City of Evil

  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Welcome to a city where your future is set forever.



    Kimberly Mason||M.Shadows
    November 24th, 2014 at 07:36am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    The city was cold in this season of 1998; a soft breeze danced across the barren streets of the codenamed Hell-hole, City of Evil. This City is a controlled hospitalization by the United States government for the criminal and even the criminally insane, who are chosen by ones named "Reapers" (entrepreneurs for the City to bring more people in as taking). People fear going here for even they know, without experience of the place would, that it was hostile, vile, and at many times, out of control.

    People even call it the birth grounds of the works of the Devil....which in certain ways, it is true.

    Looking upon his glory of work, Shadows, the most feared of the entire city to many across the globe and even the government, looks upon his pride of a place he calls home. Things always get ugly but at times, he loves to watch humans tear themselves apart for survival...especially since he isn't human from the start.
    November 25th, 2014 at 02:10pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim wandered into the City Of Evil, looking around for any signs of life and jumped slightly when she heard a gunshot go off. She ran and hid beside a dumpster in an alleyway, looking around to see if there was anyone around.

    She had heard from a lot of sources and even read online that this was the most terrifying city to ever be in which was why she here. She wanted to get the story of the year and finally make front page for the magazine she worked for. Everyone that ever lived that was outside of the city always wondered what exactly went down in this place and she was going to find out. She wanted to find out if any of the rumors were true.

    She saw a tall man with full black on and spiky blue hair that wasn't so spiky on the sides. She swallowed hard when she realized that he was one of the five men the City of Evil was intended for. She went to step back to hide some more but instead tripping on something and fell face first into the middle of the alley, grunting quietly at the feeling of pain rushing through her body.

    @ RavenArtist93
    November 25th, 2014 at 02:50pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    (I'm back :D)

    "I know you are hiding there, little princess," one of the five leaders, Vengeance, seethed in a low tone as his piercing gaze directed to the sound of where he heard someone fall, "Hiding from me isn't the smartest idea."

    Hearing feet shuffle and run off, Vengeance only smirked darkly and kept the boss in mind about the "scent" of a possible trespasser in this City. He knew that Shadows would love to handle the trespassing innocent civilians and teach them a lesson in entering an area where they are clearly not allowed to enter. It would be only a matter of time where the five "men" would get together and hunt her down.

    Keep an eye on her, I want her alive if you can track the scent to the individual said Shadows in Vengeance's mind.

    Vengeance nodded, Absolutely, I will bring her in good hands. Meanwhile, I will contact Syn and the others to keeping their ears peeled in case she happens to pass by. We will stay vigilant until she is caught.
    November 30th, 2014 at 10:18pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim gasped quietly when she heard the man talking to her and took off down the alleyway, coming out onto a street. Her body was shaking from fear as she hid in another alleyway, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to think of what to do since she knew she had been spotted. It was only a matter of time before she got caught and her life would be at stake.

    She finally determined that she was in the clear and came out of the alleyway, walking down the road. She was looking at all of the buildings as she passed by them and they were definitely something different. She had never seen anything like this city before. It was like it was something built for a king but technically it was since the five rulers of the city were kings in the underworld.

    She saw a man starting to walk toward her and her heart started to race becaue she knew there was no way she was going to be able to hide from him. He was really tall and lanky and it looked like he had blue eyes from where she was.

    She didn't know what to do so she just stopped dead in her tracks, staring at him with wide eyes, waiting for what was about to come.


    @ RavenArtist93
    December 1st, 2014 at 03:50am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    "That was a terrible idea in running off with such noise to follow along your footsteps," Rev chuckled as he walked toward Kim, his tall form becoming more intimidating to her eyes as he got closer to her shaking body, "Did you not read the sign on all of the perimeter fences?"

    "I-I j-just wanted t-to get a s-story..." Kim stuttered out, trying to find words that wouldn't get her killed.

