum on it," he demanded I arched up sharply as I came on the dildo in my pussy the contractions pushing it out I panted and looked at him pleadingly when he shoved a bigger on in I screamed out again in more pain. I groaned when he started moving the one around in my ass, I whimpered loudly and looked at him with watery pleading eyes.

    I could hear the girls screaming down the hall I whined quietly and looked at Josh I didn't want to be touched by anyone but him. The small amount of humanity he gave me last night made me think somewhere inside him there was a good person wanting out but he was trained like this. Nobody should ever be like this.
    November 10th, 2014 at 05:08pm
  • @ Let Live Again;


    The way this...leader of theirs violated me was unlike anything that I ever witnessed that was even more terrifying than Chris in general. It wasn't the fact that he was taking my body by force, it was mainly because he was a monster in true shape within my eyes and fully reminded me how worthless I was. How I was mainly just a sex toy to these bastards' pleasure, nothing more. I didn't scream or cry...not anymore during this...violation. But I did let the tears fall as a symbolization of my now broken soul.

    Once he finally finished only several minutes later with emptying his fluids into my entrance, every single drop. I felt so fucking gross...with mainly myself.

    If I wasn't so stupid about being careful when walking along the streets and actually bringing security systems to my apartment, I wouldn't even be here...

    I wouldn't be the unfortunate soul who has to endure this unbelievable terrorizing torture....

    "I approve of her," the Lord said after fixing his clothing back on, "I suggest maybe thinking about...permanent immortality. No turning into a vampire, she doesn't deserve that luxury. But maybe give her eternal life sometime soon so we can all enjoy that pretty body of hers until the end of time," he chuckled, gathering his things and heading out of the room, "Good day...I'm off to see the other slave. She's all yours."

    With him finally leaving, I was stuck in the room with Chris alone, my arms still chained to the bedpost. I just...lied a corpse that I wanted to be this whole time.

    "Looks like our Lord is coming by to check up on you," I chuckled, taking everything out of her and placing them in a bin to store under the bed, "You might want to be on your best behavior if you want to avoid execution the most horrible way possible."

    "W-What do you mean?" she stuttered, obviously curious on what I meant by "execution".

    I smirked, " either could be granted immortality while living in a coffin buried under the earth or you would be drained from all blood in your system and the corpse would end up being fed to our wolves. So, does that explain your situation, princess?"

    Hazel immediately tensed and looked terrified, "P-Please don't let that happen..."

    "Then don't fuck up," I spat before I opened the door for our leader to walk in, "My lord, thank you so much for coming today, it is an honor," I bowed.

    "Thank you, Josh," he smiled, his dark evil eyes glancing over at Hazel's frightened ones, "You are always my favorite of the coven. I will enjoy breaking your pet even more so she learns her place."
    November 11th, 2014 at 06:12pm
  • Chris

    I waited until he was gone I moved over to her and checked her over I slit my own wrist open and forced her to drink my blood so she'd heal and be okay, I looked at her and sighed, "Are you okay?" I asked showing my humanity to her, "You're not too hurt are you?" I asked then blinked a little at her. "Please say something Amy?" I asked lightly and she shook her head I nodded and uncuffed her to let her go into the bathroom I stood outside the door.

    "She's a quick learner my lord." Josh said to the vampire lord, Hazel looked in his eyes she reminded the Coven leader of his first love she groaned when he took her violently she didn't cry and scream he was gentler with her than he normally would be which shocked her and Josh.

    "Josh, this one needs to live, forever, " He said as he wiped his dick off and pulled his pants back up, his cold fingers ran along her cheek gently, "she's precious, I like her." He said and looked into her eyes his dark eyes cold and lifeless looked into her eyes. "See you later beautiful."

