Best way to outline stories?

  • I was just wondering if there were any simple or best ways. I'm always failing when it comes to outlining good stories. I want to focus on main outlining first before I work on chapter outlining. I'm a self-educated writer as well, and it would help a lot of people could help me learn this in a much better way. ;o;
    November 8th, 2014 at 10:35pm
  • I think the most important thing is the ending. Get the ending outlined and then make the rest lead up to it.
    November 9th, 2014 at 05:14am
  • If I have any ideas, I write or draw them in a mind-map, deciding which points go where. It's really hard to explain though Dx
    I don't really know chapter outlining. Whoops.
    November 9th, 2014 at 11:07pm
  • @ giskard
    That's what I have a hard time with, though it's not a bad idea either. O_O I should try doing that again.
    @ welcome to nightvale
    I tried that once before, but I couldn't do it. D: It's too hard for me to get my thoughts out and to figure out what to do with them. ><
    November 10th, 2014 at 11:11pm
  • @ LokiofSassgard. It's okay, I'm pretty bad at it too.

    I've heard of published authors literally doing the mind map thing with sticky notes. It's an in interesting idea. @ welcome to nightvale
    November 11th, 2014 at 12:01am
  • I only outline stories that I plan on publishing in the future and what I do is take a big journal or notebook and map out characters, making notes of appearances, personality, and quirks in their personality that shine through their dialogue and gestures.

    I make another section about the relationship with each other, so they don't fall out of character.

    I make another section of the journal/notebook that contains the important, key events that moves the plot or develops character. I give only the key details, I don't want to write the whole event out because I like to write as I go so it's like I'm also the reader.
    December 9th, 2014 at 04:29pm
  • I usually have a beginning and ending in mind with just a few bits and pieces in between, so I could definitely benefit from better outlining skills. I do my best to write out everything and try to put it all in order with any and all ideas I may have, but it still never seems to come together well, smh.
    December 11th, 2014 at 10:54pm