    Rev laughed, stopping his tracks right in front of her before slowly circling around her slender frame like a vulture waiting to feast on its prey, "That's what they all say... They all want a story in here. Luckily for us, that just means a better chance of more food."

    Kim gulped, "W-What do you mean by that?"

    Rev grinned, his blue irises darkening to blood red. "Obviously we aren't human, sweetheart. We crave for something...," he paused, looking up and down her body, "...more delicious."
    December 2nd, 2014 at 07:39pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim swallowed the lump in her throat that had formed, not knowing how to respond to what he had said. She never knew that the rulers of the City were vampires or whatever they were that ate humans. Now she finally understood why when people went into the City, they never came out.

    She always assumed that they just got killed by the serial killers in the city but now she knew better. Her body was shaking violently from the cold and from the fear of what was to come.

    Kim let out a slow breath and closed her eyes as she tried to calm herself down and put herself in her happy place. "Y-you're a vampire?" she stuttered out as she bit down on her bottom lip gently while not looking at Jimmy.

    [sorry. I had work.]

    @ RavenArtist93
    December 3rd, 2014 at 05:38am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    [No problem dear :)]

    "No," Rev grinned, his teeth seeming a bit sharper in points than before, "Something much worse than a vampire dear. Vampires don't exist in this world and the world I once lived in. We have a better appetite anyways," he chuckled.

    "S-So you eat humans?" Kim stuttered.

    Rev smiled darkly and nodded his head, "That we do, sweetheart, that we do. Only that you definitely would not want to see what kind of monster we turn into when we get mad or even hungry. Think of the image of our monster form a gargoyle mixed with a skeleton, only twice my height with big sharp ivory teeth and glowing red eyes. Many don't ever see the light of day again when they see our true forms. Then again, light from the sun never touches this city," he laughed.

    The wind danced in a breeze against Rev's skin, but the cold never phased him since their bodies were practically a lot warmer than humans alone.
    December 3rd, 2014 at 05:46am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim's eyes popped wide open and they stared past Jimmy into the darkness of the night. She was getting even more scared the more he talked and she was started to feel like she was going to wet herself. And that definitely would not be good considering she'd probably be in the same clothes for days and then she would start smelling like piss and it would stink really horribly.

    She looked up at Jimmy and looked into his eyes, staring at the redness with her dark brown eyes. "W-why... W-why do you eat humans though? Is that why all of the worst serial killers and whatever get sent here?" she asked hesitantly.

    She was trying to get as much information she could. Maybe if she lived then she would have her story and she wouldn't have to keep searching for whatever it was she was even here to search for anyway.

    [Cool. Cute ]

    @ RavenArtist93
    December 3rd, 2014 at 05:54am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    "For the most part," Rev shrugged, "But there is a plus to it: it attracts 'visitors'. Because really, you think us five beings would want to eat trashy food all the damn time? I don't think so. Especially when...a luscious body like yours walks right in our front door. May I mind you darling, but we aren't just man-eaters, we love to give no mercy for the beautiful women here," he grinned darkly, watching her back up even more, "Scared? Don't deny it because I can smell your stench of fear form here."

    "I-I made a mistake..." Kim gulped, "C-Can I please be let go s-so no trouble will come...?"

    Rev busted out laughing, "Why would there be trouble? Darling, only you would be the one that's in trouble. And trust me, it gets even worse when the boss himself would want a snack out of you," Rev chuckled, snapping his fingers.

    In an instant from the sound, a pair of strong hands grabbed Kim and tried to force her hands behind her back while a shorter man from the shadows came close with a needle in hand, "It just helps for the sleep darling."
    December 3rd, 2014 at 06:18am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim let out a scream of fear as she was grabbed and a choked sob escaped her throat. She knew she was done for now and there was no turning back. She started to struggle against the man whose face she couldn't see, her eyes widening when she saw the shorter man coming up to her with a needle.