    He leaned in to Josh's ear and said, "make her a vampire soon, I want her to be in my coven soon." He growled lightly and Josh shook his head, "Shes mine Lord, I can't part with her just yet." Josh said to him and he looked at him. "find out if she's got a sister then."
    November 11th, 2014 at 07:27pm
  • @ Let Live Again;


    Once I entered the bathroom after seeing a "nicer side" of Chris, I knelt down on the floor and puked violently into the toilet bowl. His blood may have healed me, but it for sure didn't heal my broken mentality and soul. I was...just ready to die. I mean if I am stuck here forever, there is no chance anybody would rescue me, not even my best friend. They wouldn't stand a chance to these fuckers.

    So what is there left to lose?

    Washing my hands and teeth real quick, I decided to wait for a shower as I walked outside of the bathroom, seeing Chris look at me rather worriedly. His eyes didn't affect me...because all I wanted now, was to end my suffering...

    Gently placing the sharpest fingernail I had on my hands to the skin of my neck, I press down until I poked through the skin and blood trickled downwards, "Do us a favor...and end my life...please..."

    "Amy..." he began but I cut him off.

    "I have nothing else to live that I'm stuck here and marked," I sighed, "Just...drain me completely...and let me leave this life for good. I'm not welcomed into this world...and really, its best if I was wiped off the face of the Earth of my existence... Please..."

    I felt my entire body tense up when the Lord of our coven demanded to have this girl. I shook my head at him but unfortunately, that only made him want something...more precious in particular. From what I know, she doesn't have a sister. So it was either think of something or he would take Hazel away for good to probably be a Head Queen of the entire race of covens.

    "I'll get back to you on everything, my lord," I bowed down as a goodbye for the day.

    He glared at me, "You better. I want results by the end of this week, which is five days from now. Think fast or I will have your head in the process," he threatened before walking out the door and slamming it shut.

    Once I heard him leave the house and his car squeal away from the property, I sighed in relief and looked over at her, " want a shower...or something?" I asked awkwardly as I rubbed my hands together, "I can leave you alone for the day if you like."
    November 11th, 2014 at 08:19pm
  • Chris

    My fangs came out when I saw her blood trickling down her neck, "Amy, No. I can't do that because even though I'm not supposed to I feel for you okay, Ask any of the vampires we were weak on you and gentle." He said and looked at her he licked the blood away and looked at her, "if I could tell you what its like to be in me, what I went through and why I'm doing this to you, you'd understand." I said to her and grabbed the nail clippers I cut all her finger nails away, "I can't let you go I dont want to be alone."

    I looked at her sadly, "I dont like being alone." I got her dressed and took her to get some food I let her eat up in the room so she could relax I stared out the window sighing quietly.

    Once the scary lord was gone I sat up as he un chained me I cried into my knees, "Dont let him take me please," I begged looking at Josh, "as much as I hate it here he's horrible, I hate him please." I whispered out and looked at Josh. I saw something in him a saw some emotion on his face, it was strange to see that. I got up and walked into the bathroom I showered, i scrubbed until my skin was red and raw I cried trying to wash myself clean my nose started to bleed from my crying.

    Josh rushed in smelling her blood he grabbed her gently out of the shower, He held her close to him as she cried he felt bad for her seeing how raw and how freaked out she was, "i've got you." he said lightly.
    November 11th, 2014 at 08:30pm
  • @ Let Live Again;


    Picking around at the food on my plate with my fork while sitting at the table in "our" room, I look over to see Chris having another cigarette over by the balcony that connected to the room. I honestly have no appetite whatsoever, not after witnessing everything. I wasn't in the mood to eat this shit.

    "Can...I ask you a question?" I asked over at Chris, seeing his dark eyes turn to me, "Have you...ever been someone good?"

    Chris frowned and then let out a sigh, "I was once. Well...when a particular 'slave' caught my heart and I ended up falling in love with her. Only weeks later, she was taken from me and slaughtered in front of my eyes. It was...a burden I am forever to be guilty of and it taught me to never feel emotions to humans..."

    "That's awful," I whispered, soon hearing a small alarm from his watch go off.

    "Sorry angel, I have to feed," Chris sighed, eyeing my neck, " mind...?"

