everybody wanna steal my girl.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Zayn Malik -- Emmeline Florence -- Liam Payne

    Niall Horan -- Isabella Hemensworth -- Harry Styles
    November 12th, 2014 at 04:34am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Emmeline pushed her fingers through her hair sighing, she'd torn her entire room apart and still hadn't found what she was looking for. The book had to be there somewhere. She didn't know where, but it had to be somewhere. Did I lend you my copy of Game Of Thrones? She texted Liam, it was sad that she'd had so much going on she couldn't even remember if she'd lent the book out or not. But she did know if there was one person she would've lent it to it would've been him. She knew that Zayn liked to read and all but he also had his own copy that he hadn't finished read, mostly because he wouldn't let her talk to him about it so she didn't spoil anything, so surely she'd just given them to Liam and there was nothing to worry about.
    Niall knew he shouldn't let the fact that Harry obviously had a thing for his girlfriend bother him, because it wasn't like Harry was hitting on her right there in front of him or anything like that. The thing was though that it did bother him, it bothered him because he'd thought Harry was his friend and the last thing Niall wanted was for his friend to steal his girl. Plus girls always liked Harry more than him. He hadn't to be insecure and shit, but it was true. Harry had the dimples and the curls, and the girls always loved him more. Sure Niall had the Irish accent and the blue eyes but well Harry was Harry. He finally just told himself to stop thinking about it as he headed towards Isabella's apartment.

    [ Well here we are. I'm just not gonna post for Harry right now, and I'll add him into my next post because I'm kind of tired and have no idea what to do with him right now. ]
    November 13th, 2014 at 04:07am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Liam saw his phone light up and saw the message from Emmeline. He laughed slightly at her message laying the book she'd been talking about beside of his leg. He took and pulled the message up and text her back. Yes love you did. I was actually reading it. Liam laughed slightly and smiled as he took and laid his phone down going back to the book smiling to himself.
    Isabella took and rubbed her Chocolate Lab's head and smiled. "Chipper, Niall is late." She said to her feline friend frowned. She had no idea where her boyfriend was. It was very unlike Niall to be late. She took her button up shirt off leaving her in the black cami she had on with her jeans. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed her a water before sitting down and opening her The Host book as she began reading where she'd left off the night before.
    November 15th, 2014 at 02:36am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Thank heavens! I thought I'd misplaced it again. Anyways would it be okay if I came over for a bit then? I need to write down a few things from it for a project. Emmeline sent back glad she'd given it to Liam and hadn't totally lost it, which could've totally been a possibility. Sometimes she was sure that she'd lose her own head if it wasn't attached. And she could've just went over to Zayn's and used his copy, but then she'd have to actually search for it, and she knew if she called he wouldn't answer given he was in class and didn't get out until later that afternoon. So it was just more convenient for her to go to Liam.
    Niall couldn't have been happier when he'd reached Isabella's place, he knew he was late for their afternoon together and he hoped she wouldn't be to upset with him about it either. Luckily he knew that Harry wasn't going to be around for the day, which was a good thing for him given he was about fed up with Harry being around all the time trying to steal his girlfriend and all. So for the first time in a while Niall was going to spend time with his girlfriend alone, and given she probably had her place locked up so people couldn't just barge in he used his key to unlock her door then walk in. "Babe, I'm so sorry I'm late." He said sending her a toothy grin before he planted a kiss on her cheek.
    November 19th, 2014 at 02:56am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Sure, the doors unlocked. Liam texted her back. He took and sat there and smiled as he thought about her coming over. Even though she was with Zayn he couldn't help himself. He had fallen for his best friend. And nothing could change that.
    Isabella took and laid her book down. She smiled at Niall and pecked his lips lightly. "It's ok, Niall. I am just glad that you are here." Isabella smiled at Niall as she got up. "Are you ready for some time alone together?" She slipped her arms around his neck and lent up kissing his lips lightly as she smiled at him.
    November 19th, 2014 at 02:05pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I feel really bad about being so slow at replying!!! Work is just totally crazy right now with all the holiday shopping! ]

    Awesome! I'll be there soon! Emmeline replied before she put on her scarf and grabbed her bag then headed out the door. And it really didn't take her long at all to get to Liam's place, he didn't really live that far from her at all honestly, and she just walked in once she got there since the door was already unlocked, and it wasn't like Liam wasn't expecting her. "Do you know how badly I was freaking out when I couldn't find that book, since somehow I totally forgot that I'd let you borrow it." She told him plopping down next to him.
    "I'm glad I'm here too." Niall told her with a smile kissing her back when she kissed him, and if that wasn't enough of an answer to being glad they were getting alone time then he didn't know what would. He really was so ready for some alone time though, he felt like they'd hardly had any time to just be Isabella and Niall recently that they needed this. It was like no matter what every other time they'd tried and give themselves some alone time something happened and they wouldn't be alone any more and it sucked. Today however Niall wasn't going to let anything happen to ruin this.
    November 20th, 2014 at 02:43am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    [It's ok]

