Opposites Attract

  • nobody_home___

    nobody_home___ (100)

    James nodded, pouting. "I know," he admitted. He tried not to listen to her, he didn't want to stay. He didn't want her cute little voice to influence him to stay.

    He slid down the bleachers, sitting next to her and turning her face towards his. He looked into her eyes for a silent moment, and then kissed her gently. "I'm going to go," he whispered. James did not ask again, but he knew the question still lingered on his face. Come with me?

    At least now, he didn't have to worry about remaining sober. When he got home, he would be free to do as he pleased. James blinked, biting his tongue. He wanted to convince her to leave with him.

    James would wait until the bell rang, and then slip out, with the hopes that nobody would stop him. Chances were, even if somebody saw him, they wouldn't do anything about it. James felt that even the school staff had given up on him.

    It would be awfully adventurous if Emma came with him, though. His eyes danced with light simply at the thought of her being rebellious.
    January 16th, 2015 at 04:38am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Emma frowned a little. She didn't know what to say to make him stay. All she knew was that she wanted him to stay... She didn't want him to go... She wanted to be able to go home with him later and all... But she couldn't do it like this... She couldnt do it the wrong way and skip.

    When he kissed her, she gasped and kissed him back, deeply, nodding her head. "I know... I can't make you stay..." But maybe she wouldn't either... Did that make her so terrible? Maybe she could surprise him... Let him go and then just show up with him - it wouldn't be bad... She could just use the cramps excuse and the nurse would send her home...

    She wanted to be the rebellious girl of his... But she had to do it her own way - she had to be good and still be bad for him. And she wanted to surprise him with that.

    "Are you disappointed?" she asked him with a whisper.
    January 16th, 2015 at 05:02am
  • nobody_home___

    nobody_home___ (100)

    James chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "I'm not disappointed," he said slowly. He thought if anyone was disappointed, it would be her. He sighed softly, scuffing his shoe against the bleachers. "I wouldn't want to distract you from your learning," he said with a smirk.

    The bell rang, and he stood. He took her hand and they walked down the bleachers and into the hallway together. When they reached the side door, he stopped walking. "Okay," he murmured.

    James cupped her face in his palms and kissed her deeply, savoring the taste of her lips. He looked into her eyes. She stood there, wearing his hoodie, his mark on her neck. "Goodbye, cutie pie," he said with a grin. He winked at her before turning his back.

    He didn't notice Jennifer watching with hatred in her eyes, or Kelly watching in shock. He simply slipped out of the door and crossed the parking lot. Maybe Emma would come over after school, he thought. He would call her after the final bell.

    When he reached his house, he grabbed a beer from the fridge and hopped up onto the counter. He thought about Emma, and if he was being an ass by making her question the rules she held sacred.

    Soon, there were three empty bottles on the counter. James wasn't really drunk, but he most certainly was not sober. He made his way to the couch in his basement room, and laid on it, staring up at the ceiling.
    January 16th, 2015 at 04:49pm
  • nobody_home___

    nobody_home___ (100)

    @ dancingskiingwriter
    January 16th, 2015 at 04:49pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Emma waited a period after letting him go. She savored his kiss still lingering on her lips and smiled lightly. She could still feel him on her. The hoodie helped. She could still literally feel him against her - and the sweet smell on the hoodie. It was so the way he smelled. She could smell him on it and that made her really happy.

    After suffering through jusf one class she headed straight down to the nurse. She wanted her time with James... And she would go home early to be with him. Her afternoon classes were a breeze anyways. She would be perfectly okay if she missed one day... She just had to not let him make a habit out of her. She liked him a lot - but she was still a good girl and she would remain a good girl.

    She told the nurse her "problems" and she was sent home right away. Sure she felt a little bad for lying like that and kelly gave her a weird look as she left but she didn't care. She wanted her time with him... She would handle kelly later.

    She walked to his house in the cold, remembering the way from the walk there. It seemed farther this way. Maybe that was because she was with him before - and it seemed like such a shorter walk...

    But she made it there. She figured he would be there - wait, what if he wasn't? What if he didn't go home when he was skipping? Maybe he did something else. She should've asked...

    She knocked on the door anyways - just hoping he was there for her. She wanted to be with him so badly right now...
    January 16th, 2015 at 05:46pm
  • nobody_home___

    nobody_home___ (100)

    James sat up drowsily. Had someone knocked? He stood up, shaking his head to clear it a little as he wandered upstairs towards the door. Probably just some fucker who wanted to sell shit. On his way to the door, he took a detour to the fridge to grab another beer.

    Snapping the cap off, he took a swig as he opened the door. "Emma!"

    A wide grin burst across his face as he tried to collect himself. "Come in, sweetheart," he said with a gentle smile, moving aside for her to step into his house.