    I shook my head, not minding by the fact that it was imprinted in my mind to follow his orders. I slowly moved my head to the side and let the hair move away from my neck, bracing for the sharp pain to hit me anytime soon.

    "Shhh take it easy, panicking will only cause harm to your blood pressure and steadiness of breathing," I whispered to her as she held on to me and continued to sob against my shirt, "Breathe, baby...breathe..."

    "I-I can't," Hazel cried, a sound that suddenly began breaking my heart at how destroyed she was on the inside, "That was so awful...I fucking hated it...I don't want to be with him..."

    "Sh, I know, I know," I assured as I rubbed her back and placed her curled up on my lap as I sat on the toilet seat, "It won't happen...I promise you."

    "But what if-"

    "It won't," I cut her off, my arms wrapping around her tighter and keeping her very close against me, "I promise, it won't..."

    Letting her continue to cry it out, I look over to the bedroom and then back down at her, "Do you...want to lay in bed for the rest of the day? I can...get you chocolate?" I asked, totally new to these new emotions that were hitting me hard.
    November 13th, 2014 at 02:59am
  • Chris

    I had never once in my life asked to feed, I had always just done it. I lightly kissed her neck and licked the skin to numb it lightly something I had never done before I pierced her flesh and took enough blood to hold me over for the rest of the week I kissed her skin again and licked the wound healing it almost instantly.

    "That didn't hurt as bad what did you do?" She asked me I looked at her and whispered, "Belive it or not I do care about you, I'm just not allowed to show it, and if anyone asks I'm a monster you hate with all your guts if I could've stopped him from violating you like that I would've but he's stronger than I am, faster and smarter." I told her and sighed softly.

    "I don't want to get you killed but I do feel something for you," I admitted to her. "Thats why I'm being so harsh I can't feel for you but I do."

    I curled up into his chest and looked at him when he said hot chocolate, "How'd you know I like Hot Chocolate?" I asked and slowly got up I got dressed in a pair of pajama bottoms and a shirt I looked at him it was his shirt it smelled like him I don't know if it was because of how protective he was of me or if it was how sweet he'd been to me when he broke my jaw and nose but something in me wanted to know the good in him.

    "I, didn't." He said slowly and left the room only to come back a few seconds later with hot chocolate I took the cup from him and sniffed it before I took a drink from it "Will, Will you lay with me?" I asked innocently looking in his eyes you could still see how truly innocent I was in my mind even if I wasn't innocent in the body anymore.

    "Do you know why he wants me?" I asked him when we laid together it was nice to not be raped for once tonight or to be forced to be his slave.
    November 13th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • @ Let Live Again;


    "I guess I understand," I sighed, slowly walking away from his grasp as I paced around the room steadily with my hands holding on to my arms in a shivering embrace, "So..I guess I'm meant to be in misery forever, huh?"

    "Amy, I never mean for this to happen..." Chris whispered, the sadness now finally in its full presence like an open book on his face.

    "Then why did they go after me?" I asked, really wanting the answers now, "Why the hell me? I was...possibly opening up to a relationship with my best friend, Matt, and now, he is worried sick...along with my dreadful family probably. I just...I don't know how to take this in. All I wish to do is wait for the moment where my head is cut clean off my shoulders and I physically decay from this world. That's how much I feel ripped out because of all of this that happened," I sighed, feeling the tears come back as I turned away from him so he wouldn't see my face.

    "Amy..." Chris whispered as I heard him walk towards me.

    "All I wanted in life was to feel loved...because I never had that with my family," I sniffed back the tears, "They always called me a harlot for having sex with a guy once and breaking God's rules. They were a God-fearing Christian family...and always despised me, not caring how I would end up..."

    Lying on my back next to Hazel with my head adjusted upwards on the pillows, I look over at her as she sipped her hot drink, "I...I don't know... I guess its the whole 'aura' type of thing, which is the energy he feels within you when he...literally took you by force. I guess he seemed to look through your soul and sensed something powerful that could be of use to him."