    "P-Please, no! Oh, god. No!" she screamed as she started to kick and scream some more. Once the needle was shoved into her skin, she immediately started to feel herself start to become unconscious, the last thought leaving her mind that she was going to die and there was nothing she could do about it.

    @ RavenArtist93
    December 3rd, 2014 at 06:55am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    (Damn this is intense, I love this lol C: )

    About an Hour Later

    There lied Kim secured in bondages and a gag on the living room floor of a shaggy black carpeting in a mansion that housed the one thing she knew she never wanted to see again before she was knocked out good. In this large structure, rested the Five Leaders of the City of Evil where many female maids worked until they were disposed of (just like trash), "special" prisoners kept in the very dark cells within the basement, and most importantly, where chosen humans would be used as slaves to the leaders' own biddings.

    Only Shadows, the big boss himself, would know and exactly point out where she would be in one of those many categories.

    "I think the little angel is waking up," chuckled the one named Vengeance as he took a long drag of his cigarette while resting on the couch and keeping an eye on Kim, "I will be ready to call Shadows down soon."

    "What do you think he would do to a pretty thing like her?" said the one named Johnny, "Man, I bet he would wreck that body up so hard. I know I would. I wonder how tight or loose she is down there between those fine legs."
    December 3rd, 2014 at 07:07am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim listened to the guys as she slowly started to wake up. She groaned quietly and hoped they didn't hear her as she kept her eyes closed so that they wouldn't know that she was awake.

    She was listening to what they were talking about and it was making her sick to hear them talk about her like she was some prostitute or someone who didn't care about themselves. She definitely cared about herself.

    And she was going to try to not let any of them rape her. Especially since she had only had sex numerous times in her life. She just didn't want things to end badly. If they kept her alive then she was going to start planning her escape.

    When she felt one of them kick her and tell her to open her eyes, she grunted and peeked her eyes open, looking up at the man she had seen when she was in the alleyway along with the guy who had drugged her. "Mrrf," she attempted to say something through the gag, glaring at them.

    @ RavenArtist93
    December 3rd, 2014 at 04:37pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    "What was that sweetheart?" Rev asked with a sly, devilish smile, "You got something to say to me?"

    Hearing her only mumble, Rev rolled his eyes and kicked her hard enough in the sides that it made her shriek against the gag. He for sure knew that he left a good bruise on her skin now.

    "Damn, dude, don't fuck her up until Shads examines her," Vengeance pointed out, taking another long drag of the cigarette in his hand, "We don't want her pretty body bruised up just yet until the boss says something," Vengeance paused before looking down to the hallways nearby, "Whores! Where's my drink!"

    "C-Coming, sir," said a brunette in a revealing lingerie outfit, her facial expression evident with how frightened she was as she brought Vengeance his drink.

    "Way to keep me hanging there, dumb bitch," he snarled as he took a long drink of his beer, "This beer is warm."

    The brunette shook at her knees, "W-What?"

    Vengeance slowly stood up with a hateful glare at the girl's eyes before he suddenly bashed her across the head with the bottle so hard that it shattered and the girl let out a loud cry of pain before hitting the floor with a loud thud, "Dumb bitch, you obviously don't know how to treat the men of this damn house!," he seethed, not even phasing by the fact that she was now bleeding on the floor.

    "Snack time," Johnny laughed.
    December 3rd, 2014 at 05:01pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim clenched her eyes shut as she got kicked, wiggling around a bit as she tried to get out of the ties. She opened her eyes when she heard the screams of the servant girl, her eyes wide with shock as she watched the men devour the woman.

    She was shocked to tears and she started to cry. She didn't want what was happening to that girl to happen to her. She tried to wiggle away from the guys, whimpering quietly at the fact that she could be that girl and she could be dead at any moment.

    [ikr? I love this RP.]

    @ RavenArtist93
    December 3rd, 2014 at 05:26pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    [im happy that you like it :D]

    "Aww someone is very scared, huh bitch?" Johnny chuckled, pulling out his pocket knife, "I just want a little taste."