    She was skipping school? He was elated that she would come to his house to be with him - he wouldn't be lonely. "You're skipping?" James grinned and kissed her cheek, alcohol on his breath.
    January 16th, 2015 at 09:20pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Emma gasped a little, hearing a slight slur in his voice and she wondered what was wrong with him. She smiled a little as she stepped inside and looked up at him lovingly.

    Then she smelled the alcohol on his breath and wrinkled her nose. "How many have you had to drink today?" She asked softly and took the bottle in his hand away from him.

    "It's not skipping - my cramps were just too bothersome!" She said with a hint of sarcasm - wanting him to recognize that it wasn't true. Ultimately he was right - she skipped for him.
    January 16th, 2015 at 10:56pm
  • nobody_home___

    nobody_home___ (100)

    "That's the fourth," he murmured as she took the bottle away. Amusement flickered on his face when she spoke again. "Your cramps must be awful," he said, sarcasm lacing his tone as well.

    "You sweet little rebel," he whispered, wrapping his heavy arms around her and pulling her small body against him. "You skipped school for me," he murmured, squeezing her. She had broken rules because of him - he had ruined her perfection. But somehow, now she was even more perfect.

    He released her for a moment, but the alcohol had made it much harder to control himself. James found himself pressing her into the wall, his hands gripping her hips tightly. He smirked. "Em," he said softly.

    James kissed her, hard. His hands found her wrists, gripping them tightly. He looked into her eyes and smiled a little. "You're so cute," he murmured.
    January 16th, 2015 at 11:28pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Emma sighed a little at his answer and then sighed, shaking her head. Why was he getting drunk? But she wouldn't yell at him for it.

    "Yes, my cramps are awful!" She said teasingly and smiled at his words. His rebel? She was his rebel - but she was also his good girl and she was going to stay that way... This was as bad as she would ever be - even for him.

    She tasted the alcohol on his breath as he kissed her and gasped lightly. His kiss was a little harsher than she remembered. He wasn't as soft - maybe it was just because he was so drunk.

    "Jamie - what are you doing?" She asked as he gripped her wrists and she smiled lightly at his words. "You're pretty cute yourself!" She said teasingly and let him keep his hands on her. She was comfortable with him.
    January 16th, 2015 at 11:36pm
  • nobody_home___

    nobody_home___ (100)

    He pressed her harder into the wall, his hips on hers. James pinned her wrists to the wall, moving against her. He kissed her lips again, forcefully, hungrily.

    A devilish grin appeared on his face, his eyes sharp and deep. "I'm cute?" He repeated. He rocked against her once, twice, leaning in to kiss her neck.

    He pulled her away from the wall, releasing her hands and placing a strong hold on her hips. He backed towards the couch by the television, kissing her as he sat down, tugging her onto his lap.

    "Emma, darling, I can't believe you would skip school for me," he murmured. He pulled her right up against him, grabbing her face, kissing her again. His tongue slid into her mouth, toying with her, showing her something new.

    His conscious told him to stop - but the plea was lost somewhere, buried.

    His eyes sparkled with desire.
    January 17th, 2015 at 12:15am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Emma gasped a little as she felt him moving against her. This was something new - a little scary. She had never had him act this way but he wasn't necrssarily bad. She didn't really mind... She felt okay. She felt safe with him.

    "Yes - of course you're cute." She said with a smile and gasped lightly as he pulled her away and took her to the couch. She didn't know what that sparkle in his eye was. It was almost animalistic... And a little scary. She didn't know what to think.

    "I just wanted to spend some time with you..." She gasped as she was pulled into his lap and she sat there a little uncomfortable. She was pulled tightly against him and she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. She was okay with that.

    she gasped a little at a new freling in her mouth - his tongue. She blushed a little, uncomfortable but didn't pull away. She didn't want to disappoint him - and she didn't want him to stop...
    January 17th, 2015 at 12:22am
  • nobody_home___

    nobody_home___ (100)

    James ran his hands up and down her sides, not sober enough to pick up on her discomfort. He shifted underneath her, biting her lower lip lightly, exploring her body with his hands. He silently dared her to be adventurous.

    "I'm glad you did," he said, his throat rumbling as he pulled back from her lips. "I was awfully lonely here."

    James moved, pushing her onto the couch, rolling onto her body. He kissed her lovingly as he separated her legs sneakily. "You lied to the school," he murmured, enjoying how naughty she had dared to be.

    He kissed her roughly, loving her arms around his neck.
    January 17th, 2015 at 12:51am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Emma gasped a little at the way his hands were touching her body. What was she doing? She wasn't ready for this. She wished she was - to make him happy, but she wasn't.

    She shivered lightly. "So lonely you drank yourself drunk?" She said in slight annoyance and gasped again as he pushed her down onto the couch.

    This wasnt all that bad... He was only kissing - there was no harm in that... She could deal with kisses, but no more. Definitely no more. She wasn't ready - and he was drunk.

    she kissed him back, holding onto him tightly.
    January 17th, 2015 at 01:33am