    Liam laughed watching her plop down. "Yeah I took it a couple weeks ago. I'm almost done so you can take it home when you leave today." He smiled at her as he closed the book finally finished with it. He smiled at her as he took and ran a hand over his head a little and smiled at her. "I bet you tore your place upside down didn't you?" Liam grinned at her.
    Isabella smiled at Niall as she kissed him one more time. She smiled sitting back on the bar stool. "So what are we going to do?" She smiled at him. Lately they hadn't been able to have this time together. It sucked. But she was more than glad they were getting it today. She smiled at him as she adored him.
    November 20th, 2014 at 01:35pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Emmeline pursed her lips together and nodded her head laughing at herself while she leaned her head onto Liam's shoulder since it was right there. "I did." She said finally calming down about the whole thing and looking up at him. "I can't keep up with anything." She told him shaking her head, honestly it was bad. "Anyways less about me not being able to keep up with anything and more about you," she told him adjusting herself into a comfortable position next to but facing Liam. "How'd you like the book? And are you ready to venture into watching the series with me? Because Zayn refuses to watch the show until he's finished the book, and I swear he's been so busy lately I don't think he's ever going to finish reading it."
    "I was thinking we could go out for lunch for starters." Niall said smiling at his lovely girlfriend. It really had been so long since they'd really spent any time alone together like this. Honestly he wanted to splurge today, he wanted to do everything they possibly could that couples did alone together just because they hadn't had alone time in so long. But of course the day only had 24 hours and that might not've been quiet enough time for everything. However they could easily transfer all the couple fun they'd be having during the day into tonight if he stayed the night with her, which he more than likely would end up doing.
    November 23rd, 2014 at 04:23pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    (I had no idea you'd posted in this honey. I am so sorry!)

    Liam laughed a little at Emmeline. "Yeah he's been pretty busy." Liam admitted to her leaning back into the headboard of the bed. He closed his eyes a second before opening them up and looking over at her. "So." Liam took and smiled at her. "Do you have anything planned the rest of the day?" Liam asked her curiously.
    Isabella smiled at Niall, "I like that idea, I am starving." Isabella grinned at him leaning over and pressing her lips to his own. She smiled at him pulling back. "Niall maybe you should stay all night. Just so we can have the whole entire day and night to ourselves since it's been so long." Isabella smiled at him.
    December 2nd, 2014 at 02:48am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ girl you're fine! I've been so busy with work for the past week I've hardly been on to replied to anything anyways. ]

    Emmeline sighed and nodded her head, that couldn't have been more true. Zayn had been so busy lately that honestly she felt like she'd hardly saw him anymore. "I know, we've had to postpone looking for an flat to rent out together like five times because he always has something else going on he forgot about or something's come up, and it's such a bummer." She told him wishing it didn't have to be like that, but it's how it was and there wasn't much she could do about it so Emmeline was just taking it as it came. "Not really. I mean other than finishing up this paper I have due at the end of the week I've got nothing. Do you have any plans?" She asked figuring if Liam was free maybe they could start watching the series together or something.
    "Me too." Niall told her nodding his head, though honestly he was always hungry and that was the truth. He could eat for days and would probably still not be full. It's just how he'd always been. "We should totally do Nandos." He said, and he was sure that it wouldn't come as much of a shock to her either that that's where he'd want to eat. It was kind of after all his favorite restaurant ever, he could eat there every day of his life and never be tired of it. "And staying all night sounds like a great idea." He said kissing her head and smiling at her, it would be really nice to spend not only the entire day, but also the entire night with his girlfriend. It had definitely been too long since they'd spent that much time together.
    December 2nd, 2014 at 06:35am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Liam laughed, "Me have plans." He smiled at her shaking his head. "No I don't. I was hoping we could watch The Hunger Games, do a movie day. Just spend time together." Liam smiled at her. He couldn't help himself. Even though Zayn was his best friend. He couldn't help to feel like he did towards Emmeline. He loved her had since he was younger. He gave her a smile. Hoping she'd say yes. And hoping that Zayn didn't intrude or anything.
    Isabella smiled, "Sounds good to me. Let me get out of my PJ's and we'll leave." She smiled leaning in and kissing his lips again. She took and walked into her bedroom grabbing some clothes. Once she finished getting ready she walked out of her bathroom and into the bedroom. She took and grabbed her purse and phone. She saw a message from Harry and read over it. 'Hey love. Wanna hang out tonight?' She frowned at the text. Harry was her best friend and all. But she'd not been able to spend time with Niall in so long due to Harry being around. She sighed and ignored the message and walked out. "Ready babe." She said to him and smiled.
    December 3rd, 2014 at 02:12pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I should've known you wouldn't." Emmeline said laughing a little but making herself comfortable on his couch. "I would love a movie day. Or a TV day if you wanted." She told him with a smile really glad to be there. She liked being able to just relax like this on occasion, and well if she couldn't do it with her boyfriend she might as well hang out and relax with a friend. "Did you wanna start with The Hunger Games?" She asked him, "or would you rather start with something else? Really I'm fine with whatever."
    "I'll be here babe." Niall told her with a smile so glad to have the rest of the day, and the night with his girlfriend. There really wasn't anything in the world he'd rather have right now than just to spend time with her. And of course he wasn't going to spend his time worrying about Harry and how he was clearly trying to win in her over or something insane, he wasn't going to let anything ruin this really. It was all about him and Isabella. "Great, let's head out then." He told her holding out his arm for her.
    December 6th, 2014 at 04:37am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Liam smiled at Emmeline. "Hunger Games." He grinned getting his DVD out and sliding it into the player. He got back on the couch with her. "Want some popcorn or anything?" Liam smiled over at her. He knew she loved to eat popcorn when they done this. He went ahead and made some and came back and sat beside of her. "Here we are." He hit play and smiled at her.
    Isabella smiled at Niall, "Awe." She cooed and took his arm following him out. She loved him so much and was glad they were getting to do this. She took and lent into him and smiled. It was nice to spend time like this with him and together.
    December 6th, 2014 at 03:54pm