    "No!" Kim yelled against the gag as she tried to crawl away, only making the guys laugh at her pathetic attempt to get away.

    Walking casually over to Kim, Rev smirked and pressed his foot to her leg to keep her still. Vengeance came over to hold her up and expose her tattooed arm to the guys. As she continued to struggle, Johnny licked over his lips and grabbed the held out arm, soon lightly trailing the tip of his knife over her skin.

    "Hmm where should I try first," he thought to himself before finally making a deep cut into the flesh a few inches below the wrist, "I can smell that delicious snack pouring from your wound," he purred before actually taking the wound in his mouth and sucking on it.
    December 3rd, 2014 at 09:24pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim let out a loud scream around her gag, the cut being dug into her skin causing pain to rush throughout her arm. She watched in horror as the short man brought her arm up to his mouth and starting sucking on the raw flesh.

    She couldn't believe that he had just cut her and was now sucking on the raw flesh like it was something that was actually appealing to normal people. But then again, these men weren't normal men and they were vultures. No, they were worse than vultures. They were savages who fed off of humans.

    She tried tugging her arm away from the man but she wasn't strong enough against his strength. Not that she could ever was stronger than any man she's ever known but it was at least worth a try.

    "Stop! Please!" she screamed around the gag, the tears flowing freely down her cheeks as she watched him in horror.

    [It's my favorite RP since most people have ditched me lately.]

    @ RavenArtist93
    December 3rd, 2014 at 09:36pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    [aww :( people do that with me too]

    "Alright enough!" a deeper voice ordered from across the room, indicating that it was Syn, "Do you guys mind in keeping the bitch alive at least? I don't want my ass handed to me on a silver platter from the boss."

    Johnny rolled his eyes and shoved Kim away, "Whatever. Is he ready yet?"

    "That's why I'm down here dumbass," Syn growled, heading towards them to grab Kim.

    "Time to meet Shadows for you, sweetheart," Vengeance laughed evilly as he handed her over to Syn, "He's gonna love to fuck you without mercy."

    "No!" She screamed.

    Syn griwled in annoyance as he grabbed her hair and arm, "Move and stop fucking fighting, you stubborn bitch."
    December 3rd, 2014 at 10:23pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim looked over at Syn when he came back downstairs and grunted as the shorter man threw her to the side. She screamed as Syn grabbed her by the arm and hair, having a feeling that this guy was way more dangerous than any of the other guys so she obeyed him so that she wouldn't end up worse off.

    She moved toward the stairs with the slightly taller man, whimpering quietly as she walked up them slowly, trying to drag it on so that she had time to prepare herself with what was about to come, which she was still wondering what it was.

    She was wondering who Shadows was though. If he was as gorgeous as all the other men then maybe she wouldn't have a problem with going through a plan where all she had to do was listen to him and the other guys and go along with what they wanted.

    As long as she did that then maybe she'd be able to make it out alive instead of never being able to see her family again.

    [It's ridiculous. All the good RPers ditch me and all the bad ones always respond, not trying to be mean by calling them bad. But... Yeah.]

    @ RavenArtist93
    December 3rd, 2014 at 10:30pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Queen of Winchester;

    [Hopefully I'm not terrible lmao]

    After finally dragging Kim into the luxurious lair of Shadows himself, Syn shoved her harshly to the couch with a deadly glare narrowing at her eyes like daggers, "Now stay here. Shadows will be with you shortly."

    After saying that, Syn left the room and slammed the door behind him, hoping that nothing would go wrong with the "trespasser".

    As Kim sat there rather uncomfortingly on the couch cushions, a pair of heavy footsteps casually got closer to where she sat. In just moments, the one named Shadows appeared from around the corner with his eyes hidden in black shades and a devious smile appearing on his lips.

    "Well hello there, Kimberly," Shadows chuckled darkly as he took a seat in front of her and removed the gag from her mouth, "You can talk if you want."
    December 3rd, 2014 at 11:32pm