    "But...I'm just...a human being," Hazel whispered.

    "I know you are, but apparently to him, you are more than that," I let out a long breath, "I have no fucking clue why he does this shit...because I hate it. Because of him centuries several decades ago, my parents were slaughtered and he only turned me because he 'sensed' how great of a vampire monster I were to become. Well he was fucking right about that, because I'm a heartless bastard who likes to destroy the inner spirits of women," I sighed in frustration at myself.

    Looking back at her, I smiled weakly, "I honestly wouldn't mind if you tell me to burn in hell right now... Because fuck, I would love to fucking put a stake through my heart to end all the pain I'm causing others around me..."
    November 13th, 2014 at 03:46am
  • Chris

    I lightly put my hand on her shoulder, "You're a wonderful person," I told her and sighed softly "your family was wrong you're the farthest thing from a whore." I said to her finally saying something nice to her. I gently wrapped her up in my arms, "I've never been loved, He took me from my family so I never had a family, he raised me and turned me when I was of age," I told her and looked in her eyes, "I never had a love, when I became ruler of a coven along side my only friend Josh, I made a mistake and I got caught."

    I played gently with her blonde hair, "I wish I could be loved thats what I want is to be loved by someone." I told her and looked at her, I sighed quietly and ran my cold finger along her cheek gently, "You're gorgeous, Im sorry they took you and I'm sorry I can't give you back to your family or Matt."

    a tear fell from my eyes as I heard him say that I shook my head, "I see the good in you JOsh," I whispered to him and grabbed his hand I put it over my heart, "you didn't want to hurt me when you first brought me here but you wanted me to fear you, because If I'm scared of you that gives you a reason to hurt me and break me down more."

    Josh looked in my eyes I felt him wipe my tears away, "Keep talking, you're right so far." He said to me.

    "You didn't want to become a monster," I added and looked in his eyes, "your humanity is still inside you begging to be released but because you and Chris fear the lord you hide it and torture people to feel better but it's not working anymore," I sniffled and looked away so he couldn't see the tears.

    "I was supposed to be married the day you picked me out," I said to him sniffling, "I was supposed to be a guy's wife this guy I'd never met but my father wanted me to marry him for money," I said to him and looked at him so my father and mother probably just think I ran away because I didn't want to get married nobody misses me, I'm easily replaceable."
    November 13th, 2014 at 03:59am
  • @ Let Live Again;


    "Thank you...for showing kindness...after all those things you said to me," I whispered to him, my palms resting against his chest that was covered by a dark tee, "Those words you said earlier and yesterday have hurt me so much...but now that you have the heart to apologize, I think it can be forgotten and you can be forgiven."

    "I hope so," Chris muttered, his tattooed hands gently grabbing mine in a comforting hold, "Because...I at least want to show and be given some love for once in my life after all the broken, guilty shit I been through...."

    "But I don't want you to get into trouble," I frowned, worried about my own life being at stake.

    Chris shook his head, "You won't get into trouble, and neither will I. We will...only express it in this bedroom...but you have to trust me. Because outside of this bedroom, I'm going to be the biggest asshole to you...and...I know you will get very hurt from it."

    "Not much from what I experienced lately," I murmured, my fingers moving away from his hand and moving across his lips.

    "Hazel, you don't deserve that," I shook my head, cupping her delicate face in my hands, "You deserve to marry someone who does love you and care about you, not for the money. I'm not saying I am the one, I'm just...putting a point...and fuck, I made the worst impression fuck-up ever..."

    " managed to find your true heart to all of this," she said in all honesty of her kindness, "I do hate for what you have done to me...but I don't hate you for who you are...because you are made of a good person."

    "I hope you are right," I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "I'm afraid to hurt you. Because outside of this room, I have to harm you or they will find out and kill the both of us...along with burning this coven to the ground. So...if you want me to be nice, it can only be in here."
    November 13th, 2014 at 04:17am